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February 09, 2009 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2009-02-09

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1 0 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday, February 9, 2009 - 7A

* The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, February 9, 2009 - 7A

Two candidates
emerge for MSA's
top position
From Page 1A he said.
Baydoun, who has yet to choose
anti developed goals for the future a vice president or decide upon a
of MSA, but when they looked name, said his party is focusing on
at whether those goals could be the substance behind the goals.
accomplished under the current "So many times you see people
party, they had some reservations, running with these lofty goals and
Baydoun said. ideals," he said, "and they have a
"The first thing I had to think platform saying 'I want to do this,
about was could this be done with this, and this', but where's the
* MAP," Baydoun said, "or did I eed how?"
to do this in a new way, a different Mahanti and Rorro said they
way." have plans to create a website to
Baydoun said that he and Mah- provide students with a way to
anti came to the conclusion that voice their concerns. The website,
what they wanted to accomplish they said, will keep the student
could not be realized if they contin- body up to date with what MSA is
ued to be associated with the party, working on through a blog, in addi-
and that they-soon made the deci- tion to hosting open forums for stu-
sion to dissolve MAP. dents to discuss issues they believe
On Jan. 31, shortly after the deci- are important.
sion was made to walk away from They said they want students
MAP, Baydoun said Mahanti told to feel that their voice can impact
him he was going to create his own what happens in MSA on a daily
party and run against him. basis, and that they are listening to
Current MSA President Sabrina the student body.
Shingwani said that it was "pretty "We want students to give us
obvious that MAP's time was over," input, and we want to be able to talk
and that she's not surprised to see to them, because students have a lot
new parties beingformed. of gripes," Mahanti said. "Some-
Shingwani said MSA parties times MSA hears them, sometimes
typically exist for three, maybe four they don't, but we really want to
semesters before they dissolve. open up this big dialogue of what
Shingwani said that what is play- they think the assembly should do."
ing out now is the same old cycle, as Part of their goals for the MVP
new parties formwith the intention is to attract a representative base.
to revamp MSA, but after a couple that is comprised of students who
* of semesters they find themselves don't have prior experience with
in the same rut that plagued the student government, students who
parties before them. can bring a fresh perspective to the
But Baydoun and Mahanti said assembly that, as Mahanti said, can
they are both confident that what be very exclusive.
they offer is a complete break from "What I was aiming for when
MAP. starting something new was reach-
"MAP was kind of a message," ing out to people who are not in
Mahanti said. "We want to be more MSA who are proven leaders," he
of a medium to carry the messages said. "All of us are really excited to
forward from the Students." bring back a level of accountability
Mahanti and LSA junior Mike to the assembly."
Rorro, who will run with him as Mahanti and Rorro said that all
vice president, formed the Michi- of their plans - to open communi-
gan Vision Party, in hopes, they cation with students and increase
said, ofgenerating an open dialogue the transparency of MSA - could
between students and MSA. not be accomplished with MAP,
Baydoun said his decision to something that both they and Bay-
break from MAP was greatly influ- doun agree on.
enced by how they fill seats on MSA. Baydoun said he thinks the num-
He said theytryto fill the number of ber one issue for students "comes
open seats, even if they are compro- down to the wallet." He said he
mising those seats with candidates wants to look into fixing financial
that don't meet what should be the aid and keepingctuition low.
party's standards. But most importantly, Baydoun
Baydoun said his goal is to bring said he wants people to trust their
V the best students to the table, even student government again.
if that is less than the number of "I believe if we can get students
open seats. to believe in government again, to
"You need to changethe mindset believe in MSA and its potential
of thinking, that it's not about who's again ... I think that will get them
goingto bring in the mostvotes, but out (to vote)," he said. "That's my
who's going to do the most work," goal for this election."
the michigan daily

