The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 2, 2008 - 5A Sounds of Summer pringtime is great for col- lege students. It means the end of the school year and the beginning of a new baseball season; the time for guys to wear shorts and girls to boast their egre- giously short skirts - a day, I can assure you, all males on campus look forward to. For music fans though, it signi- fies something far more excit- ing: the chance to listen to spring albums again. CHRIS For those GAERIG only peripher- ally invested in music, this probably won't make any sense to you - there are simply some discs you can't play in the winter and vice versa. But if your record collection at least triples your IQ, you know spring as the time to put away half of your albums and joyously drag out the rest: time to shelve The Smiths, Bjdrk and Four Tet in exchange for Creedence, Rich Boy and Animal Collective. This list will probably be redundant, but the for the lay com- munity, listen close: Here's the best summer soundtrack you'll ever see. "Travelin' Band" - Creedence Clearwater Revival: The ultimate road trip song, "Travelin' Band" sounds just as good rolling down Main Street as it does Highway 61. John Fogerty's searing screams invoke thoughts of mindless mis- chief while the energetic horns and twanging guitars cut through the humid summer air. The majority of Creedence's catalog follows this same trend, but this song in par- ticular is not to be listened to when the temperature drops below 60 degrees. My Bloody Valentine > My Morning Jacket: Though Creedence's southern twang was born of the summer, My Morning Jacket's reverb-laden jams were made for the winter. Assuming these-are the only My bands in your life - I am, of course, assuming you've rejected the teeny-bop- ping My Qhemical Romance as a legitimate group - this is a simple 1:1 switch. My Bloody Valentine, though blasting a relatively glacial sound, has sunnier guitars than just about everyone on the planet. "Throw Some D's" - Rich Boy: I don't care if you think Rich Boy sucks. I don't care if you think mainstream hip-hop is drivel with nothing important/deep/intelligent to say. You're wrong on both counts if only for the sheer joy that tracks like "Throw Some D's" invoke. The best summertime song in the last 10 years, this track has all of the casu- al drinking, promiscuous sex and incredible cars that we've all come to expect from our time away from school. I'm sure Talib Kweli speaks to your soul but it's time to get away from the backpack and just "Throw some D's onthat bitch." "On To You" - The Con- stantines: The hands-down best rock'n'roll band on the face of the earth, the Constantines made one of the most gripping songs about youth and lovelorn hearts in "On To You." Singable melodies abound as the group tears through the song's glossy production and lead singer Bryan Webb's cries of unrequited love. Strangely, a great song wheth- er you're single or taken, "On To You" finds its place squarely among the Summertime pantheon. Lightning Bolt: To all of you noise freaks, I'll throw you a bone: Enter Providence duo Lightning Bolt. As the most obscure art- ist to make the list, Lightning Bolt stands out as one of the few bands that have absolutely noth- ing in their catalog capable of being played in the winter. The bass-drum duo makes the most energetic, enlivened, enraged (I'm sure there are more "en-" words to describe them, but I digress) music you've ever heard. But being cooped up in four blankets because your landlord hasn't fixed your heat yet doesn't lend itself to the group's grindcore. Missy Elliott: As the only per- son to share "The most underrated (female) artist of our generation" title with Bj6rk, Missy Elliott's schizoid flows and Timbaland's unbelievable beats lend themselves perfectly to the irresponsibility of summer. Though you can listen, to her ad nauseam any time of the year, she's particularly potent in the summer. Don't ask me why, she just is. There are countless others but my ramblings must come toan end sometime. Honorable mentions go to Animal Collective, James Brown, Wu-Tang proper (no solo discs besides Ol' Dirty Bastard), Jamie Lidell, TI., and Ted Leo and the Pharmacists. So put aside all your snowy albums and take some advice from someone who either has a really low IQ or an embarrass- ingly large album collection. Gaerig still grooves to LFO's "Summer Girls." E-mail him at The Prison Creative Arts Project runs through April 9th. Creativityfromthe Annt crea One ated in t ber may the pre' crime a even th. es that allocate of crim tion. Bu tell us aboutI viduals up this The -Pri Univers use art underst does jus TheI tion, no' until Ap ter Gall PCAI English Alexand the exh program have gr ial show provides The art exhibit wasn'testablished until 1995, and its number of pieces tive outlet for the and artists continue to grow. This i a e t year features artwork from over 40 inaUrceradtedMichigan prisons. Three hundred eighty-nine pieces by 233 artists By PRIYA BALI create a kaleidoscopic landscape of Daily Arts Writer thought and creativity throughout the gallery. in 100 adults are incarcer- Although some prisoners were he United States. This num- artists before their incarceration, y speak to most have had no formal training. valence