The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 3 NEWS BRIEFS LANSING, Mich. Michigan still getting details on stimulus plan President Barack Obama is about to sign a stimulus package into law, and Michigan residents soon will have a chance to see how cities, schools and universities would like to use the money. Gov. Jennifer Granholm's office is working on a Web site that will explain how much stimulus money Michigan will get once the president signs the package on Tuesday. The site also will include the types of programs that are expect- ed to benefit from the stimulus, including' Medicaid, job retrain- ing, education and building proj- ects, among other items. A separate Web site showing the funding requests from local governments, schools and univer- sities also is being readied. On Monday, the Michigan Townships Association proposed a list of 500 projects, most road, water and sewer improvements. Members of the Michigan Munici- pal League have listed their own $3.3 billion for 1,200 suggested projects, although only a portion are expected to get funded. "It's expected that Governor Granholm will lay out this week a process for the funds to come to the state," Granholm spokeswom- an Liz Boyd said Monday. COLUMBIA, S.C. S.C. sheriff: No pot charge for Phelps A South Carolina sheriff said Monday he was not going to charge swimmer Michael Phelps after a photo of the 14-time gold medalist showed him smoking from a mari- juana pipe. Richland County Sheriff Leon Lottsaidhecouldn'tignorethe photo but defended his investigation. "Michael Phelps is truly an American hero ... but even with his star status, he is still obligated to obey the laws of our state," Lott said. The photo showed Phelps smok- ingfrom amarijuana pipe at a party in November when he visited the University of South Carolina. CLARENCE, N.Y. New discoveries could reveal what caused plane crash Investigators have located key components that might help reveal what the pilot did to try to save Flight 3407 during its final des- perate seconds, when the plane plunged to the ground so suddenly that sending a mayday was impos- sible, an investigator said Monday. After a seemingly routine flight, the airplane endured a 26-sec- ond plunge before smashing into a house in icy weather about six miles from Buffalo Niagara Inter- national Airport on Thursday night, killing 49 people on the plane and one on the ground. On Monday, families of the vic- tims visited the site for the first time and placed roses to remem- ber the dead. National Transportation Safety Board member Steve Chealander said investigators have located the steering column, or yoke; all the propeller blades; five of six deicing valves; and rubber bladders designed to protect the tail from ice. PESHAWAR, Pakistan Pakistan inks truce with militants Pakistan agreed Monday to suspend military offensives and impose Islamic law in part of the restive northwest, making a ges- ture it hopes will help calm the Taliban insurgency while reject- ing Washington's call for tougher measures against militants. A U.S. defense official called the deal"anegativedevelopment," and some Pakistani experts expressed skepticism the truce would decrease violence. One human rights activist said the accord was "a great surrender" to militants. Elsewhereinthenorthwest,mis- siles fired by a suspected U.S. spy plane killed 30 people in a house used by an extremist commander, witnesses said. It was the deadli- est of almost three dozen apparent American attacks on al-Qaida and Taliban targets in the semiauto- nomous tribal lands close to the Afghan border since last year. - Compiled from Daily wire reports CREDIT CARDS From Page 1 from the affinity program - an agreement between the bank and university that includes Bank of America credit cards trademarked with the University's logo. As part of the contract, the Alumni Asso- ciation is paid royalties from Bank of America, including 0.5 percent of retail purchases made by each credit card account. "In terms of that credit card rev- enue, we're probably reinvesting in student programs 20 times what we earned last year from student credit cards," Sigler said. "I get frustrated with the implication that we're making millions of dollars off stu- dents. We're making very little and supporting significantly in support- ing and funding students." Sigler added that the Alumni Association, a non-profit organi- zation, puts an additional $50,000 into the Division of Student Affairs to fund leadership training and credit-related emergency loans. The University's Athletic Department is also included in the affinity agreement. Bank of Amer- ica is the only credit card company allowed to advertise at University sporting events. Under the affinity program, Marty Bodnar, associate athletic director for ticketingservices, said the Athletic Department mkes $425,000 per year. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Christine Lindstrom, higher education director of the U.S. Public Interest Research Groups's Higher Education Debt Project, said credit card companies' adver- tising on college campuses have made students vulnerable targets for these companies. "It creates a marketplace on campus for students, who tend to be new consumers in the mar- ketplace, and as a result are less exposed to a variety of schemes and tricks that might be layered in particular," Lindstrom said. "Our stance is we'd like to see the mar- ketplace cleaned up on campus and for students to have the ability to control whether they're marketed to in the sharing of information." Lindstrom, who testified at a June 2008 U.S. Congressional hearing on credit card marketing on college campuses, said there are two factors contributing to student debt: credit card compa- nies targeting vulnerable popula- tions and students' need to rely on credit lines to pay for their educa- tion and other expenses. "Students have seen a need to rely on their credit cards to pay for student needs - textbooks, trans- portation and even tuition," Lin- strom said. "Target marketing and needing to rely on lines ofcredit to pay for basic educational costs are contributing to an increase in stu- dent debt once they graduate." Betty Riess, a spokeswoman for BankofAmerica, said the company tries to promote financial respon- sibility among student cardhold- ers. Reiss said Bank ofAmerica has special terms and fees for student accounts, including lines of credit for students that start at $500 and are capped at $2,500 Currently, Bank of America has about 700 affinity agreements with universities across the coun- try, but Riess said she could not discuss individual contracts, She said the purpose of the affinity card is to provide a way for alumni and fans to show support for the school, and added that the program is not targeted atstudents, who account for only two percent of all open accounts nationally. "Our objective is to build a long- termrelationshipand providethem with the tools they need to start establishing p credit history that enables them to achieve longer- term financial goals," Riess