The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 10, 2008 - 7A * The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Friday, October10, 2008 - 7A . With election a month away, candidates zero in on ethics Obama cites opponent's 'erratic behavior,' McCain revisits Ayers issue By MICHAEL FINNEGAN and PETER NICHOLAS Los Angeles Times DAYTON, Ohio - The campaign for president pivoted sharply to character and temperament yes- terday as Democrat Barack Obama accused his Republican counter- part of "erratic behavior" and John McCain offered his most public - if still elliptical - criticism of Obama's acquaintance with a one- time domestic bomber. With the free-falling stock mar- ket as a backdrop, Obama sought to use McCain's newest economic proposal -- a mortgage bailout plan he announced in Tuesday's presi- dential debate - to suggest in his sharpest language yet that McCain is unfit to be president. He criticized a change the Ari- zona senator made to the mortgage plan that would give a break to lenders that made bad loans. "So banks wouldn't take a loss, but taxpayers would take a loss," Obama explained, characterizing the switch as "just the latest in a series of shifting positions ... this is the kind of erratic behavior we've been seeing out of Senator McCa- in." Each candidate has tried to characterize the other as the risk- ier choice for voters, and McCain's effort Thursday to portray Obama as iffy presidential timber took a page from the 1960s. Campaigning with running mate Sarah Palin at a town-hall-style event in Wauke- sha, Wis., McCain was asked by an attendee about Obamq and "the people that he has hung with." Without mentioning the name of former Weather Underground member William Ayers, McCain alluded to him as "an old washed- up terrorist" and said that "we need to know the full extent of the relationship because of whether Senator Obama is telling the truth to the American people or not." McCain also launched an Inter- net ad linking Obama and Ayers. The two live near each other in Chicago, and in the mid-1990s Ayers, now an education profes- sor, introduced Obama at a politi- cal event at his home. The Illinois senator was 8 years old when Ayers and his colleagues planted bombs to protest the Vietnam War, and it is not clear when Obama learned of Ayers' past behavior. The two are not close, and Obama has criticized the bombings as "detestable." The moves by Obama and McCa- in in Middle America suggested the outlines of the campaign with 26 days to go before Election Day: Obama, riding a surge in national and bellwether-state polls, was campaigning in southwestern Ohio. He was using the economy as a cudgel against McCain. McCain, for his part, was cam- paigning as the underdog in Wis- consin, where he was trying to stoke concerns about Obama's background and relative lack of national experience to peel away voters. More bluntly than he has in the past, McCain conceded Thursday what political analysts have sug- gested for weeks: that his campaign is in trouble, and time for a shift in fortunes is diminishing. "In case you missed it, this is about the seventh or eighth time that pundits have said 'McCain's campaign is in trouble,"' the sena- tor said at an event in Mosinee, Wis., in a reference to his Lazarus- like resurgence to win his party's nomination. "We fooled them then, and we'll fool them again." Policy matters took a back seat to character issues Thursday, but the campaigns did bicker over McCa- in's mortgage plan. The planwould spend as much as $300 billion to buy up troubled mortgages to sta- bilize the housing market. As ini- tially announced Tuesday, the plan would have made lenders respon- sible for "the loss that they've already suffered." By Wednesday morning, the McCain campaign said that line was a mistake. Obama pounced on the change Thursday as evidence that McCain favored banks over homeowners. "We have to act to fix our broken economy and restore the credit markets, but taxpayers shouldn't be asked to pick up the tab for the very folks who helped create this crisis," Obama said in Dayton. For Obama, the back-and-forth over policy was less important than pressing the notion that McCain had moved unpredictably on an economic issue. He has been drum- ming the same theme for weeks. "We need a steady hand in the White House. We need a president you can trust in times of crisis," Obama told a crowd in Cincinnati. He said McCain was "lurching all over the place" on the economy. McCain, for his part, has used the Ayers issue sporadically in recent days, raising it in inter- views but declining to do so in rallies or when on the same stage with Obama in Tuesday's debate. In making the connection more directly Thursday, McCain mis- stated the facts. He described Ayers as some- one "who still, at least on Sept. 11, 2001, said he still wanted to bomb more" -- implying that was Ayers' response to the terrorist attacks of that day. McCain's reference was to a New York Times article coin- cidentally published Sept. 11, 2001 - based on an interview given before that date - which quoted Ayers as saying he did not regret setting bombs and that "we didn't do enough." Ayers complained at the time that his quotes were juxtaposed and that he meant only that he felt he didn't do enough to stop the Vietnam War. AP PHOTO Republican presidential nominee John McCain and his wife Cindy McCain board their campaign plane in Phoenix, Arizona. Since all but conceding Michigan to Democrat Barack Obama last week, McCain has made a strong push in other swing states, McCain adjusts strategy' MCCAIN From Page 1A coming week. His running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, spent the bulk of her week campaigning in Florida, also making stops in Ohio, North Carolina and Penn- sylvania. McCain senior adviser Greg Strimple called last week's deci- sion to abandon the Michigan effort an easy one, as Obama's lead was growing ever-wider in the state. "It's been the worst state of all the states that are in play and it's an obvious one, from my perspec- tive, to come off the list," Strimple said. According to University Prof. Michael Traugott, an political expert who works in the Com- munication Studies department, Democratic presidential nomi- nee Barack Obama has received poll boosts in swing states largely because of the nation's economic crisis. "Bad economic times are a very powerful source working against the party in power," he said. Because of the shift seen in the polls, Traugott said, McCain has gained a sense of urgency, partial- ly reflected in a series of personal attacks against Obama. The same Wisconsin Advertis- ing Project study found that at the end of last month and begin- ning of this one, almost all of the McCain campaign's ads were negative. Thirty-four percent of the Obama campaign's ads during that same period were deemed negative by the study. 