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October 15, 2008 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-10-15

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Kampfer's injury came in assault

" Police investigating early Sunday morning in what
his coach described as "an off-ice
case, sources say incident," was taken to the hospi-
tal with inju-
focus is on ries after being
thrown to the
football player grown d-
pground dur-
ing an alterca-
By MICHAEL EISENSTEIN tion near East -;"
Daily StaffReporters An eyewit-
ness account KAMPFER
LSA junior Steve Kampfer, and several
a defenseman on the Michigan sources place Kampfer at an
hockey team who was injured assault that took place near the

intersection of Church Street and
Willard Street at about 2:25 a.m.
University Police described
the victim as a 20-year-old male
University student from Jackson,
which fits Kampfer's description
on the Athletic Department's web-
site. An LSA senior who witnessed
the incident and described it in an
interview with the Daily confirmed
from photographs that Kampfer
was the victim. He asked to remain
anonymous for his protection.
University Police Lieutenant

Robert Neumann said the vic-
tim was picked up and "body-
slammed" to the ground by a man,
who was accompanied by two
other men. Neumann said police
have a suspect, whom he described
as a 22-year-old male University
student from Ohio.
Because the assault is still under
investigation and police have
not yet arrested a suspect, police
would not release the names of the
victim and suspects.
Multiple sources with knowl-
See ASSAULT, Page 3A

Rising costs
push NCAA
to cut back;
'U' sits tight

Citing price of fuel,
NCAA implements
tighter spending
Daily StaffReporter
Though the NCAA recently
adopted a new set of cost-saving
measures to combat higher trav-
el costs for its sports teams, the
University's Athletic Depart-
ment says it won't have to take
similar action to curb costs.
, Last month, the NCAA
amended its rules, regarding
which costs will be covered
when teams travel to fall sports
championships. Under the new
guidelines, only teams flying
400 miles or more will receive
reimbursement from the NCAA
- 50 miles more than the previ-
ous threshold. Teams traveling
less than 400 miles will not be
reimbursed if they choose to fly
rather than drive.
The NCAA also implemented
a cap on the number of airline
baggage charges it will cover,
at two per traveler, including
sports equipment bags.
In all, the NCAA hopes
the measures will save about
$500,000 during the fall sea-
son, according to Stacey Osburn,
NCAA spokeswoman.
Jason Winters, senior asso-
ciate athletic director of busi-
ness operations for the Athletic
Department, said increased trav-
el expenses haven't impacted the
University as much it has other
schools around the country

because the University budgeted
for increasing fuel prices.
"(When the budget was set)
gas prices and other airline costs
had been increasing," Winters
said. "So, we had budgeted a
fairly healthy increase."
According to Winters, total
travel expenses cost the Athletic
Department just under $4 mil-
lion last year, or 5 percent of the
department's total expenses.
Winters said he wasn't aware
of any situations in previous
years in which extra personnel,
including the marching band,
cheerleaders or extra coaches,
had been restricted from travel-
ing to events or away game's. He
said that to stay under their bud-
get9, some teams might have left
personnel such as extra trainers
behind on trips.
For the NCAA, rising travel
costs have historically "been on
the Association's radar,".Osburn
She said travel costs for Divi-
sion I have increased by approx-
imately $7 million, or 31 percent,
from last year. Costs have also
increased almost 58 percent
over the past three years - a fig-
ure that amounts to almost $12
million. Additionally, the NCAA
is projecting an increase of $6 to
$7 million for Division I travel
expenses for next year.
Along with increased costs,
Osburn said NCAA officials are
concerned about reductions in
airline capacity.
In an effort to help schools
find more cost-effective hotel
and airfare accommodations,
NCAA officials have also asked
tournament selection commit-
See NCAA, Page 3A

Former Detroit mayor Dennis Archer, who is considering running for Michigan governor n 2010, spoke to a group of law school hopefuls in the Michigan Union yesterday'
At ' Archer avoids talking politics

