The Michigan Daily - 4 - Friday, March 21, 2008 Edited and managed by students at the University ofMichigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 III ANDREW GROSSMAN EDITOR IN CHIEF GARY GRACA EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR GABE NELSON MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views ofntheir authors. The Daily's public editor, Paul H. Johnson, acts as the readers'representative and takes a critical look at coverage and content in every section ofthe paper. Readers are encouraged to contact the public editor with questions andcomments. He canbe reached at Giving back Harvard Law to waive tuition in exchange for publi service here may be a lot of lawyers in hell, but there certainly aren't enough working at nonprofit law firms. Enter Har- vard Law School. America's premiere university is trying a new plan to funnel recent graduates into public service jobs. The program - which waives third-year tuition in exchange for public service work - is meant to alleviate graduate students' debt and increase the number of students choosing careers with the gov- ernment and non-profit organizations. While the program has its flaws, the federal government and other universities should follow Harvard's lead and implement similar tuition aid programs. Announced Tuesday, the Harvard pro- gram will provide free tuition for a year to law students completing their third year in exchange for a commitment to spend five years after graduation working for the government, at a non-profit organization or in another public service sector. This aid program is one of a kind at American law schools. It hopes to bring well-quali- fied Harvard Law graduates into influential public service careers. Because the tuition provided from the program is direct aid - rather than a loan - it offers an incentive for students to commit if they want to avoid burying themselves in high-interest debt. Always the trendsetter in higher educa- tion, Harvard is at it again. Career placement programs with financial incentives are a good way of attracting graduates to popular - yet extremely important - government jobs, as well as bringing in students who can't necessarily afford an elite law school education. Between 2003 and 2006, only 9.8 to 12.1 percent of Harvard Law's graduating class went on to work in nonprofit or govern- ment jobs. Instead of moving in six-figure- salary jobs, these talented students should be sharing their intellectual wealth. With endowments that rival the GDP of Samoa, these universities can help. That's not to say that this program is with- out its flaws. Students needing the financial aid are the ones attracted to this program and the ones who go into these public ser- vice jobs. However, this does nothing to push wealthier students into public service as well. If we are hoping to make these types of programs as meaningful as possible, stu- dents from all incomes mustbe involved. While this program may have its pit- falls, the possible benefits are too great to overlook. Dually promoting public service work and an elite law school education will encourage students to receive higher educa- tion and contribute back to society - two things our country needs more of. But to truly make an impact, this can'tjust be an option at Harvard. The federal gov- ernment should spearhead providing tuition waiversiin exchange for public service com- mitments. By providing financial incentive, universities and the government will con- tribute to filling public service jobs with highly educated graduates - an achieve- ment that will help better our government, economy and community. There is no road to the White House that does not go through Michigan' - Gov. Jennifer Granholm, declaring the option of a second primary dead as lawmakers left a bill to create one untouched before the weekend, as reported yesterday by The New York Times. ARIELA STEIF E-MAIL STEIF AT ASTEIF@UMICH.EDU el~bt A5,VC D\F C_, 20JO\D) i t1 O) 7 hese days, "greening" your life But these choices aren't always easy The good riews is that even if you is almost as trendy as adopt- to make. can't afford an $8 box ofKashi, you can ing children from obscure Suppose you want to make a peanut still show your green allegiance. Right developing coun- butter and jelly sandwich, a tried-and- now is a crucial time in the agricultur- tries. You can barely true standby for the budgetarily chal- al community. Debate on the "Farm turn around with- lenged student. A little investigative Bill," as it's comnmonly known, whAi out being ht with reporting at a local supermarket fran- largely determines agricultural subsi- an environmental chise proves my point. A loaf of store- dies and sets national regulations, was message. The day brand wheat bread will run you a little recently extended to mid-April. So its I opened Vogue to over $1, while a loaf of organic bread not too late to let your representatives see an ad featuring of the same variety in the same shelf know how you feel. And if you, like wind turbines in the will run you up to $3. A normal jar of me, aren't quite up on your obscure background, I knew organic jam will run you about $1.50, small-farming regulation legislation, Earth friendliness KATE while a super-value generic jar close there are more authoritative sources had hit a whole new TRUESDELL to three