Ib- Friday, December 5, 2008
the michigan daily
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
Located in fthe heart of
the action ocapus!
1507 S. State
Please Call 734-665-ee25.
centr1 Campus. 734-741-9300.
!4 BDRM. Adorable Abode, furs., dw-
abe., free /dry., free parking, Fall 09.
Big front porcb. Benjamin St., $2300.
Call 734-668-7955 9am-9pm.
Spacious unfumnished Iwo bedroom.
Close In U/be campus. A/C, disb-
wasber, laundry, balcony, free parking.
Cull 734-944-2405.
!!!!!!2009104 LEASING HAS
STARTED!!!!M! Great locations
throughout central & nortb campus!
Cull (734) 761-80001to see your new
bome! primesb.com
!!AVAIL. FALL 2009!! 1 & 2 bed-
room apts. (can live 2 or 4 people) 715
Church SI. & 721 Cburcb St. - Incredi-
ble location! Across from East Quad!!
Beautiful, spacious, quiet. Furmisbed/
unfurmished avail Laundry,
parking, beat and waler paid by land-
lord, no peEs, no smoking. Small man-
agement compasy wills excellent
record of personal service. We provide
first rule service! Lease witb a
company tbat truly cares!
CALL BOBBIE: 734.320.1245.
!!AVAIL FALL 2009!! 3 berm.
bouse. 713 Churcb SI. - Incredible lora-
lion!!. Across from East Quad!!
Furnishned, 2 kitcbens, 2 bathrooms,
full basement, laundry, parking. A
must see!! CALL BOBBIE:
3 Bdrm. apis. -East U.
5-8 Bdrm. houses -
Spacious remodeled apt. witb refin-
isbed bardwood floor, new kitcben and
bath. Available Fall. 734-944-2403.
*FOR MAY AND Sept. 2009 Lease. 4-
A Bdrm. bses. & 1-3 bdrm. apts. on ctr
Call today for an appointment
and visit our websitel
***3 BDRM TRI-LEVEL*un avail.
January or May. Hardwood floors.
folly fomnisbed, washer/dryer and car-
port. 741-9300
t*FEELS LIKE HOME** Unique 4
bdrm apt in Burns Park. Hardwood
floors, large rooms, bigb ceilings, park-
ing, private yard. www.varsitymanage-
menlcom, 734-668-1100.
5 & 6 Bedroom Houses
Sept. & May 2009
ICopi Properties
lleatl& waler
Excellen naintenance
Glreat locatin
FREE wireless internet
24 hr attenn
Varsity Management
Studios, 1, 2, 3 and 4 bdrms
09/10 on Central Campus!
5 BDRM. HOUSE- $2600/mo. Full
09. Call 610-952-5269 or email for
pies & info louisbreskman~ayaboo.com
Cmltely Remodeled
8br- 4 bath house
515 AND 521 Walnut: 1 bdrms?
Cbcck. 2 brass? Chcck. Great price?
ING IS YOU! Call Varsity Manage-
went at 734-668-1100 to secure your
housing before Winter break!
6 BDRM. FALL 09. 716 E. Kingsley.
3 bath, 3 prkg. spaces. Off State St.
$3400 pins utilities. 734-996-1991.
6 BDRM. HOUSE on N. Thayer by
School of Nursing. 3 BATHS, Farn.,
feer]dry, prkg. Furs. Sept. lease.
$3580. 734-706-0249.
901 Packa8
Updated, beatflyurnished
Parking, reludry
(734) 972-7368CO
7 BDRM. FALL 09. 1129 White 8. 3
bath, 2 kitchens, 6 prkg. spaccs, paved
drive and 101. By Packard and Arch.
$3500 plan utilities. 734-996-1991.
7 BDRM. FALL 09. 510 Cathine. 3
kitchens, 3 1 /2 baths, A/C, 4 prkg.
spaces, 2 living ems. Btwn. State and
5th. $3775 plan atilities. 734-996-1991.
