p p p p p 9 " S 0 el The Michigan DDaily Wednesday, . 2009 Magazine Editor: Jessica Vosgerchian Editor in Chief: Gary Graca Managing Editor: Courtney Ratkowiak Photo Editor: Sam Wolson Multimedia Editor: David Azad Merian Junk Drawer: Brian Tengel Center spread design: Lan Truong Cover photo: Sam Wolson The Statement is The Michigan Daily's news magazine, distributed every Wednesday during the academic year. new rules rule 176: Mak- ing a big show of washing one sink full of dishes doesn't amend for many plates you let get crusty in the living room all year. rule 177: It's really not all right to get upset if someone doesn't notice your new haircut. rule 178: Wak- ing and baking is fine in some situations - bad hangover, lan- guage class -- but only if no one can tell. E-mail rule submissions to TheStatement@umich.edu Ads with eyes Sponsored Links Think You're Pregnant? by Kristen Steagall Oral contraception. Morning-after pill. Pregnancy tests. Click here. Teeth Whitening of your Inbox and the reason tnherently, there is contro- as online marketing becomes why advertisers take so much versy surrounding this type of more popular. For many, it interest in your Facebook inter- advertising, and not just from seems like Big Brother really' ests. The Big Brother-esque ads those targeted by it. is watching their every online change according to e-mails First, there is much specu- move. you send, items you search for lation over whether or not this Last weekend, I created and information you put dn type of seemingly advanced four new Facebook accounts your Facebook profile page. form of advertising is even for straight and gay male in a media climate that is effective. If the ad is placed in and female users to see just quickly becoming more based a social network like MySpace- how the advertising on Face- online than on TV or in print, or Facebook, it may be shown to book adapts to information in advertisers are struggling to its target audience, but there's a user's profile. The lesbian regain the security of invest- the question of whether view- account I created generated ads ing in a TV commercial. It used ers will even notice it. People for The Perfect Partner, a dat- to be that a company could go to Facebook.com to use the ing site "designed exclusively purchase an ad spot during a product that Facebook offers: for today's gay women by gay certain hour on a specific chan- -online socializing. women" and for Proud Singles, nel and they would know what "In the ad world, there is a another gay dating site. Both sive, ano otten invasive, worto of advertising, the question remains of what could be done. For an answer, we could look to our neighbor to the north. Professors at the University of Ottawa's Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic have issued a complaint with the Canada's Office of the Privacy Commissioner over the issue. A digital scan qf your photo albums proves you need it! Your One True Love THE EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK with JESSICA VOSGERCHIAN A look at the big news events this week and how important they really are. Conveniently rated from one to10. RABBIT R.I.P. American master novelist John Updike died of lung cancer Tuesday. He was 72. Updike, best known for the "Rabbit" series, was a master of letters of such quality that many people assumed he must have already been dead. But the prolific author was anything but - in fact, he continued to publish about a book a year and write criticism for publications like The New Yorker up until his death. Basically, he was more productive in his dying days than you'll likely be in your lifetime. REMEMBER THE CONSTITUTION? President Obama issued a series of executive orders last week meant to dismantle former President Bush's most controversial anti-terrorism poli- cies. If all goes according to plan, the Guantanamo Bay detention center and the CIA's network of secret prisons will be closed within a year. The CIA will also cease to use interrogation techniques that some claim are torture. Obama's gesture is bittersweet, though. A government with con- stitutional limitations will be so much more predictable than what we had in the Bush years. Slander, even. NATIONAL NO WORK DAY Companies from every corner of the job market annouced layoffs amount- ing to more than 65,000 jobs cut on Monday alone. The United States economy has lost more than 2.5 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007. But on the bright side, The Detroit News reports that one industry is thriving in these hard times: area psychics have seen a spike in business from people wanting to know about theirjob security. That might be a career path to consider for recent graduates. "You're in great danger of losing yourjob" - now, that isn't so hard. A LOT OF HOT AYERS Controversial activist Bill Ayers spoke at the Hatcher Graduate Library Tuesday with his wife and fellow activist Bernadine Dohrn. A former member of the violent activist group The Weather Ground, Ayers was thrust into the spotlight during the election when Republicans tried to attack Obama for knowing the former "terrorist.*In his speech on campus, Ayers lectured that real change comes from the ground up. But if the result of youthful activism is nearly propelling someone like Sarah Palin to the White House, perhaps we should abstain. 2 We've scoured the web to find your perfect match. More Ads