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April 08, 2008 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2008-04-08

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

From Page 1
* EAST LANSING Longsworth called
nesses who had seer
Police review body shortly after i
tapes i aftermath these witnesses, G
gested there were n
of MSU riots a physical struggle
Dickinson's room.
Police could spend weeks Graham also said
reviewingvideo of what they char- found in Dickinson'
acterized as a riot near Michigan have been tainted be
State University over the week- who entered the to
end. tigate the scene wer
East Lansing police said a task protective gloves or s
force will review video and pic- In the first trial,
tures from the aftermath of a Oct.16, Longsworth a
Cedar Fest party involving 3,000 killed Dickinson in a
to 4,000 people that turned ugly was "every woman's
and had to be broken up by tear Longsworth used
gas early Sunday after police were dence obtained from
pelted with bottles and rocks. on Dickinson's leg,
Police have reported 52 arrests, camera footage, a h
but that number could climb based shirt found in Taylor
on the review of video. As of mid- and a bag of gifts fou
yesterday, all the arrested face apartmenttoargueth
misdemeanor charges. Some could been in Dickinson's
face felonies depending upon fur- night of the incident.
ther review of the evidence, said footage shows Taylor
East Lansing Police Capt. Kim sweatshirt on the ni
Johnson. tion. Longsworth sai
"We want to identify some of a bag of gifts that D
the major culprits as soon as pos- received earlier in th
sible and bring them to justice as Keel argued that
soon as we can," Johnson said. lor was in Dickinson'
mean he raped or kill
KANSAS CITY Instead, Keel arg
time that Taylor v
McCain rebukes m
Mc~an re ukes marijuana with som
calls for removing the night of the incid
troops from Iraq
Republican presidential candi- for m
date John McCain said yesterday
that calls from his Democratic ri- The University
vals to withdraw U.S. forces from Science,
Iraq stand as a "failure of leader-
ship" as they are making promises
they cannot keep.
Democrat Barack Obama said
the failure rests with McCain's
support for an open-ended occu-
pation of Iraq.
Addressing the Veterans of
Foreign Wars, McCain criticized
Obama and Democratic Sen. Hill- Hat n
ary Rodham Clinton and insisted
that last year's U.S. troop build-
up in Iraq brought a glimmer of
"something approaching normal"
there, despite a recent outbreak of
heavy fighting and a U.S. death toll
that has surpassed 4,000.
Pulling out now would jeopar-
dize recent gains, McCain said.
Protestors scale
bridge to call
for a free Tibet
Three people protesting Chi-
na's human rights record and the
impending arrival of the Olympic
torch climbed up the Golden Gate LSA
Bridge yesterday and tied the Ti-
betan flag and two banners to its
The banners read "One World
One Dream. Free Tibet" and "Free
Tibet 08."
The protesters wore helmets Get fre
and harnesses as they made their When yo
way up the cables running next to
the south tower of the famed span. a $ nnt
The climb had the group suspend- g 20 ors
ed about 150 feet above traffic. U reta qui=e

...all available
ELDORADO, Texas FREE if you enr
State looks into 1-800-KAP-TEST I
abuse at polygamist
More than 400 children, most-
ly girls in pioneer dresses, were
swept into state custody from a
polygamist sect in what authori-
ties described yesterday as the
largest child-welfare operation in
Texas history.
The days long raid on the
sprawling compound built by now-
jailed polygamist leader Warren To play: Comple
Jeffs was sparked by a 16-year-old and every 3x
girl's call to authorities that she
was being abused and that girls
as young as 14 and 15 were being There is r
forced into marriages with much. just use logi
older men.
- Compiled from 7 4
Daily wire reports
U.iS, D ET H
4,023 5
Number of American service mem- 6
bers who have died in the war in
Iraq, according to The Associated 4
Press. The following deaths were
identified: 8
Army Pfc. Shane D. Penley, 19,
SAuk Village, Ill
Army Capt. Ulises Burgos-Cruz,
29, Puerto Rico
Army Spc. Matthew T. Morris, p
23, Cedar Park, Texas