Possible gubernatorial
candidate, a former
Detroit mayor, urged
to pursue law
Daily StaffReporter
Former Detroit mayor Dennis
Archer, who is considering running
for governor in 2010, largely avoid-

ed politics during his talk with a
group of about 25 law school hope-
fuls Tuesday night in the Michigan
Union. Instead, Archer encour-
aged those in attendance that they
could approach his level of success
through hard work and taking
advantage of the University's net-
working resources.
Archer, who introduced himself
to the audience as "a recovering
politician," also never mentioned
Kwame Kilpatrick, his successor
who recently resigned as Detroit's

mayor in a plea deal for two crimi-
nal charges.
Instead, Archer, the first black
person to ever serve as president
of the American Bar Association,
talked about the rewards that
accompany studying law.
"The majesty of the power of the
law in terms of what you can do
with it is enormous," he said.
Though he stressed the impor-
tance of doing well in school,
Archer said students should reach
out and develop relationships with

classmates. The former mayor, who
served two terms from1993 to 2001,
also cited the various networking
possibilities available to students at
the University. He cited his son - a
Law School alum - as an example
of someone who benefited from the
school's resources.
Recognizing his audience, most-
ly comprised of members from the
Black Undergraduate Law Asso-
ciation - the group that sponsored
the event - Archer recalled his
SeeARCHER, Page 3A

Incumbent mayor, LSA senior duel at debate


Incumbent Hieftje
and LSA senior offer
visions for Ann Arbor
Daily StaffReporter
Ann Arbor Mayor John Hieftje
met his opponent for the upcom-
ing mayoral election for the first
time last night - LSA senior Eric
Plourde, a Libertarian, and
Hieftje, a Democrat, met about 10
minutes before the pair partici-
pated in a debate sponsored by the
Community Television Network
and the League of Women Voters
of the Ann Arbor Area, a nonparti-
san political organization.
The debate, which consisted of
five questions drafted by league
members, centered on the con-
tenders' vision for the city and
their qualifications for the job - a
topic likely raised in light of the
20-year-old Plourde's candidacy.
Plourde, who admitted that he
is not nearly as experienced as
the incumbent Hieftje, said he has
excelled in his academic endeav-
ors. He cited his positions as presi-
dent of the College Libertarians
and on the executive board of the

Plourde said he'd like to see
property taxes cut to encourage
businesses to come to the area.
He said he'd like to evaluate cur-
rent city services and cut certain
programs to cut spending. Hieftje
said the current tax rates were as
low as they could be in order to
maintain the quality of life Ann
Arbor offers. He cited a 20 percent
decrease in the number of city
employees as one way he's made
the city more efficient during his
eight years as mayor.
"We're very efficient now,"
Hieftje said in an interview after
the debate. "We're as well-posi-
tioned as a city could be to weath-
er this storm."
The candidates were also asked
about their views on setting a
height cap on buildings in the city,
in light of resident dismay over the
proposed 601 Forest apartment
building on the corner of South
University Avenue and Forest
Street. At one point the complex
was planned to be 25 stories high,
though the building is now only 14
stories tall under the current pro-
Hieftje said he supported a
14-story height cap for the South
University area. Plourde said he
was against imposing a height cap
See DEBATE, Page 3A

Ann Arbor Mayor John Hieftje, a Democrat, and LSA senior Eric Plourde,
ian, take part in yesterday night's mayoral debate.

pre-law fraternity Kappa Alpha
Hieftje, who was first elected
in 2000, cited his previous four
terms as mayor and a recent lead-
ership award he earned from the
Michigan League of Conservation
"I feel like Sarah Palin," Plourde
said before the debate began. ref-
erencing his lack of experience in
Hieftje said Ann Arbor needs a

candidate with experience, who
understands the budgetbecause of
the current economic recession.
"He clearly has more experience
than I do," Plourde said in an inter-
view after the debate. "I'm trying
to run a campaign about how his
ideas and my ideas differ."
Both candidates stressed a need
for the city to budget efficiently
in light of the faltering economy,
though the two disagreed over
property tax rates.

Joel Slemrod, Thomas Buchmueller and James Levinsohn, three University
experts on the economy, listen to a John McCain clip yesterday'during a panel
discussion on the election at Palmer Commons. The panelists analyzed how
each presidential candidate's tax policies would affect the nation.


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'U' hockey player Langlais nabsCCHA honor

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