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September 19, 2008 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-09-19

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Friday, September 19, 2008 - 3

NEWS BRIEFS Freshmen 'finest'

Dow rebounds,
surges more than
400 points
The stock market finally found
reason to rally yesterday, and Con-
gress promised quick action as the
Bush administration prepared a
plan to rescue banks from the bad
debt at the heart of the worst cri-
sis on Wall Street since the Great
Details of the plan were still
being worked out, but Treasury
Secretary Henry Paulson emerged
from a nighttime meeting on Capi-
tol Hill to say he hoped to have a
solution "aimed right at the heart
of this problem."
As word of a government plan
began to reach Wall Street earlier
in the day, the Dow Jones indus-
trial average jumped 410 points, its
biggest percentage gain in nearly
six years.,
The rebound also came after an
infusion of billions of dollars by the
Federal Reserve and world govern-
ments aimed at getting nervous
banks to stop hoarding money and
lend again.
MADISON, Wisconsin
Campaign tight in
Big Ten states
Barack Obama and John McCa-
in are statistically tied in their race
for the presidency in seven of the
eight states that are home to Big
Ten universities, according to a
. poll released yesterday.
The race is within the Big Ten
Battleground Poll's margin of error
in Ohio, Iowa, Michigan, Wiscon-
sin, Minnesota, Indiana and Penn-
sylvania. Obama has a 16-point
lead in his home state of Illinois, a
Democratic stronghold he repre-
sents in the U.S. Senate.
The poll, the inaugural from a
partnership of eight Big Ten uni-
versities, asked 600 randomly
selected registered voters in each
of the eight states for their views
on the candidates. Pollsters said
they show the region's states are
again the most competitive in the
country and will help determine
who becomes the next president.
Mechanical error
blamed in deadly
0 helicopter crash
A U.S. military official said a
mechanical problem appeared to
be the reason for a helicopter crash
yesterday that killed seven Ameri-
can soldiersinIraq's southern des-
ert, the deadliest such incident in
Iraq in more than a year.
The CH-47 Chinook was flying
with three other choppers from
Kuwait when it went down shortly
after midnight about 60 miles west
Df asra, the military said.
The U.S. military relies heavily
on helicopters to ferry troops, dig-
nitaries and supplies to avoid the
threat of ambushes and roadside
bombs; and Thursday's crash high-
lighted the noncombat dangers
facing Americans in Iraq.

Mozart fragment
found in library
It's a forgotten melody, sketched
in black ink in a swift but sure hand.
The single manuscript page,
long hidden in a provincial French
library, has been verified as the
work of Mozart, the apparent
underpinnings for a Mass he never
The previously undocumented
music fragment gives insight into
Mozart's evolving composition
style and provides a clue about the
role religion may have played for
the composer as his life neared
its turbulent end, one prominent
Mozart expert says. A library in
Nantes, western France, has had
the fragment in its collection since
the 19th century, but it had never
been authenticated until now,
partly because it does not bear
Mozart's signature.
- Compiled from
Daily wire reports
I Number of American service mem-
bers who have died in the War in
Iraq, according to The Associated
Press. The following service mem-
ber was identified yesterday:
Army Pfc. Leonard J. Guic-
zynski I, 19, Carol Stream, Ill.

ever, Coleman says

Regents give Coleman
largest raise of her term

Daily StaffReporter

the regents about dealing with "a
couple cloudy days" during the
race and said they will next com-

President Coleman gave the pete at the 2010 World Solar Chal-
regents and other University lead- lenge in Australia.
ers at the meeting yesterday a
glimpse at how this year's fresh- WINFIELD GIVES REPORT
man class stacks up on paper. She ON EMERGENCY
called this year's freshman "the PREPAREDNESS
finest incoming class in our his-
tory." Robert Winfield, the Universi-
Just fewer ty's Chief Health Officer, updated
than 6,000 REGENTS the regents on the University's
freshmen were NOTEBOOK emergency preparedness, saying
enrolled this 25,000 people have signed up for
year, and one in four of those the emergency alert system which
were in the top 1 percent of their includes text and voicemail mes-
high school graduating class. The sages.
class had an average high school About 99,000 people are regis-
GPA of 3.8, with more than half of tered to receive emergency alerts
the incoming freshmen achieving from the University through
a perfect 4.0. President Coleman e-mail, but the process of sending
said she was "thrilled to welcome those alerts can take several hours "
all the new students." to complete.

The University of Michigan
Solar Car team received a resolu-
tion from the regents in honor of
their 2008 Solar Challenge vic-
tory. Regent Katherine White
(D-Ann Arbor) read the resolution
and handed the team members
a framed version of it as Univer-
sity President Mary Sue Coleman
looked on.
As the regents asked questions
about the construction of the car
and the execution of the race, 20
or so members of the team stood
at the front of the room, answered
questions and grinned from ear-to-
ear. Coleman said their victory was
due to an "amazing team effort."
The team redesigns a new solar
car every two years. Their most
recent model won the Solar Chal-
lenge by more than 10 hours and
attained atop speed of 46miles per
hour. Team members joked with
From Page 1
young people to come out and
vote," Moore said. "I'm hoping that
people will download it and share
Before screening the movie,
Moore spoke for about an hour and
a half. His message varied between
irreverent jokes, bemoaning the
Bush administration and urging
the audience to participate in the
political process.
Moore said he had a "few modest
proposals for President Obama."
One of them was to reinstate the
draft, but to only draft the chil-
dren of families in the 95th income
percentile. Such a proposal would
probably cause the end of U.S.
involvement in wars, he said half-
Kaitlin and Olivia Wylie, sisters
and students at Washtenaw, Com-
munity College, waited in line with
lawn chairs and blank voter regis-
tration forms.
"Michael Moore's an inspira-
tion," Olivia Wylie said. "I think
that he's made a huge impact on
society in a great way."
The audience frequently broke
into applause and gave Moore a