Organization brings in medical
personnel to discuss Darfur

Two people from
Doctors Without
Borders will speak
at event tomorrow
Daily StaffReporter
Will Work For Food, a stu-
dent group that raises money for
humanitarian efforts in Darfur,
will host an event featuring two
employees from Doctors Without
Borders tomorrow.
Dr. Hansel Otero and Nurse
Sally Najera will speak about
their experiences working on
various international relief mis-

sions 7 p.m. tomorrow night in
the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
speakers will primarily address
treating child malnutrition in
Doctors Without Borders is a
non-governmental, humanitarian
aid organization that sends medi-
cal personnel to developing and
war-torn countries.
LSA senior Steven Weinberg,
president of Will Work For Food,
said he hopes listening to the
speakers will help students better
understand the situation in Dar-
"We realizethatthecrisis inDar-
fur is something we're all removed
from," he said. "But we imagine
their first-hand experiences will
help people realize exactly what's

going on and will help them make
a connection to that."
The club also hopes to use the
event as a way to reach out to stu-
dents who want to contribute to
humanitarian efforts.
"We hope to educate (students)
about our organization and show
them what we're planning to do
and what we've been doing," said
LSA junior Lindsay Canvasser,
outreach chair for Will Work For
Food. "And we hope that they will
want to participate in the relief
The club plans to present Doc-
tors Without Borders with its first
fundraising check, which they
hope will reach $5,000 by the time
of the event.
According to its website, Will

Work For Food combines local
community service with humani-
tarian efforts in Darfur.' Par-
ticipants are encouraged to ask a
friend or family member to spon-
sor their local service efforts, like
volunteering at a hospital or writ-
ing a lettet to a soldier, with a $10
The money raised goes directly
to Doctors Without Borders to
buy nutritional supplements like
Plumpy'nut, a peanut butter-like
supplement to treat refugees suf-
fering from severe acute malnutri-
The event is co-sponsored by
the Inter-Humanitarian's Council,
the Institute for the Humanities
and the Center for International
and Comparative Studies.

From Page1A
ical Company built a major
plant in the town. The company
bought out the houses of most
of the families living there and
pushed out the rest because of
hazardous toxins in the air pro-
duced by the plant.
There are more than 30 com-
munities in the United States
facing the same fate, Harden
said, and there is no govern-
ment requirement for safe dis-
tances of hazardous facilities
and residential communities.
She said this stems from the
fact that there are not enough
federal laws at the national level
protecting human rights.
"African Americans, or Lati-
nos, or Asian Americans or
Native Americans are getting
this toxic destructive stuff,"
Harden said. "We should have a
right to stop this."
Harden outlined basic
human rights as protection of
life; health, racial discrimina-
tion and privacy in the home.
Since the government is not
providing protection to peo-
ple in these areas, their rights
to life are being violated, she
Harden commented that in

times of national crises, the
government can legally make a
situation worse under the cur-
rent instituted laws.
After the Sept. 11 attacks on
the Pentagon and World Trade
Center, . the government was
more concerned with opening
Wall Street than checking the
health situation at the site, she
said. As a result, many workers
developed fatal diseases from
the contaminated air.
Harden, a resident of New
Orleans in Aug. 2005, discussed
Hurricane Katrina and its after-
math from a first-hand perspec-
She said that after the disas-
ter, 750,000 people were dis-
placed and had no rights. She
added that instead of the gov-
ernment helping to get people
back into their homes, develop-
ers were taking over the prop-
The Bush Administration,
she said, viewed the recovery
in the Gulf region as a volunteer
effort rather than a federal obli-
Harden said there are laws
established to help these peo-
ple, but the government has not
enacted them.
"There is a basic floor of gov-
ernance, and we have a long
way to climb," she said.

