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January 22, 2008 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-01-22

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2A - Tuesday, January 22, 2008ThMihgnDly-mhgadlym

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

The Extremist


Before You Were Here

To catch a pizzati
I was walking duwn the street with
a ceuple friends and a fresh hex ef Cut- See something that emhodies the
nage inn pizza in hand when a group of Ann Arbor or University of Michi-
guys started yelling at us to give them gao experience E-mail submissions
sense pizza. Figuring they were the to haido@umich.edu.
typical freshman wannabe het-shets weuld de the sause with pride.
withs nothing hetter to do en a Thurs- KENSEY WANG
day night, we ignored them.
A touple steps later, though, I heard
commotion behind me, and someone Not merely freshmen
access the street sheeted, "That guy
just stole their pizza!" Sure enough, It was a Saturday night and I was
one of the guys had grabbed the pizza checking out the mid-winter Chsurch
right nut of my friend's hand and was Street party scene asith a friend whe
sprinting down the street with it. was visiting from Western Michigan
We figured he would quit the gag University.
and return the goods, but the culprit We decided to casually follew/stalk a
kept running until he was eec uf sight. jovial greup of students as they headed
Claiming defeat and still hungry, we into an apartment building, seeking
ordered anuther pizza. On the wayback shelter from the cold and assuming the
from picking it up, we spotted the same medium-sized group was headed toi a
group of guys, sans pizza, walking into medium-sized party Our assumaptions
a house talking about hew "awesome" were wrung. We found ourselves in the
and "hilarious" something was. I ate company ofashunt 15 people in a tiny.
nay ultimately 16i-dollar pizza with the apartment with an Earth-tune euler
hitter knowledge that I'd he retelling scheme that smelled of vegetable seep.
the story with sorrow while the thieves' It took sheet 30 seconds fur everyone to

rcalize that we were suspect, and shount .
31 seconds fur us to realize we needed
tohttepvmn.Opting tu head lute the indoor peel- \
smelling ahyss that is Rick's American
Cafe, imy friend offered up his I0 and -
started into the bumsping party. I was "
up next - hut a little too Ile, I reslized
I didn't have my I0. The boyishly geed-
looking houncer shuok his head. It wasm omv nad hr aohn
left to do hut get feud and return home.
We crammsed into Backruum Pizza-
and, as a first-timer in the juint, I
unknowingly ordered "anything with
vegetables." They didn't have it - and -
apparenatly never have it - and my
request was regaled with taunts of
"who is this girl?" My friend kept it
cool, answering their quips with "It's
cooul, she's nut from around here," and
ordering a-couple slices of pepperuni.
we headed home, me - a University
senior - feeling like quite the outsider MAX COLLINS/Daiy
and y frendfeelng h ha foud aThe Pio-affirmative adtion grasp By Any Means
and ay ried felin hehadfeud ~Necessary rallied anlthe Diag yesterday in commem-
sens efhlengng.oration at MLK Day. They called tar better minority
ASHLEA SURLES representation among University enrollment.

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Trotter House
WHERE: Williiam Monroe
Trotter Multicultural Center
WHEN: Sunday at about 5:41
WHAT: A staff member called
to report that a University
student had broken into the
Trotter House, the Department
of Public Safety Reported. The
student broke in through a win-
dew, was arrested while still in
the building and was released
pending an authorization oeta

it and police will begin ques-
tioning tomorrow.
Student gets
MIP in dorm
WHERE: West Quad
WHEN: Sunday at sheet 6:25
WHAT: A resident adviser
reported an underage student
was intoxicated, DPS reported.
The student was issued a minor
in possession of alcohol citation.

