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September 30, 2008 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-09-30

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


'U' bars voter drive from dorms

of p
vote in
ing has
bers of
up vote

ing complaints A University Housing staff
. , member sent an e-mail Friday to
artisanship, U the co-chairs of Voice Your Vote, a
group from Michigan Student Assembly com-
IIS gmission, telling them suspend all
stering in dorms voter registration efforts in the
residence halls. The staffer cited
complaints she received about
By JULIE ROWE people registering voters in the
DailyStaffReporter dorms. One complaint alleged
that one person tried to convince
just six days remaining a student who was under 18 to use
the deadline to register to a fake birthday when registering.
Michigan, University Hous- She also cited complaints of Voice
barred all but three mem- Your Vote members wearing cam-
the only group that can sign paign buttons supporting Demo-
rs in residence halls from cratic presidential nominee Barack
ring students in the dorms. Obama - a violation of the group's

agreement with the University,
which requires it to remain non-
The University hasn't shown
evidence that the complaints are
valid or that the people involved
were acting as representatives of
Voice Your Vote. In a statement,
Housing spokesman Peter Logan
said his department had restricted
VoiceYour Vote access to residence
halls until concerns regarding the
conduct of Voice Your Vote repre-
sentatives can be resolved.
"We are meetingwithVYVlead-
ers soon, and hopefully University
Housing will be assured that the
registration campaign can resume

in the halls," he said.
Egler said she and Lieberman
will meet with University Housing
representatives at noon today to
discuss the program's future.
At 9 a.m. today, members of the
College Democrats and lawyers
from Obama's campaign will also
meet with representatives from
University Housing and the Office
of the General Counsel to discuss
the College Democrats's voter
registration efforts on campus,
according to a member of the Col-
lege Democrats executive board
who spoke on the condition of ano-
nymityso as not tojeopardize talks
See VOTING, Page 7


divided, on
Stocks dropped tive because the bailout would set
a bad precedent without offering
sharply as House long-term solutions to the nation's
vote dow pro osal financial crisis.
voted down proposal Opponents included three
Democrats - Reps. John Cony-
From wire reports ers and Carolyn Cheeks Kilpat-
rick of Detroit and Bart Stupak
WASHINGTON (AP) - Mich- of Menominee. The six Repub-
igan's House delegation was licans who opposed it included
deeply divided Monday over a Reps. Joe Knollenberg of Oak-
$700 billion Wall Street rescue land County's Bloomfield Town-
plan, as opponents said their ship, Tim Walberg of Tipton,
constituents didn't want taxpay- Pete Hoekstra of Holland, Mike
ers to shoulder the burden of a Rogers of Howell, Thaddeus
massive bailout. McCotter of Livonia and Candice
Nine of Michigan's 15 House Miller of Macomb County's Har-
members voted against the bill in rison Township.
an unusual alliance, joining with Knollenberg, who faces a tough
skeptical colleagues in Congress to re-election campaign this fall
defeat the proposal. They said Con- against Democrat Gary Peters, said
gress needed to develop an alterna- See BAILOUT, Page 7
How Michigan's U.S. representatives voted on the bailout bill yesterday
James Conyers, Detroit Nay
John Dingell, Dearborn Yeas
Dale Kildee, Flint Yea C
CarolynKilpatrick, Detroit Nay
Sander Levin, Detroit Yea
Bart Stupak, Menominee Nay
John Dingell Joe Knollenberg
Mike Rogers. Brighton Nay
Fred Upton, St. Joseph Yea
Thad McCotter, Livonia Yea
Dane Camp, Midland Yea
Vern Ehlers, Grand Rapids Yea
Pete Hoekstra, Holland Nay
JoeKnollenberg, Bloomfield Twp. Nay
Candice Miller, Harrison Twp. Nay Tim Walberg Bart Stupak
Tim Walberg, Tipton Nay T

Pete Capling of Holiday Lighting Service installs lights in trees at Liberty Plaza in downtown Ann Arbor yesterday. The LED lights, installed around the downtown area
and sponsored by Ann Arbor businesses, use 80 percent less energy than conventional lights.