811 S. DIVISION 4 hcdrooms, I hath,
parking, laundry. $2000/month
dkiemplnera )comeass~net
Charch. Also 5th and Packard. Various
stzes, effs., 1 & 2 hdrms. 734-260-4003.
-ROOM'S' FOR TAN 09 . individual
short ceases from $66h5monlh 734-418-
2050 www.828GREENEAPTS.com
Gratlcain 1 fNot
*5 or bedroom
* HUGE kitchens
ad lvng rooms
" Furnished
: Parking indudted
Wilson White
830 SYLVAN 3 bdrm. Near Crn1.
Camp. & B-school. Hardwood flrs. At-
Bached garage. Prkg. Aug. 09. $1695.
Ldry. & Dryer. 248-515-7440.
901 PACKARD 6+ bdrm home. Up-
dated, beutifully furnished. Prkg, free
Indry. (734) 972-7368.
I, .1
Fall 2009
Furnished 1 & 2 Bdrm
apartments on central campus
848 Tappan &i1.05 Vaughn
Call to Schedule a Tour
M-F 734-668-1100
Evenings and Weekends 313-300-4455
INES! Your attention please!
Campus Management, Inc. invites you
to visit www.CampusMgt.com, the best
local website for the best selection of
apartments and houses. We specialize
in houses and apartments with 3 to 6
bedrooms very close to central campus.
Lots of 2 bedroom apts. and smaller
available too! All are attractively
priced, most inclade parking, many are
famnished and some include utilities.
The rush is on and we are actively
showing housing to hundreds of people
each week. Contact as by phone to
schedule a personal showing with our
rental agent. Ask for Pat. 663-4101.
AVAIL, MAY - 5 bdrm. duplex. 1114
Prospect. Lg. bdrms., modern kitch.,
central A/C. Free ldry. $2750 + util.
734-665-2723. sbahtiger~chotmaii.eom
734-663-5609 UM Atheltic Facilities
I on Woodlawn
**a513 OSWEGO*oo
HOUSE FOR RENT (248) 935-6555
Hill St. w/ den and stady. Updated
kitch. Featuring wshr/dryer, garbage ________________
disposal and microwave. On site ldry. 2 BDRM. 2 bath apt. On bus route. In-.
and prkg. S 1,595.00/mo. Available to- door pool 1235 s. maple. Avail, now!
day. Contact 715-482-0000.
Call Campus Management@ 2009 HOUSES AND aparments at
734-663-4101 ext 24. great locations. Thoroughly updated.
**88CATHERINE*** Please check michiganrentalicom or
RuOOM O R EN call (734) 327-0529.
Rooms available $345.00/real & 3 BDRM APT!. 1004 5. Forest #B3.
$40.00/util. charge per month. May Lease. $1350/mo.
Call Campus Management P Carlsonpropertiescom 734 332 6000.
734-663-4101 ext 24. 331 CATHERINEt TWO 3 bdrm
1 & 2 Bdrm., farn. apts. 402 Hill St. & apartments or combine for 6 bdrm
1313 S. State. Sept. 09. Ldry., A/C, houise. Contact Varsity Management
heal, free prkg: Call 734-904-6735. for more info. 734-668-I1100.
2 BDRM apt. 1004 S. Forest6HBi.
May Lease. S900amo. Med, Dent, Nursing, BioSci
Carlsopproper 2sco_34332 6000
ROOM AVAILABLE IN 5 bdrm. 1 (734) 769-7520 1
house. $650 per month. 734-665-8825. 1&2br.At.na .SaeSt.
S IRISH PJ4JIJw hisigumi.du w05Istlrxosm
2968 ,eoooroneells~comn ___________
3 BRM APTS near CCRB! Looking
for spaeious, quality, apts? Look no
'EDNSD " EVRY TURSDY,= further! 1346 and,1506 Geddes. Hleat,
water, parking, dishwasher, furnished.