Internship Fair Philosophy
in the Union Club workshop

Jeffrey BloomersManagngoioer bloomer@michigandaily.com
AndrewnGrossman Manging News Oditorgrossean@ihigondaily.com
NEWSEDITRS: ell Fraer, hrisHerin,Dave Mekelburg, Gabe Nelson
Imnan Sped Editorial 'age Editor syed@michigandaily.come
Scott Dell Mnagingcyporsitor bel@mihiandailyom
Nate Sandals Jack Herman Kevin Wrigh
AndnewtSargusnKleinManaging ArtsEitor klein@michigamndaily.cem
ARTS SUB EDITOS: bigaiin B. Colodne, ChisGer, Moihesn,Paul e si
Angela tesene MonogingtPhotoEditor ceseremichigzndaily.com
Peter SchttenelsoManngPhototdior schottenfeliaiandsaiy.on
BridgetlODonnellMnaogigeigoEditor ,odonnelgmichigandaily.ome
Angela tesene MoeagingOnlie Edion ere ihigndiy.com
Anne VandenMey Magazne Editor vandenmey@eiehigandziiycoze ;
ASAT EDTOR: Je~s,ica Vsg,,,5i,
Peternlcholtentelsnros:,oediaEsitor schottenfels@michigandaily.com
Kaherine Mitchell Copy Chief mitchell@michigandaily.com
Paul JohnsonPucE distoor publiceditor@umich.edu

WHAT: A fair where dozens
of company representatives
will meet withprospective
students shout job opportu-
WHO: The Career Ceister
WHEN: Today from 2 to 6
WHERE: 2nod Floor, Michi-
gan Union

WHAT: A meeting where
members will discuss current
topics in the field
WHO: Undergraduate Phi-
lusophy Club
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Angell Hall, Room

Lecture about
A talk on the the Cold War

The drop/add deadline fur
*all LSA students is tomor-
row. Advisers recommend
students make any changes
to their schedules by 4 p.m.
The pass/fail deadline is also
2In 1985, the Hung Rung
Film Awards - Hung
Rung's equivalent to the
Oscars - awarded the film
"Police Story" (1981) the prize
for Best Picture. The film
starred and was directed by
Jackie Chan.
3According to a study by
online wedding guide
hitched.co.uk, mere than
half of men get down en one
knee to propose to their part-
ner. About 17 percent of the
men surveyed cried when the
woman said 'yes' and 44 per-
cent asked the potential part-
ner's father fur permission to
propose, the study found.

warrant. Parking lot gate
Laptop stolen arm damaged
from Couzens WHERE: Let H-15, 1170 West
Medical Center Drive
WHERE: Couzens Res Hall WHEN: Sunday at sheet 3:30
WHEN: Sunday at about 9:20 asm.
am. WHAT: It appeared that a
WHAT: A called reported vehicle drove through the park-
that her laptop was stulen out ing lotgate arm, BPS reported.
of her room in Couzens Hall, A staff member reported the
DPS reported. The student destruction. There are no sus-
said she may knew who stole pects.

Bible and
WHAT: A disceussion
designed to clarify the cress-
hairs and misinterpretations
of homosexuality as it relates
to the Bible
WHOm Office of Lesbian
Gay Bisexual & Transgender
Affairs, The Career Center
WHEN: Today at A p.m.
WHERE:n Vandenberg
Room, Michigans Leaigue

WHAT: A talk by Harvard
University Prof. Michael
Szonyi about the island of
Quemoy's involvement in the
Cold War
WHO: Center fur Chinese
WHEN: Today at neon
WHERE: Room 1636, School
of Social Work Building
. Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-

David Dai Disply Advertising~ales Manager
David Reile Classiied SalesnManager
Hailey Swartz online ales Manager
RobhAbb LayoutMnager
thelsea Hoard Production Manager
Mangaret tim F'inane Managoer
FIACoSS~s oISTATMAAER: Dn,ie heung
TheO, eMicnDalISSN505-967) i pbishedMondayhogh rday duringthefallmndowinter
trmse by sdents atrheUiversiy ofihigan.One cnpy isavailbereo cargeto ll eaders.
Aditional opsrmy bepickd upmrrtheDaly'soffice fr $2.Subsiptironsfor fallmterm,etigi
Spember, vaU.ma asre $n10. Wintrter(Januay thoghprl) ils $1yealong(Sepemer
through Ar i)is $05.nie,:riy affliatrs are6rsubet oreduedsbscrptionre.On-ameps
subscrrtionsfrfllemel$35. Subscripri ons se prepaidTe MichiganDaiy iamemberof
TheAsocie r ess andThesciatmed olegiaePress.


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