From Page lA
will give us the right size class," Sul-
livan said. "Because we're not sure
about the yield, we could be wrong
about that."
Each year, schools across the
country estimate their yield ratio.
of students thanthey can accommo-
date, taking into account that some
of the students they admit will not
end up attending their school.
Sullivan said the University is not
the only college with doubts about
this year's yield.
this is not that we aren't sophisticat-
ed," she said. "I think if you called
any college in the country right now,
you'd get a similar answer."
Inrecenthistory,the Universityhas
received between 20,000 and 30,000
undergraduate applications from
high school seniors. Approximately
12,000 to 13,000 of these applicants
are admitted to the University.
Usually less than 50 percent of
students admitted to the University
choose to attend..
For University administrators
charged with balancing each year's
class size, an inaccurate prediction
of the yield could drastically affect
students' experiences on campus.
Even a 1-percent increase in yield,

could translate into a surge of
approximately 130 more students.
In 2005, the yield spiked, pro-
ducing a larger incoming class.
The large class resulted in a small
incoming class in 2006, and more
cautious approaches by University
"Three or four years ago yields
went up ... more than we expected
and so that was this kind of big
bulge working its way through the
system," Sullivan said. "So we had
deliberately decided we were going
to be very careful to ratchet back
because we didn't want to have more
students than we had the capacity
to give this great education to.".
Despite uncertainties about the
yield, Sullivan said students should
know that the University will use
approximatelythe same standards in
makingtheir admissions decisions.
"The word I would give to a high
school senior right now is assum-
ing good grades, good test scores,
and a reasonable portfolio of other
activities, is your odds of getting
into Michigan this year are a lot like
they were last year," she said.
Despite the increase a few years
ago, Coleman said this year's num-
ber of applications is very similar to
last year.
"I feel like we're about the same
as last year," she said. "There are no
big surprises out there, that we've

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For Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2009
(March 21 to April 19)
Today you're quick to see how to
make improvements at work or intro-
duce reforms to the way things are done.
(Let's hope that others listen to you.)
(April 20 to May 20)
You might put a new spin on creative
projects today or anything related to the
entertainment world or the hospitality
industry. For example, you might
improve things in a restaurant.
(May 21 to June 20)
This is a good day to have discussions
with family members about shared pos-
sessions, inheritances and anything that
is held jointly. Others are ready to talk.
(June 21 to July 22)
You might see new ways of earning
money, or making money on the side, or
discovering a source of income you had-
n't thought about before. Keep your eyes
(July 23 to Aug. 22)
Take a look in the mirror today and do
a realistic assessment of yourself. What
can you do to improve the image you
reflect on others?
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
Any kind of research will probably
pay off today. Dig deep, because you'll
find solutions to old problems. The
answers are waiting to be discovered.
(Sept. 23to Oct. 22)
A friend or a casual acquaintance
might say something quite profound to
you today. Or, perhaps. you are the one
who impresses others with your wisdom.
Keep your ears open.

(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) ,
Bosses, parents; teachers and VIPs
will notice you today, especially if you
have suggestions about improving some-
thing. Hey - you know how to cut
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
Keep an open mind today, because
you might shiftyour values or your opin-
ions about politics or religion. Suddenly,
you're able to see things in a new light.
(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
Discussions about inheritances and
shared possessions can be productive
today. This can also pertain to mort-
gages, loans, insurance matters and debt.
(Jan. 20to Feb. 18)
Conversations with partners and close
friends are surprisingly candid today.
Make sure you don't try to improve the
other person, because this will stop the
conversation flat.
(Feb. 19 to March 20)
If you have ideas about how to
improve things at work, speak up! You
might not want to do this, because at the
moment you seem tobe working behind
the scenes or working alone.
YOU BORN TODAY You're capable
of success in many areas; however, you
want appreciation for your efforts. When
you give your best, you need to be
prized. Indeed, many of you easily
attract attention. You're confident, and
you're a person of vision. (Just make
sure you don't sell out.) A major change
might take place this year, perhaps as
significant as something around 2001.
Birthdate of: Leontyne Price, soprano;
Roberta Flack, singer; Bertolt Brecht,

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The Michigan Daily on Feb 12

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