4h 2A - Thursday, September 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom The bus. driver's gospel You've probably seen Bob Grie- shaber around campus. You may even have shaken bin hand, chatted with him or, better yet, heard him ine gospel music. For those who haven't heard him burnt into nong while behind the wheel, Grienhaber in one of the mont recognizable bus drivers on campus. He currently driven the Bursley- Baits bun route from C.C. Little to Baits I, but in five years of driving, he nays he's driven just about every route. While on the road, he always does his bent to make the journey as enjoyable an possible. "I try to make it fun for the fresh- men," he said. "Kind of like their grandpa's driving the bun." Often that involves a friendly 'hello' an students get on the bus. Sometimes he serenades them as he drives. "I'm a Christian singer, and I don't have my tape player going yet, but I usually practice on the bus, so they get to listen to me sing," he said. "Mostly southern gospel" Accompanying Grieshaber in Beauregard the Bus Monkey, a fuzzy brown hand puppet that has ridden with him for about three years. "I had him when I had the North- woods route. He was a big hit with the little kids," Grieshaber said. "I think the big kids liked him tuo." Grieshaber knows "kids" well. Before becoming a bus driver, he wan a schoolteacher for more than 26 years. He grew up in Dundee, Michigan, and graduated from Louisiana Tech University after two years at the University of Michigan. He taught in Louisiana and Arkan- sas until about nix years ago, when he returned to Michigan. An for his current route, Grne- shaber said his- bus in more often packed with students on the way to class, and he prefers it that way. "I just feel like I'm earning my paycheck, I guess," he said. .He said. his new "Diag to Diag" exprestoute - which runs between Central Campus and North Campus - is hit or miss on whether the bus will be full, though he added, "I'd like to get it full a lot more." Full buses or not, Grieshaber explains that he simply enjoys being out on the road. "I just like to drive," he said. "I came over here and I've had a pretty good time." CHARLES GREGG-GEIST eob Grieshaber, accompanied by Beauregard the eon Monkey, tries to brighten students's days by saying 'hello' and singirg to those onoon his Bursley-Baits bus rote. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109=1327 www.michigandaily.com ANDREWGROSSMN ELAINABUGLI Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-647-0336 734-764-05585 grossman@michigandaitycom bugti@michigandaitycom CONTACT INFORMATION Newsroom offieehors:ou.-Thurs.t11 a..-2 am News Tips news@mnichigandaiycome Corrections corrections@mihigandailyecom leters to he Ediltrtothedaily@emiehigandaity.eee Photography Department photo@emiesigandaity.eae Arts Section artspage@m~ichigandailycome Editorial Page opinion@mihigandailyecom Sports Section sports@michigandaily.com Display Sates display@mihigandaily.com Classified Sales cleassified@michigandaiy.eeom Online Sales ontineads@michigandaiy.ceon Finance finance@mihigadaiy.comn EDITORIAL STAFF Gabe Nelson Managieg Editor neltsen@mihigandaiy.com, tCtris Herring MansgingNes Editor herring@meichigandaityomn SENIR ES EDITOS:Emilyrtn,Kelty Faer, Lisa Hadst~isanAd roll Gary Graca Editorial PageEditor graea@eihigandaiy.eee, Nate Sandals MaeagingSpertsstditoe sandats@mihigandaiy.ecom ASSISTAsNeSRSEDInOS:Nicoebuebc,Ruth Lincoln, Chris Micael Pannanad Mattteny MaeagingArtsbEditors arts@eihigandailyecrn SENO ASEITOR rndn dCor0i, Carolin Hartman Rodrigo Gaya MassaggPheooEditor gaya@eih' andaityceae ASIT NT POTOEDITO enjiel,, Ro~b Migrin Clifee, ~ Chanel Von-Hbsburg-othringen AllisonnGhaman Managing Design tditor ghaman@mnichigandaitycoem SEsNRDEnuSNEDTOR:Bie'onnrj uells,Hary Rfee BridgelO'Donnell Maeagingntine ditr odonnett@miigandaityecom Jessicat/ssgerchian Magazise Editor vosgerehian@miehigandaily.ecom BenrSimon Mutimnedia Editor blrimon~umichiedu Kathnerine Mitchell CepyrChief rmitchl@mich.edu BUSINESS STAFF MithaeltSchrotenboer Dispay Advertising~aes Msnaser N~ewm, ChristiePhiip