College's state of Hockey shuffles the sexual union lineup in fall practice The Statement Sports, Page 11 IELdilgan OaiI T E IUNRED-EIG IITEE D lll R Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, September 24,2008 CAMPUS SAFETY Prospective DPS director outlines plan to students U. dep neWi n In a Depart ed stud tions to the dep With ment's tor, ret search cess of ceed hi Laur Public sity, wa last nig Room o iiversity safety The meeting was intended as an opportunity for students to artment seeking interview the candidates and take part in the selection pro- top official, but cess,but just six students showed up, all of whom were leaders of o timeline set student organizations. LSA Stu- dent Government president Les- By LARA ZADE lie Zaikis was among those in For the Daily attendance. If she landed the position, Wil- forum last night, the son said her goal would be "public ment of Public Safety invit- safety, not law enforcement" add- lent leaders to pose ques- ing that she believes "law enforce- one of the candidates for ment is a tool in order to ensure artment's top post. public safety." Bill Bess, the depart- "In the end, police officers are current executive direc- just people," she said. "Service is iring in a few months, the what we're about." committee is in the pro- A popular concernthatstudents finding someone to suc- expressed regarding their safety m. on campus was the increased a Wilson, the director of crime occurring in the "student Safety at Stanford Univer- ghetto," or the area south of Hill s the lone finalist to attend Street. ht's forum in the Anderson Though it was made clear this f the Michigan Union. See DPS, Page 7A 10 " If you want to vote absentee, fill out a request form for an absentee voter ballot. Then submit this form to your city or township clerk. The U request form must reach the clerk by 2 p.m. on the Saturday beforethe 1 election. After the clerk checks your signature on your absentee ballot request form against ballot request form, your absentee ballot will be o sent to either your home address or any address outside of your city or township of residence. i VOTE When: Up until Election Day " If you have driven home, show up at your polli vote. Make sure you have the ID listed on the left " If you are voting absentee, your city clerk muse 8 p.m. on the night of the election. _......w..,.....,., ling place and cast your t. st receive your ballot by T . ia 0 N N t- O Jcc C N x m F> O 5 U Q l } Q S' W CL ANULA CESER/Daily Stanford University public safety director Laura Wilson, who hopes to become Michigan's next public safety department director, spoke in the Union yesterday. 'DIRTY CAMPAIGNING' College Dems, GOP unite to oppose slurs chalked on sidewalk Minster draws critical crowd to Diag Telling students to put Christ before career, evangelist encounters mostly cynicism By CHRIS HERRING Managing News Editor Members of Voice Your Vote, a campus organization *_ registering voters for the November election, planned to have the Diag to themselves yesterday. Instead, the groupsvolunteers spent much of the afternoon shouting at the top of their lungs to draw students away from the evangelical preacher who had drawn a crowd on the Diag. "Sinners can vote, toot" screamed LSA sophomore Jenya Abramovich, standing on one of the Diag's con- crete benches. Abramovich's statement countered a message from Jed Smock, an evangelical preacher from Missouri who journeyed to Ann Arbor to condemn selfishness and a lack of Christian values he sees in many college students. Smock, the founder of Campus Ministry USA, spent about five hours preaching on the DiagCESERE/Day "Pursuing a career rather than Christ is selfish," he Jed Smock, an evangelical preacher from Missouri, said he sees selfishness and a lack of Christian values See MINISTER, Page 7A in many of the college students he interacts with. "Pursuing a career rather than Christ is selfish," he said. One messages said Obama 'kills babies' By CAITLIN SCHNEIDER Daily StaffReporter A series of chalked incendiary messages on the Diag this week about Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama has led student leaders of both political parties to condemn what they called "dirty campaigning and fear tactics." On Monday morning, Diag sidewalks were covered with par- tisan messages praising Republi- can nominee John McCain. But among the chalkings of "I heart McCain" and "McCain & Palin in '08," were slogans with a harsher tone. According to Nathaniel Eli Coats Styer, chair of the College Democrats and a junior in the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, one message referenced Obama'spro-choicestance,saying he "kills babies." Another simply read, "Buck Ofama." And another chalked message linked Obama to controversial figure Louis Farra- khan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, who endorsed Obama ear- lier this year. AfterthatendorsementObama denounced Farrakhan and his support because of anti-Semitic remarks made by Farrakhan. The chalkings prompted Styer and College Republicans chair Braly Smith, an LSA junior, to co-author a letter to The Michi- gan Daily denouncing the mes- sages and mudslinging campaign tactics. "The slander left behind on the Diag amounts to little more See MESSAGES, Page 7A WEATHER HI: 79 TOMORROW LO: 54 GOT A NEWS TIP? Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail and let us know. ON THE DAILY BLOGS Coaches on Capitol Hill THEGAME.BLOGS.MICHIGANDAILY.COM INDEX NEW S 2................................2A CLASSIFIE S ..... ..............6A VolCXIX,No.17 OPINION ................. ..... 4A ARTS............... . .....9A C(ll8 The Michigan Daly SUDOK IA THt STATEMtNT 15 mrchioondilccom U O U..............5A T ES A E E T....n.....1 mm- 0