8A - Friday, October 10, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com Michigan finally meets the neighbors Defense ready for By COURTNEY RATKOWIAK bootlegs and nakeds, a whole Daily Sports Editor bunch of screens," Rodriguez said. 71 "The two things that hurt us in physical m atchup Tomorrow, the Wolverines will the last game were play action and finally meet their neighbors. It's not like they're complete strangers - Ann Arbor and Toledo are just 50 miles away, and the schools often Toledo at cross paths. For Michigan the most part, both sets of fans Matchup: can't stand the Toledo 1-4; Buckeyes. Toledo Michigan 2-3 is so close to the When: Michigan border Tomorrow, that it's not hard n to spot maize- Where: and-blue apparel Michigan while driving Stadium around town. TV: BTN Toledo's also familiar with some of Michigan's players and coaches. Michigan running backs coach Fred Jackson started his 29-year collegiate coaching career at Toledo, and freshman tight end Kevin Koger, a Toledo native, knows several players on the cur- rent Rockets roster. But Saturday's game against the Rockets will be the first between the two teams, not counting a 1928 matchup between Toledo Univer- sity and the Michigan junior var- sity team, which the Wolverines won 33-0. Michigan (1-1 Big Ten, 2-3 over- all) is 24-0 all-time against MAC teams, including a 16-6 win over Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez is worried about how his team will cover Toledo's play-action offense, plays which gave the Wolverines trouble last week against Illinois screens.' This season, teams have aver- aged 238.6 receiving yards per game against the Michigan sec- ondary. Rodriguez said the talent of Toledo's wide receivers was a concern for the Wolverines. Junior wideout Stephen Williams is the Rockets' leading receiver with an average of 67.8 yards per game. And the Wolverines are still searching for stability in the return game. With freshman Martavi- ous Odoms limited by a shoulder injury, Rodriguez named Avery Horn and James Rogers as two of the team's likely kick returners at Wednesday's practice. Michigan hopes to get back to .500 with a win in front of the Michigan Stadium crowd. Just don't suggest to Rodriguez that his team might be able to grab an easy victory - because after their inconsistent first five games, it's clear the Wolverines can't afford to take a game against a MAC team lightly. "There's an element of danger to that, and your players have to be aware of that," Rodriguez said. "Coaches will tell you you've got to schedule those because we've got to have home games. Home games are the revenue. But those games are ones that as coaches, you've got to make sure your guys are focused on playing, not just showing up." Miami (Ohio) on Sept. 6. And with a trip to Happy Valley to play No. 6 Penn State looming next weekend, the Wolverines will have to string together four quarters of consis- tent play - something they haven't done this season - if they want to build momentum for the rest of the Big Ten season. Toledo (1-1 MAC, 1-4) has had plenty of trouble, too. The week before the Wolverines pulled off a 19-point comeback against Wis- consin, the Rockets lost a double- overtime, 55-54 heartbreaker to then-No. 25 Fresno State. "I think that helps get our play- ers' attention," Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez said of Toledo's near-upset. "Talking to some other coachesthathave played them, they think (the Rockets) are probably as athletic as anybody in the MAC." But in the two games since the loss to the Bulldogs, Toledo has lost by a combined score of 66-16. Last week, in a 31-0 loss to Ball State, the Rocket defense gave up a season-high 482 yards. And the Wolverines are going into Saturday'sgamewith adefense that was embarrassed last week, allowing 501 yards to Illinois. That means both teams will be looking for some sort of vindication. "Toledo runs a lot of play action, By NICOLE AUERBACH Daily Sports Writer Michigan junior defenseman Steve Kampfer knows he's going to get some bruises tonight. St. Lawrence "(St. Law- at Michigan rence) is aa physical team," Matchup: St. Kampfer said Lawrence 0-0; about tonight's ,Michigan 0-0 opponent. "We've When: Tonight, been practicing 7:35 P.M. hitting all week. Where: Yost Obviously, when Ice Arena we go back for a TV: puck, we under- MGoBlue.com stand we're going to get hit. We've gotto make the play." The Wolverine defensive corps has one major factor on its side - its size. Six of the eight defensemen are at least six feet tall, and just one weighs less than 190 pounds. "Gaining a couple extra pounds, being a lot stronger on the puck and knowing where to be on the ice (helps our) guys out," Kampfer said. Familiarity helps, too. With all blueliners returning to the team this year, the Wolverines hoped each and every player would show marked improvement. As the regular season opens tonight, the defense seems poised to reach a higher level this year. Last year, the squad allowed an average of 2.07 goals per game. Last weekend in exhibition play, the defense gave up justone goal in each game - both of them allowed in the third period