SIie I.idipganBailjj Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, April 9, 2008 michigandailycom MICHIGAN STUDENT ASSEMBLY Tuition allocations to shift for undergrads At meeting, MSA urges addition of box to application for Middle Easterners By DANIEL STRAUSS Daily Staff Reporter At last night's Michigan Student Assembly meeting, University Pro- vost Teresa Sullivan announced that each student's tuition will be spent more evenly across different academic fields starting this fall. Currently, 75 percent of each student's tuition goes to the depart- ment in which the student chooses to major. In the fall, that number will drop to 50 percent. The remain- inghalfofeachstudent's tuitionwill fund his or her elective classes. Sullivan said administrators hope the change encourages stu- dents to take more classes outside their majors and improves the qual- ity of schools besides the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. "One of the things I think this will do is to encourage deans in schools like arts andsciences and music,the- atre and dance to offer more classes for non-majors," she said. After Sullivan's presentation at the meeting, the assembly's last of the semester, the body passed two resolutions. The first resolution calls for a new check box to appear on the University's admissions applica- tion for prospective students who identify as North African or Middle Eastern. The check box resolution was pushed by Project: Check, a group comprised of current and former students and led by recent Univer- sity graduate Sirene Abou-Chakra, which aims to better represent certain groups within the Univer- sity's ethnic breakdown statistics. The region includes nations from Morocco to Iran. Middle Eastern and North Afri- can students are currently grouped with white students in the admis- sionsprocess. The resolution passed unanimously. LSA junior Muhammad Algha- nem, an MSA representative and a member of Project: Check, said the new option acknowledges that stu- dents from the Middle Eastern or North African region are not white. The assembly also passed a resolution to give varsity athletes priority registration to register for classes. Some assembly members said they felt this move would put too much emphasis on athletics at the University, instead of academics. The resolution passed 23-3 with three people abstaining. MSA President Sabrina Shin- gwani said she supported the reso- lution. She said the credit blocks, which determinewhenstudentscan register based on how many credits they have, have been tightened in the past, giving fewer students ear- See MSA, Page 7A ROB MIGRIN/Daily University President Mary Sue Coleman addresses students at her fireside chat at the Michigan Union yesterday. Ina question-and-answer format, several of the about 50 students in attendance asked Coleman questions about recent hot topics like renewable energy and the University's possession of Native American remains. A CHAT WITt GCOLEM iAN 'UT' president fields questions on environment, GEO walkout during "fireside chat" By JENNA SKOLLER Daily StaffReporter University President Mary Sue Coleman fielded questions yes- terday about renewable energy and last month's graduate stu- dent instructor strike at a meeting with about 50 University students billed as a "fireside chat." Though the mostly question- and-answer formatted event raised controversial issues, it maintained a light atmosphere with the group' bursting into laughter several times in response to Coleman's quips. E. Royster Harper, vice presi- dent for student affairs, was also on hand for the chat, which was held in the Michigan Union's Kue- nzel Room. Though the talk shifted from topic to topic, questions and con- cerns about the environment and sustainability were at the fore- front of the chat, as the state Sen- ate recently passed bills calling for Michigan's government buildings to obtain 10 percent of their elec- tricity from renewable sources by 2010. Gov. Jennifer Granholm has also recently been proposing that renewable sources must account for 10 percent of all of the state's electricity by 2015. "It's going to become evermore important inthe future," Coleman said. "Not only from the perspec- tive of saving money, but we also must do what we can for the envi- ronment." Addressing another recent issue, a student asked about whether the University planned to return Native American remains and artifacts that one Michigan tribe says belonged to its ances- tors. Echoing the University's stance from the past few weeks, Coleman maintained that giving back the remains without being certain of their origin would vio- late federal law. "It would be illegal to turn See COLEMAN, Page 3A East U. construction peeves students COLLEGE-AGE POLICY WONKS Think tank lets college kids try hand at politics Residents ask for reduced rent because of Zaragon Place construction noise By JAKE HOLMES Daily StaffReporter LSA senior Stew Krane said noises and vibrations from the construction site next door have turned the place where he sleeps into a "coin-operated motel bed.". That, he said, makes sleeping a challenge. One of many disgruntled stu- dents in his neighborhood, Krane said his house shakes and rattles because of the jackhammers used for nearby construction. He said the sounds from the construction are so loud that hearing his TV is a tall task. Krane lives on Willard Street between East University Avenue and Church Street, directly behind the construction site of Zaragon Place, a 10-story apartment com- plex that will replace the recently demolished Anberay Apartments. The project has peeved some stu- dents and businesses who claim the disruptions have been too noisy. Tim Stout, an assistant super- intendent at the site, said con- struction crews only work between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday and sometimes an occasional Saturday. He said the cews work Saturdays if they appear to be drifting away from their target completion date of , , j , . 