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March 21, 2008 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-03-21

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Michigan wins home-opener by taking
advantage of 'freebies' Sports, Page 8

Why a green lifestyle requires
deep pockets Opinion, Page 4

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Friday, March 21,2008


unlikely to

Protesters for the Graduate Employees' Organzation demonstrated and listened to speeches yesterday in Regents' Plaza in front of the Fleming Adminstration Building
As strike looms, GEO rallies
UTT rcnidcf

include mail-in or
statewide caucus,
delegate split
Daily News Editor
Michigan won't hold another
state-run presidential primary.
That option was effectively
ruled out yesterday when mem-,
bers of the Michigan Legislature
left for a two-week recess with-
out approving a proposal that
would have scheduled a new state
Democratic primary election for
June 3.
State law requires that vot-
ers are given at least 60 days
notice about an upcoming elec-
tion, without legislative approval
Michigan Democrats missed this
window because June 10 is the
'last possible day to hold a primary
according to Democratic National
Committee rules.
The legislature remains divid-
ed on how best to seat the state's
delegates at the Democratic
National Convention in August.
For another primary to take

place, both the Clinton and
Obama's campaigns, the Michi-
gan Democratic Party, the Demo-
cratic National Committee, Gov.
Jennifer Granholm and the state
legislature would have to agree
ona proposal.
Alternative plans have includ-
ed a mail-in caucus, a statewide
caucus or an even split of the
delegates between the two can-
Sen. Mike Bishop (R-Roches-
ter) cited logistical concerns as
the reasons behind the Senate's
hesitancy to pass a primary plan
in a statement released yesterday.
"We need to acknowledge the
reality that no progress is being
made and without a valid and
viable proposal, another primary
in Michigan will soon not be an
option," he said. "I would there-
fore, respectfully suggest that
the national Democratic Party,
the state Democratic Party and
the two Democratic presidential
candidates provide an immediate
proposal that the Michigan Leg-
islature can work with or imme-
diately consider a state party
caucus to resolve their party dif-
ferences and, whatever the case
may be, let us get back to the busi-
See PRIMARY, Page 3


U B sPUIUS LU Plaza, demanding that the Univer-
union salary sity agree to their union's contract
oposal with 3.9 The Graduate Employees' Orga-
nization's demands focused on sal-
rcent increase ary increases and expanded health
care and child care for GSIs at the
By KOJO ASIEDU University - two points on which
Daily StaffReporter GEO and the University's bargain-
ing team have failed to agree since
h no agreement reached on negotiations began on Dec. 6.
ontract demands not yet met GEO vice president Kiara Vigil,
wo-day strike likely for next an American Culture GSI, said the.
about 300 graduate student group hoped to convince University
tors demonstrated yester- officials to settle with GEO before
the Diag and at Regents' the union takes action.

If the bargaining team can't set-
tle on a contract by Monday, GSIs
plan to stage a two-day walkout on
Tuesday and Wednesday,Vigilsaid.
During that time, GSIs would stop
their usual work and form picket
lines outside University buildings.
They would discourage students,
faculty members and staff from
entering those buildings as a show
of support for GSIs.
"We feel what we're asking is
fair, but it is a little more than what
we've asked for in the past," Vigil
said. "That's why we are willing to
walk out and withhold our labor for

two days, and effectively shut down
the University. But no one wants to
get to that point. We are still bar-
A majority of the protesters,
many of whom were GSIs, wielded
picket signs reading, "Our working
conditions are your learning con-
ditions" and "We can't survive on
ramen alone."
Demonstrators also excitedly
slogans like, "We want justice, we
want contracts, we want it now!"
as the chants slowly grew through-
out the Diag. As the demonstration
See GEO, Page 7

their c
and a t
day on

MAP's Shingwani, Sohoni victorious


ichigan Action Shingwani, an LSA junior, and
Sohoni, a Ross School of Business
arty claims 72 junior,won1,730votes,or72-percent
of the total votes in the election.
ercent of votes Kate Stenvig and Maricuz
Lopez, the presidential and vice
By ANDY KROLL presidential candidates for the
DailyNewsEditor Defend Affirmative Action Party,
won 580 votes, or 24 percent of
ording to unofficial results the election.
d last night, Sabrina Shin- Shingwani and Sohoni's victory
and Arvind Sohoni, the mirrors last year's contest, which
an Action Party's presi- ended with MAP candidates Zack
and vice presidential can- Yost and Mohammad Dar, taking
for the Michigan Student about 75 percent of the total votes.
bly, secured victories in DAAP took about 25 percent of the
ek's elections. total votes in lastcyear's election.

