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April 07, 2008 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2008-04-07

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

SOCHI, Russia
Bush, Putin fail to
reach agreement on
defense system
President Bush and Russian
President Vladimir Putin failed to
overcome sharp differences over a
U.S. missile defense system, clos-
ing their seven-year relationship
yesterday still far apart on an is-
sue that has separated them from
the beginning.
"Our fundamental attitude to-
ward the American plan has not
changed," Putin said at a news
conference with Bush at his vaca-
tion house at this Black Sea resort.
"We got a lot of way to go," Bush
said. Despite the impasse, the two
leaders agreed that Moscow and
Washington would work together
closely in the future on missile de-
fense and other difficult issues.
Bush also conferred with Pu-
tin's hand-picked successor, Dmi-
try Medvedev, but did not claim
gaining any insight into his soul,
as he had with Putin upon their
first encounter.
Fire kills 3 students
at Wisconsin school
A smoky house fire near a Uni-
versity of Wisconsin campus
killed three students who never
made it out of the rooms where
they were sleeping early Saturday,
even though neighbors said they
heard alarms.
Rescuers found two women and
a man on the floors of three sec-
ond-floor bedrooms near the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin-Stout. All
three were pronounced dead at a
hospital, authorities said.
The smoke detectors were work-
ing, and neighbors called police
when they heard the alarms, said
Menomonie Police Chief Dennis
Beety. Police don't know why the
three victims were unable to make
it out, and it was unclear whether
alcohol was a factor.
The cause of the fire was still
being investigated.
After report of abuse,
officials raid temple
Law enforcement agents
entered an enormous temple on
the grounds of a polygamist com-
pound, but by yesterday morning
they still had not found a 16-year-
Sold girl whose initial report of
abuse led to the raid.
"There were some tense
moments last night, but every-
thing has remained calm and
peaceful and they are continuing
their search," said Allison Palmer,
a prosecutor from a nearby county
handling the case, early yester-
More than 180 women and chil-
dren were taken Friday and Sat-
urday from the compound built
by followers of polygamist leader
Warren Jeffs, but Marleigh Meis-
ner, a spokeswoman for Child Pro-
tective Services, said Sunday that
investigators were still trying to

determine whether the girl who
called authorities last week was
among them.
Famed actor, activist,
Heston dies at 84
Charlton Heston, the Oscar
winner who portrayed Moses and
other heroic figures on film in the
'50s and '60s and later champi-
oned conservative values as head
of the National Rifle Association,
has died. He was 84.
The actor died Saturday night
at his home in Beverly Hills with
his wife Lydia at his side, fam-
ily spokesman Bill Powers said.
He declined to comment on the
cause of death or provide further
Heston revealed in 2002 that
he had symptoms consistent with
Alzheimer's disease.
- Compiled from
Daily wire reports
U. xEAH5
Number of American service mem-
bers who have died in the war in
Iraq, according to The Associated
Press. The following deaths were
identified yesterday:
Air Force Staff Sgt. Travis L.
Griffin, 28, Dover, Del.
Army Spc. Charles A. Jankowski,
24, Panama City, Fla.

'U' health system CEO Kelch to retire

employee will
leave in 2009
Daily StaffReporter
University President Mary Sue
Coleman announced today the
formation of a search committee
to find a replacement for Robert
Kelch, the University's executive
vice president for medical affairs,
whose appointment ends in Sept.
Kelch, who oversees the Uni-
versity's Medical School, the
University hospitals and health
centers and the School of Nursing,
has been the University's highest-
paid employee for three consecu-
tive years with a base salary of
Kelch was first selected to serve
a five-year term as executive vice
president starting in September
From Page 1A
decided that letting Sinclair speak
was the best way to ensure that both
crowds were pleased with their
respective events.
Because of the scheduling con-
flict, only F.O.K.U.S. had the right to
use the amplification. That problem
was solved, though, when Davila-
Toro included two of Hash Bash's
main speakers into her group's line-
Asked how the two groups coor-
dinated the effort, Davila-Toro
"We invited an artistnamed John

2003, but Coleman asked Kelch
last year to extend his contract
another year to Sept. 2009 before
According to a statement
released by University spokes-
woman Kelly Cunningham, "Cole-
man's charge to the committee
includes identifying and recruit-
ing a pool of highly qualified can-
didates, conducting preliminary
interviews and recommending
finalists to the president."
The 13-member search com-
mittee, to be chaired by Uni-
versity Provost Teresa Sullivan,
consists of several faculty mem-
bers, University officials and
other executives from the Ann
Arbor community.
The committee will also include
Kathleen Potempa, the Dean of
the School of Nursing, Charles
Smith, chair of the Senate Advi-
sory Committee on University
Affairs and Michael Finney, the
president and CEO of Ann Arbor
Spark, an organization that pro-
Sinclair to read poetry," she said.
Brook, who introduced Sin-
clair at the event, was quick to
thank F.O.K.U.S. for the invitation.
"F.O.K.U.S. has done nothing but
help us," he told the crowd. "It's the
University that has tried to screw
Hash Bash."
Sinclair began his speech by
thanking the group for "resolving a
sticky situation." He then spoke for
about 10 minutes on the merits of
cannabis use before reading a poem
that sang the praises of the weed he
enjoyed during a visit to Amster-
dam, where the 66-year-old cur-
To allow F.O.K.U.S. to continuelits
program, Brook directed the Hash

