8A - Tuesday, January 20, 2009 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com To combat recent spike in graffiti, City Council hopes to pass new legislation Businesses would opment Authority and city staff to consider revisions to the proposed have up to nine days ordinance. During that meeting, they to remove paint decided that the fine for having graffiti on your property was too steep. By LARA ZADE The revised ordinance also Daily StaffReporter extends the period of time that property owners have to remove Many buildings that line the graffiti. Now business owners blocks of State Street feature cryp- would have seven to nine days to tic spray painted messages and remove any graffiti on their prop- designs that may seem playful and erty as opposed to the two-to-four humorous to some. But for many day limit after the city issues a Ann Arbor business owners and notice under the old ordinance. city officials, the recent increase Failure to clean up the graf- in.graffiti is a public nuisance that fiti would result in the issuance of a needs remedying. ticket of up to $500 under the origi- To combat the recent rise in the nal ordinance. graffiti, business owners worked Another change in the new ver- with City Council to draft a new sion of the ordinance is that if anti-graffiti ordinance, which property owners fail to remove the passed at its first reading on Dec. graffiti in the given timeframe, the 15. But after further discussion city will remove the graffiti itself with local business owners, coun- and the cost of removal will be cil members decided that a revised passed on to the property owner. version of the ordinance was need- City Council Member Chris- ed. That amended version will be topher Taylor said the proposal considered at tonight's meeting. would shift the focus of the current If approved, the ordinance will city regulations regarding graffiti, take effect 90 days after tonight's which are now targeted exclusively meeting. at people who apply graffiti, not After the approval of the pro- property owners. posal's first reading in December, Taylor also said businesses sponsors of the new ordinance met expressed concerns that some with Ann Arbor business owners, property owners don't care enough the Ann Arbor Area Chamber of to remove graffiti from their prop- Commerce, the Downtown Devel- erty. 6 0 6 The graffiti-covered alley located behind the Michigan Theater on Liberty Street is well-known for its street art. It won't be affected by the city's new ordinance a Economic panel discusses how financial crisis affects 'U' students UN: Hundreds of millions needed for Gaza support Three speakers field questions about admissions and money management ByJENNA SKOLLER Daily StaffReporter To help give students a better understanding of the economic cri- sis, a panel was held Friday to dis- cuss how the crisis not only affects those on Wall Street, but also those on State Street. LSA Student Government and the Michigan Economics Society held "The Financial Crisis and You" Friday in the Rackham Amphithe- atre as a way to keep Michigan stu- dents informed about the financial crisis and how it may impact them directly. The event began with a few pre- pared remarks about the economic crisis from each of the three speak- ers for the night - Chair of the Economics Department Prof. Linda Tesar, Economics Prof. Jim Adams 0 , 1Lrs and Provost Teresa Sullivan. Tesar gave her take on the finan- cial crisis and urged students to use the difficult economic times to build up their resumes by pursuing a mas- ter's degree or looking into service options like the Peace Corps. "This is a very good time to invest in your human capital," Tesar said. "It's going to be a rough market out their for a while." When Adams took the psdium after Tesar, he used the time to place the financial crisis in the con- text of a college student. "I want to focus on you as a stu- dent and what it means to have the University as an experience, as an opportunity to think of the finan- cial crisis in a way that is very dif- ferent," Adams said. Both Tesar and Adams stressed the importance of looking to the past in order to help people cope with the present. "Some of this is diji vu all over again, and I think sometimes we forget to look back into history for the lessons that are right there in front of us," Tesar said. Sullivan took the podium next with a PowerPoint presentation and a fewwords abouthow the crisis may impact student finances. She then explained where the University bud- get comes from and for what aspect of an education each part is used. Following these prepared remarks, a question-and-answer session commenced. The questions were fielded by the three speak- ers, along with Margaret Rodri- guez from the Office of Financial Aid and Beth Blanco from the UM Credit Union. One audience member asked why the University doesn't increase the number of out-of-state students to make up for the lost money from declining government funding. Sullivan responded that radi- cal changes in the number of out- of-state students accepted would inevitably anger people who believe students from Michigan should take priority in the admissions pro- cess. She added, however, that this might change as the economic situ- ation worsens. "I think that hard times might (result) in general changes in that policy," Sullivan said. Another