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February 07, 2008 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-02-07

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W$1iChilan4ai~ l

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, February 7, 2008



GEO asked for 9 percent raises
for each of next three years;
University countered with offer
of 2,percent yearly raises
Daily Staff Reporter
With less than a month before the union's current
contract expires, contract negotiations between the
Graduate Employees' Organization and the Universi-
ty's bargaining team have stalled.
Over the course of negotiations, which began Dec.
6, GEO has most notably asked for salary increases
and expanded health care for GSIs. The University's
bargaining team, which includes four members of the
academic human resources department and three
faculty members, has rejected each of GEO's pay and
health care proposals.
Rackham student Colleen Woods, the lead negotia-
tor for GEO, said the group has asked for a 9-percent
salary increase each of the next three years. The Uni-
versity responded with a counterproposal calling for a
2-percent increase per year in salary for GSIs.
"It's a matter of negotiations," said University
spokeswoman Kelly Cunningham about the salary
increases. "It is also an indication of how much the
university can appropriately adjust in making another
Doctoral student Patrick O'Mahen, a spokesman
for GEO, said the union asked for this salary increase
in order to better align GSI salaries with the cost of
living in Ann Arbor. For a graduate student with no
dependents, the University's Office of Financial Aid
website estimates the cost of living in Ann Arbor at
$15,980, not includingtuition and fees.
Under their existingcontract, GSIs currently make
$15,199 per, eight-month academic year, O'Mahen
According to data provided by GEO, GSI salaries

Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez announced 23 high school seniors signed National Letters of Intent to join the Michigan football program. The group included six offensive linemen and three
athletes who had verbally committed to other schools. But the season's biggest prize, dual-threat quarterback Terrelle Pryor, remains uncommitted.
Lawyes debate bans Sconstitutionality

Plaintiffs want full trial
to reexamine the
legality of Prop. 2
Daily StaffReporter
DETROIT - Lawyers presented
their cases before Judge David Lawson
yesterday in Federal District Court,
arguing whether there should be a full
trial examining arguments for and

against Proposal 2, the ballot initia-
tive passed in Nov. 2006 that banned
the use of many forms of affirmative
action in the state of Michigan.
The case, Cantrell v. Granholm,
seeks to overturn the ban, with the
plaintiffs claiming it's unconstitu-
tional. The complaint argues that
Michigan colleges should be allowed
to consider race and gender in their
admissions processes. ,
There's no timeline for Lawson, who
presided over the hearing, to make a
decision on how the case will proceed.
Lawson has the power to decide the

constitutionality of Proposal 2 or send
the case to a full trial.
Before a full courtroom, attorney
Margaret Nelson spoke on behalf of
Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox
and the state of Michigan.
She argued that Proposal 2 right-
fully eliminates discrimination on
the basis of race in college admissions
Nelson said those who hoped
to overturn Proposal 2 by sending
Cantrell v. Granholm to trial were
seeking preferential treatment in the
admissions process rather than pro-

tection from discrimination.
"They are looking to use a sword
rather than a shield," Nelson said.
Attorney Charles Cooper also
defended the measure by saying the
Equal Protection Clause, which is
found in the Fourteenth Amendment
of the U.S. Constitution and seeks to
protect individual rights at the state
level, ensures the legality of Proposal
He said students would be judged
on their ancestry rather than their
merits if Proposal 2 were overturned.
See HEARING, Page 7A

