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September 05, 2008 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-09-05

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2A - Friday, September 5, 2008

The Michigan Daily - michigan6ily.com

2A - Friday, September 5, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

What's in a name?

Ever wondered what it takes to
have a University building named
in your honor?
It's probably not as hard as you
All you need is a couple mil-
lion dollars lying around that you
wouldn't mind donating to the Uni-
Take New York real estate devel-
oper and alum Stephen M. Ross,
who gifted the University its larg-
est donation ever, a grand sum of
$100 million.
In return, the University Board
of Regents renamed the Business
School in his honor.
Luckily for you, it doesn't take
a $100 million donation to name
every new University building,
according to the University's policy
for the naming of facilities, spaces
and streets.

"New facilities may be named for
a donor or donors for contributions
of 50 percent or more of the fund-
raising goal for the facility or 33
percent or more of the anticipated
project cost, whichever is greater,"
the policy states.
Bob Groves, the University's
associate vice president for devel-
opment, said University officials
stay in touch with affluent alumni
in the hopes that they will make a
contribution to their alma mater.
"We are constantly in contact
with alumni that we hope will sup-
port the University financially," he
But not all alumni have the
resources to make the kind of dona-
tion that would warrant a name-
sake building.
"It's a pretty rare circumstance,"
he said. "There aren't that many

people that can make gifts of that
magnitude." v
And having millions of dollars
doesn't necessarily cut it.
"We cannot present this as an
opportunity to a donor unless we z
consult with the regents the pos-
sibility to put their name on it,"'
Groves said.
There are also other ways to get-"
your name affixed to a University
The theatre in North Campus's
Walgreen Drama Center, for exam-
ple, was coined The Arthur Miller
Theatre in 2006 to honor the late
playwright and alum's influential
"People can be recognized for
their overall contributions to soci- Construction continues on the Basiness scholwichtt w/ill
ety and the University," Groves bear the nave at real estate developer Stephen M. tans when
said. it apens this winter. lass donated $100 million tn the school,
TREVOR CALERO warn than half the baildings total casts.

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Man steals

U' student's

Ice cream and

presciption pad, purse stolen contests
writes sick note from bathroom charity


WHERE: Briarwood Medical
WHEN: Wednesday at about
WHAT: A 36-year-old man
obtained a copy of a doctor's
prescription pad. He then
proceeded to write himself an
off-work slip.

WHERE: Angell Hall
WHEN: Wednesday at about
3:45 p.m.
WHAT: A20-year-old female
studentchad her purse stolen
from an Angell Hall restroom.
The purse was valued at $150
and included miscellaneous
credit cards and an MCard.

WHAT: Games and con-
tests at Stucchi's promoting
the South Asian Awareness
Network. Bring aflyer and 15
percent of your purchase will
be donated tooa charity.
WHEN: Today 2-6 p.m.
WHERE: 1121 South Univer-
sity Ave.

WHERE: UClub at the
Michigan Union
Hip hop dance
WHAT: Dancers Nikki
Stanek and Rris Rhodes will
work with students interested
in learning hip hop choreog-
WHO: Dance 2X and UMix
WHEN: Today from 8:30
p.m. to midnight
WHERE: Michigan Union
discussion on
secret societies
WHAT: A discussion about
the University's former secret
WHO: Black Welcome Week
WHEN: Today from 3-5 p.m.
WHERE: William Monroe
Trotter Multicultural Center

1The Michigan Athletic
Department is advising
fans to arrive at least an
hour earlycto Saturday's football
game-against Miami University,
to avoid congestion related to
ongoing stadium construction.
2The seatingcapacity at the
Maracana soccer stadium
in Brazil dropped from
about 200,000 to about 95,000
after recent renovations.
3 Anew California-based
music site will give fans
part of the profit every
time they buysa song, the Asso-
ciated Press reported. Popcuts.
tom is rewarding customers
with credit to buy more files
each time they buy a 99 cent
song. Eventually they hope to
reward customers with cash.

MCard stolen in Nothing taken in Poetry slam in
Fish Bowl camp break-in the Union

WHERE: Angell Hall
WHEN: Wednesday at about
2:00 p.m.
WHAT: A 22-year-old male
student had his MCard stolen
when he left it unattended
in the Fish Bowl When he
returned the card was gone.
Police have no suspects.

WHERE: Fresh Air Camp,
WHEN: Wednesday at about
7:30 am.
WHAT: An unknown suspect
broke a window and gained
entry into a dining hall. The
damage is estimated at $600,
though nothing was stolen.

WHAT: A poetry slam com-
memorating the struggles of
black University students.
WHO: Intellectual Minds
MakingA Difference and
Fighting Obstacles Rnowing
Ultimate Success
WHEN: Today from 10 p.m.
to 1 a.m..


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