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January 18, 2008 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-01-18

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2 - Friday, January 18, 2008

2 - ridy, anury 8, 008The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

In Other Ivory Towers Arbor Anecdotes
When Bill Stolberg, the pro- a numher of transitin
prietor of the State Street Barber shop near Hill Street.
Shop, looks hack on the 1960s and When Stolberg first
1970s, his thoughts don't jump to Ann Arbor and open,
rockunroll, psychedelic drugs or 1974, he had to adjusti
hippies. sensibilities, which we
instead, Stolberg remembers the from those of his prev
time as the era of the "Jon-Jon," or in Dearborn.
long hair for men, which borrowed Because of its indo,
its name from the pop icons John F. Dearborn wasn't affec
Kennedy and The Beatles. Jon-Jon or the British
The trend caused a hit of a "bar- the same way Ann Arb'
bershop depression." herg explained.
Stolberg said his business took a At first, the small sht
hit when students, who comprise competition from a bar
most his business, started going the Michigan Union, bi
months in between haircuts. Union shop closed in the
"We had our regulars still," he Stolberg's business picke
said. "We didn't starve, but we Stolberg said cuttini
were buying hotdogs instead of a hobby to him and th
steaks." years, he has met peoi
The 65-year-old State Street bar- over the world working
ber has seen Ann Arbor go through "You're never going

The Extremist


as from his
3settled in
Zed shop in
to students'
ere different
vious clients
istrial roots,
.cted by the
Invasion in
not was, Stol-
op faced stiff
xber shop in
at when the
eearly 1980s,
:d up.
ghair is like
hat over the
)pie from all
gin his shop.
to get rich

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in this business, but you're going to
have fun," he said.
Stolberg said he has earned the
confidence of his customers and
heard many stories he wouldn't beg'
willing to share.
"Any stories I hear stay between
tue and that lanmppost outside," he,. _"
Stolberg said that short hair
has come back into style recently,
boosting his business.
"Right now, in the past five to
eight years, we're seeing the short
haircut come back, almost like in ,
the old Princeton days," Stolberg
Asked if that's good or bad for
business, he laughed.
"Things are better now. We RODRIGO GAY70Dail
eat two hotdogs a week instead of Barber Bill Stalberg has awned aid aperated ihe Stale Street
one." Barber Shap far 31 pears. In the 1970s whei laig hair was
ZOE BAMBERY papalar, Stolberg weathered a drop-off in husitess.



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Toilet paper
taken from Grad
WHERE: Hatcher Graduate
WHEN: Wednesday atcabout 6
WHAT: Ten rolls of toilet
paper were stolen front a
unisex bathrooma on the fifth
floor, the Department of
Public Safety reported. The
theft occurred sometime
between Tuesday at 6 am. and
Wednesday at S am. The toilet
paper is valued at about $50.
Police have no suspecs.
Parked car
damaged in
loading dock
WHERE: Pacilities Services
Building A, 326 Hoover St.
WHEN: Wednesday at about
10 atim.
WHAT:' A vehicle parked in

the building's loading dock was
damaged, DPS reported.

Open mic night
WHAT: An opportunity for

entries fron
amd loge MH
through Chii
WHO: UnivE

tttiaantt, poetr tert of Art
Unattended bag performers to show their tal- WHEN: Toc
cnt (or lack thereof) p.m.
stolen from gym WHO: University Unions WHERE: UI
Arts and Programs 1301 S. Unive
WHERE: Central Camtpus Rec- WHEN: Today from 8:30 to
reation Building 11 p.m.
WHEN: Wednesday at about WHERE: Michigan League H
7:1S p.m. Underground Big ®
WHAT: A bag was stolen from coQmm
the CCRB, DPS reported. The T
bag was left u~nattended for U1-Mix dance forum1
about an hour between 6 and 7
p.m. when it was stolen. WHAT: A Ut-Mix event fea-

nAthur Miller's
crath's travels
orsity Museum
lay from 11lto 6
TMMA offsite,
,rsity Ave.

evade police
WHERE: Institute for Social
Research, 426 Thomipson St.
WHEN: Wednesday at about
7:15 am.
WHAT: A caller reported two
to four people not affiliated with
the University loitering in the
courtyard. Police were unable to
locate the subjects.

turing a "Dance Through the
Decades" theme dance, t-shirt
making and a screening of the
movie Good Luck Chuck
WHO: University Unions
Arts and Programs
WHEN: Today from 10 p.m.
to 2 a.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union

WHAT: A meeting to discuss
how to bold Spring Coim-
mencement in Michigan
WHO: Collegiate Society of
WHEN: Today from 7 to 8:30
WHERE: Room 2106, Angell

1Scientists at Stanford Uni-
versity have developed a
prototype that may extend
lithium battery life by more
than ten times, information
Week reported. With the new
technology, a laptop battery
could keep its charge for more
than 40 hours.
2About 100 performers
will participate in the 31st
annual School of Music,
Theatre and Dance showcase
Saturday night at Hill Audi-
torium. All applause will be
held until all 30 acts have per-
3 Dozens of people in a
small Texas town claim
they saw a large UPD
hovering in the sky last week,
NPR reported. One resident
described the craft as "bigger,
titan a Wal-Mart."

leffrey Blaomer Managing Editor blorgmichigandaily.com
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thelsea HoandProduction Manaer
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The MichganDtly (ISN0741-167)7ispbish Mondythrouh Fihdyditthe fallad witr
atersby sltudetst the ierity of Michitan.Oetoyls ala~~ble retfca oal e~aders.
Additinal pesmtybpcktdtupat thetDtily' feforll$2. Subscrplionfofl termatigi
Sep1tembe126a USal ae $110. Wntr trmi(JauaryhthruhApril s$115,tyearl September
thrughpil) i $516Univrit ytafilites are sbje1ct areduedsbscripionrate. 0,-cteptt
subscrptin all tma re$35 Subsrtions muet b prepaid. ThtMichtanDtly i tmerofea
htAsocatedPrtsstad TheAssociatedClleiteresst.

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