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March 05, 2008 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-03-05

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4A - Wednesday, March 5, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Edited and managed by students at
the University ofMichigan since 1890.
420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109




Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles
and illustrations represent solely the views oftheir authors.
The Daily's public editor, PaulH. Johnson, acts as the readers' representative and takes a critical look at
coverage and content in every section of the paper. Readers are encouragedto contact the public editor
with questions and comments. He canbe reached at publiceditor@umich.edu.
Beyond blueprints
Students need more than buildings to protect their future
f you build it, they will come. At least, that's the philosophy
Gov. Jennifer Granholm has adopted in her latest attempts
to stimulate Michigan's flailing economy. She recently pro-
posed budgetary provisions to help fund select building projects
at state colleges, spurring the state's economy. But while the plan
would create construction jobs, attract students and generally
bolster higher education, it is just a small investment in Michi-
gan's future. Buildings alone cannot support the state's economic
infrastructure, necessitating further policies addressing finan-
cial aid and other educational needs, as well as the increased

It's clear he knows who his opponent's going
to be, and I'm looking forward to a great
debate on the issues with John McCain."
-Barack Obama, responding yesterday to attacks made by John McCain, as reported yesterday by CNN.com.
McCain secured the Republican presidential nomination yesterday.
Driving me crazy
ust before SpringlBreak, I went to But it seems that they didn't real- For a state increasingly desperate to
the Secretary of State's office on ize that that meant 400,000 people attract foreign investment, it's hard to
North Maple Road to apply for a - including foreign investors, visiting explain why we've become so hostile to
driver's permit. I've professors and international students foreigners. A driver's license isn't just
been procrastinat- - wouldn't be able to drive unless they permission to drive in Michigan; it's
inglearningto drive had already a license. Eventually, the also what you use to get cough syrup,
for six years, during lunacy of the proposal sunk in, and board a plane or buy beer. To take one
which time I've let the legislature relaxed the regulations of the eight states that allows anyone to
three other learning to include those who are here legally get a license and transform it into one
permits expire, so I again. But the other cumbersome regu- that requires more documentation for
knew the drill. lations about identity verification Cox a learner's permit than a passport is
Imagine my sur- and Land implemented remained in crazy.
prise, then, when I place, leavinga xenophobic aftertaste. That is, it's crazy unless you plan to
handed an employ- ANNE Say a Japanese businessman want- try to become Michigan's next gover-
ee my state-issued VANDERMEY ed to come to Michigan. Even though nor, as both Cox and Land likely will;
photo ID, only to we would technically allow him to then it's just bad politics. Cracking
have it handed right get a license here, if he goes to the down on immigrants might win a few
back to me with a sheet of paper outlin- Secretary of State, he'll be handed an votes in the Republican primary, but
ingthe five separate documentsneeded informational pamphlet on the exten- come the general election, they'd do
toget thatlittle slip ofpaper thatmeans sive documentation required. In that well to remember that Michigan is a
I can drive as long as there's someone pamphlet, which is also available blue state.
else in the car. online, it states that he would need
This can't be, I told her. I was just proof of "permanent legal presence in
here last year, and all I needed was a the U.S." to obtain a license. So, while Hohobi
state ID then. What was this, some theymayhave revokedthe rule against H ow xenophobia
kind of GOP crackdown on illegal legal temporary residents obtaining
immigrants? licenses, how long will it be until the almost kept me
She looked offended, and I went paperwork is corrected to reflect the
home to try to find five pieces of origi- change? from driving
nal, non-photocopied (per the new And if he managed to provide the
requirements)proofthat Iwas aperma- proper documentation, he would still
nent Michigan resident and an Ameri- have to take a written driving aptitude Michigan can only hope that its tax
can citizen. I later learned that I was test. The problem here is that the ques- cuts on incoming business or the lure of
wrong to suggest that it was a Repub- tions on the test are so easy that the a prestigious - if underfunded - uni-
lican crackdown on illegal immigrants only skill they could conceivably be versity like this one will be enough
that led the state to dramatically alter measuring is command of the English incentive for out-of-staters to ignore
the regulations governing applying for language. The last time I took the test, the snub, brave the red tape and stay
state ID - it was actually a crackdown the man sitting next to me - a Span- here.As forme,afterbeingturned away
on every single non-Michigander. ish speaker - was on his third try and twice, I finally got the right papers
The new rules were implemented seemed close to giving up. Even though together and got a permit. But if I have
in early January, when, in a remark- I passed, there's no doubt in my mind to jump through the same hoops when
able show of zeal for national security, that he is a better driver than Itam. I actually apply for a license, who's to
Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land Even if our hypothetical business- say even I won't just take my state-
instituted a new system, based on an man managed to overcome all those subsidized degree to a different state
opinion issued by Attorney General hurdles, he'd still have to produce at - maybe even one with mass transit.
Mike Cox in December. It required least five original documents proving
more paperwork from everyone and his legal temporary residency in Amer- Anne VanderMey was the Daily's
barred all non-permanent residents, ica. If that were me, I'd take my busi- fall/winter magazine editor in 2007. She
legal or not, from obtaining licenses. ness to Ohio after all that trouble. can be reached at vandermy@umich.edu.
Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be less than
300 words and must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. All
submissions become property of the Daily. We do not print anonymous letters.
Send letters to tothedoily@umich.edu.
Emad Ansari, Harun Buijina, Anindya Bhadra, Kevin Bunkley, Ben Caleca, Satyajeet Deshmukh,
Milly Dick, Mike Eber, Emmarie Huetteman, Theresa Kennelly, Emily Michels, Arikia Millikan, Kate Peabody,
Robert Soave, lmran Syed, Neil Tambe, Matt Trecha, Kate Truesdell, Radhika Upadhyaya,
Rachel Van Gilder, Rachel Wagner, Patrick Zabawa.



