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September 22, 2008 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-09-22

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Monday, September 22, 2008


has mixed
impact on

LSA junior Tom Duvall, a member of the College Democrats, registers Gabrielle Letbotter to volunteer for the Obama campaign in Detroit on Saturday.
Dems moun Detroit turnout effort'

Struggling economy
hasn't stopped some
companies from
scouting 'U' students
Daily StaffRyporter
It was like almost any other
house party - Girl Talk blaring
from big speakers in the living
room, boxes of pizza piled on the
kitchen table, a keg and three beer
pong tables in the basement. Except
that everything but the beer was
paid for by two college recruiters
from Microsoft.
"It'sjust a more casual way for us
to hang out and meet them before
the career fair," said Keith Auer, a
Microsoft recruiter who attended
the party, referring to the students
filingintothehouse Thursdaynight.
The party was hosted by eight stu-
dents studying Electrical Engineer-
ing and Computer Science, three of

whom spent last summer interning
at Microsoft in Seattle. Most of the
guests were other EECS students.
"We do the traditional things ...
but you have to differentiate your-
self a little," Auer said. "One way to
do that is just by kind of getting into
theminds.of the students. What do
they want, what are they going to
come to?"
While Microsoft has bulked up
its recruitment here, the nation's
struggling economy has made it dif-
ficult for other companies to do the
same. Lynn Sebille-White, assistant
director of recruitment services for
the Career Center, said financial
service companies have suffered
most duringthe country's two-year
economic downturn.
"The one that we've seen that
has been hardest hit is banking,"
she said. "Financial services, lend-
ing, to some degree consulting."
Many analysts are now say-
ing that the U.S. is facing its worst
credit crisis since the Great Depres-
sion. Lehman Brothers, a financial


ith enthusiasm to win the state by 150,000 votes.
In this fall's election, with polls
igh for Obama, showing a tight race between
Democratic candidate Barack
'egistered voters Obama and Republican candidate
hard to find John McCain, Democratic strate-
gists have placed an unprecedent-
ed focus on registering new voters
By JULIE ROWE in Michigan's largest city. Obama,
Daily StaffReporter the first-ever black candidate from
a major party, is hoping for record
CROIT - Without Detroit, turnout in Detroit, where more
004 election would have than 80 percent of residents are
out entirely different. black.
ratic candidate John Democratic volunteers have
received 300,000 votes in answered their candidate's call,
otor City, about 15 times as heading into the city to regis-
as his opponent, Republican ter new voters, but once they get
e Bush. Though Kerry ulti- there, they're having a hard time
lost the election, he went on finding anyone else who wants to

sign up to cast a ballot on Election
Along with 100 members of the
University's chapter of the Col-
lege Democrats, LSA junior Tom
Duvall and LSA senior Lindsay
Miars hit the streets of Detroit
with stacks of voter registration
forms on Saturday. Half the group
was expected to register voters at
high-traffic areas like shopping
centers, liquor stores and gas sta-
tions, while the other 50 went
But both groups struggled to
find people of voting age who
hadn't already registered. Many of
those who hadn't voiced indiffer-
ence toward the election.
- "It's more challengingthan dis-

couraging when people tell you
they're not going to vote," Miars
said. "It's harder to talk people
out of their apathy than anything
On Saturday, campaign orga-
nizers gave door-to-door can-
vassers lists of "sporadic voters,"
people who haven't consistently
voted in the past eight years. Can-
vassers were told to talk to people
in those homes and encourage
them to go to the polls on Nov. 4 to
vote for Obama. They were asked
to knock on every door to register
prospective voters, but many were
uninterested or had already been
When Duvall asked one man if
See VOTING, Page 7A

the 20
the Mt


New group aims to
help LGBT students
feel comfortable
Daily StaffReporter
A new University student orga-
nization aims to make campus a
place where students can feel com-
fortable being both gay and Greek.
Ashley Schwedt, who served
last year as one of co-chairs of the
group,. called Lambda Alliance,
said she hopes it will help make
students feel more comfortable

being a part of both communities.
"I want there to be more accep-
tance in Greek houses. I want
LGBT people to feel more comfort-
able being Greek," she said. "I just
want it to be equal both ways."
The Lambda Alliance is made up
of representatives from the Inter-
fraternity Council, The Michigan
Student Assembly Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender Com-'
mission and the Multicultural
Greek Council, among others. All
four Greek councils are involved.
LSA senior Alissa Renz, also a
group co-chair, said the Lambda
Alliance will target discrimina-
tion issues seen in the Greek com-

munity, as well as throughout the
"You come face to face with
issues as simple as use of language
that is completely inappropriate,"
she said. "(There is) subconscious
hatred towards a group of people
that most people don't readily'
think about when they're acting a
certain way."
Interfraternity Council Presi-
dent Jose Nunez, a member of
the Lambda Alliance, said he met
with then-LGBT . commission
chair Jen Hsu last year to come up
with a way to address the distance
between the Greek and LGBT

Renz said one of the group's
main goals is to create a modified
form of"ally training" - a practice
that gives students the tools they
need to support members of the
LGBT community.
"These people are supposed to
be your family and if they cannot
be who they really are around you
because they don't feel comfort-
able enough or feel as though you
won't accept them, that's a sad
state of affairs," Renz said in an
The Spectrum Center, along
with the Interfraternity Council
and the Panhellenic Association
See LAMBDA, Page 7A

New machine at UGLi promises on-demand books

Cupcake Station employee Crystal Nemchak prepares a take-out order for some
customers. The shop opened Friday and gave free cupcakes to its first 500 visitors.
New downtown shop
offers chic cupcakes

University is first
American college with
'Espresso Book Machine'
For the Daily
The University has purchased a machin
that can copy and bind a replica of a book i
* slightly more time than it takes to brew a po
of morning coffee.
The Espresso Book Machine, made b
New York City-based On Demand Book
can copy an entire volume in less than H
minutes for less than $10, allowing librarie

. to make duplicates ofout-of-copyrightbooks
for a fraction of the cost of an original. It was
named one of Time Magazine's "Best Inven-
tions of 2007" and has been compared to an
ATM for books.
The University is the only American col-
lege that owns one of the machines. Only
nine have been sold worldwide.
Paul Courant, the University's dean of
e libraries, said the library purchased the
n machine with several "generous. dona-
t tions." He declined to elaborate on the cost
of the machine or the source of the fund-
y ing.
s, Courant said the library hopes to have the
0 machine up and running by Oct. 1. It will be
s See COPIER, Page 7A

The specifications of the Espresso Book Machine, the
new copying device in the University's library system.
Minutes to print a book
Costyto print one book

'Cupcake Station'
part of nationwide
bakery trend
Daily StaffReporter
At first glance, the inside of the
Cupcake Station on East Liberty
Street looks more like a fairy tale
house than a pastry shop.
Instead of maize and blue, But-
ter Cream Yellow and Robin's Egg
Blue cover the eatery's walls. Cus-
tomers sit at the "cupcake bar" to
create their own fantasy snack.

The store, which opened Fri-
day, is the second of its kind in
Michigan. Owner Kerry Johnson
opened his first store in Birming-
ham about two years ago and is
excited to bring the concept to
Ann Arbor.
"I love Ann Arbor as much as
I love cupcakes," he said. "It's
all about the connection in Ann
The Cupcake Station offers a
variety of whimsical flavors, rang-
ing from Lemon Lust to Southern
Red Velvet, with cupcake prices
ranging from $1.35 to $4.
The Cupcake Station is part of a


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