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February 12, 2009 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2009-02-12

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, February 12, 2009



Red Hot
to leave
East U.
Owner says landlord denied the
hot dog joint's lease renewal
Daily Staff Reporter
Red Hot Lovers, the legendary campus hot dog eat-
ery on East University Avenue, will not be reopening in
its current location.
"I feel like I was jerked around," said Troy Slade,
the owner of Red Hot, who claims he was all but guar-
anteed a lease renewal by the landlord and the former
owner of the restaurant when he bought the business
in the fall of 2007.
"I take it personally," he said. "I bought the business
under the impression that I was going to get this long-
term lease. That was why I bought it."
Slade said his landlord, Dick Johnston, told him in
an e-mail yesterday afternoon that his lease will not be
Slade, who operates the business from New York,
had given Johnston somewhat of an ultimatum last
year. He told him that he would only stay if he was
given a longer-term lease when his current one runs
out in a few months. Johnston had offered a one-year
extension, which Slade said wasn't acceptable given
the long-term planning and investment needs of this
kind of business.
When reached at home last night, Johnston declined
to comment on the e-mail.
Slade closed Red Hot Lovers during winter break,
expecting to resolve the conflict with Johnston by the
time students came back to campus.When break ended,
the restaurant needed some renovations, so without a
decision from Johnston, Slade decided to keep it closed
rather than invest more money in a location he might
have had to leave soon.
"In retrospect now, I made a savvy decision in a
tough economy," Slade said.
He added that the construction of the Zaragon Place
apartment complex next door to Red Hot wasn't good
for business.
The site of Zaragon Place, where the Anberay apart-
See RED HOT, Page 7A

Liz Lerman Dance Exchange presented 'Small Dances About Big Ideas: Experts and Reflections' in the League Ballroom yesterday. The performance was in conjunction with a aph Wil iams class,
Art School: Time abroad a must

Students required to
complete at least three
weeks at an overseas
institution to graduate
Daily StaffReporter
When Bryan Rogers, dean of the
School of Art & Design, addresses the
freshman class at the beginning of
each academic year, he tells them three
things: to take care of themselves, not to
define themselves too narrowly and to
use their passports.
This international mentality has
been channeled into a new require-

ment for students at the School of Art
& Design. Starting in the fall of 2010 all
incoming Art & Design students will be
required to study abroad at some point
during their time at the University.
Currently, about half of the school's
500 undergraduates study abroad at
some point during their four years at
the University, said Mary Schmidt,
associate dean for academic affairs and
undergraduate education at the School
of Art & Design.
The graduate program at the School
of Art & Design already has a study
abroad requirement.
Joe Trumpey, associate professor
and director of international engage-
ment at the School of Art & Design, has
been working with Rogers for three
years to develop this new requirement.

He said the program's aim is to give
students a more global education by
requiring them to study in a different
cultural setting.
"The goal is to have our students
get beyond our borders to engage in
some interdisciplinary and intercul-
tural learning and experiences, so the
requirement is broader than just study
abroad," Trumpey said.
The minimum time a student must
study abroad to fulfill the requirement
is three weeks. But the School of Art
& Design administration encourages
students to study abroad for at least a
semester to get the optimal experience,
Schmidt said.
Art & Design students can choose
from a variety of programs including
volunteer, internship and not-for-credit

programs, as well as the University's
Global Intercultural Experience for
Undergraduates program.
The School of Art & Design has
already established 22 partnerships
with various foreign institutions,
Trumpey said. He added that the school
is lookingto establish between 10 and 15,
more partnerships in the next two years
so that students will have a variety of
locations from which to choose.
"The real strategy here is to be able
to have a spectrum of the kinds of expe-
riences that a diverse group of students
could find appealing," he said. "China
and India are certainly top priorities,
and I'd like to get a sub-Saharan Africa
culture on that list as well."
Through these partnerships, a Uni-

Money woes hit Student Pubs.


The Daily's parent FOR DAILY EDITOR
organization faces IN CHIEF GARY
financial troubles as GRACA'S TAKE, SEE
industry hits skids OPINION, PAGE 4A

Daily StaffReporter
Consistent with a trend that
is overwhelming print publica-
tions across the nation, the body
that oversees the finances of The
Michigan Daily and other student
publications at the University is

grappling with significant inan-
cial issues.
A budget summary dated Feb.
2 forecasts that Student Publica-
tions' cashflows would be in the
red by the end of the 2009 fiscal
year in June. The prediction, along
with months of mounting revenue
decline, forced the organization
to take a serious look at expenses,

and develop new plans for generat-
ing income.
Student Publications, which is
not funded by the University, and
is almost entirely student-run,
includes The Michigan Daily, the
Michiganensian yearbook and the
Gargoyle magazine. It also pro-
duces the student directory, and
employs a staff of over one hun-
dred students and seven full-time
Of the units within Student
Publications, The Michigan Daily
is by far the largest, accounting for
about half of the money budgeted
for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Projects overseen by the Board of
Student Publications are allotted
28 percent of the funds, and 22
percent go to development proj-
ects like seeking alumni donations.
Combined, the Michiganensian,
the Gargoyle and the directory
use about two percent of the total
In December, the financial
situation of Student Publications
led the board to decide to with-
draw $300,000 from its $3 mil-
lion invested in the University's
endowment, which is usually not
intended for day-to-day operations.

Ph.D.s in uproar
over new po icy
By KYLE SWANSON faculty body last week, would
Daily StaffReporter require all Ph.D. candidates to
- - -register pay tuition each semester,
A continuous enrollment pro- something not currently required.
posal for Ph.D. candidates has It would also lower the average
come under fire recently by the tuition rate for candidates and
Continuous Enrollment Work provide them with uninterrupted
Group, an organization of Univer- access to University resources.
sity graduate students who say the Formally approved by the Rack-
proposal is not being accurately ham Executive Board in Decem-
portrayed to the community. ber, the proposal has been under
The proposal, which was development for more than a
pitched to the University's top See RACKHAM, Page 7A

MSA mulls changes
to public comments

Daily StaffReporter
In light of a recent surge of
community members protesting
the conflict in Gaza, Michigan
Student Assembly representatives
are considering modifying the
portion of their weekly meeting
devoted to community members'
Currently any member of the
community is permitted five
minutes to speak about any topic,

regardless of whether or not that
person is affiliated with the Uni-
At Tuesday's MSA meeting,
Business Rep. Jason Raymond
made an announcement to the
assembly urging discussion about
modifying this system of "Com-
munity Concerns."
"I don't know where I stand on
it, but I think it's something we
could really talk about," he said.
"Obviously we had some commu-
See MSA, Page 7A

The Arts & the Environment's Earth installation incorporates video, poetry and original
music into its reflection on the relationship between humans and the Earth. The instal-
lation will be on display at the Duderstadt Gallery on North Campus until Feb. 20.


Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
news a michigandaily.com and let us know.

Daily vault: Making fun of MSA, circa 1988

INDEX NEWS .............
Vol CXIX,N o 93 SUDOKU......
2009 TheMichigan Daily O PIN N.I....
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.............2A CLASSIFIEDS.........
.............3A SPORTS.................
.............4A THE B-SIDE..........



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