The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 2, 2009 - 3A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, Fehruary 2, 2009 - 3A NEWS BRIEFS LANSING Granhoim urges tuition freeze for public universities Aides to Gov. Jennifer Gra- nholm say she will urge public universities and community col- leges to freeze tuition rates in her State of the State address. The aides tell the Detroit Free Press in Sunday editions that schools keeping tuition at cur- rent levels for the coming aca- demic year will receive some of the money Michigan expects to get from the federal stimulus plan pending in Congress. Granholm spokeswoman Liz Boyd says the governor will ask the Legislature to work with her to reduce state aid for schools that don't hold the line on tuition. Michigan's15 public universities raised tuition for the current school year by an average 7 percent. House Minority Leader Kevin Elsenheimer, R-Kewadin, says a tuition freeze "makes sense,"but he expressed misgivings about tyingit to the stimulus package still pend- ing before the U.S. Senate. CHICAGO Blagojevich fights to stay out of prison Now that he's been ousted from the governor's office, Rod Blagojevich is pinning his hopes of staying out of prison on a father- and-son duo of defense attorneys, one of whom grabbed the lime- light at R&B superstar R. Kelly's sex tape trial. "These are two of the most flam- boyant attorneys in town," DePaul University law professor Leonard CavisesaysoftheteamofSamAdam and his son, Samuel E. Adam. Cavise predicts fireworks if Blagojevichgoes to trial on federal corruption charges, including al- legations that he tried to sell the Senate seat vacated by President Barack Obama. Federal prosecutors are ex- pected to obtain an indictment by April. Blagojevich was arrested by FBI agents in December and was booted from office Thursday when a state Senate impeach- ment trial ended with a 59-0 vote against him. Some are already question- ing the Adams' legal strategy - including their decision to let Blagojevich go on a whirlwind New York media tour before his impeachment trial ended, fielding questions about the criminal case from Barbara Walters, Diane Saw- yer, Larry King and more. BLAKELY, Ga. Inspection reports from peanut plant vary widely AGeorgiahealth inspectorwho toured the peanut butter plant now at the center of a national sal- monella outbreak noted only two minor violations in October. Less than three months later, federal inspectors found roaches, mold, a leaking roof and other sanitation problems. Food safety experts say the lapse is a major concern and shows state inspectors are spread thin and might need more training on how to spot unsanitary conditions. "It's surprising to me that that many major deficiencies were observed at one time, and none of these were picked up previously," said Michael Doyle, head of the food safety center at the Univer- sity of Georgia. In October, state inspector Donna Adams noted only two vio- lations in her report on the Peanut Corp. of America plant: tote con- tainers with butter residue and "black buildup" and "mildew and possibly some static dust on ceil- ing of butter storage room." MOLO, Kenya Kenya Red Cross: 89 dead in oil blaze An oil spill from a crashed truck erupted into flames yester- day in Kenya, killing at least 89 people who were trying to scoop up free fuel, officials said. Patrick Nyongesa, the regional manager for the Kenya Red Cross, said 89 people died and more than 200 were injured died after a crowd gathered around the crash in search of free fuel. The crash was in Molo, sev- eral hours outside the capital, Nairobi. - Compiled from Daily wire reports TRANSFERS From Page 1A Colemansaid the reason the Uni- versity doesn't usually accept many sophomore transfers is because attrition from the freshmen to sophomore year is very low. "Normally we don't have slots for transfers at the sophomore level because our retention rate is so high from freshmen to sophomores," Coleman said. "We don't expect that there's going to be huge numbers, but we also don't want to let these TOWN HALL From Page 1A and the actual students they're supposed to be accountable to, so hopefully this is one step in mend- ing that rift." One reason to have all the stu- dent governments in one place - besides allowing students to complain at once - is to figure out solutions to students' concerns that might involve more than one government, Madison said.. Gibran Baydoun, MSA's cam- pus governance chair who worked with Madison to plan the event, said anyway to hear students' con- student fall through the cracks." Additionally, Sullivan said for a sophomore to transfer to the Uni- versity requires much more paper- work than a junior transfer, as the student's college and high school career must be considered. When a student applies for a junior trans- fer, the University only considers the student's college career. On average from the