times the size for $1. Organic like advocacy groups that can break level of mainstream - peanut butter costs $ 5 to store brand's it down for you so you know what is notoriety. $2. And if you want to wash that down While it's important to maintain a with a little milk, a gallon of organic healthy skepticism during this eco- milk will cost you $5, as opposed to frenzy, it's good that important envi- the normal $3. Prices listed here are Adding up the ronmental issues are finally entering small-scale and anecdotal but even at into the public debate and mainstream this level, the point is obvious: It takes costs of consciousness. I, for one, couldt green to be green. be happier. There's just one catch - It's no secret that students' budgetsy t g dnaew haven those lifestyle changes that allow you are stretched thin, and I can relate. I to brand your vehicle with a "Honk dont always make the choices I know If You Love Mother Earth" bumper are right. Despite my glamorous sticker come with one heck of a hefty and fabulously paying job as a Daily (or should be) on the bargAiingtabl. price tag. writer, I often find myself reaching (Check out the Sustainable Agricul- It's hip to say that the main barrier for the 20-meal case of sodium-rich ture Coalition's explanation at www. to better environmental practices is chemically-enhanced Ramen noodles better education, but the truth is that instead of one pesticide-free Michi- it's difficult to prioritize this type information can only go so far. And no gan-made apple for about the same of action because students' time, like place illustrates i t han price. Realistically, some students are money, is a precious commodity for college campuses. Students represent in tougher straits with even more rea- which demand exceeds supply. But a group with unmatched exposure son to complain. these changes need to be made, not to environmrel ness. While So what's a college co-ed to do? only in relation to food but alsouacrss we enjoy this feast of knowledge, our The trouble is th he solution to the the board. Technologies like hybrid pockets aren't always deep enough to problem starts way before you ever vehicles and cleaner power need more let us practice what we preach. wipe your feet on the People's Food government support, too. While the Take, for example, the average Co-op's welcome mat. Commod- importance of consumer awareness student's diet. Food choices have a ity crop subsidies for giant corporate and grassroots support shouldnt tremendous environmental impact. farms continue to plague the agri- be overlooked, the green movement Although the credibility of certain cultural sector. Meanwhile, smaller- needs a boost from the top as well. itee certifie tio"ndlike "oreamic" is scale farms practicing organic and Being able to make purchases in sometimses tionable, foods pro- eco-conscious farming aren't afford- good conscious shouldn't be a luxury duced without pesticides and away ed the same advantages, despite the limited to the upper crust. from factory-farming monocultures Increased demand for these products. are better for the planet - not to This difference ends up coming out of Kate Truesdell can be reached mention, in many cases, your health. your pocket. at EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Emad Ansari, Harun Buljina, Anindya Bhadra, Kevin Bunkley, Ben Caleca, Satyajeet Deshmukh, Milly Dick, Mike Eber, Emmarie Huetteman, Theresa Kennelly, Emily Michels, Arikia Millikan, Kate Peabody, Robert Soave, limran Syed, Neil Tambe, Malt Trecha, Kate Truesdell, Radhika Upadhyaya, Rachel Van Gilder, Rachel Wagner. Patrick Zabawa. Guess who's coming to dinner 0 SEND LETTERS TO: TOTHEDAILY@UMICH.EDU Misinterpreting HagenI' ences you'll have here at the University. quality teaching for unfair Hayley Ellard LSAjunior grade inflation practices TO THE DAILY: Those wi As a proud student of the psychology department, I found it disappointing to hear the accusations brought against Prof. John Hagen in The Ann Arbor News by Hagen's TO THE DAILY colleagues at the University. Having taken As a lifelong three courses with Hagen, including an excited to rece independent study course, I found his classes buying tickets f stimulating and his grading policy fair. Rath- excited becaus er than being concerned with norm-refer- programin the enced performance, Hagen gave his students Since it will be the relevant feedback necessary for reten- I naturally tho tion and improvement. It is unfortunate that a higher priori such a distinguished professor would have I was angry a such damaging statements made about him. because the At Not only is it disrespectful to Hagen and his how it will det teaching practices, but also to the athletes not be receivin mentioned who take his courses. will now have p As students at the University, athletes are ate seniors, ma expected to perform just like other students. ing their fourt And alas, they do in some courses. Why is Graduate st this troubling? Further, why is the psychol- degrees from t ogy department not interested in under- highest priorit standing how students seem to be retaining the University information and learning substantially more willingly chose in courses taught by Hagen, instead of accus- that I am alone ing him of grade inflation? Athletic Depar It's unfortunate that Hagen had to be so that it does