The Michigan Daily - 4A - Monday, January 26, 2009 lie ffidiigan B&aiIy Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 GARY GRACA ROBERT SOAVE COURTNEY RATKOWIAK EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position oftthe Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views ofttheir authors. Wasting students' time MSA should focus its attention on campus issues first fter two long, drawn-out meetings on January 13 and 21, the Michigan Student Assembly finally passed the reso- lution that it had debated for so long. This all-important, time-consuming resolution was a statement expressing regret for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. As the student government of the University, MSA is supposed to represent the students and work toward solving issues that concern them. But yet again, it has neglected its responsibility to students and wasted time argu- ing about an issue over which it has no jurisdiction to address. If MSA wants to earn respect, it must mount a tangible effort to solve some of the issues that pertain to campus life for students instead . NOTABLE QUOTABE Fun is not the first adjective that comes to mind:' - Rahm Emanuel, President Barack Obama's chief of staff, talking about his first week in the White House, as reported yesterday by The New York Times. CHRIS KOSLOWSKI T PASTURE E-MAIL CHRIS AT CSKOSLOW@UMICH.EDU TThevery"Three Weekly s asmor paper,like the Did you read lsie the Review, oily Oio fr Michiga swdeta. week'sE3W' tentertainingY ai lyD Ev , 3Aai ti4I 's teen WhrtI&Iartdonif&d * * No Kennedys need apply i of issuing pointless statements. MSA has spent the majority of its last two meetings debating over resolutions about the crisis in Gaza. A Thursday night's meet- ing, the assembly finally settled on a resolu- tion calling for the American Movement for Israel and Students Allied for Freedom and Equality to c ome together with any other interested students and screen a documen- tary about Arabic and Jewish women coex- isting peacefully. This was a compromise resolution after a more strongly worded resolution calling for a permanent cease fire failed to pass. The problem with the approved resolution is not that it doesn't do enough to address the crisis in Gaza. The problem is that MSA is spending its tite on the issue. Despite what members of the assembly may think, their personal feelings about the situation in Gaza should not come before their commitment to dealing with campus issues. There are plentyof issues that students are trusting MSA to hsandle. The assembly needs to follow through on its promise of better lighting across camuspus. It needs to improve its website - including actually posting the minutes from its meetings - so that students have a way of checking up and seeing what's going on in MSA. Representatives need to confront campus crime. And, as the Univer- sity faces the prospect of decreased fund- ing from the state, students are counting on MSA to be their voice for college afford- ability. What we're getting now is a student government that cares more about debating distant international issues than discussing the improvements students need. Every election cycle, MSA representatives promise to take care of these issues, and every MSA session, the results are disap- pointing. If MSA fulfilled its promises and worked with students, perhaps its elections would see a rise in voter turnout. Last elec- tion only 9.6 percent of campus voted. This isn't surprising, because students have vir- tually no way to express dissatsfaction with MSA's single party, the Michigan Action Party, aside from simply not voting. And this allows MSA to get away with not serving students' needs. At the root of this problem may simply be the way that MSA views itself. Actions like the unnecessary Gaza resolution reveal that the members of MSA think it's more impor- tant to pretend to be the U.S. Senate than representatives elected to confront the prob- lems of University students. MSA represen- tatives must hold themselves accountable to students' wishes and work for students to improve campus. There's something with Ameri- cans that makes us hate enti- tlement. We just can't stand people who think they should get something just because it's their prerogative, and naturally coupled with that is our love of underdogs. ButI there are problems that arise when we IMRAN so easily generalize SYED about who the good and bad guys are. When I first heard that Caroline Kennedy might be appointed to fill the New York Sen- ate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton, an almost embarrassing excitement over- took me. Always a pragmatic skeptic, I'm generally not easily bowled over. And yet here I was, swept away at the prospect of President John Kennedy's daughter goingto the Senate. My excitement went beyond just the creepy fixation alot of people have with the Kennedys. Caroline is a lawyer who has written books on civil liberties and the Constitution. To a law student like me, that counts for at least six years of political experience. That, along with the very personal endorsement she gave to Barack Obama and the vibrant (even if not prolific) voice she became on the campaign trail, seemed to make her one among many appropriate choices for New York Gov. David Paterson to consider. And then came the backlash, mostly from those salt-o'-the-Earth New York- ers (iced lattos and all) decrying what they saw as prissy entitlement: "Caro- line Kennedy isn't experienced enough. She isn't enough of a New Yorker. She's just a child of privilege blinded by van- ity." Some of that criticism is true. Ken- nedy has never held political office, and the Senate is an assumptive place to start. Although she attended Colum- bia Law School and has lived