MEN'S HOCKEY SWEEPS NOTRE DAME Icers stage comeback in Friday night thriller SportsTuesday JEFFREY BLOOMER: If you don't feel safe, you should speak up. Opinion, Page 4A 4ie fidigan Dailm Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, January 22, 2008 NEAR-CAMPUS SHOOTING Myrick could be clearedin shooting Prosecutor's officeasays shooting could have been 'justifiable homicide' By LISA HAIDOSTIAN Daily Staff Reporter Two men have been charged with attempted rob- bery in an incident that resulted in the shooting death of 29-year-old Ypsilanti resident David Isaac Copeland near North Campus Wednesday night. University engineering student Andrew Robert Myrick, who police say killed David Copeland in what may have been self defense, has not yet been found and is wanted for questioning. Twenty-year-old Michael Don Bailey of Ypsilanti, another suspect in the attempted robbery, remained at large last night. Davin Copeland, 29, and Derrick Howard, 23, both from Ypsilanti, were charged with conspiracy to com- mit armed robbery, first degree home invasion, con- spiracy to commit first degree home invasion and a felonyfirearmcharge in connectionwith Wednesday's incident, police said. The pair was arrested Thursday and arraigned Friday morning. The four men are suspected of attempting to break into and burgalarize Myrick's residence at 1528 Jones Drive. During the invasion, there was an apparent exchange of gunfire. The fourth robbery suspect, David Copeland - the twin brother of Davin Cope- land - was shot and left dead in Myrick's home. Police said 12-15 shots were fired and that a weapon simi- lar to an AK-47 assault rifle was found at the scene. Department of Public Safety spokeswoman Diane Brown said it appears that Myrick's student account was accessed from an Angell Hall computer shortly after the shooting occurred on Wednesday night. Brown said the computer was taken by police for evidence. Police said they don't believe the University com- munity is in danger. "My personal opinion is this was an isolated inci- dent off campus, and this guy happens to be a Univer- sity of Michigan student," said Sgt. Richard Kinsey of See SHOOTING, Page 3A Academy Award-winner Louis Gossett, Jr., best known for his role in the Broadway production of "A Raisin in the Sun," was the keynote speaker for the University's MLK Symposium. Gossett: Society is mo open-minded Actor cites Obama and Clinton as proof By CHARLES GREGG-GEIST Daily StaffReporter In yesterday's MLK Sym keynote address, Academy winning actor and social justi ist Louis Gossett, Jr. told crowd in Hill Auditorium nation's race relations have improved over his lifetime. Gossett, best known for hi the Broadway show "A Raisi Sun" and the 1982 film "An Of OFF-CAMU OUSN posium's Award- ice activ- a packed that the greatly s roles in in in the fficer and a Gentleman," said he'd just returned from South Carolina, where he was campaigning for Democratic presi- dential candidate Barack Obama. The current presidential campaign, he said, shows a shift toward open-mind- edness - something Gossett said is an important step in eliminating the divisions present in society. Gossett cited the fact that Obama, a black man, and New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, a woman, are lead- ing contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination as a sign that American society has overcome some of its prejudices. "It's not about politics anymore," he said. "Something seems to be hap- pening larger than that." Despite the progress, Gossett said America is still far from a just society. He also said everyperson'sgoal should be to ensure that the next generation is better off than his or her own. "You are told that the number one commodity on this planet is gold, oil or money," Gossett said. "The single most important commodity on this planet is you children." Gossett said he didn't deliver a pre- pared speech because he wanted his emotions and words to come through naturally. He said it's important to remember Dr. King's efforts more than just a single day a year. "Martin Luther King's legacy is more than just a day or the month," said Gossett. "It needs to be practiced every day, 365 days a year." Along with University students, high school students from Detroit, Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti attended the lecture. Business School junior Gabrielle Sims said the Black Volun- teer Network invited high schoolers to campus this weekend to participate in MLK Symposium events. LSA junior Rachel Moore, a mem- ber of the Black Volunteer Network, said