motes the economic development
of innovation-based businesses in
the Ann Arbor area.
University Health System
spokeswoman Kallie Michels said
didn't think the search committee
has met yet to discuss its plans for
the search.
The committee will be respon-
sible for conducting a nationwide
search and building a pool of
qualified candidates that meets
federal and institutional affirma-
tion action goals, the Office of the
President's website says.
They will also be "reviewing
the candidate pool, conducting
preliminary interviews and advis-
ing the President of a final set of
recommended candidates for her
The three University organi-
zations Kelch heads account for
nearly half of the University's
budget and more than half of its
faculty and staff.
They make up more than 40
percent of the University's annual
Bashers to Monroe Street at about
12:30 p.m., where the second part of
their eventtraditionallytakes place.
Most of the crowd dissipated in a
few minutes, leaving about 100 peo-
ple on the Diag as a band took over
for Sinclair.
Another band started playing
in a portable band shell erected in
the street in front of the restaurant
Dominick's near the Law Quad.
Nearby, vendors hawked Hash Bash
T-shirts and drug paraphernalia.
Police cars blocked off the ends
of the street, leaving it to a crowd
of people who openly smoked mari-
juana. Onthe grass across the street,
a drum circle competed against the
band, while women in earth-tone

research expenditures.
The press release highlights
Kelch's accomplishments in office
such as the opening of the Bio-
medical Science Research Build-
ing and the Cardiovascular Center
clinical building.
He played a role in plans for the
new C.S. Mott Children's Hospital
and Women's Hospital, as well as
an expansion of the Kellogg Eye
The press release also outlines
the more than $150 million in
gifts given to the Health System
under Kelch's leadership, includ-
ing a $50 million gift for the Car-
diovascular Center.
So far, though, Kelch has been
relatively quiet about his retire-
ment plans.
Michels said Kelch has not start-
ed talking about his retirement
because he'll still have the job for
more than a year.
She said he plans to meet with
University officials today about his
plans for retirement.
dresses gyrated in hula hoops.
Young men in loose white robes
and cross-trainers later joined the
drummers, chanting and danc-
ing. One wore a red jacket that
read, "Chant Hare Krishna and be
BhaktaJoseph, a University alum,
came to the event on behalf of his
temple and distributed Hare Krish-
na literature to Hash Bashers. He
said the devotees came to the event
because they saw "a lot of wonderful
people here doing a lot of wonderful
"We're here not only to enjoy the
atmosphere, but to educate people
on how to, for lack of better words,
stay high," he said.

Monday, April 7, 2008 - 3A
From Page 1A
Multiethnic Student Affairs, in'
the statement.
During a traditional dance,
drum beats reverberated
throughout the arena while men
stepped in time to the rhythm.
Women wearing regalia, called
the jingle dress, performed a heal-
ing dance usually reserved for sick
or injured members of the com-
munity. Performers were judged
on their ability to dance, the com-
pleteness oftheirregalia, andtheir
knowledge of the song.
Announcers, speaking over a
public address system, welcomed
tribes to the floor in both English
andnativelanguages. Smallstands
lined the arena's corridor, with,
vendors sellingbeads, T-shirts and
fry bread.
But for some, the issue with
the ancestral remains was most
pressing. Under federallaw, muse-
ums receiving federal funding are
required to return cultural arti-
facts, including human remains,
to tribal descendants.
In an e-mail interview, Uni-
versity spokeswoman Kelly Cun-
ningham said the University has
complied with the law. She said
the University can'tlegally return
the remains because the law
requires tribes to provide anthro--
pological and biological proof of
their relationship to the remains
when the origin on the remains is
not immediately clear.
"The University is unaware of
any documents that would dem-
onstrate cultural affiliation for
the sites claimed by the Tribe,"
she said.
RackhamstudentVictoria Pas-
field, a Bay Mills tribe member,,
said local tribes shouldn't bear
that responsibility.
"It's not our job to do the sci-.
entific research," she said. "The
burden is on the institutions
to catalogue and provide any
information they have about the
George Martin, one of the Pow
Wow'scoordinators and amember
of the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe-
tribe, supported the protest.
"We have lawyers, we have
anthropologists and we also have
the money," he said. "We want to
get our ancestors back."
- Megan Davern
contributed to this report

Clinton strategist Mark Penn quits campaign

Mark Penn, the pollster and senior
strategist for Hillary Rodham Clin-
ton's presidential bid, left the cam-
paign Sunday after it was disclosed
he met with representatives of the
Colombian government to help pro-
mote a free trade agreement Clinton
"After the events of the last few
days, MarkPennhas askedtogiveup
his role as chief strategist of the Clin-

ton Campaign," campaign manager
Maggie Williams said in a statement
released Sunday. "Mark, and Penn,
Schoen and Berland Associates, Inc.
will continue to provide polling and
advice to the campaign."
Communications director How-
ard Wolfson and pollster Geoff
Garin will direct the campaign's
message and strategic efforts for the
campaign going forward, Williams

Penn's departure comes as Clin-
ton, considered the front-runner
for the Democratic nomination last
year, trails Barack Obama in del-
egates and the popular vote with a
must-win primary in Pennsylvania
April 22 and nine other contests
Clinton almost certainly will end
the primary season narrowly behind
Obama in the popular vote and
pledged delegates unless the nulli-

fied primaries in Florida and Michi-
gan are counted - a scenario that
seems remote.
Her challenge will be to convince
some 800 superdelegates to back her
despite the numbers.
Penn has been a lightning rod for
controversy throughout the cam-
paign and managed to retain con-
siderable influence in the operation
almost solely because of the candi-
date's loyaltyto him.

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