borrowing power to fund them.
The mythical healing powerof a better-
educated workforce has been a recurring
theme of Granholm's proposals, inspiring
such policies as last month's call to raise
the dropout age for the sake of keeping
Michigan students in school. This series
of construction projects follows that prec-
edent, seeking to improve the quality of
higher education in Michigan by renovat-
ing older facilities and building new ones.
For the University, this plan would
translate into a biology building in Ann
Arbor and renovations for its satellite
campuses in Dearborn and Flint. But for
many schools, Granholm's plan could offer
a coveted chance to grow. A couple reno-
vations or even a new building could mean
more and better research opportunities,
which is attractive to students and pro-
fessors alike. They could bring in more of
the best from around the world, as well as
fight the flight of promising minds.
These projects could also improve the
quality of higher education across the
board. Several of the state's community
colleges will gain scientific and techno-
logical centers under Granholm's plan,
displaying a commitment to education
beyond the state's particular interest in

its profitable research universities. From
a long-term perspective, the opportuni-
ties offered by these new facilities could
enrich the education of Michigan's work-
force, strengthening the knowledge-based
economy Granholm keeps mentioning.
But buildings aren't enough to brighten
Michigan's future. The state must contin-
ue to make education a priority, ensuring
that young children learn to love learning
and that they can still afford it as young
adults. Legislators also need to recognize
that a long-term economic solution has its
costs and raise the bond cap - the state's
borrowing limit - accordingly to accom-
modate the projects excluded from Gran-
holm's plan. Denying Grand Valley State
University a new learning and technology
center to replace its 40-year-old library,
for example, doesn't make education look
like much of a priority.
Granholm recognizes that the fight to
save Michigan's economy is just beginning,
and this latest plan certainly demonstrates a
commitment to bolstering education. How-
ever, it is hardly the time to congratulate the
state. There are still libraries leftunbuilt and
potential left unrealized. Too bad Michigan
can't just build itself a secure future.



Misdiagnosed student sick
University Health Service'

of making the choices
logical choices mad
by those who studi
from a liberal arts e
Engineers are ir

