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March 06, 2008 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-03-06

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2B - Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Daly Arts guide to the best
upcoming events
Today 3.6.08
Penny W. Stamps Distin-
guished Visitor Series: Chip
At the Michigan Theatre
Farewell Republic with Rem-
9:30 p.m.
At the Blind Pig
$6/over 2t, $9/overt8
Tomorrow 3.7.08
Ann Arbor Soul Club
9:30 p.m.
At The Blind Pig
Symphony Band and Con-
cert Band
8 p.m.
At Hill Auditorium
Saturday 3.8.08
Jamie Register and the
Glendales with the Audio-
logues and Januzzi Watch-
9:30 p.m.
At Blind Pig
$7/over 21, $10/over 18
University of Michigan
Trombone Symposium
9 a.m.
At E.V. Moore Building
Sunday 3.9.08
Gregory Isaacs with DJ Billy
the Kid
8 p.m.
At the Blind Pig
$25 at the door
Percussion Ensemble
2 p.m.
At E.V. Moore Building, McIntosh Theatre
Please send all press releases
and event information to

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

Picking one and one apart.


The re,
soul si
DailyArts Writer


For those of you who have burned a h
the "D.A.N.C.E" single by playing it sor
gestion that could help you drop Justici
tralian duo PNAU has no relation to the:
you wouldn't be able to tell from its newe
"Baby (Breakbot Remix)" has got the sam.
as "D.A.N.C.E," and even plugs in its ov
But while "D.A.N.C.E" is a single crafted f
dance floor, "Baby"belongsinmore peacef
confident, yet reserved. Instead of tryingto
epicenter of your late night blowout, it's th
the evening, sending you to the streets in
glow, off to your next destination.

What's your favorite Irish
musical act? The Frames? U2?
"Once's" Glen Hansard and
Mark6ta Irglova? How about
the Commitments? Wait, you
don't know the Commitments?
They're only the finest Irish
Ho lyWood soul cover band to almost play
a concert with Wilson Pickett.
At least that's what happens in
the movie.
So they're not a real band,
but "The Commitments" is a
1991 comedy musical from Alan
Parker ("Mississippi Burning")
that covers the splendid rise
and fall of an eager band in pov-
erty-strickenIreland. Cast with
complete unknowns and made
for the price of a toy guitar, what
this movie lacked inresources it
made up for in heart and soul.
Jimmy Rabbitte (musician
Robert Arkins) is a carefree
young man who tries to assem-
ole in your copy of ble the greatest R&B band to
much, here's a sug- emerge from Ireland. Search-
e cold turkey. Aus- ing high and low, he gathers an
French tandem, but eclectic group of young sing-
st MySpace upload. ers and performers. Boasting a
e funk-friendly vibe vivid and talented cast of musi-
wn children's choir. cians, the band is only slightly
or the thralls of the less crazy than Electric May-
ulsurroundings. It's hem.
impose itself as the The lead singer is a 16-year-
ie song that caps off old alcoholic with lungs like
the early-morning Joe Cocker. The drummer is
the band's former bouncer
GABRIEL BAKER and a headbanger to boot. The
group's guitarist (a baby-faced
Glen Hansard) and bassist are
meat factory dregs who spend
more time practicing than they
spend chopping steaks. The
keyboardist is a church organ
player and secret soul lover, and
full-length Voyag- the trombone player claims to
or the 21st century. have played with every great
dy-driven and ripe act of the last century - the
features a knockout Beatles, Elvis and Wilson Pick-
h a timeless subject ett included.
choose him. Soni- The film plays outlike an hys-
is, built on a drum terically brief episode of VH1's
pping with techno "Behind the Music." Mocking
might be a guitar, the conventions of fame stories
's killer. and the struggles that come
DAVID WATNICK with greatness, the film works

Like U2 only
not terrible
is because everyone can enjoy
this soundtrack. Great covers
of "Mustang Sally," "Treat Her
Right" and "Destination: Any-
where" are just a few of the per-
fectly performed tunes, adding
to the movie's fantastic atmo-
sphere. Out of the most despotic
conditions comes the most pure
and sincere music. The say-
ing "even if you have nothing,
you still got your soul" never
felt more at home than here. It
sounds trite, but in the context
of this film, it's true.
At the time, "The Commit-
ments" was considered a great
find and now it can be consid-
ered the pre-cursor to Fox's
independent comedy hits like
"The Full Monty" and even
"Juno." And the film has an
infectious spirit. An obscure
but light-hearted find, it has
since created a strong cult
following and a solid-selling
Try not stomping your feet
and holding your heart when
you hear the band's cover of
"Try a Little Tenderness" at the
very end. You may just shed a
tear, let out a laugh and wonder
why the hell these guys never
quite made it.

al Irish
as a satire as well as a soul
workout. The band becomes a
huge underground sensation,
and performs better and better
at every show. But just try and
watch the band's ego inflate
without laughing. They know
how good they are, so why
shouldn't they demand private
spaces and solos? If you're going
to make fun of the music indus-
try and its ill effects, study this
The appeal of "The Commit-
ments" is the flavor and acces-
sibility of the music. It doesn't
matter whatyourgenre ofchoice



From Walter Meego's upcoming debut
er, "Forever" is prototypical rock'n'roll f(
Old-school in structure, the song is melo
with instrumental hooks. The track also f
chorus and, most importantly, works wit:
matter: a guy trying to convince a girl to
tally, it's all modern: loaded with synth
machine beat and fat bass line and dri
danceability. There's a soaring solo that
but it really doesn't matter. Either way, it

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