4 - Friday, January 30, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com * 74( e loan '3aily Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu ROBERT SOAVE COURTNEY RATKOWIAK EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR GARY GRACA EDITOR IN CHIEF Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solelythe views of their authors. Great Lakes, great benefits Federal bill would help economy and ecology of the region A fter years of neglect by the federal government, the Great Lakes may finally get some of the attention they deserve. That's because Capitol Hill is now considering legislation that would invest federal dollars in projects designed to protect the lakes. The bill in question promises to preserve key compo- nents of the region's environment and has the added potential to stimulate economic activity in Michigan. And because the Great Lakes are sucha valuable resource for this state and the nation, Congress has a responsibility to the environment, Michigan and surrounding states to protect them. The U.S. House of Representatives is cur- rently considering the Great Lakes Water Protection Act, which would commit more than $20 billion over the next five years to contribute to the long-term sustainability of the Great Lakes. A related bill has also been introduced in the Senate, backed by Michigan's Carl Levin. Although similar legislation has been voted down in previ- ous years, the new plan is more likely to succeed now that Democrats control both Congress and the presidency - particu- larly in light of President Barack Obama's campaign promise to create a federal trust fund to preserve the lakes. If passed, this plan would take steps to address some of the problems troubling the Great Lakes in recent years. One of the larg- est parts of the bill would revamp waste and storm water management systems, replac- ing antiquated infrastructure that allows contaminants to leak into natural water sys- tems. The bill would also set a deadline for restricting sewage dumping into the lakes. Other components being considered would clean up pollutants in rivers that feed into the lakes and combat invasive species that threaten freshwater environments. The problems facing the lakes are simply too big for states to tackle on their own. That means the federal government needs to honor its long-neglected responsibility to protect the region's environment. The Great Lakes are more than just a part of Michigan's mitten-shaped identity; as the world's largest freshwater reserve, they also stand as one of the nation's most pre- cious resources. Preserving them needs to be a priority, because cleaner, healthier lakes stand to enhance the health and well- being of people and ecosystems throughout the entire region. This legislation would also provide much-needed help to Michigan's ailing economy. The plan is projected to create 40,000 jobs in Michigan alone. And tour- ism, one of the state's largest industries, stands to benefit as well. Cleaner water and healthier ecosystems are likely to attract greater numbers of sportsmen, fishers and family beach-goers to the state. Increased tourism would infuse the state economy with much-needed cash and support busi- nesses facing tough economic times. As an added bonus, tourism generates tax revenues for the state that can be used for things like increasing funding to higher education. Protecting the future of the Great Lakes shouldn't be delayed. Their impact on the environment and economy - in Michigan and the entire region - is far too important to ignore. Obama needs to honor his com- mitment to make the lakes an environmen- tal priority. For its part, Congress needs to get its act together and pass a comprehen- sive plan to preserve these national trea- sures for current and future generations. We have this thing called impeachment and it's bleeping golden and we've used it the right way." - Illinois state senator James Meeks, mocking Blagojevich's expletive-laden words that were captured by the FBI on a wiretap, as reported yesterday by the Chicago Tribune. BELLA SHAH E-MAIL BELLA AT BELLZ@UMICH.EDU a one crx~ . gr2 2ss~n 4\n,... so - .22 to te A badprescr >tion forA2 fizer, the top company in phar- sever its primary research and devel- ence-based jobs in this state. Instead, maceutical sales worldwide, opment site. they let their money and our talent recently submitted a bid to it takes tens of millions of dollars walk away. purchase its com- and about a decade to stumble upon We may not recognize it here on petitor Wyeth for and test a useful drug. Even then, the campus, but the University was the $68 billion. company only has exclusive rights buyer of last resort for the Pfizer That should to the formula for about ten years, property (all 174 acres of it). Although surprise you, which drives the prices through the the city breathed a collective sigh of considering that roof until the patent is opened up for relief when the University stepped up Pfizer pulled out generic brands to copy. Even with the to claim the empty space, our local of Michigan for patents, internet and foreign sales hero can't give the city what we really good in 2008, cit- pose a serious challenge to American need. The University doesn't pay the ing the need to pharmaceutical sales. city taxes, nor can it pay the kind of save money. The MEG To save time, large corporations salaries the drug company was able company's Ann YOUNG like Pfizer are able to buy promising to support. Arbor campus . drugsby acquiringcompanies that are alone - a two too small to do major safety and clini- million-square- cal testing themselves. It's a business How Pfizer's exit foot space - employed 3,600 people, model that Pfizer has used before: mostly for research and development. originally, the Ann Arbor location was has hurt th state The site was the worldwide capital of opened by drug company Parke Davis, he the company's research and develop- who stumbled on the