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October 07, 2008 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-10-07

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'Religulous': Bill Maher
hates your god.

Students deserve a
voice on tuition hikes

Arts, Page 5 I Opinion, Page 4
Ifei Mi an B.a Im

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


tables plans
for student

Bruce Springsteen thrilled his fans and Barack Obama supporters at Eastern Michigan University yesterday, which marked the voter registration deadline in Michigan.

Developers scaled
back plan, cutting
building's proposed
size to 14 stories
Daily News Editor
Plans for the controversial 601
Forest student high-rise were
tabled Monday night after the
project's developers submitted
revised plans last Friday that
cut the project's size nearly in
half. At the request of the proj-
ect's developers, Ann Arbor City
Council voted to postpone the
proposal until the Council's next
scheduled meeting Oct. 20. In
the next two weeks, city planners
will review the revised proposal
for the complex, planned for
the corner of South University
Avenue and South Forest Street.
At the beginning of the meet-
ing, Dan Ketalaar, one of the
project's developers, gave a brief
slide show presentation compar-
ing the previous proposals to the
new scaled-down plan.
The new proposal is roughly
half the size of the previous

plans. It calls for asingle 14-story
building instead of an L-shaped
building with a maximum height
of 25 stories.
This will decrease the number
of units from 1,200 to between
550 and 650 units, Ketalaar said.
"We've taken to heart a lot
of the comments that we've
received," Ketalaar said of the
revised plan, noting that most
were regarding the building's
Under the revised proposal,
the building would occupy about
half of the land purchased for the
development, where the Village
Corner convenience store and
the now-closed Bagel Factory
now stand.
The proposal still calls for
underground parking, but the
number of spaces has been cut
from about 250 to 90, accord-
ing to Councilmember Stephen
Rapundalo (D-Ward 2).
Some have speculated that cost
may have played a factor in the
developers' decision to downsize
the project.
During a pre-meeting caucus
Sunday night, Rapundalo said
the developers' main reason for
revising their proposal was the
See HIGH-RISE, Page 7

On registration
deadline, Howard
talk up Obama
Daily StaffReporters
.YPSILANTI - In a last push to
register voters before the state's
last night at midnight, celebrities

converged on southeast Michigan
yesterday to encourage people to
sign up to vote.
At Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity's Oestrike Stadium yesterday,
Bruce Springsteen performed to a
younger crowd ofabout10,000. The
concert was in support of Demo-
cratic presidential nominee Barack
Obama, and was the last of a series
of Obama campaign events meant
to get register people to vote before
the Monday night deadline.
Tickets to the concert were free,
available on a first come-first serve
basis. Concertgoers were met by
volunteers with registration forms

as they entered the stadium. Most
said they were already registered,
but several people stopped to take
their last opportunity to add their
name to the voter rolls.
Springsteen; who endorsed
Obama in April, played an eight-
song acoustic set to a crowd that
was evenly mixed between college
students and middle-aged Spring-
steen fans. "The Boss," as his fans
know him, implored audience
members to register to vote sev-
eral times during the 45 minutes he
spent on stage.
After playing "Devils and Dust,"
a song he dedicated to United States

troops in Iraq and Afghanistan,
Springsteen explained his support
for the Democratic presidential
"I've spent most of my creative
life measuring the difference
between American promise and
American reality," Springsteen
said. "The distance has never been
greater or more painful. Obama has
taken a measure .of that distance
and he understands in his heart the
cost of that distance. As president,
he will work to restore it."
After a five-minute speech to
the crowd, Springsteen launched
See CAMPAIGN, Page 3

Campus resources
fuel spate of student
start-up companies

Grants, Zell
Institute help
0 ventures get off
For the Daily
Though the social networking
website now has over 100 million
users worldwide, Facebook was
once run out of a single Harvard
University dorm room. Helping to
launch site were venture organiza-
tions and start-up funding.
For University students with
similar business aspirations, the
University offers them the chance
to develop their budding business
and start building it into potential-
ly the next big thing - maybe even
the next Facebook.
The University's Zell Lurie
Institute for Entrepreneurial Stud-
ies offers several programs that
connect students looking to start
their own business with funding
and training.
With the help of the Zell Lurie
Institute, MBA student Chris
Robart will soon launch Dusoto.
com, a travel website focusing on
international nightlife. He said the
money from the Zell Lurie Institute
went toward web development.

