Iie 1idigan Bail
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Monday, April 14, 2008
Repeal of
research ban
seeks spot
on ballot
'U' officials can't AN OVERTURNING POINT?
support initiative, Whatcould be on this falls ballot
but support change Theprnoposedamendmentwou'ldnot
change the state ban on human cloning.
to stem cell laws Michigan residents wouldhaveaccess
to any therapies and cures that may
result from the research. The language
By EMILY BARTON stipulates that the research mustbe
Daily News Editor conducted ethically, and the only
embryos that will be used are those that
Hoping to overturn the state's wouldotherwise be discarded at fertil-
ban on embryonic stem cell itycinics. Eryos can be bought
research, a ballot question com- low laws set in place by the Michigan
mittee is moving forward with governmentaslongas thoselawsaren't
plans to place an initiative on the toorestrictive,
November ballot allowing voters
to decide whether the research Campaign Director MarkBur-
should be legal in Michigan. ton said the committee wouldn't
The Stem Cell Research Bal- say how many signatures have
lot Question Committee, formed been collected so far, but said
in October, has until July 7 to he thinks the group will gather
gather 380,126 signatures - the enough to place the initiative on
number required to place an ini- the ballot in the fall.
tiative on the state's ballot. See STEM CELLS, Page 3A
Senior captain Kevin Porter, who led all college hockey players in points duringthe regular season and led Michigan to the Frozen Four, accepts the Hobey Baker award at a
ceremony on Friday. Though Porter received much praise during the hockey season, he tried to downplay his feat.
Winning the Hobeyhumbly
Senior captain Porter earned college hockey's highest award, but never took it for granted
DENVER - Kevin Porter never
wanted to be in the spotlight this
season, but in
the end, there
was no question
he earned it.
senior captain
was the deserv-
ing recipient
of the Hobey NATE
Baker Memorial SANDALS
Award, given to
the nation's best
college hockey player, Friday at the
Pepsi Center.
Porter's work ethic and skill set
him apart on the ice. But in street
clothes, he's just a normal kid, and
that's what makes him such a spe-
cial winner.
As the nation's scoring leader for
most of the season, Porter received
more media attention than he
knew what to do with. Most play-
ers would have gotten a big head. If
anything, Porter shrunk from the
spotlightcwhen it shone brightest.
Most superstars have never met
a microphone or a camera they
didn't like. When Porter sees one,
you can almost tell he's thinking of
how he can finish the interview as
soon as possible.
"It's kind of an old-school thing,
but it's great to see a young player
in today's era of so much publicity
and so much attention just remain
humble," Michigan coach Red
Berenson said.
If there were a Heisman Trophy
winner walking around campus,
everyone would turn and stare
as he passed by on the Diag. The
Hobey is college hockey's Heis-
man, but for his four years at
Michigan, Porter has remained
an anonymous face inAnn Arbor.
Maybe you've sat next to him in
class. Chances are you didn't know
More people on this campus
could recognize Porter if they saw
See PORTER, Page 7A
State lawmaker wants ten-percent rule
Automatic college
admission policy has
been implemented in
Texas, Calif. and Fla.
Daily News Editor
A state lawmaker has proposed a
plan that would guarantee admis-
sion to any of Michigan's 15 public
universities to students in the top
10 percent of their class at Michi-
gan high schools.
The plan, modeled after Texas's
decade-old 10-percent law, was
introduced last week by State Rep.
Rick Jones (R-Grand Ledge), who
said the plan would ensure that
students from rural farming com-
munities or urban areas would have
the same access to education as stu-
dents from affluent suburbs.
Critics of the plan say it would
infringe on the independence of
Michigan's universities and force
them to admit students who don't
meet a college's academic stan-
Because Michigan's 15 public
universities have autonomy under
the state constitution, Jones said
he plans to propose the admissions
system as a constitutional amend-
For the amendment to appear
on the ballot this November, both
houses of the Michigan Legislature
must approve the measure by July
to give voters the required three
months to review the measure.
Jones said he hopes to introduce
a draft of his plan to the legislature
this week.