4 BDRM BI1-irvel near herrlows.
U Large modern kitchen, 1.5 baths, fully
s famnished ad much mare! 741-9300
4 BDRM. FALL 09. 927 S. Division.
I bath, 4 prkg. spaces, wshr/drer. By
Hoover. $2240 plus util. 734-996-1991.
4 BLOCKS FROM Union. Bie hse:5
11904 S. FOREST 6 2. May 09. 4 1arge - o oucn _
bdrms. 1350 Geddes for Fall 09. Large I -
hoase. Both fully furnished, A/C, free
laundry. Parking avail. 734-475-2577
or ballzeliproper esnet sa -o i*v *Nt
AAAAHHH!!! START W/ an anbe-
lievable 2 bdrm with 1100 sqft & 1.5 E
tentDwhs DyE, fitness nroom, sludyd &cI
lounge & you have Geddes Hill apart- 170Bod-i 7't 9460
ments! Call today 1o reserve your new
home available spring & fall. 741-9300 _______________
www.annarborapartmrnts.net APARTMENTS AVAIL 2009-10.
Efficieneies, 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms!
ALLMAND PROPERTIESt '09 Famnished, heal & waler included,
Spring and Fall 6 Bdrm 3 batS houses, FREE parking and Etlheret!
2 & 3 Bdrm Apartmentls. Visit oar web- Call today for an appointment to see!
site at wsvw.allmandproperties.com for Prime Student Housing
more infa or call 734-973-7368. 761-8000 primeshecom
uAmenities varies by location
VERY LARGE 3, 4, and 5 hem. apts.
available for fall.Cerussal Campus @a AVAIL. FALL 200)9
234 lObfi Thayra?"Call (734) 657-2096 521 Linden 7 bdrm., 2 bthrm, parking,
or visit wvww.um-housing.com $3800, linden52l(o)me.cum.
________________________ 523 Linden, 6 bdrm., 2 bthem, parking,
$3600, linden523@me.com.
athD,525 Linden 5 bdrm, 2 bthrm, parking.
IE!pa $3400, linden525@mr.cam.
(415) 786-8206.
for fail. Contact PMSI at 734-665-
Pit" " a 552 or www.pmsiproperties.com
w~Ved ad000
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 0 Bag 40S. -Mountains: 82 Dften-played
