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April 07, 2008 - Image 1

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li Mdigan ay
()N '.' )}{ED-E~I1 TEE Y, 1u R )o EDITyA rIi FEEDOM
Monday, April 7,2008 mhgadlyo


Dems rule
out primary

State party says
new election is
'not practical'
Daily News Editor
The Michigan Democratic
Party decided Friday not to hold a
do-over primary or caucus to seat
the state's delegates, instead say-
ing it hopes to find another way
to make the state's votes count in
August's party convention.
*The MDP released a statement
saying a new-primary or caucus "is
not practical," but that seating the
state's delegates at the Democratic
National Convention is a priority.
"We will continue to work
with the (committee of Michi-
gan Democrats), the DNC and the
candidates to resolve this matter
in a manner which is respect-
ful of the views of Democrats
in Michigan, and which is fair

to those who voted in the Janu-
ary 15 Democratic primary," the
statement said.
Democratic National Com-
mittee chairman Howard Dean
said yesterday that an agreement
on how to seat delegates from
Michigan and Florida probably
won't be reached before primary
season ends in South Dakota and
Montana on June 3.
The DNC stripped Michigan of
its delegates after the state moved
the date of its primary before Feb.
5, violating party rules.
The leading democratic can-
didates agreed not to campaign
in the state, and all but Sen. Hill-
ary Clinton removed their names
from the ballot.
A committee of Michigan
Democrats including Sen. Carl
Levin, Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kil-
patrick, DNC member Debbie
Dingell and United Auto Workers
last month to push for a primary or

Members of American Indian tribes perform traditional drumming on the floor of Crisler Arena at the Annual Ann Arbor Pow Wow Saturday.
PowWowmarked by protest


cultural event, Indianmusic, regalia and dance. But
the event took on another meaning
bes demand that when protesters at the event sec-
tioned off 1,428 seats at the arena
return artifacts - the number of ancestral remains
and tribal objects that protesters
By GABE RIVIN claim the University is withholding
Daily Staff Reporter from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian
Tribe of Michigan.
ugh the ritual dances and The issue first arose last month
ig normally garner the most when members of the tribe asked
on at the tradition-rich Ann the University Board of Regents to
Pow Wow each year, this return remains they say belong to
:was the protesters. their ancestors. The University has
event, held Saturday at maintained that the remains are
Arena, showcased American "culturally unidentifiable," mean-

ing that their true lineage can't be held to "build cohesion between
determined and therefore can't be Native Americans, the University of
returned. Michigan community and people in
Though the protest played a large southeast Michigan," according to
role in the event, most of those in a written statement released by the
attendance seemed to be there for planning committee.
the celebration. "This event is truly a learning
More than 1,000 singers, danc- experience for people of all ages and
ers, musicians and craftspeople backgrounds, because everyone is
from across the nation participated encouraged to participate, whether
in the event, which organizers say by supporting the vendors, dancers
is the largest event of its kind in the and drums, or coming onto the floor
Midwest. to participate in special dances,"
Organized by a coalition of stu- said Monita Thompson, the interim
dent groups, faculty and commu- director of the University's office of
nity members, the Pow Wow is See POW WOW, Page 3A


time, it

Marijuana enthusiasts pack Diag

Poet John Sinclair
returns for 37th
annual celebration
of cannabis culture
Daily StaffReporter
Even hip-hop music blasting
from three-foot speakers couldn't
stop the accordion player. Though
most of his lyrics were incompre-
hensible, the people who clustered
around him on the Diag could eas-
ily understand the chorus.
"Free the weed!" he sang rau-
cously, accompanied by two men on
miniature guitars.

The trio stopped its music only
when John Sinclair, a bearded man
wearing an old jacket, Birkenstocks
and high white socks stepped
before a microphone on the steps
of the Harlan Hatcher Graduate
The poet and musician was one
reason almost 2,000 people packed
onto the Diag Saturday for the 37th
annual Hash Bash.
It was Sinclair's arrest in 1969
that brought together John Len-
non, Allen Ginsberg and Stevie
Wonder, among others, at the 1971
"Free John Now Rally" at Crisler
Arena. For many, Sinclair's return
was a highlight of the event.
"I think it's really cool that he's
here," LSA sophomore Patrick
Morris said.