of The art not only varies in form, but ndperhaps PriSOn in subject matter as well. Sketches, e resourc- Creative paintings and drawings of land- should b Arts Project scapes, nature and animals give ,d to forms Jintimate visions of a life imagined e preven- Through outside of prison bars. Images of t it doesn't April 9 childhood, human relationships and anything Atthe Duderstadt shared culture become portraits the indi- Center Gallery of past experience, and artwork that make containing political and religious statistic. statements testify to the process of son Creative Arts Project; a human suffering. ity organization aiming to "You can't think the same way as a means to generate an anymore," Alexander said, address- anding of those imprisoned, ing how this art challenges pre- t this. conceived notions of prisoners and project's annual art exhibi- prison life. "It could mean that w in its 13th year, is running there is somewhat more receptiv- ril 9 in the Duderstadt Cen- ity to prisoners who come home, ery on North Campus. and somewhat more willingness to P was founded in 1990 by advocate for them in terms of their professor William "Buzz" health care, their rights to have Ier, who is also co-curator of phone calls from family members ibit. Since its inception, the and the rights of kids who were 's members and supporters incarcerated at age 14." own enormously. Perhaps knowing that the artists are prisoners isn't necessary, but once we do, our understanding of the exhibit changes. The artwork is evidence of the humanity of people who have committed unthinkable crimes. An artist with the initials F.S.B., whose painting called "Global Warming" appears in the exhibit, writes in his artist statement, "I find psychologicalescape when releasing my imagination via my art/drawing ability." Indeed, the exhibit is a valid form of self-expression as it becomes a mechanism for survival in a time of confinement. A prisoner's jour- ney toward rediscovery of his voice is reached by escape through art. "The art represents a resistance to that traumatic situation. If you can create something beautiful you have said 'I am not going to succumb,'" Alexander said. As boundaries of the term "con- vict" are stretched, alienation caused by the metal bae separ-' ing the individuals standing behind them from the world is lessened. Art is an unconventional yet effec- tive approach to understanding imprisonment. And if our connec- tion with the prisoner is not discov- ering self-recognition in the pieces that engage us, then it's a common realization of the necessity of art in any circumstance - behind bars or outside of them. A Las Vegas film with too much glamour The prodigal pianist By PAUL TASSI DailyArts Writer "21" tries desperately to be slick likeitsolderbrothers,the "Ocean's Eleven" films. It's got those quick-cut, whirl-around 21 camera shots, the dazzling At Qualityl6 lights and ches- and Showcase ty patrons of Sony Vegas, and even slowmotion struttinginexpensive suits. So then why does it come off as a cheap knockoff? Well, lead actor Jim Sturgess ("Across the Universe") is not the three-headed behemoth of cool that is Clooney, Pitt and Damon. Besides that, the film overglamorizes a true story that was actually pretty damn cool to begin with, before it got all the "Fight Club" camera effects and "Snatch" twist endings. The movie is (loosely) based on thetruestorytoldinBenMezrich's book "Bringing Down the House" about a team of MIT students and their professor who took Vegas casinos for millions in the '90s. Butbefore you get anybright ideas know that card counting in black- jack these days is nothing short of impossible, with facialrecognition software and multiple decks con- stantly shuffled at random. And these kids are the reason why. Ben Campbell (Sturgess) has it all: a 1590 SAT, a 44 MCAT and a 4.0 GPA at MIT - who could ask for anything more? Well, his only missing piece is cash; he needs substantial funds ($300K) to be able to attend Harvard Medical School, his dream college since he was a little boy. He tells this sad story to an unimpressed scholar- ship interviewer who reminds him he needs something "special" that really "pops off the page" because, after all, last year this prestigious full-ride was given to a Korean chunk of money and also his spot on the squad. Spacey is in true form as the control-freak Profes- sor Rosa, perfecting his anti-Tom Hanks status as an actor who you know is great, but find yourself hating every single one of his char- acters. When the good professor takes all Ben's cash and threatens to bounce him out of MIT with a failing grade in his class, it's hard to fall in love with the guy. But Ben has a plan, and since the actual ending of the true story wasn't Hollywood enough (the kids just slowly realized they had to stop counting because they kept getting recognized), the end involves a chase through the back hallways of Planet Hollywood, complete with bag Stick with the book. switching, limo kidnapping and shady deals made at gunpoint with the head of casino secu- rity (Laurence Fishburne, "The Matrix"). At the end you expect one of those "Where are they now?" montages, seeing as how this is based on a true story and, hell, they did it in "Alpha Dog." But I guess real life wasn't good enough