The University Board of Regents
voted yesterday to establish an
endowed deanship for the Ross
School of Business, effective Oct.
1 of this year. The Edward J. Frey
Dean of Business, established with
a donation of $5,000,000 from the
Frey Foundation, will "serve as
a significant means to retain and
attract current and future deans of
the school."
Edward J. Frey, a Grand Rapids
native, earned his undergradu-
ate degree in business from the
University in 1932. He established
the Frey Foundation in 1974, an
organization focused on support-
ing hospitals, cultural initiatives,
social service agencies and educa-
- Amy Munslow
contributed to this report.
standing ovation after his talk, but
it wasn't without its critics.
"I thought it was informative -
although I remain a bit of a skep-
tic," said Engineering senior Ifana
Riback. "It would be easy to mis-
represent information taken out of
Moore encouraged the audience
to donate to fundraisers located in
the theater's lobby for Democrats
challengingRepublican incumbent
congressmen in Michigan.
Frequently emphasizing the
importance of turning out young
voters, Moore noted that the high-
est recorded turnout for 18- to
29-year-olds was in 2004. He sug-
gested that their turnout was the
reason that presidential election
was so close.
Brady Smith, chair of the Uni-
versity's chapter of College Repub-
licans, said he agreed with Moore's
message of political involvement
but warned of bias in the film.
"Civic engagement is impor-
tant," said Smith, who didn't attend
the screening. However, he said he
hoped viewers wouldn't be "swayed
by a one-sided movie" and that they
would seek out multiple sources of
"Voting's great, but an informed
vote is even better," he said.

Unlike in past years,
'U' president will
likely keep extra pay,
spokeswoman says
Daily StaffReporter
Though University President
Mary Sue Coleman has turned
down and returned salaryincreas-
es in recent years, citing declining
state funding and a weak Michi-
gan economy, she was awarded a
4-percent raise yesterday at the
University Board of Regents' first
monthly meeting of the school
year. And indications are, she's
keeping it.
The raise boosted her annual
base salary to $553,500.
In a letter read aloud by Regent
Andrew Richner (R-Grosse Pointe
Park), the board approved the raise
to "reflect th'e full and unquali-
fied support this board wishes to
express for the performance of
President Coleman in leading our
Richner said the personnel
committee compared data from
presidents of private and public
university peers when consid-
ering Coleman's increase, and
found the raise "consistent with
this data."
"President Coleman's efforts,
along with those of the strong
leadership team she has assem-
bled, have resulted in dramatically
increased financial aid for our stu-
dents, new endowed chairs, hiring
of new faculty, more graduate fel-
lowships, and new and renovated
facilities," Richner said.
He went on to say that Cole-
man has demonstrated "excel-
lent stewardship of our financial
resources" and "put the Universi-
ty in a strong financial position in
the face of challenging economic
After the letter was read, Cole-
man responded: "Thank you, and
I am extremely grateful for your
vote of confidence, thank you."
A rousing round of applause
ensued from the regents and other
top University officials in atten-
"1 think I have to call a vote,"
Coleman said with a laugh.
The regents then voted unani-
mously in favor of the increase.
In a phone interview Thursday
night, University spokeswoman
Kelly Cunningham said the raise
was justified.
"The board did a careful analysis

University President Mary Sue Coleman was awarded a 4-percent salary hike, the
largest increase ofther tenure, at yesterday's Board of Regents meeting.

of what other top executives' sala-
ries are, and this is a very appropri-
ate increase," she said.
Last year, the regents approved
a 3-percent salary hike for Cole-
man, which she donated to Uni-
versity graduate and professional
programs. Her base salary last year
was $531,000.
At yesterday's meeting, Cole-
man made no indication that she
planned to donate her pay raise
back to the University.
When asked if Coleman is pre-
sumably accepting the raise this
year, Cunningham said, "That is
The raise comes as the state
continues to cut funding to higher
education. Michigan state funding.
for colleges and universities has
dropped by 11 percentinthe last six
years, while the average state has
boosted higher education appro-
priationsby 23 percent.
The salary hike also comes on
the heels of a 5.6 percent tuition
increase for University students,

approved by the regents at their
June meeting. Tuition for an in-
state freshman now stands at
$11,037 a year.
Since becoming president in
2002, Coleman has been given a
small raise every year. The increas-
es have usually been on par with
similar raises for faculty and staff,
but had never exceeded 3.5 percent.
In a survey conducted by the
Chronicle of Higher Education last
year, Coleman ranked sixth among
the highest compensated public
University presidents.
Along with her compensation
from the University, Coleman also
gets paid for her membership on
the corporate boards of both John-
son & Johnson and Meredith Cor-
Last year, the Chronicle list-
ed her minimum annual pay for
membership on those boards as
- Amy Munslow
contributed to this report.

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