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November 21, 2008 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2008-11-21

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Despite bears, TV's truthiest
host celebrates Baby Jesus.
See Arts, Page 5

After a dismal
find some red(
See Sports, F

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________Friday, November 21, 2008

season, can the seniors
emption in Columbus?
Page 9
michigandaily com

Win is Michigan's
first over a top-five
team in eleven years
Daily Sports Writer
NEW YORK -Junior DeShawn
Sims rolled to the basket, received
a pass from redshirt sophomore
Anthony Wright and slammed
home Michigan's victory over No.
4 UCLA with 34 seconds remain-
ing in the game.
But the Bruins refused to give up.
On the next possession, UCLA
forward Nikola Dragovic hit a
3-pointer, pulling the game back
within one point.
Sophomore Manny Harris then
sunk two free throws to give the
Wolverines a 55-52 win over the
Bruins. More importantly, Harris
handed Michigan its first win over
a ranked opponent in 12 tries and
first victory over a top-five oppo-
nent since 1997.
"When it got tight, no one hung
their head down," Sims said. "Even
the younger guys just were fight-
ing. It shows how far we've came."
The Bruins' fight until the buzz-
er was fitting in a game that went
back and forth throughout.
Michigan made just one 3-point-
er in the first half. But within the
first four minutes of the second
half freshman guard Stu Douglass
and sophomore Manny Harris
each hit one.
After being outrebounded by
13 in the first half, Michigan was
more physical and matched the
Bruins on the glass in the second.
The shots that didn't fall before
began to find their way through
the hoop. The Wolverines shot 62v
percent from the field in the sec-
ond half, including 4-for-8 from CLIFREEDER/Daily
beyond the arc. Michigan forward DeShawn Sims dunks home two points late in the second half for the Wolverines, who upset No. 4 UCLA last
See BASKETBALL, Page 3 night at Madison Square Garden in New York.

A dark day
on C apitol
Hill, for
Big Three

Bailout plans
sputter; Dingell
loses committee
Daily StaffReporter
For the southeast Michigan's
economic engine, Thursday
looked like a dark day.
First, Rep. John Dingell, a
Democrat from Dearborn whose
district includes Ann Arbor, lost
his seat as chair of the powerful
House Energy and Commerce
Committee. Dingell has been a
long-time advocate for the auto
industry in Congress.
A few hours later, House
and Senate Democratic lead-
ers announced that Congress
wouldn't vote on a bailout for
domestic automakers until after
Thanksgiving. This came just
after reports circulated that a
deal had been reached to provide
the Detroit Three with a cash
infusion that would allow them
to avoid bankruptcy.
General Motors and Chrysler
are both close to running out of

cash and could be forced to file
for bankruptcy protection if they
don't get government help. While
it's not at all clear what form such
a bankruptcy process would take,
any disruption of the domestic
automakers' ability to meet pay-
roll and pay suppliers could be
devastating to the region.
On Wednesday, University
President Mary Sue Coleman and
the presidents of the states other
two research universities issued a
statement calling on federal law-
makers to prop up the American
auto industry. The three presi-
dents said a halt in the opera-
tions of General Motors, Ford
and Chrysler would be a "crisis of
cataclysmic proportions."
The Detroit automakers pro-
vide millions of dollars every year
in donations and research funding
to the University of Michigan.
But the state's three research
universities are hardly the auto
industry advocates with the most
sway in Washington. That title
would likely belong to Dingell.
Dingell has served in Congress
for 54 years. He's on track to
become the body's longest-serv-
ing member in history in Febru-
ary. But he lost his seat atop the
See DETROIT, Page 7

MAP dominates again,
DAAP grabs five seats

Regents seek funding hike, but
ailing economy may prevent it

Midterm election's
9.6 percent turnout an
increase from last year
Daily StaffReporter
In the Michigan Student Assembly elec-
tion that ended last night, The Michigan
Action Party won 15 seats and the Defend
Affirmative Action Part won five. Eight
write-in candidates and two independents
also won seats. MAP swept all nine LSA
seats. Turnout among eligible voters was
low at 9.6 percent, but higher than the 5.3
percent in last year's fall elections.
All nine current representatives who

were up forreelec"ion (or first-time election
for the two who were appointed to vacan-
cies during the last term) retained their
places on the assembly.
Election Director RyanBouchard said on
Tuesday that he expected turnout to below,
in part because he did not have sufficient
time to develop get-out-the-vote programs
with Information Technology Central Ser-
vices. If reappointed for the winter election
in March, Bouchard thinks he'll be able to
implement some of his ideas, which include
advertising the election of University com-
puter backgrounds and links on CTools.
admitted that the presence of one domi-
nant party doesn't exactly create an excit-
ing atmosphere or inspire many students to
See ELECTION, Page 7

After record-breaking triumph,
'U' fundraiser may go to MSU

Officials seek return
to 2002 funding level,
before state cuts
Daily StaffReporter
Although the Michigan state
legislature has given the Univer-
sity a cold shoulder for more than
half a decade, the University Board
of Regents approved Thursday a
request for a 10 percent increase
in appropriations from the state
for the University's Ann Arbor
campus for the upcoming 2010 fis-
cal year.
The request for an additional $36
million was approved by a unani-
mous vote at the board's month-
ly meeting held in the Fleming
Administration Building.
Though the University asks to
ramp up funding nearly every year,
the cash-strapped state govern-
ment has rarely said yes. According
to the University's 2008 Financial
Report, state funding has declined
in each year from 2004 to 2008,
except in 2007. The University was
hit with about a 10 percent reduc-
tion in 2004.
During the meeting, Provost
Teresa Sullivan said the University
is asking for the increase to stabi-
lize its budget and "make progress"
toward restoring the $36 million
reduction that the University has
seen in its state appropriation since

the fiscal year of 2002.
"In our request, we emphasize
academic excellence and student
access and affordability, as well as
the importance of the University
of Michigan's role in the state of
Michigan's economy," she said to
the crowd of University officials at
the meeting.
University President Mary Sue
Coleman said the state's appropri-
ation trails behind those in the rest
of the country.
"We are now at the lowest
appropriation per student of any
state in the country for higher
education," she said in an inter-
view after the meeting. "I mean,
Michigan has dropped off the
Sullivan said in an interview
after the meeting that the Univer-
sity relies strictly on state appro-
priations and tuition revenues to
fund its educational programs.
"Tuition and state appropria-
tions together make up what
funds, all the money we have for
educating our students," she said.
"It affects everything that affects
Political Science Prof. Jenna
Bednar, who teaches a Univer-
sity class called "American State
Governments," said the state leg-
islature is unlikely to approve
the increase as it faces mounting
financial strain.
Bednar said the state govern-
ment practices "fund account-
See BUDGET, Page 7

As 'U' campaign winds
down, Groves tapped for
Michigan State's effort
Daily StaffReporter
The University of Michigan official who
led the day-to-day operations of the Univer-
sity's record-breaking $3.1 billion Michi-

gan Difference fundraising campaign will
now likely lead a similar effort at Michi-
gan State University.
Michigan State's Board of Trustees will
vote today to officially approve Robert
Groves, who currently serves as the Uni-
versity of Michigan's associate vice presi-
dent for development, to become MSU's
vice president of university advancement.
Groves said he was heavily recruited by
Michigan State, saying the school "had to

University President Mary Sue Coleman looks on during
yesterday's Board of Regents meeting. The board voted to
request a 10 percent boost in state appropriations.
State funding fortthe University has languished in recent years.
- 0
. 10%
t 2002 2004 2006 2008


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How women's hoops almost topped Texas A&M

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