for the producers, and it's not impressive enough to saythat the actual Ben Campbell, Jeff Ma, now owns his own fantasy sports company (go figure?) and is not some famous doctor who cured something after gambling his way into Harvard Med. All in all, "21" tries to be more than it should be. The attempted coolness justcomes off like a nerdy MIT kid thinking he's the shit in a flashy Gucci suit. No need for this much glamour here, but a valiant try nonetheless. ByBEN VANWAGONER DailyArts Writer Every discipline has an artist against who all others are measured, whether it's because of their sheer superiority or their crushing inepti- tude. In the field of classical piano, thatLagan artist is Lang Lang. Ln The question is, Tonight at which is he? 8p.M. Lang Lang, at 25, At Hill Auditorian is very possibly the most famous tour- ing pianist alive. It's a testament to the UniveYrsity's strong position in the artsthatAnnArboris onhis route. Imagine Tiger Woods dropping by to play a few holes - that's pretty much what's happening tonight, except Lang Lang will be hitting ivories rather than birdies. Unfortunately, that's part of the problem - he hits. Classical music, from the traditional point of view, is music of finesse even in the loudest, most cacophonous pieces. It might sound bizarre, but even Wagner should be played with exceptional poise and control - it's just loud control. Lang Lang's infamous ten- dency to fail spectacularly at this may be his greatest strength and most debilitating weakness. Rather than a calculated finesse, he often plays with unrestrained, youthful passion. A review in the New York Times called parts of his most recent con- cert, "infused with sublime beauty," and others, "sheer display...veering headlong into vulgarity." No one can agree. He is either the most promis- ing new artist of the 21st century or an embarrassment to the art - there is no halfway. Even his body gets a piece of the action. Many pianists choose to show physical restraint while play- ing - not Lang. As he plays, he moves with the music, swaying and even bouncing on his stool with fervor. His facial expressions vary almost to distraction,rangingfromeyes-closed expressions of bliss to angry, head- tossing fury. His physical embel- lishments more than anything may be what draw fire from irate critics bent on seeing the same wooden per- formances year after year. Perhaps it's distracting, perhaps it's exciting - with Lang's pension for forming love-hate relationships with his audi- ences, it's hard to say. Which is exactly why tonight's concert should be so outrageously entertaining. Snobby music crit- ics aside, it's been far too long since I've been to a classical music concert -San Francisco Symphony excluded, which was truly exciting. It's often a battle to stay awake during the mid- dle of 40-minute symphonies. They may be beautiful and memorable, but rarely do they really engage a listen- er the way other concerts do; and if Lang Langcan do it, he's a step ahead of the rest. Still, Lang isn't always excessively enthusiastic. In fact, he's been toning his theatrics down recently in what may be a move to silence his louder critics. Lang's tendency to heavily contrast his pieces this way may be another point in his favor. His gusto during more lively pieces makes his tenderness on quieter scores seem all the more delicate. This oft-over- looked ability to vary his emotions so radically will make him a stronger pianist as he matures, and even now it makes him more entertaining to watch. The pieces for tonight's concert should give the audience a fabulously varied taste of his talent. The pro- gram includes works from Mozart, Liszt, Wagner, Schumann, and even Granados in one of the most inter- esting and diverse programs to hit the Hill this season. The last pianist to visit the University, Yuja Wang, was effectively buried by unbear- ably technical pieces - something Lang's program is refreshingly free of. It should be an exceptional survey of classical music, made even more exciting by the unpredictable nature ofthevirtuoso responsible. Kevin Spacey between takes. immigrant with one leg. After dazzling his teacher, Pro- fessor Rosa (Kevin Spacey, "Super- man Returns"), in class one day, Ben gets his chance to break out of the ordinary by joining the MIT blackjack team, a bunch of card- counting whiz-kids who make hundreds of thousands of dollars every weekend in Vegas. The team most notably includes klepto-Asian Choi (a very under- appreciated and underused Aaron Yoo, "Disturbia") and brainiac hot- tie Jill (Kate Bosworth, "Super- man Returns"), who proves that just because you go to MIT doesn't mean you can't have perfect bone structure. Along with a few other more forgettable members, the team counts cards and flash secret (yet ridiculously obvious) signals at each other so the big player, Ben, can rack up the dough while everyone else plays it cool by bet- ting the bare minimum. After a fairly enjoyable start, we soon find ourselves trapped in an all too predictable story arc that is kicked off by the nerdy kid put- ting on a flashy suit after he starts winning. Thinking he's now too cool for school, Ben blows off his old MIT friends, goes against the team and starts gambling, rath- er than counting, losing a huge d