question touched on the issue of how students can educate themselves about financial issues. "The University does provide entrance counseling and exit coun- seling for students who borrow money," Sullivan said. "We are also trying to educate students that if they do need to borrow money, we're the place to start." LSA senior Ruotao Wang, who attended the event and serves on the Student Budget Advisory Com- mittee - a group primarily made up of students convenedby the Provost to discuss budgetary issues - said he felt this event was important to help educate students on how their tuition is spent. "I feel like a lot more students are now aware of where (tuition money) actually goes, where it can't go and some of the issues we are currently facing," he said. LSAjuniorFiona Spezia, who was also at the event, said she agreed that it was useful, but wished the panel had provided more concrete answers. "I think that it went really well, and I got some good information," Spezia said. "But I also feel like some of the questions weren't real- ly answered, that the answers were kind of fluffy." Karey Quarton, who serves on LSA Student Government's Aca- demic Affairs Committee and was one of the event's organizers said that she thought it was a success, but hopes the discussion will continue. "I think starting a dialogue was important," Quarton said. "But I hope students will continue to ask questions, because this is the first step, this isn't the solution." 400,000 in region still without running water UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid will be needed immediately to help Gaza's 1.4 million people and billions of dol- lars will be required to rebuild its shattered buildings and infra- structure, the U.N. humanitarian chief said yesterday. John Holmes said some neigh- borhoods have been almost totally destroyed, there are huge medical and food needs, sewage is flowing in some streets, and unexploded ordnance is posing a big problem. While100,000peoplehad their running water restored on Sun- day, 400,000 still have no water, electricity is available for less than half the day, and 100,000 people are displaced from their homes, Holmes said. "It may not be very clear who actually won this conflict, if such a concept means anything in Gaza, but I think it's pretty clear who lost and that was the civil- ian population of Gaza..." Holmes told reporters at U.N. headquar- ters. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said over the weekend that he was sending a U.N. team to assess the humanitarian needs and wanted a report in 10 days so the U.N. can issue an emergency appeal for funds. Speaking to reporters at U.N. headquarters, Holmes said U.N. staff in Gaza are already trying "to find out as much as they can about how great the damage is and how great the needs are." Asked to estimate the costs, Holmes said he couldn't give exact figures until the assess- ments are completed. "I think on the purely humani- tarian and early recovery side ... it will be hundreds of million of dollars," he said, "and no doubt the overall reconstruction costs will be numbered in billions of dollars, but I wouldn't; want to put a figure on it beyond that." Holmesstressed,however,thatto successfully rebuild Gaza, the cur- rent "temporary and fragile cease- fire" must be transformed into a permanent and durable truce. Russia, Ukraine sign gas deal, end standoff Deal ends two-week cutoff of natural gas shipments MOSCOW (AP) - Russia and Ukraine pledged to restore natu- ral gas supplies to Europe after signing deals yesterday to end a bitter dispute that led to a chilling two-week cutoff of shipments. Europeans, who normally get about one-fifth of their gas from Russia" via Ukrainian, pipelines, anxiously awaited for the fuel to start flowing. Russian Prime Minister Vladi- mir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Yulia Tymoshenko yesterday signed the documents at Putin's government headquarters on the Moscow river. They result- ed from an outline agreement they had clinched in late-night talks Sunday as heads of Russia's state- run natural gas monopoly Gaz- prom and the Ukraine's Naftogaz. "As a result of intensive and lengthy talks we have reached agreement on all issues concern- ing natural gas supply to Ukraine and its transit to Europe," Putin said. He said Gazprom had been instructed to resume shipments bound for Europe that had been halted since Jan. 7 as Moscow and Kiev argued over 2009 gas prices and allegations that Ukraine was stealing gas destined for Europe. Tymoshenko said the gas would be pumped toward Europe as soon as it enters the Ukrainian pipes. Early today, Gazprom chief Alexei Miller ordered the resump- tion of deliveries bound for Europe via Ukraine to begin at 10 a.m. (2 a.m. EST) Tuesday. In a directive issued before dawn, Miller told company offi- cials to ensure the neighboring countries' pipeline systems are synchronized to get the gas fiow- ing at the designated time. Officials said the restored gas shipments could take up to 36 hours to cross Ukraine, which is the size of France, and reach European customers. EU officials were taking a wait and see attitude. "We now need an indication of the precise time that gas deliver- ies will be resumed. Our monitors will verify when the gas actually starts to flow," the European Com- mission said. READER KNOWS BEST. i