TO THE DAILY: assets that can con
My week before Spring Break started out like cal work, a point o
any other year. I had several hundred midterms to to perpetuate, as ht
prepare for and a few last minute homework assign- rently ignorant of b:
ments to wrap up along the way. However, what I roundingtheir work
didn't foresee was the incompetence of the Univer- degree with an un
sity Health Service. will give engineersI
It all began on Wednesday, the day of my mid- their understandini
terms. I woke up with a fever of 102 and a very sore nology in the world,
throat. A few ibuprofens later, I was good to go for them better able t(
my tests. Since my symptoms indicated a textbook knowledge can be p
case of strep throat, I decided to stop by UHS to get
some antibiotics. I set my appointment and dragged SamWintermute
myself to the building around noon, only to be incor- Rackham
rectly diagnosed and turned away. The doctor said it
was probably a virus, handed me a standard "how to Comic offer
deal with viruses" pamphlet and kicked me out.
I decided to relax and wait until my body won the
battle against the virus - UHS knows what it's doing, TO THE DAILY:
right? Wrong. On Friday, I woke up with a tempera- To the "readersup
ture of over 103 degrees and a throat that looked like son to complain abo
a warzone. I decided to see UHS again, figuring that is funny?, 03/04/20(
surely the doctor would concede that I had strep editorial page of Th
throat and give me antibiotics this time. However, desire for purely cot
once again I was incorrectly diagnosed and turned enough that complai
away, assured that I had the flu or mono. worthwhile use of y
It was not until returning home for the break that you might be better
I finally got antibiotics. It took my local doctor about newspaper - mayb:
five seconds to diagnose. I think this is embarrassing as "One Hundred an
for UHS. Streptococcus is an aggressive and poten- Souls for Nickelback
tially dangerous disease if not properly addressed Either way, you n
- to deny medication for it so carelessly is a danger- able for your level
ous practice. My advice: If you are sick, go straight to awareness. Johnson
the excellent University hospital. a subjective interpre
miss the point in ask
Adam Nicholl determine - whethE
Engineeringsenior If it isn't the inte
thoughtful social c
Column contributes toproblem medium of commu
humorous cartoons
egated to the back po

. It is doubtful that bad techno-
e by engineers match those made
ed business, who already benefit
ncreasingly seen as replaceable
tribute little more than techni-
f view Stampfl's column seems
e implies that engineers are cur-
roader, non-technical issues sur-
. Makingengineeringagraduate
dergrad liberal arts component
the education to further develop
g of the broader impact of tech-
but more importantly, will make
o achieve positions where that
ut to use.

to require insurance for all students, 02/20/2008). I lower premiums.
understand how requiring students to have health The only thing that would happen is that students
insurance seems like a good idea. However, I don't who can't afford insurance would be forced out of
like being forced to buy something to attend the the University because they couldn't pay. I know it
University simply because I exist. If the University may seem like it's not that much, but even a $1,000
or government provides health care for free, that is per year premium can be a lot for some students.
fine, but to have to pay either a third party or the The only real solution to this problem is universal
University's health insurance plan seems wrong. health care provided by the government and fund-
Perhaps it would be better if the University ed by taxes. Having the University force students to
offered free coverage to poor students or let stu- carry health insurance is not a solution. Instead of
dents opt out of the requirement. But the argu- forcing people to buy something they can't afford or
ment that having more students in the program don't necessarily want, let's focus on the real rea-
will lower the premiums is weak because once son why students don't have health insurance in the
things like insurance premiums go up, it is hard to first place.
make them go back down. This would be similar to
the tuition hike this summer that wasn't repealed Joseph Garland
despite funding changes. I just don't think it would Engineeringsenior

s more than humor ROSE JAFFE

p in arms" who wrote Paul John-
ut the cartoon Feng Shui (What
08): If you rely solely upon the
e Michigan Daily to satiate your
mical entertainment (or at least
ining to the editor seemed like a
our undoubtedly valuable time),
r served by a different campus
e one that defines its existence
ad Eighteen Years of Selling Our
eed something a bit more suit-
I of sophistication and social
correctly noted that we all have
tation humor, but he seemed to
ing - and futility attempting to
er or not Feng Shui is funny.
ntion of the author to provide
ommentary through a unique
nication (in this case, a mildly
strip), Feng Shul should be rel-
age or the B-side. The Daily has
d a worth that transcends pure
rded the cartoon valuable real
al page, accordingly.


4 eR jas 4he. fleoarc4s

TO THE DAILY: apparently identifie
While I agree with many points in Karl Stamp- humor and has awe
fl's Monday column (Redesigning the engineer, estate on the editor
03/03/2008) and, moreso, with those raised in for-
mer-University President JamesDuderstadt's report, Franklin Shaddy
I can't help but think Stampfl's column works a bit to Businessjunior
perpetuate the lack of respect for engineering Dud-
erstadt is trying to remedy. Governmen
The thrust of Stampfl's argument is that engineers
need education "not just to tinker, but also to real- should insur
ize the larger effects of tinkering." While it is impor-
tant for engineers to be conscientious of the broader
context of their work, that isn't the main issue Dud- TO THE DAILY:
erstadt is discussing. The problem isn't so much Contrary to the
that engineers are making the wrong choices about Spring Break, ians
direction of technology, it is that they aren't the ones dents isn't likely to'


t, not University,
re student health
e assertion in a story before
dating health insurance for stu-
help students (MSA to push 'U'

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