Saturday's warmth and sunshine
brought out people of all ages in
greater numbers than last year,
when snow flurries fell on the rally.
Hash Bashers ranged from a man
dressed as Uncle Sam holding an
enormous cardboard cutout of a
marijuana leaf to a little girl who
sat on her father's shoulders wav-
ing to Sinclair as he spoke.
Sinclair's appearance was a
relief to Hash Bash organizers, who
thought until a few weeks ago they
might not have access to amplifica-
tion because an unknown student
group had reserved the entire Diag.
Organizers said the University's
refusal to disclose which group had
reserved the space was an effort to
push Hash Bash off campus, while
Diag Administrator Jaden Felix

said it was against University's to
release information about Diag res-
About a week ago, they dis-
covered through Facebook.com
that Fighting Obstacles Knowing
Ultimate Success, a multicultural
arts organization, was planning
its year-end event for Saturday,
said Adam Brook, the longtime
Hash Bash emcee. He said mem-
bers of the University chapter of
the National Organization for the
Reform of Marijuana Laws tried to
contact the organizers but received
no response.
la-Toro, a recent University alum,
said she read about Hash Bash's
scheduling problems last week and
See HASH BASH, Page 3A

A costumed drummer wearing a mask of vice president Dick Cheney takes part
in the annual FestiFools parade on Main Street on Sunday. People carrying about
75 puppets walked through downtown Ann Arbor for the parade.

'U' Relay for Life raises $262,000
* In its sixth year,
event has donated
over $1 million to
cancer organization
Daily StaffReporter
LSA senior Brian Pienta never
expected to find a fist-sized can-
cerous tumor in his leg when he
went home for Christmas his soph-
omore year of college.
"Old people got cancer, as far as
I was concerned," he said.
Pienta was diagnosed with lipo-
sarcoma, a rare fatty tissue cancer"
that grows between the muscles,
and underwent surgery in the
summer. He was bedridden for
more than a month before return- JEREMYCHO/Daily
moretha a ont beoreretrn- Lanterns commemorating cancer victims line the track at Palmer Field during the
ingto school to balance classes and University's Relay for Life event, which lasted for 24 hours on Saturday. It raised
See RELAY, Page $A $262,000 for the American Cancer Society.

Alcohol policy gets mixed reviews at frats

Many students
unhappy with IFC's
'alcohol check' plan
Daily StaffReporter
Several campus fraternities
tested a policy this weekend for-
biddingthemfrom servingalcohol
at house parties, instead requiring
partygoers to bring their own.
The policy was implemented
by the Interfraternity Council,
the University's largest Greek
council, in an effort to promote
safety at Greek social events. But
fraternity members and partygo-
ers questioned whether the policy
will stick.
LSA sophomore Max Barack,
president of the University's
chapter of Alpha Delta Phi, which

enforced the new bring-your-
own-alcohol policy this weekend,
seemed torn when asked how
effective he felt it was.
"I think when you're trying to
change any kind of a campus cul-
ture, there's a lot of resistance to
it," Barack said. "We'll see what
direction this goes in."
Many students who found
their way to Alpha Delta Phi or
to Chi Psi, the other fraternity
that hosted an IFC-sponsored
party this weekend, responded
just like Barack did. It may still
be too soon to tell whether the
policy, designed to make frater-
nity-sponsored parties safer, will
have an effect.
LSA junior Ryan Spotts, vice
president of public relations for
the IFC and a member of Pi Kappa
Phi fraternity, attended the party
hosted by Alpha Delta Phi on Sat-
urday to see how the system was

implemented. He said he was
happy to see people attend the
party and bring their own alcohol.
He said the check process where
students turn in alcohol to house
members went smoothly.
But Spotts saidIFC officialswill
reconsider the policy if it turns off
too many partygoers.
"Just like any community, our
community is rooted in its own
customs and traditions, and this
is changing a lot of those," Spotts
said about the policy. "If this
comes down to destroying the face
of the Greek community and the
traditions we have, I don't think
we'll go that far with it."
Adhering to the new policy, the
their bottles in a fashion similar to
a coat check at a nightclub. Several
brothers, called "sober monitors,"
were required to abstain from
See POLICY, Page 8A


Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

Slog coverage of Michigan softball

INDEX NEW S ................................2A SUDO KU............................ SA
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O©2008The Michigan Daily ARTS........ ........ 5A SPORTS MONDAY...............1I

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