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April 07, 2008 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-04-07

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

A pril 7, 2008 - 5B

Injury sends Bausher back to infield

After bloody collision collision yesterday while covering
second base in the second inning
in win over Illinois, of Michigan's series-opener
against Illinois. Michigan coach
sophomore replaces Carol Hutchins moved Bausher
from her usual spot in centerfield
Ewing at shortstop over to shortstop.
Bausher started at second base
for Michigan last year before
By IAN KAY moving to centerfield this season,
Daily Sports Writer so she was familiar with infield
defense. But her experience at
As she waited for the game to shortstop was limited to just a few
resume during a second-inning fall scrimmages.
injury timeout, Michigan fresh- "I was playing outfield, so I
man first baseman Dorian Shaw was used to having a totally dif-
tossed a ground ferent approach to my throwing,"
balltosophomore NOTEBOOK Bausher said. "I just had to get
Molly Bausher. back to my infield throw."

two games against Illinois Sun-
day, Michigan put 32 runners on
Thirteen of those runners
crossed the plate, and Michigan
won comfortably in both games.
But the output could have been
much greater.
Sloppy baserunning cost the
Wolverines potential runs in three
consecutive innings in the second
game, when Michigan led 1-0.
With no outs in the second
inning, freshman Alycia Ryan was
on third base and Shaw on sec-
ond. Hutchins told Ryan to make
sure any ball hit on the ground
traveled beyond the infield before
breaking for home.
But when sophomore Roya St.
Clair grounded the ball to short,
Ryan took off at the crack of the
bat and was gunned down easily
at the plate.
"Those kind of mistakes make
you edgy when you're coaching,"
Hutchins said.
An inning later, senior Ales-
sandra Giampaolo broke for
second on contact, but senior
Samantha Findlay popped up her

bunt attempt. The Illinois first
baseman raced in and snagged
the ball out of the air. Giampaolo,
who had run nearly all the way to
second base, was easily doubled
Michigan scored four runs in
the sixth inning to render the
baserunning follies moot, but
Hutchins knows that might not
always be the case.
"I have confidence in my pitch-
ing," Hutchins said. "But it's hard
to expect your pitching to hold a
team to no runs."
NOTES: Three sets of metal
bleachers were delivered before
Sunday's first game, bringing
Alumni Field's total capacity to.
more than 2,800 ... Samantha
Findlay didn't drive home any
runs this weekend. She remains
tied for the Michigan career RBI
record with 184 ... Maggie Vief-
haus' third-inning home run
was the first round-tripper by
a Michigan batter at the newly-
renovated Alumni Field. As she
rounded the bases, an air raid-
style siren sounded, and team
personnel threw t-shirts to fans
in the grandstand.

From Page 1B
said Saturday. "And again, we don't
need her to over pitch, just do your
job and let her defense help. But I
just felt she was pretty calm and
composed and I was very pleased
with that."
Taylor was just as composed
Sunday, once again striking out
the first seven batters she faced.
The Valencia, Calif., native hasn't
let up a run in 39.1 innings.
Though most of the focus was on
Taylor, sophomore Nikki Nemitz
put up strong numbers in two
games on the weekend. After sur-
rendering a home run in the open-
ing loss, Nemitz went on to allow
just six hits in the two contests.
But Michigan didn't make it out
of the weekend unscathed, losing
shortstop Teddi Ewing to a leg
injury. The Olathe, Kan., native
left the game for stitches when
Illinois's Lana Armstrong was
caught stealing second but cleated
Ewing deep in her leg.

It was after she left that the
Wolverine offense exploded.
Michigan posted eight runs in the
mercy-rule victory.
"It stunk to lose Teddi, but it
shows great character because
we came back and played for her,"
Viefhaus said. "And I think we
came out stronger. We need her,
but it shows that we can really play
for our teammates."
Hutchins said she wants to see
her players hit the ball outside the
infield more, but thinks her club
is in good shape after winning
the weekend's final three games.
Hutchins praised the team's resil-
iency, which she said reminds her
of 2005's National Championship
"What my team in '05 did well
and what this year's team does
equally well is that we respond,
and even though Ithoughtwe took
a little long to respond yesterday,
we had every opportunity to wan
that game. We were never out of
the game and my kids never quit,"
Hutchins said. "I'll take that qual-
ity any day."

In textbook form, Bausher
planted her left leg and winged
the ball back across the infield -
right into the Michigan dugout.
As the warm-up throw sailed
over Shaw's head, it appeared
the Wolverines' normally reli-
able infield defense might become
a liability after the loss of junior
Teddi Ewing, the team's regular
The Olathe, Kan., native
received a deep gash on her leg in a

Bausher's errant warm-up toss
was her only miscue of the day, as
she easily handled the one ground
ball hit to her.
In the top of the fourth inning,
Danielle Vaji slapped a ball to
short. Bausher backhanded it
in the hole, planted and threw
across to first.
It was just like in warm-ups,
except this time the ball slammed
right into Shaw's glove.

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M' struggles in spring opener against ACC

Michigan unable
to overcome third-
ranked Cavaliers
For the Daily
The Michigan rowing team's
first boat may have finished 16
seconds behind No. 3 Virginia Sat-
urday afternoon, but it wasn't dis-
Even though the Wolverines
weren't much competition, their
first and second varsity-eight
boats beat Duke earlier in the day,
each by more than 10 seconds.
The races were the Wolverines'
first of the spring season. Michi-
gan competed against the Cava-
liers and Duke at the ACC/Big Ten

Double Dual on Griggs Reservoir
in Columbus.
Michigan's second varsity-eight
boat fared better against Virginia,
but couldn't overtake the Cava-
liers, falling by just under seven
The first varsity-four boat came
up short against both the Blue
Devils and Cavaliers.
The Wolverines expected the
tough competition, especially
from Virginia. It was Michigan's
first race on the water this season,
while Virginia arrived in Colum-
bus with three races already under
its belt.
Michigan assistant coach
Veronika Platzer, who coached the
Cavaliers for four years, has first-
hand experience with Virginia's
aggressive style. Platzer believes
the Wolverines can match the

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