"Without the money from the
Zell Lurie Institute, we still would
have been able to start our busi-
ness, but we would've had to com-
mit more of our own money and
it might have taken a bit longer to
get things moving," Robart said.
"When a business is self-funded,
like ours, every little bit of money
In the Dare to Dream program,
interested students apply to the
program with their business idea.
There are three different stages
a student can apply to: the desire
stage, which provides $500; the
assessment stage, which $1,500
dollars; and the integration stage,
which provides $10,000.
The Zell Lou n aInstituterhas
helped launch many Ann Arbor
businesses, including B.A. Maze
Inc, Bubble Island, Caliente Grille,
GetOutdoors.com, Spirit Shop Inc.
and Wolverine Real Estate.
Business School senior Michael
Parke said Zell Lurie provided him
and the other members of his busi-
ness with more than just money.
He said that even without the Dare
to Dream grant of $1,500 dollars,
his company, Project Freestyle -
an online platform with tools and
applications for sports communi-
ties - still would have started. But
the insurance the grant provided,
he added, was priceless.

Greeks team up to fight cancer
Think Pink effort uses colors,
yogato garner attention
Daily Staff Reporter
The Diag played host Thursday to a carnival-style
dunk tank, where passersby could soak members of
Go Blue Think Pink, a student organization raising
money for breast cancer awareness.
The event kicked off a weeklong effort coordi-
nated by Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, Sigma Delta
Tau sorority and Hillel. The fundraiser culminates
tonight in a Pink Party at Necto nightclub, and all
the money raised will go to the Susan G. Komen
Breast Cancer Foundation.
Organizers are also selling T-shirts and water
bottles, and held a "yogathon" that was featured
during ABC's coverage of Satuday's football game
against Illinois. KRISTA BOYD/Daily
See CANCER, Page 7 [SA Zakary Belisle (left) donates $10 for breast cancer research in exchange for a "Think Pink" T-shirt.
Talks on return of Native American remains go on


ginaw Chippewa regional Native American tribes.
Committee member Bob Frost,
nts University to a professor in the School of Infor-
mation, said he asked SACUA to
ve back artifacts discuss the issue because of con-
versations he had with Native
By ANDY KROLL Americans while conducting his
Daily News Editor own research.
__ --"I often hear from them the
executive committee of the question: Why is U of M being so
sity faculty'sgoverningbody annoying about all of this stuff?"
ed discussions yesterday Frost said. "They are, shall we say,
Native American artifacts less than happy about U of M repa-
the University's Museum of triations."
pology and the ownership The Museum of Anthropology
to those artifacts made by owns about 1,300 Native American

artifacts, many of which are human
remains. The Native American
Graves Protection and Repatria-
tion Act, passed in 1990, requires
the University to report all artifacts
to the U.S. Departmentof Interior.
Discussions between the Uni-
versity and regional tribes have
deadlocked over Native American
artifacts currently held by the Uni-
versitythat MuseumofAnthropolo-
gy officials have deemed "culturally
unidentifiable." This means that an
artifact does not have a "cultural
affiliation" - defined by NAGPRA
as "a relationship of shared group

identity which can be reasonably
traced historically or prehistorically
between a present day Indian tribe
or Native Hawaiian organization
and an identifiable earlier group" -
with a specific tribe.
In March, members of the Sag-
inaw Chippewa tribe spoke before
the University Board of Regents at
the board's monthly meeting. They
asked that the University's cul-
turally unidentifiable artifacts be
returned to their tribe because they
claimed ownership of them. No
action was taken in response to the

held in


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Integrating video games and reading

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