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January 30, 2009 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-01-30

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, January 30, 2009



begins in
court case

Pamphlets, buttons, condoms and candy were available to the public at Sexpertise on the terrace of East Hall last night. The two-day long event brings in local experts to
discuss matters of sexual health and relationships in conversations and activities.
Yost tightens security meas'ures

Kampfer, two
others testify about
incident in detail
Daily News Editor
A preliminary hearing for
the former University athlete
who allegedly attacked a hockey
player in October began yester-
day morning in the Washtenaw
County 15th District Court.
Mike Milano is charged with
aggravated assault and assault
with intent to commit great
bodily harm less than murder, a
felony carrying a penalty of up to
10 years in prison and a $5,000
fine. Milano, a former walk-
on running back, is accused of
assaulting hockey player Steve
Kampfer on the morning of Oct.
12 on a Church Street sidewalk
near East Quad.
Three days after the incident,
the football team suspended
Milano indefinitely.
The hearing was adjourned
after almost four hours yester-
day and will resume Wednesday,
Feb 4., allowing the prosecutor to
prepare for an additional witness
from the defense. There were also
witnesses who were unavailable
for yesterday's hearing.
Judge Elizabeth Pollard Hines
is expected to make a decision
Wednesday on whether to order

Milano to stand trial on the
assault charges.
Three people took the stand
yesterday morning, including
Kampfer, his long-time friend
Mike Anderson who was with
him the night of the incident, and
Engineering senior Neil Patel, the
prosecution's primary witness.
Milano did not testify during
yesterday's hearing.
Kampfer testified for -over an
hour during the hearing. He said
he went to meet his ex-girlfriend
the night of the incident because
someone was "creeping her out"
at Rick's American Cafe.
Kampfer testified that when he
arrived at the Church Street bar
he found his ex-girlfriend stand-
ing outside on the sidewalk with a
few friends. Milano, who Kamp-
fer said he had never met before
that night, was also outside with
two of his friends.
Kampfer said that he and his
ex-girlfriend got into an argu-
ment. They then walked across
the street to hold a private con-
Kampfer testified that he
grabbed her arm to try and calm
her down after she got upset.
Milano then crossed the street
with two of his friends and con-
fronted him, Kampfer said.
"He was angry, upset," Kamp-
fer said, "with the intention of
Anderson, Kampfer's life-long
See HEARING, Page 3

Kampfer's father not
allowed in most
University buildings
Daily StaffReporters

dent in the visitor's locker room, the
Central Collegiate Hockey Associa-
tion announced the implementa-
tion of increased security measures
at Yost Ice Arena.
Throughout the season, the
visitor's locker room, located on
the south side of the arena, was
.expanded with temporary walls
and curtains to give teams more

outside the curtain and another a
few feet away, near the door to the
team buses.
Starting at this Saturday's game
against Notre Dame, the University
will increase the number of police-
men and security guards at Yost,
according to a statement from the
CCHA released yesterday. -
The University will also require
credentials to enter the visitor's
locker room and will have the "abil-
ity to utilize an overhead steel door

between the locker-room area and
spectator walkway," according to
the press release.
The new measures come after
last Saturday's incident. Bruce
Kampfer, father of Michigan
hockey player Steve Kampfer, is
now banned from most University
buildings as a result of a confronta-
tion with a Michigan State player in
the visitor's locker room.
With less than a minute left in
See YOST, Page 3

Five days after the parent of a space. Before the new security
Michigan hockey player was given a measures, one Department of Pub-
trespass order due to an off-ice inci- lic Safety officer typically stood

In third annual event,
student groups raise
$5,200 for charity

Stars from 'The Wire' discuss the show's
characterization of America's inner cities

Daily StaffReporter
"Take it off," a crowd of 300
students shouted to Arab Student
Association President Jad Ibrahim.
"Your sweater, take it offt"
Ibrahim was one of 18 students
who participated in a date auction
at the Michigan League Ballroom
last night.
Bringing in $625 for Project
Suyana - a organization that aims
to improve health care and reduce
poverty in Puno, Peru - a date
with Ibrahim fetched the highest
bid last night.
The Hollywood-themed event
was hosted by Comco, a student com-
edy group. The University's Bhangra
team performed, along ~ with the
Harmonettes a capella group and
Groove, a percussion group.
The auction raised $5,200. The
second-highest bid went to Michi-
gan Student Assembly President
Sabrina Shingwani. Michigan
hockey captain Chris Summers
auctioned off a hockey lesson for
In addition to auctions, the
group sold 50-50 raffle tickets and
beaded necklaces. The person who

purchased the most necklaces was
auctioned off at the end of night.
Last night's event was Project
Suyana's third date auction in as
many years to raise money for the
group's efforts in Peru.
Project Suyana manager Grace
Li said the funds raised by the auc-
tion this year will be going toward
constructing a shelter for expectant
mothers in the rural Andean regions.
"The shelter, called a Casa de
Estar, will accommodate high-risk
women prior to their scheduled
delivery date to provide adequate
gynecologic and obstetric care
The five highest prices bid for dates
tad Ibrahim, ArabStudent Association,
2 Sabrina Shingwani, Michigan Student
3 LatiftAl-Roumi, Arab Student Association,
4 MinaPirzadeh, Persian Student Association,
5 Ashwin Ramanath, Indian American
Student Association, $210

Audience members
questioned panel on
plot, season finale
For theDaily
More than 250 students, pro-
fessors and community members
crammed into an Angell Hall audi-
torium last night to hear the stars
of "The Wire," a hit HBO drama,
discuss the show's commentary on
the racial and social realities of life
in inner city Baltimore.
Two of the shows stars, Clark
Johnson and Sonja Sohn, kicked
off "Heart of the City Symposium:
Black Urban Life on 'The Wire'
" with a casual discussion of the
show and its take on the current
state of racial issues in America as
the nation's first black president
takes office.
The event was part of a two-
day symposium on how the show
addressed the systemic dysfunc-
tions that plague the modern
American inner city.
The evening's event was com-
prised mostly of a back-and-forth
conversation between the actors
and members of the audience.
Robin R. Means Coleman, an asso-

system and the media's portrayal
of it all, "The Wire" has been criti-
cally acclaimed for its insight into
the modern day black urban expe-
While the event was meant to
focus on how "The Wire" speaks
to race issues after Obama's elec-
tion, the conversation quickly
moved to the shows intricate plot
and much anticipated series finale,
which aired in March.
One ofthe maintopics discussed
was how accurate the show's por-
trayal of Baltimore was in the eyes
of its audience members.
When asked about her relation-
ship to the city, Sohn said that
when she first moved there to
begin filming the series, she saw "a
really segregated city."
However, she said that as she
began to get a better sense of the
city, she saw a community divided
along socioeconomic lines, rather
than strictly racial barriers - a
nuance she said the show was able
to portray accurately.
"The essence of the show was
to keep it real and to make it real,"
Sohn said.
. She added: "The show itself is
an ode to Baltimore."
When an audience member
asked how a show about drug cul-
See THE WIRE, Page 3

Actress Kima Greggs (left), LSA Prof. Robin R. Means Coleman and Actor Clark
Johnson speak at an event about "The Wire" in Angell Hall last night.
ciate professor of communications margins of society, a subject rarely
studies, moderated the discussion. shown on television. Through the
"The Wire," which aired its fifth complex interactions between law
and final season last spring, is a enforcement,governmentofficials,
series about how people live on the drug dealers, the public school


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