4 percentof the total vote, were tal-
lied for non-candidates including
Mickey Mouse, Barack Obama,
Lloyd Carr, current MSA president
Mohammad Dar and disgraced
former president Zack Yost.
Rackham student Michael
Benson, chair of MSA's Rules and
Elections Committee said last
night's election results were not
official because candidates have
until 6 p.m. today to file any griev-
ances against the committee.
For more election results over the
weekend, visit michigandaily.com

this we

Burger joint's name, logo irks LGBT group

Joseph Sowmick of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan asked the University release remains and relics that he sai
belonged to his ancestors at yesterday's University Board of Regents meeting at the Fleming Administration Building.
Chippewa tribe asks 'U'
to return remains, relics

New restaurant's
logo described by
some as demeaning
Daily StaffReporter
When the owners of Quickie
Burger and Dogs chose their
logo, they thought it would make
patrons crave an order of chili
cheese fries. But the logo, a busty
woman in a tight shirt straddling
a hamburger, has drawn criticism
from campus groups.
The newest addition to the
South State Street landscape has
caused a stir on campus with its
brightly colored logo, which some
believe is offensive.
The restaurant, which opened
two weeks ago, sits south of cam-
pus at the intersection of State and
Hill streets. Adorning the blue

Tribe's culture
director says storage
facilities have 1,428
ancestral objects
Daily News Editor
At yesterday's meeting of the
University's Board of Regents,
members of the Saginaw Chip-
pewa Indian Tribe of Michigan
asked the University to return
hundreds of sets of human
remains and relics they say belong
to their ancestors.
Shannon Martin, director of
the tribe's Ziibiwing Center of
Anishinable Culture and Life-
ways, said the University holds
1,428 pieces of ancestral remains

and other tribal objects in card-
board boxes on the shelves of Uni-
versity storage facilities.
The tribe submitted a request
to the University in November
for the return of the remains. In
January it was denied. The tribe
doesn't intend to drop the matter,
University officials say they're
keeping the bodies for research
purposes, but the tribe contends
that they should be returned so
the tribe can bury them.
According to the tribe, the
remains came from burial sites in
Under the federal Native
American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act passed in 1990,
institutions that receive federal
funding must return all "cultural-
ly identifiable" remains to tribes.
The University cannot release the

remains unless this is proven.
"The law is not to be used as a
tool for universities, museums and
institutions to maintain posses-
sion of these bodies," Martin said.
"It's to be used to work in concert
and cooperation with tribes to
repatriate ancestral remains and
funereal objects."
While the tribe claims it has
submitted "supporting research
and documentation" to prove the
origins of the remains, the Uni-
versity has said the bodies aren't
culturally identifiable.
Gavin Clarkson, a Native Amer-
ican studies faculty member and
assistant professor in the School
of Information, said the Universi-
ty's position dishonors and disre-
spects the dead.
"There are literally thousands of
remains in the University's collec-
See RELIC, Page 3

The LGBT caucus of the University's College Democrats is circulating a petition to
get Quickie Burger and Dogs to change its name, which it deems inappropriate.

awning above the restaurant next
to its name is an image of a cowgirl
riding a hamburger.
The Stonewall Democrats, a
lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-
gender caucus of the University's
College Democrats chapter, has
taken offense with the restaurant's

logo and recently began circulat-
ing a petition to sway the owners
to change the logo.
LSA senior Kolby Roberts, a
member of the Stonewall Demo-
crats who has led the effort, said
he finds the logo's message inap-
See QUICKIE, Page 3


Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

Highlights from yesterday's regents' meeting

INDEX NEW S.. ............................... 2 CRO SSW O RD .....................6
Vol. CXVII, No.1 D8O PINIDN . ................... ....... 4 CLASSIFIEDS ... ................ 6
@2008The Michigan Daily ARTSP................ ..................D5 SPORTSB..............................8

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