4A - Wednesday, October 8, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com I 711E lici an &3atl Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu ANDREW GROSSMAN EDITOR IN CHIEF GARY GRACA EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR GABE NELSON MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials refiec the of tcialposition of the Daily's editorial board All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. FAFSA's face-lift Shortening financial aid form a needed but incomplete fix Though a graduating high school student has many things to look forward to about college, filling out the Federal Appli- cation For Student Aid is probably not one of them. Better known as FAFSA, this long and confusing form is a necessary evil for any students who want help covering their skyrocketing tuition. But starting in 2010, applying for financial aid should get a little eas- ier after FAFSA is simplified. Trimming the fat off of FAFSA won't entirely solve the problem, though: The federal government needs a financial aid application that better reflects students' circumstanc- es, and universities, including this one, need to end the use of redun- dant supplemental applications. Necessary for all kinds of federal finan- cial aid, FAFSA is a six-page marathon of unnecessary, jargon-laden financial his- tory questions that factor into the all-im- portant "expected family contribution." According to U.S. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings all that is supposed to change after the application is cut from six to three pages. Spellings hopes these changes will provide for greater access to financial aid by encouraging more stu- dents to fill out the FAFSA. It's about time. There are dozens of ques- tions that could be cut. Aside from being redundant, many of the questions are ones that students have a difficult time answer- ing on their own because they are overly technical. Asking for this information is unnecessarily confusing for students, par- ticularly students who don't have parents helping them and are the ones in greatest need of aid. FAFSA's face-lift doesn't address one of the application's other big problems: Some questions paint an inaccurate portrait of a student's financial situation. For example, FAFSA factors heavily the income level of a student's parents, even if they are not making significant contributions to a stu- dent's tuition. These salary figures mis- represent the needs of students who may have well-off parents, but are paying for college on their own. Recognizing FAFSA's inadequacies, many universities have jumped on a dis- turbing bandwagon: asking students to fill out supplemental student aid forms as well. The University of Michigan is one of these schools, forcing incoming freshmen to fill out the College Scholarship Search Financial Aid PROFILE. While allegedly designed to allow the University to bet- ter assess students' financial need, this supplemental form is just confusing and redundant. What's the good in simplifying the FAFSA if universities just move the redun- dancy to whole new forms? If a question is important, it should be on the FAFSA, which should be as short and convenient as possible. The University should push the federal government toward this goal. Applying for financial aid may never be a painless process. But the government and the University have a responsibility to make it as easy as possible for students to apply. Asking for just one simple form shouldn't be too much to ask. What one hand giveth, the other hand taketh away." - Barack Obama, commenting on how John McCain's proposed $5,000 tax credit for health insurance would be taxable and therefore ineffective during yesterday's presidential debate. ROSE JAFFE E-MAIL ROSE AT ROSEJAFF@UMICH.EDU ' GA TOR. Ha._....,rp_.,~__... ... . C a m p a ig n in g fo riu stic e W hen Michigan voters go to it what it really needs: independence. a lot of money - money that is poorly the polls next month, bur- Take, for starters, how future Super tracked and comes from the coffers ied deep in the ballot will Friends make their way into the Hall of the same powerful people that be a difficult choice: of Justice. Though the ballot makes it often appear before the court. Some Clifford Taylor or look like Supreme Court candidates experts expect that this year's election Diane Hathaway. are plucked from some alternate, non- between Taylor and Hathaway will I say "difficult" partisan universe, the truth is that end up costing more than $20 rillion not because these they are party hacks like ordinary - almost the same amount spent on are two evenly politicians, just with a little legal back- every Michigan Supreme Court elec- matched candi- ground. Hathaway is a Democrat who tion since 2000. dates or because the has been a Wayne County Circuit since More troubling, Michigan has lax position they are 1993. Taylor is a Republican and the recusal standards, so justices sit on vying for is going court's