4A.- Thursday, September 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu None of us will forget this day. Yet, we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in the world." -President Bush, in his address to the nation on Sept. 11, 2001. The seventh September ANDREW GROSSMAN EDITOR IN CHIEF GARY GRACA EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR GABE NELSON MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position oftthe Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views ofttheir authors. Unsafe pricing Congress must make birth control available, affordable After a summer of rising gasoline and food prices, students can add one more essential to the list of increasingly unaf- fordable products: birth control. Despite a concerted pre- vention effort, the price of a popular birth control pill doubled at the University Health Service recently, just in time for a new school year. Now, many students must choose whether to shoulder the extra cost, switch to a cheaper alternative or abandon the pill altogether. This is a choice women shouldn't have to make and one Congress should ensure they don't have to. The Deficit Reduction Act, which went into effect in January 2007, restricts phar- maceutical companies from reducing the price of prescriptions for certain buyers,, including universities. Before the law went into effect, UHS stockpiled prescriptions in an effort to keep prices low. But its sup- ply has finally run out, prompting a price hike. Notably affected by this hike is the popular birth control pill Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, which now costs a whopping $50 for a one-month supply - more than twice what it cost at UHS before. Luckily, coughing up the extra $29 each month for the pill isn't the only option. Stu- dents who want to continue using the pill but can't afford Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo any- more can purchase a more affordable gener- ic brand at most pharmacies. And affordable alternatives to the pill, including intrauter- ine devices, condoms and, yes, even absti- nence, are also readily available. But there's a reason there are so many birth control options: No two women are the same. While many women use the pill simply as a preferred method of contracep- tion, doctors also prescribe it to calm acne, regulate menstruation and even treat ovar- ian cysts. Further, birth control pill brands vary in components like hormones and dos- age, which often makes finding the right prescription a difficult matter of trial-and- error. A pill that works for one woman may cause spotting, weight gain and depression in another. Of course, the new price hike shouldn't be a problem for students with health insurance - except that many plans exclude birth control from their cover- age. Nationally, women pay more out of pocket on average than men for birth con- trol and reproductive-related health care. And even more questionably, many plans cover the cost of drugs like Viagra while neglecting to cover contraceptives like the birth control pill. If we hope to foster a safe sexual atmo- sphere in this country, and especially on college campuses, women need the full range of birth control options - and they need them at affordable prices. When Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.) intro- duced the Prevention Through Affordable Access Act in their respective chambers last November, they recognized this need. The bill, designed to provide more afford- able birth control to college health clinics, has not yet passed. Even if it had, it prob- ably didn't stand much chance of getting past President Bush, who seems unwilling to face the fact that teenagers are going to have sex, one way or the other. Teenagers and college students are having sex, and more expensive birth control isn't going to change that. We should be making sure that are doing it responsibly and pro- viding them with the tools to do so. s I watched the Republican National Convention last week, this year's theme was easily dis- cernible. It was no surprise; it was the _ same one Republi- cans had in 2004. All the tough talk on Iraq, terrorism, foreign policy and oil - coupled with . a supposed Sept. 11 - "tribute" video - IMRAN really boiled down to one thing: Today, SYED' seven years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, Republicans want us to know that we still need to be scared. Seven years ago, we were told that our lives would never be the same, because our days of being removed from the world's fray were over. At the same time, though, we took pride in not letting those attacks change our way of. life. Americans were encouraged to go about their business normally, to take vacations, go shopping, buy cars and do everything to maintain that which we value. Do anything else, we were told, and the terrorists will have won. As dire as that sounds seven years later, I can't deny the kernel of truth to it. The terrorists probably wanted nothing more than to scare Americans away from doing the things they love and value. Had we let fear drive us in those days, our nation really could have become a fundamentally differ- ent society today. We the people did not let that happen. Why then do Republican leaders take every opportunity to tell us that Sept. 11 changed everything? It's because they - the presidentand congressional leaders - let it do just that. For all the resolve, patience and courage the people showed in over- coming the horror of those attacks, for all our conscious efforts to ensure the fabric of America was not stained in those trying times, our government failed to do the same. As a result America has changed much from what it was in 2001, mostly in the ways we once swore not to allow. That discussion begins in a familiar place - the