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January 16, 2008 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-01-16

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 -= 7A

From Page 1A
Gravel on the Democratic ballot.
Political science Prof Michael
Traugott said Clinton's victory
helped solidify her position as
a frontrunner in the race. But
Traugott said the high turnout
of uncommitted votes could help
Obama and Edwards if one of them
ultimately earns their party's nom-
ination at the Democratic National
Convention in August. If there are
enough uncommitted votes, some
delegates will be sent to the con-
vention this summer.
With 45 percent of the votes
going uncommitted, delegates
could potentially vote for the other
Democratic candidates.
"As long as the percentage of the
uncommitted is above 15 percent,
those delegates will go unpledged,
which means they can make up
their own minds at the conven-
tion," he said. "It doesn't mean
they're going toi get those delegates
at the convention."
But for that to happen, the DNC
would need to reinstate Michigan's
For many students, an uncom-
mitted vote meant support for
Edwards or Obama.
LSA sophomore Travis Davis
said he voted uncommitted because

he supports Obama and would
rather see him or Edwards win the
presidency than vote for Clinton or
a Republican candidate.
LSA freshman Mimi Singh said
she supported Obama, a senator
from Illinois, and chose to vote
uncommitted as a result.
"I originally wasn't going to vote
because there were no Democratic
delegates," she said, "But then a
friend stopped me and told me to
vote uncommitted."
Traugott said he thinks the high
percentage of uncommitted votes
showed the amount of dissatisfac-
tion with the structure of the pri-
"I think it's just a mild form of
protestagainst the way the primary
was organized in the state," Trau-
gott said. "It showed thatthere was
a lot of support for Obama and some
significant support for Edwards."
Still, some Democratic students
chose tovote in the Republican pri-
mary so their vote could translate
into delegates.
LSA sophomore Spencer Chaunc-
ey said he supported Obama but
voted for McCainbecause he agreed
with his policies more than any can-
didate listed on either ballot.
LSA senior Kelly Bernero, chair
of Students for Hillary, said she
was pleased with Clinton's victory.
She said it was encouraging, con-
sidering Clinton didn'tcampaign in

Michigan after the delegates were
taken away.
"We're pretty happy with the
results," she said, laughing.
Bernero said she thinks the New
York senator's victory in Michigan
will sway any uncommitted dele-
gates to vote for Clinton at the Dem-
ocratic convention, even though the
uncommitted vote beatcClinton by 2
percent in Washtenaw County.
"The reality is, in the end they'll
be for Hillary," she said.
LSA sophomore Tom Duvall,
chair of Students for Obama, said it
was great to hear that the uncom-
mitted vote had strong support in
Ann Arbor.
"I think it's really a testament to
our hard work," he said. "People,
especially students, were receptive
to Senator Obama's message."
LSA senior Travis Radina, chair
of Students for Edwards, said they
plan to continue to campaign for
Michigan's delegates to be rein-
"We are very proud of the elec-
tion results, especially those com-
ing out of Washtenaw County,
where the uncommitted option
won outright," he said in a written
- Daily staff reporters Charles
Gregg-Geist, Lindy Stevens, Julie
Rowe and The Associated Press
contributed to this report.


Harold Solomon, maanger of Insomnia Cookies, a company makes and delivers cookies throughout campus, sells near the Mich-
igan Union. Solomon said the store, which has been open for five days, sells 800 cookies per day.
Blogger Perez Hilton draws
focus to How to be Gay'class

Kenyan lawmakers pick opposition speaker

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Legis-
lators chose an opposition mem-
ber as parliament speaker in a
close vote yesterday, giving a vic-
tory to foes of Kenya's president
as they prepared for mass protest
rallies that raised fears of new
violence over last month's disput-
ed election.
Security forces were expected
to be out in force today to guard
against unrest with the start of
three days of demonstrations
against President Mwai Kibaki.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga
called the rallies in 42 locations
nationwide, despite a government
Similar rallies earlier this
month degenerated into violence
in the capital, with security forc-
es beating back mobs with water
cannons and tear gas. Though
braced for violence, Nairobi was
calm this morning with no sign of
large crowds gathering and a light
rain falling.
The legislative session was

the first time that Kibaki and
Odinga were together since
Odinga accused Kibaki of rig-
ging the Dec. 27 presidential
ballot. The two arrived at the
National Assembly at the same
time but studiously ignored
each other.
Kenneth Marende, a 52-year-
old lawyer and opposition sup-
porter, was elected speaker of the
National Assembly in a narrow
105-101 vote over a Kibaki loyal-

From Page lA
perezhilton.com, to other popu-
lar blogs, like townhall.com and
Hilton's post said the class is
being taught at the University
this semester. It isn't. Halperin
is teaching two classes this term,
including English 313, a course on
homosexuality in Ancient Greek
Halperin said none of the blog-
gers contacted him to get a course
description or for comment.
From the time "How to be Gay"
was first offered, the course's
evocative title has elicited strong