Mich. Senate passes immigrant ID bill

Popular A2 bar Leopold
Bros. to close this summer

Bill would allow legal
immigrants to
obtain state ID
From staffand wire reports
LANSING - The Michigan Sen-
ate took a step yesterday toward
reversing a law that prevents many
legal immigrants from getting driv-
er's licenses in Michigan.
chamber approved a bill that would

allow legal immigrants to get tem-
porary licenses. Some Democrats
voted against the measure because
the state has become embroiled in
a broader debate about whether it
should quickly comply with upcom-
ing requirements of the federal Real
ID Act, a law aimed at stricter iden-
tification measures in response to
the 2001 terrorist attacks
Some Democrats said the Real ID
issue should be kept separate from a
quick fix to allow legal immigrants
to get behind the wheel. The mea-
sure that passed yesterday is now
headed to the Democrat-led House

and is part of a package aimed at
startingcompliance with Real ID.
Some Democrats suppdrted the
bill, however, saying it was impor-
tant to move alongthe legislation so
legal immigrants could resume get-
ting licenses as soon as possible.
"This is just the first step in
the legislative process," said Sen.
Michael Switalski, a Democrat from
Roseville who voted in favor of the
bill. "We need to get moving imme-
Republicans argued that Michi-
gan should take more sweeping
See BILL, Page 7A

Police arrest man tied to near-campus shooting

Co-owner cites
increasing business
expenses as reason
for leaving
Daily StaffReporter
Come June, students planning
on spending their Saturday nights
at the bar drinking beer over a
game of Battleship may be disap-
Main Street's Leopold Bros:,
a quirky bar known for its board
games and popularity among
graduate students has announced
that it will leave Ann Arbor this
Todd Leopold, who owns the
bar with his brother Scott, said
they had to shut down because
the costs of running a business
in Ann Arbor simply became too
"Our lease expires in the sum-
mer and, essentially, the rent that
they're asking for is more than we
can afford," he said.
Nick Easton, the owner of
Millennium Club, said that he's
lucky that he doesn't have to deal

Bailey had been at
large since Jan. 16
Daily News Editor
The fourth suspect believed to
be tied to an apartment robbery
and fatal shooting near North Cam-
pus last month was arrested Tues-
day, police said.
Michael Don Bailey was arrest-
ed in his hometown of Ypsilanti
around 5 p.m. Tuesday by members
of the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
s ment, AAPD Sgt. Ed Stuck said.

Bailey had been at large since Jan.
16, when a group of four men broke
into the home of University Engi-
neering student Andrew Myrick.
The attempted robbery turned
fatal when one of the intruders -
29-year-old David Copeland - was
shot and killed. More than a dozen
shots were fired in the apartment,
and police found a weapon similar
to an AK-47 at the scene.
Police have confirmed that
Myrick was the shooter, but the
Washtenaw Country Prosecutor's
Office has not indicated whether
the shooting will be ruled self
defense and a justifiable homicide.

Myrick, who was arraigned on a
misdemeanor marijuana possession
charge, surrendered to police Jan.
24 and was released on personal
The two other suspects in the
case, Derrick Howard and Davin
Copeland - the slain suspect's
brother - were arrested the day
after the shooting and charged in
connection to the robbery. They
face a preliminary hearing next
week on first-degree home invasion
and felony firearm charges:
Bailey is currently at Washtenaw
County Jail pending arraignment,
Stuck said.

Leopold Bros., a popular Main Street bar, will close this summer. Todd Leopold,
the co-owner of the bar, said high rent prices contributed tothe decision.

with the rising rent costs of Ann
"I have an advantage in that I
own the property because I don't
have a monthly rent to pay," he
said. "Obviously, in a town that
has an upscale feel to it, and espe-
cially with the University here,
you've got a built-in audience so
naturally you can command more

The Leopold 'brothers plan to
continue distilling spirits in Den-
ver. Rather than open another
pub, though, they plan to whole-
sale their products to retail shops
along the West Coast and in Lon-
Todd Leopold said Colorado
is a better business location than
Ann Arbor, because its unique
See BAR, Page7A


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Colbert, Conan and Stewart feud after taping

-INDEX N EW S................................2A SUDO KU...........................5A
Vol. CXVIII, No.92 OPINION...........................4A CLASSIFIEDS... . .. A
Q008The Michigan Daily SPORTS........... .......5A T HE B-SIDE................1B



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