when Michigan had full control of the game. "As acore group and as a whole, we're very encouraged by the way our 'D' looks, how they're practic- ing,howtheylooked in exhibition," Michigan assistant coach Billy Powers said. "I know we didn't play the Detroit Red Wings, but it was game competition and we kept the puck out of the zone, moved it out quickly and didn't give up a lot of opportunities." With the loss of last year's top line, the highest-scoring trio in the nation, the defense will have to shut down opponents. Though the defensemen say they don't feel added pressure because offen- sive production might be lower, they acknowledged their role has changed. "We're going into the season thinking we have to produce a lit- tle more," sophomore defenseman Chad Langlais said. "We've talk- ed a little bit about as a defensive corps, trying to jump up and be a little more offensive." None of the three freshmen defensemen recorded a goalilast year. Langlais thinks that should change. Powers agreed that the defen- sive role has shifted, and he thinks that makes it more important than before. "We're still evolving as an offense, so we have to be perfect as a defense," Powers said. Over the past few weeks, includ- ing exhibition play, the Michigan coaching staff has mixed up its defensive pairings, trying to incor- porate freshmen and find the best on-ice chemistry. Sophomore Scooter Vaughan and senior captain Mark Mit- era proved to be an effective pair last season, and will likely play as the top duo tonight. Kampfer and Langlais have a great rapport after playing together often last year, too. But throw in two physi- cal freshmen, Brandon Burlon and Greg Pateryn, and move junior Chris Summers to forward, and the mix-and-match pairing begins again. "We're all used to everyone now," Kampfer said. "You play with everyone.You learn to do this and that. You read the tendencies of everyone. That's a big help going into games." Heading into this weekend's series against the Saints at Yost Ice Arena, the Michigan defense knows it will play a crucial role in the tough, physical contests. "This'll be a war," Michigan coach Red Berenson said about the St. Lawrence series. "They play hard-nose, physical, close-check- ing hockey. Our players are going to have to battle." WOMEN'S SOCCER Blue's first game at new field slated for this afternoon By AMY PARLAPIANO For the Daily After almost a whole season of waiting, the Michigan women's soccer team is ready to play a home game in Ann Arbor. Due to ongoing construction at the new U-M Soccer Complex on South State Street, the Wolverines have played their home games in Ypsilanti and Canton this season. They will finally get a home field Friday, when the West Practice Field will be ready to host Penn State. "Being at home allows you to manage your energy a lot better," Michigan coach Greg Ryan said. "You're home, you're not traveling. You're sleeping in your own bed." That energy will be crucial in two critical games this weekend. Friday's game is against the 25th- ranked Nittany Lions, and the Wol- verines will face Ohio State, which has won six straight, on Sunday. "I think the new field will defi- nitely help a lot with the momentum and the spirit," freshman Natalie Horner said. "We should come out real strong againstour opponents." Horner has helped contribute to the outstanding performance of the team's first-year players, named the top freshman recruiting class in the Big Ten by Soccer Buzz Magazine. While this weekend will be the first time Horner and her fellow fresh- men play at home, it will be the last opportunity for the team's seniors. Before Sunday's game, the Wolver- ines will honor their five seniors. "We're obviously thrilled to have a home weekend," senior captain Kristin Thomas said. "But at the same time, it's our last home week- end, so it's definitely goingto be bit- tersweet." The season on the road has been a strange one for Thomas, whose senior year was "definitely not what I expected." She said the team has overcome many challenges. And those challenges won't stop just because the traveling temporar- ily has. "The difficult thing is that with- out lights, you have to play a 4 p.m. game," Ryan said. "It's usually the disadvantage to the traveling team, but I would rather travel than play a game at 4 p.m. Most of our kids aren't even going to be able to make it to the pregame meal." But Michigan is ready to make the adjustments necessary to succeed. "I'mjust happy that we're playing in Ann Arbor," Ryan said. 6 6 6 0 Do you consider the word "motivated" an understatement? It's time for your hard work to pay off within an organization that was once again named one of BusinessWeek's 50 Best Places To Launch A Career. We offer a collaborative, inclusive culture. With customizable careers, professional development, and benefits. And a commitment to community, the environment, and making time for family. For an electronic information packet, text "UM" to 78573. EEW Visit us on the web at deloitte.com/us/um. Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries are an equal opportunity employer. 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