4 ' ;f Three-year-old campus chapter looks for solutions to modern 'challenges' By ELIZABETH LAI Daily StaffReporter Though you might not see them protesting on the Diag or holding sit-ins, students at the University's chapter of the Roos- evelt tostitution are still working to make their voices heard. The Roosevelt Institution,. which calls itself "the nation's first student think tank," is a non- profit, nonpartisan organization founded by Stanford University students in 2004. The University of Michigan's chapter, one of 98 nationwide, launched in fall 2005. University members of the stu- dent-led organization meet week- ly in one of nine policy centers - small groups that craft policy on issues like the economy, health care and urban planning. Each summer, representatives from the institute's chapters meet to decide on three "Roosevelt Challenges" for the coming school year. This year's challenges include pro- moting responsible community development, improving civic participation and the criminal justice system. Members of the Universi- . ty's chapter share, debate and research different policy propos- als that can then be published once a semester in the chapter's journal, The Roosevelt Vanguard. The Institution's national office in Washington D.C. choos- es the best policies to give to vari- ous state and federal legislators and advocacy groups in the hopes that they might be able to push for them to be adopted as legislature. "Kids get more invested in research and working hard when they see their policies and their ideas going into the real world," said LSA sophomore Kelly Good- man, who will be co-president of the University's chapter next year. Goodman said she thinks stu- dents want to be more involved in social and political activities, judging by the level of social activism on campus. The Insti- tution, Goodman said, provides them with that opportunity. "You kind of get the sense that they want to do more," she said. LSA sophomore Nathaniel Eli Coats Styer, chair of the Universi- ty's chapter of College Democrats, said he welcomes the think tank's approach to campus politics. "We really enjoy working with them because they do do [sic] something creative and different than we're used to doing as Col- lege Democrats," Styer said. Brady Smith, chair of the University's chapter of College Republicans, said he thinks the Institution has a "noble goal" but has been disappointed because there has been little interaction See THINK TANK, Page 3A Construction workers build the Zaragon Place on 619 E. University Avenue yesterday. Construction starts every week day at 7 a.m. and lasts until 3:30 p.m., and many students say they have trouble sleeping or studying because of the sounds. spring 2009. According to Ann Arbor city code, construction work is per- mitted between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Stout said O'Neal Construction - an Ann Arbor-based company working on numerous University projects including the softball field renovations - is the contractor for Zaragon Place and has already discussed the impact of the work with neighboring businesses and residents. "I do feel pretty positive, and I hope that's mutual," Stout said. But Krane said the construction has been too disruptive, saying the noise starts "way before" he and his housemates prefer to wake up. He said he thinks his rent should have been reduced due to the con- struction. "The house is such a great loca- tion for campus, and then this hap- pened," Krane said. Stout said the company has already made concessions to resi- dents and businesses in the area, citing a decision to accommodate nearby businesses by keeping two lanes of traffic open and con- structing a protected walkway next to the construction site. In order to maintain two-way traf- fic on the street, the city elimi- nated parking on both sides of the street. Even with the accommodation, though, local business owners say the project has temporarily hurt business. Joey Zeer, owner of In-N-Out Pizza, a convenience store located next to the site, said he makes some sales to hungry and thirsty con- struction workers, but that on the See CONSTRUCTION, Page 3A WEATHER HI:53 GOT A NEWS TIP? TOMERA OWHLE:R40 Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail TOMORROW LO: 4 and let us know. ON THE DAilLY BLOOGS Procrastination method #92: Online font editor MICHIGANDAILY.COM/THECIRCUIT INDEX NEWS ..........................:.....2A CLASSIFIEDS.. ..A........6A Vol, CXVIII,No.131 OPINION...........................4A SPORTS.......................... 8A m@2007Th cMichigan Daily ARTS. ................. ........SA THE STATEMENT..........,.......1B michigondorlycom9