Provost creating new student budget panel APPLYING TO GRADUATE SCHOOL

./ 1/ . -

With tuition on the
rise, top academic
official seeking
student input
Daily StaffReporter
At a time when declining state
funding has pushed the Univer-
sity to increase tuition by more
than 5 percent in six of the last
seven years, the University's top
academic administrator is build-
ing a committee aimed at letting
students have their say in how the
University spends its money.
Provost Teresa Sullivan said in
an interview this month that the.
Student Budget Advisory Commit-
tee will be comprised of graduate
and undergraduate students and
will meet with her periodically to
discuss budgetary issues affecting
students, including increases to
tuition costs and student fees.
Sullivan, who came to Ann
Arbor from the University of Texas
System two years ago, has created
several committees to bring the
suggestions, ideas and opinions of
students into the decision-making
process. It's a strategy she brought
with her from the University of

Texas, where she created several
student and faculty committees
as Executive Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs.
"I think it's important for us,"
Sullivan said about the impor-
tance of getting input through
committees. "Kind of keeps us
The new committee is a stu-
dent-focused version of the Fac-
ulty Budget Advisory Committee,
which Sullivan formed in 2006
to get faculty input on financial
issues. For students, she has also
created the Provost's Student
Advisory Committee and the Pro-
vost's Student Leadership Board.
She said she expects the bud-
get committee to include about a
dozen students "who would have
an intellectual interest in the bud-
get." That might include students
who are studying business and
organizational studies, or those
who might be considering a career
in higher education.
Sullivan said she has received
about 30 nominations for the
committee to date, with the bulk
coming from faculty and student
organizations like the Michigan
Student Assembly and deans'
offices. The Provost's office is
asking that any nominations be
turned in by today.
See PROVOST, Page 7

No LSAT? If you've got
the grades, no problem

Law School to allow 'U'
students with high GPAs
to apply without exam
Daily StaffReporter
Thanks to a new policy, law school-bound
students with hopes to stay in Ann Arbor
after graduation don't need to worry about
taking the LSAT anymore - as long as they
have top-flight grades.
For University undergraduates with a 3.8
GPA or higher, the Wolverine Scholars Pro-
gram. doesn't require enrolled students to
submit an LSAT score with their application
to the University's Law School.
Unveiled earlier this month, the program
is intended for students who haven't taken
the LSAT but who might consider starting
law school in Fall 2010. Students who are
eligible for the program will also receive
first priority in the admissions process, with
their applications being considered months
before the early-decision and regular admis-
sions cycles begin.
Sarah Zearfoss, dean of admissions at
the Law School, said the new program is

intended to attract current juniors and
seniors who might otherwise be hesitant
about applying to their alma mater for law
"There's this persistent rumor that every-
one who's interested in law school seems to
at Michigan, you shouldn't go to Michigan
undergrad," Zearfoss said. "In fact, it's the
exact opposite."
She said past undergraduates are con-
sistently the single largest pool of students
accepted to the Law School. In a normalyear,
she said, between SO and 60 former Universi-
ty undergrads are included in a typical class
of about 360 students.
Zearfoss said she expects between five
and 10 undergrads to be admitted from this
year's anticipated applicant pool of about 100
Wolverine Scholars. In a normal admissions
cycle, about one in five applicants is admitted
to the Law School.
The combination of a required 3.8 mini-
mum GPA and limited interest among under-
grads who meet the requirements, Zearfoss
said, will likely limit the number of students
who actually apply.
"I don't think there's any way in the uni-
verse that we're going to be getting more
See LSAT, Page 7

In her two years as University provost, Teresa Sullivan has
formed numerous committees to give students more say
in the University's decision-making process.


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Mitera to represent 'M' at CCHA Media Day

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