The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 24, 2008 -5A Society and the dance revolution By SARA SCHNEIDER Daily Arts Writer "Whether werealize itornot,the 21st Century-world has been inevi- tably shaped by post-modernity - globalization, ArCS in Time international Friday,Oct. policy, cultur- 24 at 4.p.m. al pluralism, At Palmer etcetera," said Commons Angela Kane, professor of School of Music, Theatre & Dance. "Similarly, the dance of today embraces the influences and reac- tions against both modern and postmodern dance." Kane and Jessica Fogel, a fellow professor in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, will begin the 2008-2009 Dance Legacy Lecture Series with a discussion on Ameri- can postmodern dance protago- nists. Despite the lack of importance placed on dance throughout the average person's day, it plays an essential role in art. "Dance is an art of non-verbal communication and, as such, it can speak to people from all walks of life," Kane said. "It can inspire, evoke, incite and entertain all in a single moment - and that's just in terms of watching a performance." Beyond the performance, dance has a culture and history of its own that continuously intersects with other societal elements. "I do world o Fogel s and ou constan thing b inside." This postmo single d is notth "I be to knol thought the 'ism dance," Thro these vz it's pos the pres issues. Ex tree "In 1 of a par quite a1 texts of find lin said. Danc for som varying that cre needed 'n't think of there being a The viewers can translate the utside the dance sphere," art to support their own ideas, or aid. "There is no inside the art can force them to rethink tside. Life and dance are these beliefs. Kane said she wants tly intermingled. One to stress the importance of debate ecomes the other; both are and differences of opinion, "not only in the arts but within schol- lecture will focus on the arship in general." dern era, but attaching a Addressing the big issues efinition to this time period through artistic means can allow e goal of the organizers. people to form a deeper connec- lieve it's more important tion with these injustices. This w the different schools of method of communication and and the ongoing debate on understanding provides benefits is' both within and beyond beyond normal thinking. Kane said. "There are multiple physical, ugh the exploration of creative and therapeutic benefits," arying trends and debates, Kane said. "Dance, along with the sible to gain insight into other arts, makes for a culturally sent groups of thought and rich and diverse society." Dancers and non-dancers alike can benefit from learning about the influences of history on dance. ic oringthe This lecture will explore the New York City art scene in 1950s and rids of dance. 1960s, a time full of change and excitement inside and outside the dance world. "The period of the 1960s and 1970s was a particularly revo- earning about the dances lutionary one in dance," Fogel ticular era, you can learn said. "And many new ideas were bit about the cultural con- explored at that time which are f that particular time and still being probed and spun out ks to the present," Fogel today." Artistic expression is a power- e is a difficult art form ful medium that has both affected fe to dissect, but it is this society and been affected by soci- degree of interpretation ety. This kickoff lecture will pro- ates the different opinions vide interesting insight into both to breed a healthy debate. these relationships. "Yeah, um, I don't think we were supposed to bring the GTO into the corn maze." A nerd's quest "On the Road" meets "American Pie" in new comedy By ANNIE LEVENE Daily Arts Writer In 2007, psychologists Cindy Meston and David Buss ** catalogued the 237 top reasons Sex Drive people have sex. While answers At Quality16 seemed pretty and Showcase straight-for- Summit ward -the num- ber one reason for both men and women was "I was attracted to the person" - one surprising find was that men, not women, were more likely to view sex as away to gain status. Perhaps this is the reason behind the film industry's fixation on a certain theme: losing your virginity. Hollywood's stereotypical, vir gin is slightly dweebish, usually kind-hearted and almost always a teenage guy. His mission? Lose the virginity before the start of college or forever be the outcast. When contrasted with other coming-of-age films centered on female characters, it's not hard to see a discrepancy in ideals. It's not that girls are without carnal desires. However, for characters such as Juno MacGuff in "Juno" or Stacy in "Fast Times at Ridge- mont High," sex is the catalyst for the real story in whichthe charac- ter realizes it's not just becoming sexually active that defines adult- hood, it's also being able to deal with what happens afterward. In comparison, for male characters going through the same sort of bodily changes, the act of sex is - for lack of a better word - the cli- max, the total, and absolute, sign that manhood has come. That is, at least, the view of Ian (Josh Zuckerman, TV's "Kyle XY"), the sad little virgin of "Sex Drive." Frustrated by his older brother Rex's (James Marsden, "27 Dresses") torments, Ian