Ryan Basieski Ctsssified Sales Msnager CsidSlsAssi5bO santMaage:AonThmaes MarissafGerber OninenSatrs Manager Ben English Produetion Manager Daniel Cheung FieaneerManaer nhesihiantDailh(ISNs074-9isuy ublshed Mndayntkroughridadrig tefallnd W ter terms bystdentrst thet5UnivenrfMcigasnne pis aailble freeofrhargetall reaes. Aditi~ona coiesy be pickd up atthal's ofe f~r $2.ubsriptinsfoaltet~r, sarng in Setemrbr visU..mailsares1itt r t er nathroanughbApil)s $t5, erlongt(Stember throgArillis$195.tniversit fiisrresbet toareduedsbsrptiontrate-ams, subscriptinsfrtallter r $35.tSbscrins mut be pepie MihiganDaiyisamemberof Thenssoeresnd TheAssoaedCollgateress. CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES BlackBerry Cell phone lifted swiped from from bookbag exercise room WHERE: Modern Language WHERE: Central Campus Rec- reation Building WHEN: Tuesday at about 6 p.m. WHAT: A student reported their BlackBerry stolen at approximately 5:40 pm after leaving the device unattended on exercise equipment. Building WHEN: Tuesday at about 2 p.m. WHAT: A student reported their cell phone stolen between 12:00 and 12:30 pm after leav- ing their bookbag unattended. No other itemsnfrom bookbag reported missing. MCard, keys Vending machine stolen from vandalized on bookbag North Campus WHERE: EarlYV. Moore Build- WHERE: Dance Building ing Alternative. Weekends mass meeting WHAT: A informational session about Alternative Weekends, a volunteer orga- nization. WHO: The Ginsberg Center WREN: Tonight at WHERE: Couzens Hall liv- ing room Radio Club mass meeting WHAT: A station tour and information session about the University's Amateur Radio Club. Free pizza will be nerved. WHO: The UM Amateur Radio Club WHEN: Tonight at 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Room 3411, Electri- cal Engineering and Com- puter Science Building Outdoor movie on North Diag WHAT: A screening of the newest film in the tndiana Jones series, screened on the North Campus Diag WHO: University Unions Arts and Programs and Soci- ety of Women Engineers WHEN: Tonight at 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Lonie Bell Tower Semester in Detroit meeting WHAT: An information ses- sion on Semester in Detroit, a new residency program WHO: Ginsberg Center WHEN: Tonight at 7 p.m. WHERE: Angell Hall, Audi- torium C CORRECTIONS Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@ michigandailycom. 1Ann Arbor ranked as the third-beat place in the United States to retire by Black Enterprise Maga- zine. Durham, North Carolina claimed the top spot in the sur- vey, which wan based on-qual- ity of life, affordable health care, and other considerations. 2Junior Canlon Brown may see playing time at quar- terback this Saturday at Notre Dame. So far this season, the Georgia native has taken one snap from behind center. >>FOR MORE, SEE SPORTS, PAGE 8 311A fortunate feline owes its life to Massachusetts fire- fighter Al Machado, who, after rescuing the cat from a burning apartment building Tuesday, revived it with mouth- to-mouth resuscitation. When asked what it tasted like to give mouth-to-mouth to a cat, Machado responded: "Like fur." 0 0 WHEN: Tuesday at about 7:45 p.m. WHAT: A student reported their MWard, cell phone and keys missing. The items were stolen while momentarily left unattended at 7:40 pm. WHEN: Tuesday at about 1 p.m. WHAT: A student reported the glans display on a vending machine was broken between 8:30 am on September 9 and 12:30 ameon September 10. 0 0 "Student Cnveniene Checkng istreeon amonhy manteacefee frfie yaswhile yo are a suet.Stuet statusowill bevaidatd uoac ntpenngefere frstfieasayour StetudntConeiece Checingacontsril be auomaicay ugraed osoMyuAcess recergr Te mnhloyoaneraceeesf $5an5o MyccesstCheckngwill be woive aslong as y ouamonhlydieteosit. Fees frverdratsand other accont-relate fees stll apply *o mstper bth a neapersnat cecking accut ad a new Reglaraings acont refeed toasantinis Makt Rae aigin ID ad W) at e samtime,sinupoor Keep te Chaervricand s o ur ceck card to make a purcaseitin 9t dasnofaccuntuopenng. 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