said. CURBING STUDENT DEBT Despite the credit card pro- gram, the University doesn't allow students to pay for tuition with credit cards, according Pamela Fowler, executive director of the University's Office of Financial Aid. Prohibiting credit card tuition payment prevents students from charging large sums of education- al expenses and driving them into credit card debt, Fowler said. She added that although stu- dents cannot request loans based on credit card debt, it is sometimes inferred as the reason for some stu- dents applying for financial aid. Fowler said some of the practices of the Alumni Association, like this contract, while fair from the view- point of the association, often end up negatively affecting students. "Sometimes I think they don't think it all the way through - that some of what they do can bleed over into currently enrolled stu- dents," Fowler said. Fowler also said the Office of Financial Aid is trying to educate students about managing their finances - something that is also a priority for the Alumni Associa- tion, according to Sigler. "We believe that managing finances and credit is as much a part of the education and matura- tion process that takes place dur- ing the college experience," Sigler r said. "We believe that students should not be insulated from cred- it and other things that are part of I the real world of finances." Sigler added that Bank of America is not looking to prey on naive students or run them into credit card debt. Instead, he said r the company is working to create long-term relationships with them as customers. "They want you to have that card and manage your credit responsibly, by working with us aand making responsible credit I education," Sigler said. STUDENTS TAKE ON CREDIT According to U.S. PIRG's Cam- - pus Credit Card Trap - a survey taken from October 2007to Febru- ary 2008 - credit cards and banks regularly target college students r with aggressive marketing tactics. According to the survey, 66 per- cent of students have at least one credit card, 55 percent of students reported using the card to buy books and 24 percent of students - reported paying for their college tuitions using their credit cards. Sixty-seven percent of students opposed sharing of student infor- mation with credit card compa- nies, the survey found. LSA junior A.J. Huber, who opened an affinity card with Bank of America in May 2007, said he was unaware of the contract u between the Alumni Association and the bank, but that it doesn't bother him. Huber said he would rather see some of the money from his credit card account support m the University rather than just the credit card company. Huber, who was solicited by Bank of America through the mail, said he wanted his own card to build his credit history. He added that although credit card compa- nies' targeting of students may contribute to rising debt, students need to learn how to handle their credit responsibly and should not be exempt from the world of man- aging finances. I "To say that students are unable to manage their own spending is patronizing," Huber said. "While it is true that some students will spend irresponsibly, that is also true - with many older adults. Cutting off access to credit, especially consid- ering the credit crunch in today's market, will only hurt students." r Listed in the University's direc- tory, Huber's name was provided - to Bank of America as part of the credit contract. Students may remove their names from the directory, which is public and accessible online at any time. North Korea may distract from U.S. message to As ia As Clinton makes historic visit to Japan, North Korea vows missile tests TOKYO (AP) - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's first official overseas trip was overshadowed by harsh North Korean rhetoric, epitomizing how new administrations often can be hemmed in by problems inherited from their predecessors. At the outset of her Asian trip, Clinton declared in Japan: "I have come to Asia on my first trip as secretary of state to convey that America's relationships across the Pacific are indispensable to addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities of the 21st century." "We will be looking for ways to collaborate on issues that go beyond just our mutual concerns to really addressing global con- cerns," Clinton said at a ceremo- ny to commemorate the arrival of the first secretary of state ever to ioake Japan their first overseas stop. Yet her message was in danger of being eclipsed by Pyongyang, which just hours before vowed to press ahead with test-firing what wary neighboring governments, particularly Japan and South Korea, believe is a long-range mis- sile. Japan, with an unpopular gov- ernment and struggling with deep economic woes, is particularly jit- tery at the moment and Clinton PANERA From Page 1 Ann Arbor is because the commu- nity has been great to us." Even with the presence of a new competitor, though, other area busi- nesses are maintaining a positive outlook toward the new business. "Competition is good for every- body," said Ken Smith, general manager of Cosi on North State Street. "There are quite a few busi- nesses like that but let's he honest aims to reassure the country of its importance in the international arena. "The bilateral relationship between the United States and Japan is a cornerstone in our efforts around the world," she said. On Tuesday, she is expected to announce that she will send a special U.S. envoy to a Japanese- hosted donors conference for Pak- istan. In addition to meeting with top government officials and members of the opposition, Clinton will sign an agreement to move about 8,000 of the 50,000 Marines on the island of Okinawa to the U.S. Pacific terri- tory of Guam. But, North Korea looms large over her visit. She has promised to meet with the families of Japa- nese citizens kidnapped by North Korea in the 1970s and 1980s. "We do want to press the North Kore- ans to be more forthcoming with information," she said en route to Tokyo. Last week, she had warned North Korea against any "provoc- ative action and unhelpful rheto- ric" amid signs the Stalinist nation was preparing to test fire a missile capable of reaching the western United States. But on Monday, the 67th birth- day of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, Pyongyang claimed that it has the right to "space develop- ment" - a term it has used in the past to disguise a missile test as a satellite launch. When North Korea test-fired a long-range missile in 1998, it claimed to have put a satellite into orbit. there's a market for that." Dave Seagren, general manager of Earl of Sandwich, which is also on State Street, had an even more positive attitude. "I think it's going to be good for business," he said. "Anytime you get a big, reputable company like Panera come to the down- town area, it's going to increase traffic. Maybe they won't stop in the first time they come by, but eventually people are going to notice our restaurant and come trv us out." 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