current chief justice, having many cases they shouldn't. A report to be dramatically GARY started his first full eight-year term by the National Institute on Money in changed by either of GRACA in 2000 and his tenure as chief justice State Politics found that more than 86 these two. in 2005. Both had to be nominated at percent of cases decided by the Michi- I say "difficult" their respective party's conventions gan Supreme Court during the 1990's because most voters - a process that weeds out those can- are going to have no idea what they're didates who don't sufficiently toe the getting into with either of these can- party line. didates. According to Michigan law, And then the campaign begins. The M ichigan judges neither is allowed to disclose the deci- thing is, by law, judicial candidates sions that candidate expects to make aren't really allowed to tell you much and their crooked if elected. Neither will appear with a because they can't disclose their posi- ubiquitous "R" or "D" next to that per- tions on issues. So, instead, everyone campaigns. son's name (though Taylor will have an runs on buzzwords. According to Tay- "I" for "incumbent" next to his). And lor's website, voters have a pretty obvi- most importantly, both will be allowed ous choice come November: "preserve to collect millions of dollars in cam- what "The Wall Street Journal" calls, had at least one party that had contrib- paignfunds from the very same people the "finest court in the nation" by re- uted to at least one justice's campaign. they'll be charged with keeping an eye electing Chief Justice Cliff Taylor ... Whether this actually influences deci- on if elected. or return Michigan to an unsavory era sions is questionable, but certainly the In case you haven't figured it out by of Jackpot Justice and a frightening perception of impropriety is there - now, Taylor and Hathaway are run- lottery of lawsuit abuse by electing a and a court's legitimacyis built onhow ning for a seat on Michigan's Supreme friend of the personal injury lawyers." fair people perceive it to be. Court - an institution that isn't Mich- That's only the official campaign, So what do we do? A public finance igan's third branch of government though. The real campaign is run in system for judicial elections is a good so much as it is its disrespected third the shadows by "independent," third- start. Disclosure is another big part. wheel. Partisanship bitterly divides party organizations. In 2006, for And ending the partisan nomination the court. The justices are unprofes- instance, independent groups paid for process is a third thing. sional. And almost every decision is 87 percent of all television ads about But neither Democrats nor Repub- called into question by the corrupting Michigan's Supreme Court elections, licans want to risk their shot at con- stream of money that flows into jus- according to the Justice at Stake Cam- trolling the court. So we are left each tices' campaigns from the same busi- paign. And that mightnot be a big deal, election choosing between two candi- nesses, attorneys and organizations except Michigan doesn't have disclo- dates we can't judge with any certainty. being heard before the court. sure requirements for these issue ads This year, I'm leaning toward Jack- Michigan's Hall of Justice is in bad - so basically you can say anything pot Justice. need of reform. But it doesn't look like about a candidate, slap a high-minded state Democrats and Republicans, bent sounding name on it like "Citizens for Gary Graca is the Daily's editorial on finding new ways to turn the court Judicial Fairness" and call it a day. page editor. H e can be reached into their pawn, are interested ingiving Both aspects of the campaign cost at gmgraca@umich.edu. SHANNON KELLMAN CVIEWPOINT Single-issue syndrome We've allbeenhearingconstantupdates about the voter the easy way out. Voters don't have to think about how registration efforts on campus. Unfortunately, there's other issues will affect their lives if they make up their been a lot less coverage of the issues on which we're sup- minds based on one stance. They simply have to decide posed to be voting. As the election nears, I've noticed which candidate they agree with on the "most important" more and more groups that focus on a single issue fight- issue. Havingto weigh the nuances of candidates' opinions ing to make their voices heard on campus. These groups may be difficult, but it is necessary in order to fully under- don't just aim to get students to vote, they get students to stand who and what we are voting for. By going through vote based on a specific issue. But as we come closer and this process, voters aren't just paying better attention to closer to the election, students should be focusing on all the issues, but also more attention to the candidates. the issues, not just one they consider most important. There are lots of groups on campus that try to educate Many of these single-issue groups are