wildly-popular, and ment. Now, a third of its employees cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor local economy. have been relocated, another third before Pfizer gobbled it up. found pharmaceutical jobs outside One of the major challenges that of Michigan and the rest were left to Pfizer experienced in 2006 was the It is difficult to say right now what fend for themselves. unexpected failure of the drugs kind of impact the University's pur- In vacating our city, Pfizer left acquired in its buyout of competitor chase of the site will have on the behind an economic crater. The ripple Pharmacia, which put the company school itself. But Ann Arbor residents not only affects the businesses on the in a difficult position. But pulling out and students should both be con- north side but has shaken the rest of of Michigan was an executive deci- cerned about the loss of Pfizer and the the city as well. Pfizer brought enor- sion, not asteam play. Whatever finan- unrealized opportunity for another mous tax revenue to Ann Arbor that cial woes that worried the heads of hearty company to diversify the city's the city has been hard-pressed to Pfizer were forgotten as soon as they economy and widen its tax base. make up for elsewhere. In 2008, the skipped town. In fact, Pfizer's future In this difficult economy, you can total taxable value of Pfizer's Ann must look pretty good to the credi- be sure that other important indus- Arbor properties alone was just under tors who'are financing its $68 billion tries will have trouble. And although $150 million. Ann Arbor's Pfizer site dollar bid to Wyeth, especially when we have so few titans left to fall, we gave away millions to philanthropic credit is apparently this tight. need to be wary and protective of organizations every year - money So why did Pfizer leave? The idea all of our businesses. For students to that the nonprofits are struggling that Michigan's legislators created stay in Michigan after they gradu- without. The United Way, a dedicated an inhospitable climate for the drug ate, they need to have access to jobs community service partner, will espe- company has been rumored, but of their caliber. For that reason and cially feel the loss; Pfizer gave about a Pfizer claims that politics weren't the so many more, I hope Michigan will million dollars per year to the United cause of its departure. Only one thing think twice before it lets the next Way's Washtenaw County branch. is certain: Michigan's leaders didn't Pfizer waltz its billions of dollars out Pfizer's pullout came as a surprise, throw their arms across the door the door. even considering the limping econo- when Pfizer asked to leave. Our lead- my. It was difficult for people here to ers should have done everything they Meg Young can be reached imagine why a global company would could to keep such highly-skilled, sci- at megyoung@umich.edu. 0 6 6 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be less than 300 words and must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. Letters are edited for style, length, clarity and accuracy. All submissions become property of the Daily. We do not print anonymous letters. Send letters to tothedoily@umich.edu. SEND LETTERS TO: TOTHEDAILY@UMICH.EDU Daily acted irresponsibly bybelieve this was the intention of Elaine Morton, te' its potential effect on public perception should running stem cell cartoon have been considered. Alexander Vilagosh 0 Misguided traditions TO THE DAILY: LSA junior v In responseto Elaine Morton's recentcartoon (Nature Calls, 01/27/2009), it was irresponsible University and dangerous for the Daily to publish a car- toon that anthropomorphized embryonic stem Ayersplat cells. This gives a false impression of the issues behind embryonic stem cell research. The stem cells currently allowed for use in TO THE DAILY: laboratory research are created in the labs from In regards to1 a sperm and an egg. The embryos are not con- versity by Bill Ay ceived naturally, and thus had no potential of renewed activisim ever being "human" - no more so than an egg should be asham( in any month that is not used in procreation. where on campus. By anthropomorphizing the cells, the cartoon the mere thought implied that they have the feelings and emo- cable human beir tions of a human. At less than five days afterthe through which to fertilization (the point at which the stem cells Ayers is a deplo are extracted from the embryo, destroying the tant terrorist, yet embryo itself), this is simply not the case. speak out on any While many would try and draw links grace. Whateverg between this debate and the abortion debate, education or polit they are two completely separate issues. It is radical, anti-Ame unknown when a fetus develops the emotions belief system. He to a level where it can be considered human ed notoriety from and have a right to life, but that point is cer- alleged affiliation tainly not within five days of fertilization. Of It is embarrass course, there is also the fact that a single cell dare let this mar would not "be a human" anyway, though I do wife speak here.' not believe the cartoonist was going for scien- campus is rampa tific accuracy. levels. Ayers is jus Stem cells have the potential to do so much, versity administn but the research requires the support of the if Ayers had bomb general population so that appropriate funding instead of the Pet can be allocated to these scientific programs. Headquarters and The good that can come of this research far out- Shame on youI weighs the bad. Making embryonic stem cells and whoever at thi have human characteristics - even through a cartoon - could influence understanding of Andrew Lorelli the issue with no factual basis. While I do not LSA senior wrong to give form to speak the recent visit to the Uni- yers (At event, Ayers pushes n, 01/27/2009), the University ed to have Ayers speak any- . I, for one, am discouraged by of having that kind of despi- ng given any sort of medium speak. rable person and an unrepen- t people continue to let him number of topics. It is a dis- good he claims he is doing for ical activism is negated by his rican and hateful history and is capitalizing on his reignit- the campaign season and his with Barack Obama. sing that this school would n and his equally repugnant The leftist fanaticism on this nt and disturbing on many st one example. I believe Uni- ators would feel differently bed Angell Hall or the Union ntagon, New York City Police I the US Capitol Building. Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn s school gave them a platform. T radition oozes from every patch of this University, whether it's on the athletic field or on the road between South and West Quad on the evening of the season's first snow. Tradition is cherished here and rightfully so. But there are some traditions NEIL that should notT be continued or TAMBE lauded. These are harmful traditions that happen in secret, lack purpose and are only for tradition's sake. Haz- ing, the coercion of new members of a group to perform extreme and danger- ous acts, is one of these useless tradi- tions and should be prevented on this campus. And at the start of a semester when organizations begin thinking about transitioning leadership teams and new members, hazing prevention needs to be a priority. And it's not just fraternities or bands, though these types of organizations have a prevalent association with haz- ing. Many other types of organizations have been implicated in hazing, and it's unfair to attribute the practice to a sin- gle type of group. No matter who does it, hazing is hazing and it's wrong. Hazing existsbecause it is ingrained in the tradition of organizations and because those who promote hazing misguidedly think that it has a positive effectcon the culture of an organization. But in truth, all itdoes is indicate a seri- ous lack of leadership. Hazing creates negative, aggressive feelings between members. As time passes, hazing prac- tices become increasingly severe until a tragedy occurs. These offensive, harm- ful practices deter talented new people from joining an organization because they are turned off to abuse. Advocates ofhazingpractices claim that the activities can have some posi- tive effects on an organization. Even if they do, there are many alternatives to hazing that are just as good - or better - for accomplishing goals like bringing people together or encour- aging hard work. These are the alter- natives that are not psychologically or physically harmful. Challenges and shared experiences are created all the time without engaging in the harmful variety of hazing. These activities are largely irratio- nal in the first place. If hazing is meant to initiate or indoctrinate members to an organization's culture, the activi- ties should have some relevancy and connection to life in the organization. For example, if you are not a member of a goldfish-swallowing club, there's no reason to make someone swallow a goldfish. To do so is simply absurd. Some hazing activities attempt to have a purpose - which, I suppose, is slightly betterthan completely neglect- ing to have one. But any supposed les- sons learned through hazing will never be more than a long stretch of anal- ogy or better than the lessons learned by purposeful non-hazing activities. Learning the value of team unity by linking arms for an extended period of time is a shallow lesson. Forcing people to do lots of push-ups does not obvious- ly teach persistence. Trying to justify hazing by saying it has a so-called pur- pose is not providing a sufficient justi- fication, but instead just a thinly-veiled rationalization for wrongdoing. Make no mistake - hazing is an abuse of power. But the paradox of hazing is thatvictims really have more power than their abusers. If a victim of hazing chooses to abandon an organi- zation, it leaves the organization closer to failure because it consequently has fewer members and a bad reputation. The departing member can just join a new organization. Underclassmen, you don't have to let an organization haze you. They need you to survive more than you need them. Continuing abusive practices because hazing is legally difficult to define isn't okay, either. By legal defi- nitions, many benign activities might be judged as hazing in court, so there may be little incentive to temper any harmful activities. Even if it is hard to define, legal ambiguity is not an excuse to allow hazing to remain. Hazing prevention is key for student groups to flourish. Instead of tip-toeing around the legality of hazing, an organization strivingfor excellence should dothings that are botheffective and indisputably moral. A simple rule of thumb should be that if an activity could be consid- ered hazing even to a small degree, it's not worth the waste of time because there is a better option. Complicating the matter further, some people claim to like being hazed because they feel they earn their orga- nizational affiliation that way. That's like saying they enjoy getting punched in the face. I think what those people actually like is being part of a group that pays attention to and challenges them - neither of which hazing really does. Traditions will continue at this Uni- versity long after we all leave. Many will have the opportunity to cement a lasting legacy on an athletic field, the stage, in a classroom or at a meeting table. In addition to other successes, make hazing prevention a part of your legacy by replacing abusive practices with better, meaningful alternatives. Neil Tambe can be reached at ntambe@umich.edu. 6 EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Nina Amilineni, Emad Ansari, Emily Barton, Elise Baun, Harun Buljina, Ben Caleca, Satyajeet Deshmukh, Brian Flaherty, Emmarie Huetteman, Emma Jeszke, Sutha Kanagasingam, Shannon Kellman, Edward McPhee, Matthew Shutler, Neil Tambe, Radhika Upadhyaya, Rachel Van Gilder