Percent-based admissions plans
have often been discussed and
implemented in states where affir-
mative action admissions policies
have been struck down.
Since the ballot initiative Propos-
al 2 passed in Nov. 2006, race- and
gender-based affirmativeactionhas
been banned in state institutions.
The Texas 10-percent law after
which Jones is modelinghis legisla-
tion was proposed there to circum-
vent a federal appeals court ruling
banning the consideration of race
in college admissions. California
and Florida have followed suit with
similar plans since Texas banned
the practice in 1997.
Under California's Eligibility
in Local Context plan, first used
in 2001, the top 4 percent of high
school seniors are guaranteed
admission to any University of
California campus. Under Florida's
Ann Arbor residents and Kiwanis International members Don Kern (left) and
John Bassett were volunteers during the organization's rummage sale at the
activities center located next to the Blind Pig on Saturday.
Threat closes Oakland
University for two days
Once-controversial senior society
announces members of 'Pride of 2009'
Graffiti found in
bathroom referred to
campus attacks today
Threatening graffiti found in three
men's restrooms led Oakland Uni-
versity to cancel campus classes,
sports and cultural activities for
two days.
The school said it sent out a secu-
rity alert Saturday after finding one
threatening message, and officials
said they found similar messages in
two nearby buildings later that day.
The school didn't reveal contents
of the threats. The activities cancel-
lation is in effect for yesterday and
Dormitories remained open,
although university spokeswoman
Michelle Moser said students were
encouraged to go home if possible.
Campus officials "are taking this
threat seriously and are closing to
ensure the safety of the entire cam-
pus community," university Police
Chief Sam Lucido said.
The messages referred to possi-
ble on-campus attacks on "4/14" -
or April 14 - Lucido told the Detroit
Free Press. The threats didn'ttarget
anyone specifically, and authori-
ties believe the same person left all
three threats.
Group aims to
connect student
leaders on campus
Daily StaffReporter
The Order of Angell, the elite
senior society previously known
as Michigamua, announced on
Friday the names of its new class
of students for the upcoming
academic year.
The 21 students who comprise
the group's "Pride of 2009" class
include presidents of student
organizations, captains of Uni-
versity athletic teams and stu-
dent government leaders.
For the past 106 years, a group
of up to 25 University seniors has
been chosen by the group's pre-
vious class of members. Students
are individually selected, or
"tapped," to continue the group's
mission, which is "to advance
exceptional leadership through
a lifelong loyalty to and engage-
ment with the University of
Michigan," according to a press
release announcing the group's
2008-2009 members.
James Burrill Angell, a former
president of the University and
the group's namesake, is largely
See ORDER, Page 8A
Among the group's"Pride of2009" class arethe presidentsof MSA and
LSA-SG, student-athletes and various leaders of campus organizations.
Adam Abraham: Baseball
Ryan Bouchard: Army ROTC
Kristine Cramer: Solar CarTeam
Danny Fardig: Ice Hockey
Andrew Grossman: The Michigan Daily
Mike Holody: Men's Soccer
Jenny Howard: Dance Marathon
StephanieHoyer: Field Hockey
Ashley tssa: Society of WomentEngineers
Ashwin Lalendran: MPowered Entrepre-
JamieMartone: Men'sSwimming
Katie Miler: Homen's Soccer
Tim Miller: Ice Hockey
JoseNunez: InterfraternityCouncil '
TiffanyOfili:Women's Track and Field
Ashwin Ramnath: Indian American Stu-
dent Association
Sabrina Shingwani: Michigan Student
Gabrielle Sims: Black Volunteer Network
Madeline Stano: AmnestyInternational,
Human Rights ThroughEducation
Neil amhe: Interraternity Council
Leslie Zaikis: LSA-Stdent Government
HONORARY MEMBER: Carol Hutchins,
Coach, Michigan Softball
Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.
Things Dick Cheney likes - other than torture
INDEX NEW S...............................2A CROSSW ORD.....................SA
Vol. CXVIll,No.133 OPINION ... ............4A CLASSIFIEDS.............. ..6A
m©@ oOTheichiano aily ARTS... .............5A SPORTSMONDAY................1B