tacit (or outright) approval of things like torture, surveillance and profiling - but for the sake of our immediate future, it must not dwell here. We have to think in terms of actions, not sentiments. Sept. 11 was a brief, horrific event that continues to drive every bit of our government to this very day. Should it? Under such circumstances, the energy debate has taken on shades of nation- alism, the immigration debate now embraces ethnocentrism and every- thing from science education to Amer- ica's performance at the Olympics is talked about in the sense of gaining a strategic advantage in the dangerous, post-9/11 world. We'll never forget that tragedy - nor should we - but how long can we afford to have a government that understands no urgency other than aggression to ward off evildoers? Isn't seven years long enough? Before such questions became the norm, former Vice President Al Gore asked in his film "An Inconvenient Truth": "Is it possible that we should prepare against other threats besides terrorists?" His point was that our gov- ernment should take climate change more seriously, but even he couldn't have considered the wacky reality we have today - where even climate change has been warped and melded into something vaguely related to the terrorism debate. This madness of wrapping every issue we face blindly together with one black-letter talking point has inflict- ed this country before. Obsessions with and manipulations of powerful devices (like the free market or com- munism) have dominated periods in our nation's history. Those results are largely regrettable (the Great Depres- sion and the Red Scare, in this case), and one would hope we're not headed down that path again. Or are we already there? Has "ter- rorism" become so blinding a force that it already clouds every deci- sion our government makes, even in cases where such influence is not only uncalled for, but actually destructive? Has our government already let fear drive us to a fundamentally differ- ent society? And didn't we agree that when that happened the terrorists will have won? But that cannot be, at least not if we realize the significance of our present precipice. We are still feeling the ever-mounting losses of Sept. ll. People changed in the aftermath of those attacks. A once-promising iso- lationist president became the most glaring antithesis to that notion in our nation's history. It's now time to decide how we feel about that. Our president took it as his responsibility after Sept. 11 to instigate our.enemies and "smoke 'em out." The merits of that policy will be debated forever, but our govern- ment's next move has to be decided this November. Just how much America changed on Sept. 11 remains to be seen and will be decided very soon. Imran Syed was the Daily's fall/winter editorial page editor in 2007. He can be reached at galad@umich.edu LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be less than 300 words and must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. All submissions become property of the Daily. We do not print anonymous letters. Send letters to tothedoily@umich.edu. The Daily is looking for smart people with an interest in campus issues and excellent writing skills to be members of its editorial board. E-MAIL GARY GRACA AT GRACA@MICHIGANDAILY.COM FOR MORE INFORMATION EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Harun Buljina, Emmarie Huetteman, Emily Michels, Kate Peabody, Robert Soave, Imran Syed I T U T Ts F> ') SENSEND LETTERS TO: TOTHEDAILY@UMICH.EDU .'U'poorly publicized recent bus route changes that had already ca I got to the stop. Be schedule of this bus 20 minutes for th Though I did notic' TO THE DAILY: mentioning the sch Since classes began, I have noticed Central Campus sto several changes to the bus service as adequate notice. that have not been well publicized to In the future, I students. One example of this is the University's Parki new "Diag to Diag" route. This route tion Services woul - which is an express service between in ensuring that t North Campus and Central Campus use the bus service - started running at the beginning of about service chani this month. However, there is no posted it would be nice if' schedule (aside from a small blurb on keep the schedules Magic Bus) and only one sign along the tion website up tod entire route that identifies the route, old schedule for the Given that, it isn't a surprise that I've route is still posted seen these buses running mostly empty route is barely ment and this service mostly going to waste. be nice if some cor However, even more concerning than given to fixing the this is the recent, unadvertised change the bus system, lik to the Northwood Express route. wood routing and t Unbeknownst to students living in the Hill-area dorms. Northwood Community Apartments, While adding nE the pick-up times along this route were making the exis changed this semester to be five min- friendly should bea utes earlier than before. Because of this, I was slightly late for a morning Tim Hull class and ended up waiting for a bus School ofIhformation me and went before ecause of the limited Avoid bi s, I waited more than e next bus to come. with nai e a handwritten sign edule change at the p, this hardly served TO THE DAI The price would hope that the pharmaceuti ng , & Transporta- ever, for tho d be more proactive the world, w hose who frequently natural bird are kept in the loop readily avail ges. At the very least, bought at los the University could of research ii s on the transporta- ods of cont date - as of now, the women unw Northwood Express have even he and the Diag to Diag tioned. Also, it would Milena Soc 'nsideration could be LSA senior quirkier aspects of :e the current North- Saving he limited service to ' ew service is great, by eatin