several wit-
n Dickinson's
it was found.
mination of
raham sug-
no signs that
occurred in
the evidence
s room could
cause people
nom to inves-
en't wearing
hoe covers.
which began
argued Taylor
manner that
d DNA evi-
semen found
ooded sweat-
r's apartment
nd in Taylor's
room on the
. The camera
wearing the
ight in ques-
id Taylor stole
ickinson had
e evening.
proving Tay-
s room didn't
ed her.
gued at the
was smoking
e friends on
tent and wan-

dered into Dickinson's room look-
log for drugs. Keel said Taylor
found Dickinson in her room in a
"compromising position" and then
ejaculated on her.
"(Physical evidence) doesn't
even mean you touched the per-
son," he said.
After Taylor was found guilty,
Don Loppnow, Eastern Michigan's
executive vice president and pro-
vost, released a statement through
the school.
"Our first thoughts are with the
Dickinson family and friends," the
statementread. "We hope this pro-
vides them the closure the family
has sought."
Shortly after the Dec. 2006
episode, Eastern Michigan offi-
cials came under fire for the way
they handled the incident. After
Dickinson's body was found, the
university released a statement to
the media and Dickinson's parents
saying they didn't believe foul play
An independent investigation
and a U.S. Department of Educa-
tion report found that the school
had violated the Jeanne Clery Act,
a federal law requiring colleges
and universities to fully disclose
any information regarding cam-
pus security issues.
After the release of the findings,
EMU's Board of Regents fired
then-President John Fallon. Jim
Vick, the school's vice president
for student affairs and Cindy Hall,
the public safety director, also
stepped down.

From Page 1
phone numbers out of the plan at
any time, Brown said.
Colleges across the country
were pressured to give more
serious thought to text message
alert plans about a year ago, after
a shooter killed 32 students at
Virginia Tech. In February, six
Northern Illinois University stu-
dents were gunned down in a lec-
ture hall.
The issue picked up more
attention locally in January when
a botched robbery led to a fatal
shooting less than a mile from
North Campus involving a Uni-
versity student.
E-mails alerting students and
University employees about the
shooting took up to 10 hours to
circulate throughout campus.
From Page 1
announced, Merrill started a
Facebook group in response to
the changes. The group, called
"Restore Football Seating Priori-
ties for ALL Michigan Students,"

Some students said they never
received the message at all.
Brown said it's still unclear
how quickly the new system will
get messages to students.
"We're very interested to see
what speed each of the various
messages is," Brown said.
During a presentation to the
Michigan Student Assembly last
month, Brown said the system
would only be used in three cases:
if a tornado could strike campus,
if a major chemical spill occurred
or if an active shooter was loose.
DPS tested the program March
31, sending messages to all who
registered for the service.
If students who believe they
signed up for the service didn't
receive that message, Brown
said, it means that either the
phone carrier didn't send it or
that the person didn't fill out the
right information on Wolverine
encourages members to send a
form e-mail that addresses the
new policy to Bodnar and Athletic
Director Bill Martin.
The group has 441 members
to date. Merrill said each student
who sent the form e-mail received
a response from Bodnar within
three days of the group's cre-

Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 3
When asked about the alert
system, College of Engineering
junior Mike McCrary said he had
never heard of the service and
probably wouldn't sign up for it.
"I think I would find out what's
going on without getting a text
message," McCrary said.
Engineering senior Zane Salim
received an e-mail about the alert
system and signed up.
"It seemed like a good idea,"
Salim said. "If something hap-
pens, I'd like to know."
Salim said it was easy to sign
up and that he received a confir-
mation text message a few days
later. He said he's glad the system
would only be used under certain
"You want people to take the
system seriously," Salim said.
"They have to design it in such a
way that's not overdone."
In his e-mail responses to the
students, Bodnar has said that
he understands students' disap-
pointment and promises to create
a student advisory committee to
discuss football ticketing in the
future, but that the policy won't
be rescinded for the 2008 season.

E-mail odonnell@michigandaily.com

T 1

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