sim- ply must get laid. Enter "Ms. Tasty" (Katrina Bowden, TV's "30 Rock"), an almost too-good-to- be-true hottie that Ian meets on the Internet. With dreams of oral sex running through his head, Ian sets off with his best friends Feli- cia (Amanda Crew, "Final Desti- nation 3") and Lance (Clark Duke, TV's "Greek") to meet Ms. Tasty halfway across the country. Needless to say, for a film practi- cally begging to be compared to its= predecessors, such as "American Pie," "Sex Drive" is full of flesh, alcohol and stupid gay jokes. Any attempt to shock is pretty much for naught since it's all been done before. Even the cameos seem outdat- ed. The film features Seth Green as a sarcastic Amish guy - because what's funnier than not using electricity? - but the dude hasn't been culturally relevant since the last "Austin Powers" film in 2002. Even more shameful, "Sex Drive" features the band Fall Out Boy - whose last hit was almost two years ago - in a sad and ineffective attempt to up the cool factor. While the actors who play the three main characters are talented enough, the characters themselves are all quite flat. Inexplicable ladies' man Lance spends his time hooking up with random chicks and giving Ian bad advice. As Feli- cia, Crew mainly functions as a somewhat-pretty face that spouts one-liners that encourage loving yourself or letting go. In the end, "Sex Drive" is just another coming-of-age story that comes up alittle short.While audi- ences will probably come to the film expecting gross-out gags and gratuitous swearing, is it too much to want some sort of character development as well? It's too bad thatthe one char- acter who really should grow the most, Ian, ends the film in pretty much the exact same position he began it. Sure, he gets the girl - three guesses whether it's Ms. Tasty or Felicia - and he gets laid, but he doesn't grow up. Per- haps in an industry where physi- cal acts have come to symbolize emotion development, it's all we can expect. Revisiting, a classic By TRINA MANNINO DailyArts Writer Diverging from the usual sitcom or reality show, NBC has taken a risk by picking up the 13-part ** TV series "Cru- soe." Qusoe Based on Daniel Defoe's Friday at 1719novel"Rob- 8p.m. inson Crusoe," NBC the show fol- lows the famed castaway of the same name (Philip Winchester, "Flyboys") who strug- gles to survive on an exotic and desolate island. With help from his native friend Friday (relative newcomer Tongai Arnold Chirisa) and his dog Dundee, Crusoe man- ages to escape a group of greedy pirates, Spanish soldiers and can- nibals. The only thing that keeps him from going insane is his desire to return to his wife and family in England. The show won't appeal to most teens and college students, as it's more appropriate for parents and their kids. Its action-adven- ture themes, clean humor and rmntir elements will anneal Crusoe met Friday via a flashback, and Crusoe's thoughts reveal how he ended up stranded on the island. The story of "Robinson Crusoe" came long before adventure mov- ies like "Pirates of the Caribbean," but the TV adaptation appears to have used "Pirates" as inspira- tion to make it more appealing to today's viewers. Lynch (Jonathan Pienaar, "Blood Diamond"), the ringleader of the dimwitted group of pirates, seems to be based on_ Johnny Depp's iconic perfor- mance as the offbeat Jack Spar- row. Unfortunately for Pienaar, he lacks Depp's charm and doesn't look half as good in black eyeliner. In addition to similar perfor- mances, the show sensation- alizes action sequences and provides a hot pirate love interest for Crusoe. What hap- pened to missing his wife? It's doubtful that Defoe intended his main character to be a sex symbol with a penchant for blow- ing things up. Unlike the vast majority of shows on network TV, "Crusoe" is a family-friendly show that canbe enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Despite its campy script and sen- sationalized elements, the show is a refreshing concept in the midst of count- less for- mulated shows. 4W romantic elieu i jpa ----- to viewers young and old. Mis- chievous kids will envy Crusoe's tricked-out treehouse filled with booby traps and homemade con- traptions, including a catapult that launches coconuts.Aut TONIGHT AND TOMORROW MIDNIGHT will enjoy the action sequences ___ and plot points about Crusoe's FOR MORE INFO VISIT MYSPACE.COM/STATETHEATREA2 relationships with his wife and friends without worrying about 5 Like "Lost" for pre-teens and their parents. 3 8 2 1 2 7 6 3 offensive subject matter show- ingup in front of the kids. But the 9 8 5 2 show won't appeal to the young adult demographic because of its 6 7 5 corny dialogue and its inconve- nient time-slot on Friday night. 8 Young people would probably - rather watch grittier and more [ 7 9 4 current action-adventure shows like "Lost" and "Heroes." Despite its struggle to appeal 3 8 7 2 to TV's most sought-after demo- graphic, "Crusoe" does a good job - balancing multiple genres while presenting the story in an original way. Throughout the pilot episode, characters' pasts are revealed through their own personal flash- backs. The show explains how Ann Arbor's Largest Selection of THE NORTH FACE CLOTHING and Equipment A Ai