genuinely bipar- students on the issues. However, there is a difference tisan and simply ask students to vote be single minded between talking about an issue and trying to get students with their vote. Power Vote, for example, is an organiza- to forget about everything other than that issue. Most of tion that wants students to vote for whomever they feel these groups, whether intentionally or not, are continuing will promote the best energy and climate policies. Most the cycle of single-issue voting. There is a lastingmentality other groups, however, takea definitive stand on an issue. that. accompanies such a voting process. Political groups Students for Proposal One has taken a firm stance on the can avoid encouraging single-issue voting by providing legalization of medical marijuana - beyond just wanting unbiased information about a topic rather than telling stu- students to care about this issue, they want students to dents for whom they should vote in the election. vote in favor of it. The University strives to create well-rounded students. While individual issues likeballot proposals are impor- That doesn't just mean taking an art class and a math tant, no one should be voting for a candidate based on an class. This extends to caring about all the issues in the individual issue alone. This election involves a host of election, even the ones that aren't getting constant atten- candidates and dozens of issues - from taxes and health tion from campus political groups. Being awell-informed care to alternative energy and the war in Iraq. Mentally voter means carefully considering all the fine points of a blocking out the other issues after deciding on just one is candidate's platform. Everyelection issue might not apply illogical. The other issues are still important and relevant to today's college student. But ignoring them now puts us to our lives. We all listen to other bands besides our favor- in a single-issue state of mind that will impact our future ite - we shouldn't hold ourselves to different standards successes. on election issues just because it's more convenient. Maybe that's why single-issue voting is so popular: It's Shannon Keilman is an LSA senior. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be less than 300 words and must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. All submissions become property of the Daily. We do not print anonymous letters. Send letters to tothedoily@umich.edu. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Nina Amilineni, Emad Ansari, Elise Baun, Harun Buljina, Ben Caleca, Satyajeet Deshmukh, Brian Flaherty, Matthew Green, Emmarie Huetteman, Emma Jeszke, Shannon Kellman, Edward McPhee, Emily Michels, Kate Peabody, Matthew Shutler, Robert Soave, Eileen Stahl, Jennifer Sussex, Radhika Upadhyaya, Rachel Van Gilder, Margaret Young E R SSEND LETTERS TO: TOTHEDAILY@UMICH.EDU Both Obama andMcCain in energy companies'pockets a real solution to Also discusse candidates' "aggr tive energy. Both ises to set less-tI TO THE DAILY: will surely be d It was evident from both dueling viewpoints The fact of the: about energy and environment by the Col- free energy right lege Democrats and Republicans that there the entire world are many common misconceptions about how from alternate so we can effectively deal with these issues (An gy Department f aggressive approach to energy and Quick relief, entire country v long-term solutions, 10/07/2008). Common wind farms in on to both these viewpoints was the belief that is wind power al cutting back on carbon dioxide will somehow power or geother impede climate change. And when we First of all, carbon dioxide from both man- save with this p made and natural sources contributes to only these technologi 3.62 percent of the total greenhouse effect. With the right p: Humans only contribute 3.225 percent of the could happen. TI carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, is the need of th meaning that humans only increase the total be dependent on t greenhouse effect by slightly more than 0.1 forget, both cant percent. porations, includ Carbon is not the issue here. Giving taxpay- er's money to companies and people who cut Joe Sicheneder down on carbon is only a diversion from finding LSA sophomore our environmental problems. d in the viewpoints were the ressive" strategies for alterna- candidates have made prom- han-impressive deadlines that delayed or forgotten anyway. matter is that we could have now. In fact, we could supply with clean, renewable energy urces. In 2007, the U.S. Ener- ound that we could supply the ith power using well-placed ly three of our 50 states. That one. That doesn't include solar mal. realize how much money we lentiful power, we can build ies in the rest of the world. resident, the right leader, this he only thing holding us back e energy companies for us to their product. And lest anyone didates are sponsored by cor- ing energy companies. BELLA SHAH E-MAIL BELLA AT BELLZ@UMICH.EDU pq e 9