unwittingly caught in the middle of a lapse in decide to stay: professionalism. I would hope that apologies bechler so fam are in order, and I would advise anyone who will be champi may feel differently to take one of his cours- es if you haven't. It's my sincere belief that Caroline Yee it might be one of the most relevant experi- LSA senior ho stay should get )tball seating Y: g Michigan football fan, I was ive the e-mail last week about for next season. I was especially e I will be starting a graduate School of Information next fall. my fifth year at the University, ught that I would be receiving ty than I did this past season. nd disappointed to learn that hletic Department restructured ermine ticket priority, I would g the highest priority seating. I riority behind the undergradu- ny of whom will only be start- h year at the University. tudents with undergraduate he University should have the y because they have been at for a longer period of time and to return here. I don't believe in this situation, and I urge the tment to reconsider its policy n't unjustly punish those who at the University. As Bo Schem- Ously declared, "Those who stay ons." JASON MAHAKIAN E-MAIL MAHAKIAN AT MAHAKIAJ@UMICH.EDU n a campus where gay couples are as common as North Face jackets and not believing in God is actually kind of cool, you would think that dating someone with dif- ferent religious views would be as easy as taking candy from a baby. Unfor- tunately, for many students this idea SHAKIRA is completely unac- ceptable because as SMILER they like to put it, they are looking for someone who shares the same "ideals" and "values" as them. Sure, dating someone with differ- ent religious views can be challenging. of course no one wants to be the idiot who gives a Jewish girlfriend a dreidel for Christmas. Everyone wants to be able to spend religious holidays with that special someone. Nonetheless, refusing to give people a chance sim- ply because of what they believe is just as bad as not dating people because of their race. Yes, I've heard it all before, "You can't compare religion and race because religion plays a huge role in their social identity and everyday lifestyle, blah blah blah." This actu- ally does have some validity. But for many, race carries just as much weight in their social identity as religion, and in many communities there is often a parallel between the two. For instance, in the black community race influenc- es educational background, economic status and even religion, with most black people being either Christian or Muslim. Yet, you will quickly be called a racist if you as much as mention you only want date within your own race. Why then is the blatant discrimina- tion against someone because of their religion OK, but you're called a bigot if you choose to not date someone because they are of a different race? You can't actually look at someone and tell whether he is Jewish, Chris- tian or Muslim. But there are some people whose race you can't deter- mine by just looking at them either. Sharing a religious belief can increase your comfort level with someone, but assuming that the relationship will be uncomfortable because of religion is silly. Judging whether someone is dateable or not based solely on wheth- er that person reads the Quran or the Bible is a bad idea. What happens if you meet some- one that is giving, loyal, attractive, hardworking and an all-around great person, but you never allow that per- son to show you that side because that person is Buddhist and you are Chris- tian? That's just as narrow-minded as me dating a guy who's broke, ugly, lazy, ignorant and annoying because he just so happens to be black. one of my Jewish friends brought up a point that, in some instances, dat- ing someone of the same religion is just as tough as dating someone from a different religion when one person is a staunch religious follower and the other person is less devoted. He says that a lot of girls at the University who are Jewish by birth identifymore with being "American" than Jewish. As he put it, "to them, Louis Vuitton means a lot more than the Star of David." In this instance, the argument that exclusively dating within your religion is.OK because of shared values is null and void. If someone is a non-practic- ing, uninterested Jew, do you really have any more shared values with them than you would with someone who is a non-practicing, uninterested Christian? It's hard finding a good Boo these days. So, in order to expand your options, sometimes you've got to think outside the box. Try something new. Give love a chance, even if you don't worship together 4 HIRE M,13VTUNLIKE YOU' Aim2 ~ j 1 (MYHABITS. Test the waters. But, if you decide to give interfaith dating a try, please don't put converting that person on your agenda. No one wants to wake up every morning hearing "Baby, do you love Jesus yet?" Picking and choosing who to date because of religious views is a luxury that students of dominant religions have. It's easy to vow to only date a Christian when you attend a univer- sity where half the student body is Christian, but stepping outside of that comfort zone may be beneficial to your love life. Many students from the Uni- versity have gone on to have very suc- cessful interfaith marriages, but you will never know until you try. Shakira Smiler can be reached at 4