fall of 2004 to the fall of 2008, about 840 transfer students enrolled at the University every year. A little less than 38 percent of those students were sophomore transfers. cerns and ideas is reason enough to hold an event. "Any time that we have the opportunity to hear what's on the students' minds is always a good thing," Baydoun said. "Ifa student comes and is complaining about a dorm issue, (Residence Hall Asso- ciation) is there. Ifa student comes to complain about an LSA issue, LSA-SG is there." Engineering freshman Scott Wilson said he's interested in going to the event to find outwhy student .government hasn't done all it said it would during elections. "Basically going is about hold- ing them more accountable," Wil- son said. Congress mulls stimulus Republican leader Mitch McConnell says both sides are uneasy about bill WASHINGTON (AP) - Repub- licans suggested overhauling the Senate's stimulus proposal because they said it doesn't pump enough into the private sector through tax cuts but allows Democrats to go on a spending spree unlikely to jolt the economy. "When I say start from scratch, what I mean is that the basic approach of this bill, we believe, is wrong," said Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizo- na, the No. 2 Republican. He added that he was seeing an erosion of support for the bill. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said he WIRELESS From Page 1A "It was a hassle if you just want- ed to take your laptop somewhere else to work," he said. Currently living in West Quad, Stoklosa and his friends have cho- sen a more enterprising alternative, using a password-protected wireless connection from a router they pur- chased earlier in the year. He said having personal WiFi access means not having "to worry about cables." Stoklosa said he was aware this is against dorm policy. Alan Levy, ITCS director of communications, acknowledged that the issue of wireless Inter- net access in the dorms has been repeatedly discussed among Uni- versity officials. He maintained that with about 3,000 access KEYNOTE From Page 1A doubted the Senate would pass the bill, contending that Democrats as well as Republicans were uneasy with it. He renewed a Republican complaint that Democrats had not been as bipartisan in writing the bill as Obama had said he wanted. "I think it may be time ... for the president to kind of get a hold of these Democrats in the Senate and the House, who have rather signifi- cant majorities, and shake them a little bit and say, 'Look, let's do this the right way,"' McConnell said. "I can't believe that the president isn't embarrassed about the products that have been produced so far." Democrats defended their almost $819 billion version ofPresi- dentBarackObama's stimulus plan, which is set for debate this week, and said they were open to consid- ering changes by Republicans. But they said the unrelentingly bleak economic news demanded action. points and a continuous process of upgrading the network, cover- age at the University is typically good. Levy said ITCS has instead focused its efforts on improving the security of the network established on campus by encouraging stu- dents, faculty and staff to use the new MWireless network, which is more secure, over the existing UM Wireless system, which has been around for years. "Our primary focus at this point is establishing MWireless as the WiFi environment for the vast majority of campus," he said. The University's developing wireless Internet infrastructure is just one aspect of a larger land- scape of technological growth and how that affects the current gen- eration of students. Engineering lecturer Jeff dropped out of college and began mass-producing worm poop to sell as fertilizer. "There is no such thing as gar- PRISONERS From Page 1A plan's intention is not to save money by decreasing safety but rather to move toward rehabilitat- ing newly released prisoners into mainstream society rather than keeping them jailed for unneces- sary long periods of time. The plan, which is supported by Gov. Jennifer Granholm, would put Michigan on par with the other states around the country including California, New Jersey and South Carolina, states that are currently looking at re-evaluating their sentencing policies. The analysis does not advocate for releasing prisoners early but rather that their minimum and maximum sentences be more rep- resentative to the crimes they com- mitted, according to the report. By creating a tighter timeframe for which criminals can be jailed, the state will only be keeping pris- oners as long as necessary for the sentence to be fully effective, the report says. John Cordell, a public informa- tion officer in the Department of Corrections, said the money saved could be reinvested into other cor- rections programs that are designed to keep these prisoners from re- offending. Cordell said the money could also be used to fund other strugglingstate departments. "There is some reinvestment that will occur into correctional and criminal justice depart- ments," he said. "Once that hap- pens, we can free up those monies for things like parks, education and expenses for college." Supporters of using the study's findings to transform prison sen- tencing laws hope to have the leg- islature pass the proposal by April and to have it melded into budget- ary decisions for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. State Sen. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor) said that she supports mak- ingthestate'sprisonsentencingmore like other states but thinks the report only addresses some of the issues within the state prisonsystem. "I think it's a good start," she said. "I think we have to start from here and then there's obviously a lot more we can do. The issue of people with mental illness is not addressed, and these people are ending up being criminalized." Brater said that the legislature is currently taking a look at the prob- lem of people with mental illnesses being put in prisons as opposed to gettingthe care they need. "We are currently doing a study to analyze the incidence of men- tal illness among the Michigan prison population," Brater said. "Hopefully this issue will lead us to redirect that money to mental health care. Treating someone with a mental illness as an outpa- tient would mean spending $8,000 to $11,000 each year as opposed to $32,000 in the prisons." With a reduction in the num- ber of prisoners, some argue that there is potential for a reduction of the employees needed to maintain the prison system. Public Policy Prof. Paul Courant said he thinks the legislature will not only be debating the possibility of having more previously convict- ed felons free than in jail, but also that legislators of certain constitu- encies will have to consider the potential loss of employment by people who work in the prisons. "The state budget is under pres- sure, and there is a lot of interest in cutting costs, but people in the legislature don't want to appear soft on crime," he said. "We cannot delay this," said Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the Demo- crats' No.2 leader. "Wecan'tengage in the old political rhetoric of say- ing, 'Well, maybe it could be a little bit better here and a little bit better there.' We've got to pull together." Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., agreed that more could be done in the area of housing, though he said tapping money in the separate financial bailout fund would be a more likely way to pay for mort- gage relief. Under Obama's plan, strained state budgets would receive a cash infusion, projects for roads and other infrastructure would be funded, and "green jobs" in the energy sector would be cre- ated. In its centerpiece tax cut, single workers would gain $500 and couples $1,000, even if they don't earn enough to owe federal income taxes. Ringenberg said he has observed the Internet playing an increasing- ly important part of students' lives in the last five years. He added that wireless Internet access in the classroom has been an effective tool in delivering infor- mation and facilitating "student- driven learning." Ringenberg noted that tech- nology is a double-edged sword, and the benefits of WiFi in the classroom to supplement course content must be weighed against the inherent distractions of access. "I don't think it's important to always be connected, but I think it's important to always have the option to be connected," he said. "Everyone has to be able to unplug atsome point, toturnoffthee-mail, to just sit back and allow the mind to relax." panies and asked them if he could collect their used products from their customers and upcycle them to create an entirely new product. The companies, who were des- perately seeking "green" solutions, gladly accepted. Since items likeyogurtcartons are traditionally nonrecyclable, there is no choice for the consumer besides throwing them out. Through Terra- Cycle, people now have the opportu- nity to help the environment. "There is nowhere in America where people don't want to do the right thing," Szaky said. at Wal-Mart last year. bage," Szaky said. "We can even When Szaky went home for fall sell our own waste." break his freshman year, he said During his .keynote address, he and his friends noticed that the Szaky said that most people would "plants" they were growing in his prefer to use "environmentally basement thrived when they added friendly" products, but they are worm poop to them. usually much more expensive. . This discovery gave Szaky the This is where Szaky said his job idea that anything, even worm began. He figured out how to cre- poop, could be recycled and used ate "green" products that didn't for something useful. carry exorbitant price tags. Shortly thereafter, Szaky He went to many big brand com- WANT TO WRITE FOR N EWS? E-mail 4