2 - Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 401
2 - Tuesday, February 10, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom *
In Other Ivory Tower
Explained Before You Were Here Photos of the Week
Satisfying students' cookie cravings
Fur someone who works
between 8:00 p.m. and 2:30
anm. every night, Kevin
Lemon seems like a pretty
chipper guy. Lemon works
as the assistant manager of
the insomnia Cookies store,
doling out rookies to hungry
University students from his
conveniently parked cookie
Given the store's odd hours,
Lemon says it draws a "col-
orful", clientele, on both the
w'eekdays and weekends alike.
"at really doesn't seem like
people discriminate a whole
lot," Lemon said. "You get
some stumubley people any
night of the week."
While the store's customers
are mostly students, Lemon
said that other restaurants'
delivery drivers frequent the
truck and call in their own
orders between deliveries.
"We get a lot of orders from
Jimmy John's," he said.
Lemon has operated the
insonmnia cookie truck in Ann
Arbor for a month, and so far,
he said working third shift is
the only drawback of the job.
He said the cookies he bakes
on a nightly basis have also
lost some of their appeal.
"They're not as good as they
used to be," Lemon said. "If
I eat more than two a night,
that's not good. I try not to
come to work hungry."
Though some students are
willing to trek across campus
in the name of snickerdoodle
and chocolate chip cookies,
Lemon said that as of now,
Insomnia cookies isn'tallowed
to sell baked goods on Univer-
sity property. He added, how-
ever, that an agreement is the
works to change that.
"We've started working
out a deal with U of M to use
their parking lots whenever
we want," Lemon said. "The
campus police don't care.
They haven't bothered us.
But the company has started
talking to U of M, so we'll
give them a portion of the
profits (to use the parking
Regardless of his location,
though, since he has come to
canmpus, Lemon has helped
satisfy students' cravings on
their way to the library or
heading home from the bar.
"I mean, bow often do you
have the time to bake them
yourself?" Lemon said.
KevnLeoos, assistat manager of the Insomnia Cookies staredole:
cokes t hungry University stadents 000 aghtly basis.
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ThMichganDaiy (ISSN0745-967)is pubsed Monayrou~hFrday dringterhfalland wn':
trmsa bysrudntrs a h nieriyorf Mign. On cpy isavailablenhmevofacargntoallreadtrs.
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Woman spills hot Passerby smells Human subject Hip Hop dance
water, burns self pot, cops cannot research talk lessons
WHERE: h23 tOxford Rd.
WHEN: Sunday at about 3:30
WHAT: A wonman spilled hot
swarer on3 herself while she
seas coorkinsg, University Police
reported. She was taken to Uni-
versity Hospital for treatmsent.
Student falls in
hits head
WHERE: East Quadrangle
Rtesidence Hall
WHIEN: Susoday at about 2:410
WHAT: A moale studenat fell
in a bathroonm, University
Police reported. The mnan suf-
fered a head injury and was
takeno to University Hospital
forr treatmuent.
locate drugs
WHERE: 6O5 Oxford Rd.
WHEN: Sunday at aboust 11:105
WHAT: A caller reported
snoelling marijuasna sm~oke,
University Police reported. A
msale subject was investigated,
but officers did not find moari-
juana when they arrived on the
machine looted
WHERE: Maso Hall
WHEN: Friday at about 10:511
WHAT: Items svere takesn
from a coin-operated sending
msachine, University Police
were reported. Thoe itenms were
taken between Feb. 3 at nossi
and Feb. 4 at 7 p.ms.
WHAT: Asn overview of the
historical events that led to
thse regulations governing
human subject research and
review of the Institutional
Review Board process for
health and behavior sciences.
jWHO: IRB Health & Blehav-
ioral Sciences
WHEN: Today frosm noon to
1 p.na.
WHERE: Roonm 171, Lorch
career Expo
WHAT: Meet with organi-
zations from a range nof not-
for-profit fields, including
advsscacy, social change and
conmmunsity service
WHO: The Career Center
WHEN: Tosday from 2 p.m. to
6 pmo.
WHERE: Michigan Union
WHAT: University Unions
Ats and Prograns is sponesor-
ing hip hop dance classes
givenby Dance 2X5, a Univer-
sity dance team for students
with any level of dance expe-
rience. The event is free to all
WHO: University Unions
Arts & Programs
WHEN: Tonight at 7 p.nm.
WHERE: Michigan Union
" An article in yesterday's
edition of the Daily (Offi-
cials: International applica-
tions to the U' expected to
rise sharply) misattributed a
quotation in the nineteenth
paragraph. University Presi-
dent Mary Sue Coleman
made the statement.
*Please report any error
in the Daily to corrections@
1The Dalai Lama, the spiri-
tual leader of Tibet has
joined Twitter, a muicro-
blogging service, The AFP
reported. His site, www.twit-
ter.com/ohhtdl, open for two
days, has attracted nearly
2Last time the Michigan
State men's basketball
team traveled to Ann
Arbor, on Feb. 2, 2007, the
Wolverines trounced the
Spartans fi7-56 in front of a
sold out crowd.
3 Two men, ages 37 and
44, were arrested in Salt
Lake City after robbing a
Family Dollar store, The Salt
Lake Tribune reported. The
two men stuffed merclaandise
into their pockets before being
confronted by an employee as
they were leaving. They were
arrested less than a block