'U' sets all-time research record Ann Arbor "Experiencing & Extending God's Grace in Ann Arbor" Sundays @ 10:30 AM Modern Language Building (MIB) (812 E.Washington St. Ann Arbor) Auditorium 4 Childcare available & free parking across the street A congregation of the Reformed Church in America MADUMENAN SPEC IALIS .TS A satirical tragedy by the Nobel PrIze-wInning lian playwright by Wee Sayinka Direcie by Mbaha Nkauga Theatre a ramta OCt.9 a 16 at 7:30PM Oct. 10,11,17,a1 at 8PM ct 12& 19at 2PM I Arthur Miller theatre r tickets $241$9 Student Wllg League Ticket Oftlce 734-764-2538 RESEARCH, From Page 1A research funding, they need to look beyond federal dollars," said Mar- vin Parnes, executive director in the office of the vice president for research. "There's just less federal money and more people competing for it." Parnes said the University has made a strong push to forge ties with businesses in order to secure non-governmental funding. By boosting its research, Parnes said, the University can play a role in aiding the state's struggling economy. COMMENCEMENT From Page 1A ningham said the University /always planned to return com- mencement to the Big House, adding that the ceremony was only moved because the stadium was an open construction site without restrooms. "It was always our intention to go back to the stadium," she said. "The ceremony in the Diag was a one-time event." Although Michigan Stadium is still under construction and not slated for completion until fall 2010, Cunningham said the University doesn't expect the current construction to signifi- STEM CELLS From Page 1A gan, McClellan said the proposed amendment provides for enough regulation through "state and local laws of general applicability, including but not limited to laws concerning scientific and medi- cal practices and patient safety and privacy." However, the Associated Press reported Wednesday that Former Ingham County District Judge Thomas Brennan said that the ballot proposal would not allow for government regulation, and if the restrictions are lifted, it should be done through the state legislature instead of through a proposal to amend the constitu- tion. Brennan was speaking at a round table sponsored by MiCause. Cure Michigan is host- ing Bill Clinton at a reception in Waterford tonight to promote the ballot initiative. "Anything we can do in terms of introducing innovation and new technologies into industry would be helpful," he said. He said researchers across the country were shifting their focus to private funding because of the limited number of federal grants, which are widely expected to stag- nate in coming years. John Reid, director of product technology and innovation for John Deere and Co., an agricultur- al machinery manufacturer, said the university has a partnership with the company "on the order of about $750,000 a year." Deere and Company funds research at cantly impede on this year's cer- emonies. If held atthe stadium, the gradu- ation ceremony would likely be cheaper than last year's. When held in Michigan Stadium, the event typically costs the University between $300,000 to $400,000. But last year's Diag commencement cost $1.8 million. Most students said they were pleased with the news that com- mencement would return to Michi- gan Stadium. School of Social Work senior Megan Brooks said she was glad that commencement would be in the Big House because of the sta- dium's long history and tradition. Engineering sophomore John Bogusz agreed. the University on engines, envi- ronmental technology and robotic development. Reid said University alumni ini- tiated the partnership by pointing the company in the University's direction for research and devel- opment questions, especially those involving engineering. "We leverage the University to help stretch our thinking and understand what. new horizons are out there for our business," he said. "We use the University to tap into those innovations that will affect John Deere's business." "I thought it was kind of lame that they pulled it out from under the seniors last minute," he said. "Definitely, the Big House would be better." others students, like Jennifer Williams, a graduate student in the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning who will grad- uate this spring, said they would prefer that the ceremony be held in the Diag. "I thinkH'aving it on the Diag is a more holistic idea of what the Uni- versity represents than the football stadium," she said. "The football stadium is great - it's a big thing with the student body - but that's more sports-related, and I think that Michigan represents more than just sports." 20% OFF Any one item with this complete coupon. University scientists strongly support changing Michigan's research laws. Sean Morrison, the director of the University's Center for Stem Cell Biology, said the passage of the proposal is key if the Univer- sity wants to remain a competitive research institution. "If the initiative passes, then it will dramatically improve our abil- ity to recruit the best young scien- tists," he said. "And it will improve the treatments for disease." Michigan's laws haven't pre- vented researchers at the Universi- ty from doing embryonic stem cell research. But they require them to import embryos from other states. Biology Prof. Sue O'Shea said relying on out-of-state embryos is limiting. "We would like very much to make disease models, to study dis- eases that Michigan people have," she said. "We would like to train students about how you grow and derive stem cells and right now we can't do it." LSA senior Landon Krantz, president of Student Society for Stem Cell Research, said his group has been handing out flyers in the Diag and bringing in speakers to help garner support for the ballot initiative and stem cell research in general. "We're getting a positive mes- sage out about the ballot to let peo- ple know how and why it affects so many people," he said. He said he is working with Stu- dents for Life to put together a debate between the two groups, at which time speakers for and against the initiative will be brought in to present their opin- ions. LSA junior Lauren Bennett, president of Students for Life, said she not only opposes the ballot ini- tiative, but also all forms of embry- onic stem cell research. "The real question we need to ask is, what is an embryo? An embryo is a living being that will grow into a human being," she said. "It's destroying life." 1 Name I Address__ 1Street1 City State zip Email