ting service user- trth control prices ural options LY: of birth control, like any cal, is very inflated. How- usands of years, all across vomen have found forms of control. Most of these are able in nature and can be w prices. However, the lack nto these alternative meth- raceptive has made most illing to try them (if they ard of them). the world ig less meat a priority. SA M BUT LE R T k wi cato a rgnlypitdo ete r ,20 . Ai si Thiscaroon as rignall prntedon eptmber1, 002 TO THE DAILY: The United Nations wants you to go vegetarian - kind of. In response to growing concerns about global warm- ing, the United Nations has taken a con- troversial stance on how to end it: eat less meat. According to The Guardian Observer, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said that people should have at least one meat-free day a week in order to help tackle climate change. Accord- ing to a 2006 report from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, livestock causes 18 percent of Earth's greenhouse gas emissions, less than transportation, which causes 13 percent. While booming enrollment in the University's environmental programs is a wonderful step toward creating lead- ers who will bring about a healthier planet, it is also pertinent to emphasize that people don't have to go to school to be environmental stewards. That power also lies in what we decide to put - or not put - in our mouths every day. Julianne Armijo Nursing junior A2 needs more, not less, immigration enforcement TO THE DAILY: In Monday's editorial arguing for the city of Ann Arbor to become a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants (Sanctuaryfor all, 09/08/2008), the Daily displayed a naive disregard for sound public-policy. The editorial decried the big, bad Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency for committing "civil rights vio- lations," but pointed to zero instances of such violations. Instead it creatively crafted an "affront to civil liberties" from some of ICE's allegedly "question- able practices." If the Daily is so concerned about ICE's day-to-day operations, it should stop regurgitating talking points from the American Civil Liberties Union and request to ride alongwith ICE to observe how exactly its officers go about enforc- ing our laws. As a native of the Arizona, into which thousands of migrants cross the bor- der illegally every day, I have a unique perspective on the importance of pre- venting illegal aliens from disregarding American law and reaping the benefits of American citizenship without assum- ing any of the responsibilities. Unchecked illegal immigration taxes all of us unfairly. It draws valu- able resources from our public schools, health care and transit systems,.and dra- matically increases crime rates. Fortunately, the Ann Arbor City Council hasn't bowed to the left-wing extremism advocated by the Daily. The Ann Arbor Police Department should be doing more, not less, to help ICE hunt down and arrest those who violate our federal laws. To suggest that Ann Arbor adopt a policy that inhibits the ability of ICE agents to protect the citizens of this country reflects an appalling lack of judgment. The federal government must act deci- sively to secure our borders and identify exactly who is living in our country. For-" tunately, next year when another Ari- zonan, John McCain, is in the White House, he will provide the leadership that our country so desperately needs on this critical issue. Michael Huston Law School Killing animals isjust as cruel as torturing them TO THE DAILY: I'm writing in response to Eileen Stahl's column Monday explaining how she loves animals but still eats them (Natural born killers, 09/08/2008). Stahl's argument that killing animals is OK because animals also kill doesn't hold water after even cursory scrutiny. Animals engage in infanticide, terri- torial murder, rape and even cannibal- ism. Yet, we don't condone these acts and give into our animalistic roots here. The notion that we are all "animals in the end," is not how society operates. Humans are capable of making rational and ethical decisions. We do this all the time, and this is necessary to our sur- vival as a species and a society. Stahl also included a logical fallacy in her argument: the notion that you can kill animals and not be cruel to them. The impetus for this can only follow from the pain principle - the notion that the ability to feel pain determines whether a species can be ethically killed or harmed. The idea that murdering an animal is somehow not cruel, while tor- turing it is, makes no sense. The human analog would be t& argue that it's not OK for our government to waterboard prisoners at Guantanamo Bay but it is OK to kill them to open cell space. Stahl's other points are pragmatic issues versus idealistic ones. It's fairly common for an ideal to trump the prag- matic hurdles no matter what they be. For example, we would probably still be keen on enforcingthe illegality of murder even if disposing of the police meant only a marginal increase in the murder rate. There is no escape from the contra- diction that torturing animals is wrong but killing them is not. Stahl should think about this next time she eats a hamburger in front ofther lizard. Sharon Traiberman LSA senior Spectators should show respect during anthem TO THE DAILY: At Saturday's football game, I sat in row 62 above the 45-yard line and watched more than a dozen people not remove their hats during the National Anthem. What is wrong with people who don't remove their hats during the National Anthem? In every game there is one moment when we must all rise above football and stand together. Americans have paid the ultimate price for that anthem. Show some respect and take off your hat. Steve Joslin Music junior 0 0i A A 4 A 4 A