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March 12, 2008 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-03-12

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Prose and poetry
The magazine's annual literature issue, featuring student writing The Statement

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Report: Big
Ten Network
closer to deal
Insiders say channel president of communications, in
an e-mail statement.
would be offered on Patrick Paterno, director of
communications for Comcast's
basic cable Michigan region, said the two
sides are still negotiating but
By MARK GIANNOTTO declined to elaborate.
Daily SportsEditor "We continue to negotiate
with The Big Ten Network for
After almost two years of an agreement that is fair for our
negotiations, the Big Ten Net- customers," Paterno said in an e-
work and Comcast may be mail statement.
close to reaching an agreement, According to the report,
according to the Sports Business Comcast has agreed to launch
Journal. the network on expanded basic
The report, which cited sourc- cable in up to 94 percent of the
es from both parties, said top Big Ten conference's eight-state
executives have settled on the coverage area.
framework of an agreement, but Whether the channel would
that an official contract could be included on basic cable was
still take months. a point of contention as late
Neither the Big Ten Network as November, when Comcast
nor Comcast officials would refused to include the Big Ten
comment on the report yester- Network in its basic cable pack-
day. age - even in areas that sur-
"We cannot respond spe- round Big Ten schools.
cifically to the Sports Business Instead, Comcast, a Philadel-
Journal story regarding our phia-based company with more
negotiations with Comcast, than 5.8 million subscribers in
other than to say we continue the Big Ten region, wanted to
to talk and we continue to make classify the network as a special-
progress," said Elizabeth Con- ty sports channel.
lisk, the Big Ten Network's vice See CABLE, Page 7A

Emeritus professor Jim Crowfoot, the winner of the Golden Apple Award spoke yesterday in Rackham Auditorium. After receiving the award, which is given to one outstand-
ing professor each year, professors traditionally give their "ideal last lecture." Crowfoot's focused on environmental crises.
Sharing the fruits of his labor
In 'ideal last lecture,' Golden Apple winner Crowfoot discusses his respect for students

Daily StaffReporter
Emeritus Prof. Jim Crowfoot
may have been giving his "ideal last
lecture," but that didn't mean the
audience was exempt from class
More than 400 students, co-
workers and friends gathered in
Rackham Auditorium yesterday
to hear the Golden Apple Award
recipient deliver the customary
public lecture, meant to exemplify
the award's philosophy - to reward

professors who teach each class as
if it's their last.
Crowfoot, who teaches in the
School of Natural Resources, titled
his lecture "What Students Helped
Me Learn: The Threats and oppor-
tunities Facing Human Civiliza-
Two microphones were placed
in the aisles so audience members
could take part in the latter half of
Crowfoot's talk, which focused on
the causes of environmental crises.
Ten audience members shared their

The discussion represented
Crowfoot's environmental activism
and his distinctive teaching philos-
ophy. Crowfoot told the audience
last night that he doesn't believe in
"top-down" teaching. Instead, he
works to foster a classroom envi-
ronment in which students are
teachers, too.
"One of the reasons I was so ner-
vous about this lecture tonight is, I
haven't lectured in 10 years," Crow-
foot said.
Crowfoot said many teachers
today neglect the emotions of their

students - a mistake in his eyes,
because that passion often fuels the
desire to learn.
"Students aren't learning
machines on a stick. They're alive.
They're in spirit, rich with emotion
with passion, rich with discern-
ment, with intuition," Crowfoot
Crowfoot said he strives to
give due respect to his students.
Throughout the lecture, it was
apparent that many of the stu-
dents considered Crowfoot a friend

Film student aims to inform
with new documentary


An occasional series on Wolverines and their Olympic dreams

Rubyan's film on
the stem cell debate
premieres tonight
Daily StaffReporter
Two years ago, LSA junior
Michael Rubyan walked into a
meeting hosted by the Student
Society for Stem Cell Research.
Hope for people like his grand-
parents led him there. His great-
grandmother had Parkinson's
disease, a neurodegenerative con-
dition, and his grandmother had

Alzheimer's disease. Stem cell
research is thought to have the
potential to cure both diseases.
After hearing a presentation
by Sean Morrison, the director of
the University's Center for Stem
Cell Biology, and Kathleen Russell,
the congressional coordinator of
the Parkinson's Action Network,
Rubyan left with a mission.
"I walked out and thought to
myself, this issue seems to be mis-
understood by so many people and
everybody should understand it,"
he said.
Rubyan, a film major, has been
working on a documentary, "Life'
for the Living," ever since.

The film, which aims to explain
the science and politics behind
stem cell research, premieres
tonight at the Michigan Theater at
7:30 p.m.
The film, in which Rubyan trav-
els around the nation collecting
interviews from individuals with
diseases that could be treated by
stem cell research, seeks to explain
why the research is "the future of
science," he said.
Stem cell research is thought by
many scientists to open the door to
cures or better treatments for ail-
ments including diabetes, spinal
cord injuries and cancer.
See FILM, Page 3A

Swimming coach Bowman
hopes to return to Olympics
For Bowman, hard
work has led to
success in the pool
and the paddock
Daily Sports Writer
Whenswimmer Michael Phelps
began training for his Olympic
career it meant hours training in
the pool. But when his coach Bob
Bowman wanted to improve his
coaching, he headed to the horse
Bowman, coach of the Michi-
gun men's swimming and diving Men's swimming and diving coach Bob Bowman has trained numerous Olym-
team, learned the ins and outs of pians over the years, including gold medalist Michael Phelps.He hopes to be an
See POWMAN, Page 3A assistant coach for the U.S. team in the Beijing Olympics this summer.
Dean: Speakers should be welcomed


With controversial
event upcoming,
Eklund asks for
polite reception
Daily StaffReporter
Sue Eklund, the outgoing asso-
ciate vice president for student
affairs and dean of students,
spoke to the Michigan Student

Assembly last night about creat-
ing a "notion of campus climate"
at the University - even in the
midst of controversial campus
speakers and events that spark
heated reactions from students.
Her words came just days
before controversial professors
John Mearsheimer and Stephen
Walt visit campus. Mearsheimer
and Walt, who together authored
"The Israel Lobby," a book that
argues the United States goes out
of its way to help further Israeli
goals, are expected to draw large

protests when they speak Friday.
During the meeting, Eklund
said she recognized Walt and
Mearsheimer would probably
attracta number of vocal protest-
ers but argued that the authors'
visit shouldn't merit "raging con-
troversy in the streets."
"These are two professors
from Harvard," she said. "It will
probably be a little bit boring,
right? But that's the thing that's
stirring up debate."
E. Royster Harper, the Uni-
See MSA, Page 3A

Kate Bornstein, the author of "My Gender Workbook," delivers the keynote speech for the Office of Lesbian Gay Biseoual and
Transgender Affairs' Spring Pride Week celebration in the Michigan League yesterday. FOR MORE, SEE MICHIGANDAILY.COM


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news vmichigandaily.com and let us know.

Despite his death, Ledger to stay in film

INDEX NEWS..............
Vol. CXVII, No.111 OPINION.................
k2008The Michigan Daily A RTS ...................

.2A CLASSIPIFSEDS...........6A
.4A SPORTS.... ........ 8A
....... 5.A THE STATEMENT................1B

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