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February 05, 2008 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-02-05

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For baby-boomer action heroes, age is no obstacle
Arts, Page 5
fMIdiigan Bailm

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, February 5, 2008



Zariff, who is adamant that that's his only name, has been Barack Obama's barber for 15 years. Zariff said Obama's always been a consistent person, but that he's seen a slight change in the senator's personality since the presidential race started.

Frontrunners give
hometowns pride

On day of big test, unity
among campus Dems

A South Side barber confident
in his client; a Republican
suburb proud of its
Democratic daughter
Daily Staff Reporter
CHICAGO - Zariff, a barber at the Hyde Park
Hair Salon and Barber Shop gave Barack Obama
a haircut two nights ago.
In fact, he's been cutting the senator's hair
here on Chicago's South Side for more than 15
years, and in that time the two men have become
close friends. Zariff - he says that's his full
name, just Zariff - said he has no qualms about
supporting Obama's bid for the presidency. After
all, a relationship like theirs requires a certain
level of trust.
See HOMETOWN, Page 7

Student politicos mirror
their candidates'
DailyStaff Reporter
Flip-flopper. Liberal. A step backwards.
Reagan sympathizer. Inexperienced. Divisive.
These are a few of the charges that have
flown back and forth in the campaigns for the
Republican and Democratic nominations in
the past month.
But on campus, supporters of the two major
Democratic candidates are playing nice, just
as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have
started to do in recent days. The groups have
decided to support whomever wins the Demo-
cratic nomination. Tonight, they'll even gath-
er together to watch the returns from the 22
states holding nominating contests.
LSA senior Kelly Bernero, chair of the Uni-

versity's chapter of Students for Hillary, said
Clinton and Obama have realized that Ameri-
cans are tired of negative politics and have
stopped squabbling. She said the two senators
have decided to focus on issues instead.
"At the end of the day, all Democrats have to
support our candidate," Bernero said. "We all
want a Democrat in the White House in '08."
Although Bernero thinks Clinton's record
and policies are better than her opponent's,
she said Obama is a strong candidate who she
would support in the general election.
Tom Duvall, chair of Students for Obama,
said he would "happily" support Clinton if she
wins the nomination.
Duvall said he prefers Obama's message of
change, but added that he, along with many
other Democrats, finds both candidates attrac-
Though they'll be spending much of today
making last-minute phone calls to voters in
Super Tuesday states on the West Coast, Stu-
dents for Obama will join Students for Hill-
See CAMPUS, Page 7

"I Can say that I've seen
a change in the look, as
being presidential. It's
slight, but I know it."
-Zariff, a Chicago barber who has been cutting
Barack Obama's hair for more than 15 years.

Amid growing tension, 5 RHA executives quit

Members cite
president's indecent
exposure charge,
drinking in dorms
Daily News Editor
Frustrated with the growing
rift in the organization's leader-
ship, five of the Residence Halls
Association's nine executive board
members resigned in a one-week
span late lastimonth.
Some members said their deci-
sion to resign was a result of RHA
President Andrew Eastman's
refusal to step down after being
charged with indecent exposure.
Eastman, who was cited in West
Quad Jan. 13, will go on trial in
Washtenaw County Court on Feb.

22. He has said the indecent expo-
sure charge is false.
LSA sophomore Jerry Ilar,
RHA's vice president for public
relations, Nursing sophomore
Folake Famoye, the vice presi-
dent for internal relations, and
LSA sophomore John Hughes,
the group's executive assistant,
all stepped down after the group's
meeting on Thursday.
Because two other members left
their positions the week before
- LSA junior Tim Bekkers, the
vice president for finance and LSA
junior Dave Xia, the vice president
for national relations - just four
of organization's nine board mem-
bers remain.
Bekkers declined comment
yesterday, and Xia could not be
reached for comment.
At their meeting on Thursday,
members of the RHA, which acts
See RHA, Page 7

Law School alum
named gen. counsel
U. of New Mexico for more than 15 years.
"I am honored to have this
law dean returns to opportunity to, once again, serve
the University of Michigan,"
Ann Arbor Scarnecchia said in a statement.
Scarnecchia will be respon-
sible for the University's legal
By JACOB SMILOVITZ affairs, which includes serving as
Daily StaffReporter the senior legal counsel to a vari-
ety of University administrative
Suellyn Scarnecchia, the dean bodies.
of the University of New Mexico University President Mary
School of Law, was named the Sue Coleman's recommendation
University's new vice president of Scarnecchia ended a national
and general counsel yesterday. search to fill the position left
Scarnecchia, who graduated vacant by Marvin Krislov, who
from the University's Law School left the University to become
in 1981, will return to the campus president of Oberlin College last
where she was a clinical profes- year.
sor of law and an associate dean Krislov led the legal team that
for the University's Law School See SCARNECCHIA, Page 7

LSA sophomore Jerry liar resigned his post as the Residence Halls Association's
vice president for public relations Thursday night. liar and four other RHA executive
board members have left their positions, saying the organization was falling apart.


Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

Free film screenings on campus

INDEX NEWS......2 ARTS...............5
Vol. CXVIII, No. 90 SUDO KU..............................3 CLASSIFIEDS ......................6
Ql008The Michigan Daily OPINION.. . . . 4 SPORTS """.....................8




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