The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 5B
Filmmakers aren't doing justice to the devastating tragedy
By Brandon Conradis I Senior Arts Editor
T he seventh anniversary of Sept.
11, 2001 passed quietly last week,
seemingly without notice. I didn't
subject myself to the rebroadcasted foot-
age that was shown on all the major news
stations, and hardly anyone I knew even
" mentioned the significance of the date.
Later, some of my friends even admitted
to forgetting, but I don't think that's nec-
essarily a sign of indifference.
Since that day in 2001, we've been bom-
barded with repeated images to the point
where they hardly even elicit shock any-
more. The media is responsible for this,
obviously, but not just the news stations:
the images have found their way into all
mediums, from paintings to poems to
books. Out of all these art forms, though,
movies have easily had the greatest influ-
Five years after the tragedy, 2006
From Page 4B
and I assume many others, fail
to see, is that these artists were
influenced and motivated to cre-
ate the albums they did because of
their current political state, rather
than using their art as a hypothet-
ical soapbox.
It's this distinction and evolu-
tion happening with these "Black
President" songs that make it so
quizzically interesting. No longer
it seems, at least for a handful of
artists, are politics merely a muse
and catalyst for making music;
rather, the evolving state of con-
temporary politics has become
the art. Consequently, an artist's
political views are now becoming
nearly as important for a listener
- at least in this highly charged
political season - as the aesthet-
ics and quality of the music itself.
For as much as I might hope
that these songs receive a cease-
and-desist order immediately,
they're bound to be a staple in hip
" hop for at least a few more years:
If Obama wins, like-minded rap-
pers will release what are essen-
tiallyvictory songs; but if he loses,
they will be accusatory, calling
the American voters and govern-
ment racist. I don't know which
I'm dreading more.
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brought in the banner year for movies,
in which Hollywood released two cin-
ematic accounts of tIre Sept. 11 events.
And, while hardly good, they were both
certainly memorable. Paul Greengrass's
"United 93" and Oliver Stone's "World
Trade Center" were two very different
movies, in the sense that the latter had
big-name stars and an epic scope, while
the former was a "small" movie with no
recognizable names. But they were both
indicative of what's wrong with the way
Sept. 11 has been approached by film-
makers. Quite honestly, those movies
were offensive.
Granted, you could argue that Green-
grass and Stone had perfectly honest
intentions. Their films are clearly pro-
American, and they obviously glorify the
individuals who put their lives on the line.
But why not make documentaries? Why
not tell the real stories?
The simple truth is that filmmakers
are quick to exploit whatever, and who-
ever, they can to make a good film. Money
hardly figures into it. When Oliver Stone
signed on to direct "World Trade Cen-
ter," he wasn't doing it for the green (of
which he has plenty) - he was doing it for
the glory. They want the recognition, the
admiration that comes from making a film
that truly moves people. And how could a
film that restages the events of Sept. 11 not
move people?
It was difficult to judge the quality of
"United 93" and "World Trade Center"
when they were first released. Even as lit-
tle as two years ago, the wounds were still
sore, and virtually anyone with the slight-
est bit of compassion was hesitant to pan
See ATTACKS, Page 6B
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