in New York City most of her life, Kennedy hasn't exactly had an ear pressed to the ground for news regarding the rest of the state. And while she appears to be a very grounded person, entertaining even the thoughtcof being nominated to the Senate without any political expe- rience does hint at a sense of entitle- ment. But these are all little things. What politician doesn't have a sense of enti- tlement? (Isn'tit arequirement, really?) At least Kennedy has lived in New York for mostofher life, whichis muchmore than could be said for Hillary Clinton. And after an election where NewYork- ers overwhelmingly supported Obama, they hardly have the right to throw Kennedy's lack of experience in her face. Yet, while Kennedy did have a solid rank of supporters, the backlash steadily gained steam in recent weeks. Kennedy's abrupt decision last week to withdraw herself from consider- ation for the seat was almost certainly a result of her seeingthe writing on the wall. For hardworking, everyday Ameri- cans, liking an affluent Kennedy is tough. It's much easier to embrace an underdog because we like our heroes to rise from being face down in the streets, not from the laps of presidents (George W. Bush was an unfortunate aberration). We like someone we can point at as we tell our kids thatthey can do anything if they really try. For example, let me describe to you the exact type of hero we like. Imag- ine a poor boy, a son of poor Serbian immigrants, living in a poor Chicago neighborhood. His father is a poor steel worker; his family is poor, so he works odd jobs to make some money. Some- how he rises from all that poorness to go to college, does well enough to transfer to Northwestern University and then goes on to get a law degree. Tearing up yet? Is this ultimate under- dog overload or what? Wait, it actually gets better. Our poor immigrant boy goes into politics and becomes the gov- ernor of Illinois. Yes, that's the true story of Rod Blagojevich. Obviously, not all underdogs are slea- zy, andI'mcertainlynotsayingthatrich people should be handed everythin in life. That would be an awful state of affairs where incompetent people would be in power just because of who their fathers were. But actively work- ing to preclude people who may have Our "little guy mentality meant Caroline didn't stand a chance. had famous fathers is just as bad: They 'have the right tobe considered just like any other qualified person. Kennedy is hardly the first to think she is entitled to a Senate seat, and she has plenty of reasons for thinking so. But why is she the only one who has to answer for her family, her name and her money? , Whilenotnearlyas harshordestruc- tive as racism or sexism, this obsession with the little guy and this vindictive hatred of those who may not have had to work seven jobs through highschool really amounts to a prejudice (the same prejudice recently espoused in the jingoistic, "real America" stylings of Sarah Palin). And prejudices, no matter how well-meaning or minimal, always have nasty consequences. Imran Syed was the Daily's editorial page editor in 2007. He can be reached ELISE BAUN Outlaws no more I would like to thank Yannick Wood for con- tributing to the cheating paranoia of the faculty at the University. His viewpoint outlined how often he chsested in his language courses (Out- laws in the MI I t01/12/09). He then went on to express his own conspiracy theory about how all of his fellow foreign language students are cheat- ing as well. I just ant to say t this is totally untrue. Two of my r:sssmmates have been accused of cheating, evsen though they'd done nothing wrong (they were both exonerated). I'm not sure what would compel one student to purge his conscience by not only claiming that cheating in undergraduate laguage courses was under- stood, but also thiat it was expected. I took Spanish 22 not because I needed it to graduate, but ictually because I was looking forward to leL'rn iig mi !ore about the language. I understand thratr mna students at this Univer- sitytake their laishm sue esourses just to fulfill the language requiremiseit, but I would also suggest that they tae a linguage that interests them. Wood appIears to have taken French for his language requirernent an id, according to him, cheated on many of the tests in order to receive a higher gr ade. In light o this, I would also like to thank Wood for thlrowing) into dolt the integrity of the grade that I rcei ed I: i: mviyngu age courses. I have work e1ha ia,' f r eey Erade that I have received at this Univ eesity. I espict my fellow students to do the sii:. : I c i:: sounderstand that some studeints psrsi lly use sssome "extra" means to help secure ih:ir grsde. I cannot condemn anyone for using wsv e "tools" they have, but I can- not sy mi lpai ,6i ' vi one student consfessing his wrongi:i.n is i' , ent ire University and cast- ing a shla dsw isupo iie eacomsplishments of every other language student. JA SON MAHAd iANd Unfortunately, Wood went even further than just confessing. He actually made the claim that his actions were perfectly legit because everyone else does it. But this ancient defense mechanism of saying, "Well, everybody does it," is not a valid - excuse for the actions of one individual. Wood also argued that it wasn't his fault because the teachers made him do it. He blamed the professors' choice of material, claiming that it was outdated. I will concede that perhaps, in his case, some of the material had been used before. But even if this material had been slight- ly outdated, this reason in itself does not excuse his actions. Our professors deserve respect. Cheating in class and advertising this fact is bla- tantly disrespectful to teachers and to the stu- dent body. While some material could benefit