1 1964 A.L. Rooksie 7 Lou Alamos Alaska/Canada number
of11he Year , pree age 53 Marion who
6 MS. enclosure A Sniggler's gear 41 Like same played Aunt Clara
9 Takiedelightl(in) 9 PetereJacksns switling winds on "Bewitched"
14 Oasis ovemighter "ing Kong" wan 45 Choose be do ape
15 UlyssessC.I.C. one 40 CinematiceCobb 58 Healing 6ign
10 Napoleon, 10 Skeleton start 47 Suits sail, 86 Pool player's
ultimately 11 Kimberly-Clark maybe geme
17Airymrerain householdhbrand 50 Relish 57 Tnp
18 "My Fiend 12 Big G~reen 51 Beltsize, Al Vein fiad
Fliclta," e.g.? opponent basically A2SPIo survio
20 Take 13 Vithyssoise
22 Rating org. veggie ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
23 Seekhanswers 19 Dash feature
24 Send down a 21iHeatlunit MA L T S B A C H 5 B I G
pitcher? 25lIm culd be fnal ATE AT I GL OO O VA
26 Appliationdatum 28Tuced in ROC KA N DR OLL WA N
27lfus ainfyingB to 29Perianfairy a P H E R E a a LO0P I N G
hitAi 30ANomandy river S ET C EY YEA S
32 "Don'tgo in 31 Flip LEWIS CAT1
theres- 32 Tabloid subject
37 Fims-centuhy 33 God, inlthe I R 0 IN S 0 S 0 P E N U P
emperor beginning? NII N EHI G HT OR IS E
38 What happensnat34"Bake-n-_": B ED LA M CAD A FE
aboutlfiveo'clock Rhodesprodt E UR OP OP AC ER S
atladaycare line BERG NEW D RE
center? 35French mine? R ELEA SE SEA T I N G
42 Architec 360English poet ERA HA LL O FFAME R
Saarinen laureole, 1790- SIN EYE N ATARI
43 Fassing words 1013
44 Film-editing 39fGernreichof TED MS D OS TE NO N
deevice fashion awerdusitor~aol.eem 12!04068
48 Waytogo: Abbr. 1 a u 4 5 6 7 8 9. 18 11 12 13
45 Game for Shiraz
swingern? 1415 8
55 tgvian for one
58 Musical motf, Bo 1 s 1
59 Foretopman, e.g.
00 Indonesian 04 - 25
63 Tidledrapper 28 2r 28 29 ust as
64 Oldsacompact as 33 34 m5 s 37
65 Where many
Sami live: Abbr. us
66 1980 rock
autobiugraphy 42a
A7 Stocky dag 4 54 7 4
00 Tickoff
69 Gall 49 50 51 52 53mnal 54
DOWN 5 85 55
1 Aeailabl
2 "Oda a Salvador 60 e1 s~~I I 2 n 53 I I
3 Applesusince 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 Low areas
5 Modifieas ift By Jams sajdiak 11
(c)2008Tribune MediaServies In1c0.0
1g. bdrms. (5-7 persons) Living/dining
ems. 2 kitch., 2 bath., 2 study, Free
1dry. & narking. 83200 17341 717-2017.
Deadline for line ads as 11:30am oesbu
Rates: $4.30 per line for the first issu(
additional consecuive issue. 9 Frequei
contact our staff for details " Students
ads are placed in person with a valid st
business ads only) " All ads must be pr
have been established " We acceptVi
Discover, cash, or check " For ClassifiE
oftour Account Executives
Iday 2 days
8.6 12590
isiness day priorlto publicaton. Classification:
010 - Los! Fosnd
land $2,15 per line for each 020 - For Sole
ncy and Bulk contracts are available- 025 - Parkng
may receive a 25% discount when 030 - Automotive
tudent ID (non-organizational, non- 00 optr
epaid unless prior billing privileges 045 -CoTerg
isa, Mastercard, American Exps, .0450-TFurnture
ed Display advertising, please call one 05-Funtr
060 -For Rent
070 - Sublet
3 days 4 days 5 days 080 - Services
7.20 21.50 25.80 090- Help Wasted
25.80 32.25 38.70 093 - Summer Employrsent
35.40 43.00 5t.60 095- Child Care
100 - Tickets & Trovel
20 -Asnouncements
t by TMD0wllbeuccpies. Misprints:Thte liabilityso
onrfri apusinvincorreadsuun amecfiisuse 123 -Websites
notmore rhan tnecostuoflnvsncrcsrtion . TMD 325- Music
/l i nottidb0 0 pm vn thfr siau/uf pusicution
uvnecsutive5 insrr s ara/yPuesternscdat a 130 - Roommates
ion riagain/ aiysusdorig Oats.Refunedus: 140 - Food & Entertainment
Ps btnrefn a wtll beguglss thecadras notyet
anu appr sova et pa5lisr assertsms rt 150 - Personal
terghtt a-qus: splteraof saries paiorto 160 -Pets
2 lines
3 lines
4 lines
Abbreeviations: Ol
TMD ta aeto out 5
55o us
taars ar usatins as drute
a adtsemtnt any rasc
.;t slurtiscveat errosa a
stsran at n 0/tiby11,3 t
rna are a-lc:atio adihu
al:Allas es uet oedtin0
ta, rfac ue.sIMDarsce
Bel ftCuna
All line ads are placed in our online edition free of charge!! Check it out at wwwto.michigandaily.com