she liked how Gossett tailored his message to students in the audi- ence. "He was speaking to us, not at us," she said. - Jalynn Lassic contributed to this report. City Council to vote ' tonight on lease law NCAA, weather put Pryor party on ice Proposal would shorten waiting period for landlords from 90 to 70 days By SARA LYNNE THELEN Daily StaffReporter The Ann Arbor City Coun- cil is slated to vote tonight on a revision to the city's lease-sign- ing ordinance that would reduce the period of time that landlords must wait to show occupied properties to prospective ten- ants from 90 to 70 days into a lease's start date. Some landlords have offered students incentives - like money or free apartment cleanings - to sign waivers, which allow the landlords to show properties earlier than the lease ordinance permits. Landlords have criticized the ordinance, saying the required waiting period complicates the rental process and increases pressure on students because it pushes them to ask about avail- able housing before the dead- line. Complaints from both sides prompted a proposal to shorten the period landlords must wait and to eliminate the waiver loop- hole to strike a compromise. "I'm hoping for the best," MSA president Mohammad Dar said. "We worked with a land- lord and came up with a good middle ground between students and landlords." City Councilman Stephen Kunselman (D-Ward 3) said that while he was initially skepti- cal of the proposal's potential impact on the city, he now favors the lease-signing law changes. "We've had it under our belts to see how it's been working," he said. Kunselman said his main concern with the proposal was the impact it could have on the non-student population. At this point, though, he hasn't seen any consequences in the greater Ann Arbor housing market. Both Dar and Kunselman said they were optimistic about the proposal getting passed. "As far as I can tell there has not been any opposition," Kun- selman said. Students had planned block party for top QB recruit ByKELLY FRASER Daily NewsEditor On Thursday afternoon, LSA senior Christopher Breece got a voicemail message on his cell phone from an NCAA representa- tive. The message was short and direct - "literally 10 words long," Breece said. The representative calledsto tell Breecehe couldn'tthrow the block party he was planning because it would violate NCAA recruiting guidelines. Breece conceived the party as being in honor of high school football star and Michigan pros- pect Terrelle Pryor, who visited the University this weekend on a recruiting trip. Pryor is rated the No. 1 high school football pros- pect by, a 'website that evaluates high school athletes nationwide. The NCAA forbids schools from holding parties for recruits to prevent the recruits from being exposed to illicit activity that could sway their decision. Breece created the "Terrelle Pryor Greenwood Block Party" and the "Planning Stages of the Official Terrelle Pryor Green- wood Block Party" Facebook events with his housemate LSA senior Steve Frey early Tuesday morning. More than 1,500 people confirmed on Facebook that they would attend the first Facebook event. Jennifer Kearns, an NCAA spokeswoman, said the party's original description violated the organization's policies because students are considered exten- sions of the University's athletic department under NCAA bylaws. According to the bylaws, repre- sentatives of athletic interests include anyone who has partici- pated in promoting a school's ath- letic programs. Kearns said that includes student fans. Breece said he tried calling the number back Thursday, but failed to get through. He then called the NCAA headquarters in India- napolis, Ind. andspoke with a rep- resentative who confirmed that hosting the block party would be a violation. Breece was then referred to the University Athletic Department's See PRYOR, Page 3A BtN SIMON/Dii Terrelle Pryor, the nation's No.1 high school football prospect, attended Saturday's men's basketball game against Iowa during his visit to campus. Pryor, who is slated to makea decision about which college he'll attend by Feb. 6, had campus buzzing over his appearance. TODAY'S WEATHER HI 26 GOT A NEWS TIP? LO: 13 ( Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail and let us know. ON THE DAILY BLOO Lions hire former Michigan QBcoach MICHIGANDAILY.COM/THEWIRE INDEX NEWS ............. Vol.CXVIIINo.80 SUDOKU....... m02008The Michigan Daily O PIN IO N........ .......,.....2 A A R TS.................... ..........3A CLASSIFIEDS........ ............4A SPORTSTUESDAY.. ..5A ...6A ...1B A fl