from an update, other language courses have been revaped. My Spanish 232 class had new books tht my professor had written. She was connect- ed with the text and enthusiastic about teaching students abougSpanish culture.Wood, inhisrude viewpoint, suggested that his professors haven't made the material interesting enough for him to put in the full effort. Perhaps he just didn't take the right course for him. All the same, cheating was not the way to handle a dull class. Wood confused his own situaionby relaingiy to the rest of the student body at large. I sincerely hope that no profesor will read his words and believe that a majority of their students haven't chosen to put in the work required to receive a good grade. Hopefully, no more of my roommates will be accused of cheating because one student thought he could assuage his own guilt by blam- ingnot only all language students, but the profes- sors as well. Elise Baun is anS LSA senior. E-MAIL JASON AT MAHAKIAJ@UMICH.EDU LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be less than 300 words and must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. Letters are edited for style, length, clarity and accuracy. All submissions become property of the Daily. We do not print anonymous letters. Send letters to HAMDAN YOUSUF I VI T WhyMSA addresses issues outside A2 In recent days, students have expressed their frustra- tion with the Michigan Student Assembly's resolution on the situation in Gaza. I wholeheartedly agree. But the issue is not that MSA should spend its time on more "relevant" matters. Tuition hikes and campus safety are major issues of concern for all of us, but MSA would do a disservice to the student body were it to remain silent in the face of glob- al tragedy. The resolution passed last Tuesday is an inad- equate response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. And we can be silent no longer. As a student of public health, I study epidemics and disease prevention. In my classes, I learn about using statistical models to improve quality of life and to tackle cutting-edge problems in genomics, survival analysis, and cancer research. Our school hosts seminars and colloquia on socioeconomic inequities in the healthcare system. And yet I am asked to take in all that knowledge and remain on the sidelines as I see 1,300 innocent lives being lost in a matter of weeks. Over 300 children are massacred and 5,000 civilians are wounded. How can I be expected to ignore that? A temporary ceasefire may have been reached, but make no mistake, a catastrophe of human suffering looms in the horizon. Four hundred thousand people - 1 in 3 Gazans - are without running water today. Fifty thousand people have been left homeless. That's more than the University's entire student body. They may not have to deal with nega- tive 15 degree wind chills, but tonight, they have no place to sleep and no roof over their heads because their homes were blown up and destroyed. As we celebrate the inaugu- ration of President Obama, in some remote corner of the world, a young child is digging through the rubble to find the charred remains of his mother's body. How can anyone tell me that isn't relevant? Don't let anyone tell you this is about politics or contro- versy. This is about a humanitarian crisis. It has nothing to do with black or white or brown, rich or poor, Arab or Israeli, Muslim or Jewish. Too many excuses have been made for our inaction and too many false reasons given for why we should continue about our daily lives without a care for the pains of the rest of the world. Today we must say enough. Let us shelve for goodthe stereotypical view of the "ugly American": narrow-minded, self-centered, absorbed in a little bubble, nodding along to an iPod and utterly oblivi- ous to the rest of the world. Let's look beyond the narrow4 confines of our pristine campus. Let's have the strength to dream of a better, more peaceful world. The past weeks have seen hundreds of our fellow stu- dents take to the streets, braving the bitter cold, to make their voices heard. Some would criticize those of us who choose to speak up; such matters are better left to the Unit- ed Nations, they remark sarcastically. President Obama addressed such "haters" in his Inaugural Address. "Their memories are short," he said. "For they have forgotten what this country has already done; what free men and women can achieve when imagination is joined to common purpose, and necessity to courage." Michigan is no ordinary school, and ours is no ordinary student body. We inherit a rich and storied heritage of stu- dent activism and we must strive to live up to its legacy. After all, it was Michigan students who protested against apartheid South Africa. When this university wouldn't hire black professors, it was our students who took over admin- istration buildings. When President Johnson ordered the bombing of North Vietnam, our students - and faculty - united behind the rallying cry of "Not in our name." With such a powerful precedent before us, how then can we b silent today? These are powerful times we live in. Who could have ever imagined that a black man with a middle name of Hussein would become President? Let us draw strength from the symbolism of that moment and draw the cour- age to speak up for our convictions, to turn our attention beyond our problem sets and our papers and our classes. Let it not be said that the students at this great institution' the leaders of the future, were deaf to the pleas of suffering Gazans. Let it not be said that we considered their plight "irrelevant." Hamdan Yousuf is a Michigan Student Assembly representative from the School of Public Health. vWM FOP, MOT VOTING ok O ..a.$1r"A 3AI ~jog~)J50 RL,1-,11 -ic -b 51? 4-5 Th 47Ata-L A~ i C I I