It angered conservative groups
across Michigan and was reviewed
by the University Board of Regents
in 2002.
By 2003, word of the course
reached Michigan's legislature.
State Rep. Jack Hoogendyk (R-
Kalamazoo) told The Michigan
Daily in a 2003 interview that he
thought the course shouldn't be
taught to encourage a lifestyle that
taxpayers do not support.
"There is a difference between
studying a culture or lifestyle, but
it is not the same as an indoctrina-
tion class," Hoogendyk said.
That year, Hoogendyk intro-
duced a bill that would have given
the legislature the right to review
public schools within the state and
alter their course curricula. The

bill failed to pass.
According to the course
description, which Halperin said
he altered slightly last year, the
class "examines the role that the
acquisition of cultural knowledge
plays in learning how to be gay."
Halperin said he has never encour-
aged students to be gay.
Halperin said he probably won't
ever teach the course again, not
because of the controversy, but
because he is ready to write a book
about his research on the topic.
Halperin said he's tired of deal-
ing with the course's fallout.
"My attitude is that this is not
news," Halperin said. "If you want
to take a trip down memory lane,
that's fine with me, but this is not

From Page 1A
zona. Forty percent of voters in
15 precincts near campus picked
McCain, who won the state's pri-
mary in 2000. Romney got 34
percent of the student vote.
Romney's victory sets tip a
showdown in South Carolina
between the three leading ca n-
didates, and almost guarantees
that the Republican nomination
won't be decided until Feb. 5,
when 24 states will hold their
nominating contests.
Romney heavily outspent
McCain in Michigan. He spent
at least $2 million on television
advertisements, compared to
McCain's $740,000. But polls
taken in recent days showed
almost equal support for Romney
and McCain among Republican
voters throughout the state.
Romney and McCain each
made more than ten campaign
stops in Michigan over the week-
end, delivering speeches that
outlined their respective plans
to revitalize the state's failing
Romney, whose father George
served as governor of Michigan
in the 1960s, pledged to "not rest
until Michigan is an economic
powerhouse again" and said he
planned to save the automotive
industry through targeted fed-
eral investment in scientific and
technological fields.
Both candidates said research
and development investments
would stimulate Michigan's
economy, although the candi-
dates have acknowledged a sig-
nificant difference in how they
think this will happen.
Political science Prof. Michael
Traugott said Romney needed to
win in Michigan to show that he
could organize a winning cain-
paign. In addition, Traugott said
Eomney appeals ti "mi li
Republicans," which makes him
a strong candidate for South Car-
olina's primary election sched-
uled to take place on Saturday.

Despite Romney's appeal to
South Carolinian Republicans,
Traugott was quick to point out
that Huckabee was likely the
favorite in the Palmetto State
because of his Southern Baptist
Traugott noted that McCain's
support in Michigan came large-
ly from Democratic and indepen-
dent voters. He said he doubted
the Arizona senator's chances in
an overwhelmingly conservative
state like South Carolina.
"The results from the first few
(presidential primaries and cau-
cuses) show that it will be diffi-
cult for hin to get support from
Republicans," Traugott said. "I
think it'll be harder for McCain
in South Carolina."
According to exit polls, about
two-thirds of voters who iden-
tified as independents voted in
the GOP race. About one-third of
those chose McCain - more than
voted for any other candidate.
But that's down from the two-
thirds of the independent vote he
garnered in 2000.
Rep. Ron Paul placed fourth in
yesterday's election, winning 6
percent of the vote. Paul finished
ahead of former New York Mayor
Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thomp-
Rob Johnson, chair of the
University's chapter of Students
for Ron Paul, said although Paul
received more votes that Giuliani
and Thompson, he was hoping for
a larger percentage of the vote.
Paul got 16 percent of the vote
in precincts near the University's
Central Campus.
Despite the small support
for Paul in Michigan, Johnson
remains optimistic about the
Texas congressman's chances.
"We'll have activity to do
once Ron Paul wins the nomina-
tion," Johnson said. "if he gains
momentum, he truly has a poten-
tial to catch on. You can't count
him out at this point."
The Associated Press
and Daily Staff Reporters
Mara Gay and Elizabeth Lai
contributed to this report.

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Someone might feel generous and to everyone today. It's a great day to be
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the one who feels charitable to someone you feel compassionate toward others.
else. People are very sympathetic to each CAPRICORN
other today. (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
GEMINI It's easy to be selfless and put the
(May 21 to June 20) needs of others before your own today. If
This is an excellent day for conversa- someone is less fortunate than you,
tions with partners and close friends. It's you'll do something to help. (Then
the perfect time to smooth over troubled you'll feel better!)
waters. AQUARItUS
CANCER (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
(June 21 to July 22) Friendships are warm and friendly
You might feel particularly sympa- today. It's a lovely day to schunooze with
thetic to a co-worker today. Perhaps you acquaintances. Talk to others about your
want to help someone who is in need. dreams for the future.
Alternatively, someone might help you. PISCES
LEO (Feb. 19to March 20)
(July 23 to Aug. 22) All your dealings with bosses and
Romance, love affairs, the arts, social authority figures will go extremely well
occasions and pleasant times with chil- today. There's a spirit of cooperation in
dren are rewarding today. You might the air. You might as well milk this for
develop a crush on someone. You cer- all it's worth.
tainly feel affection toward others. YOU BORN TODAY You're hard-
VIRGO working and diligent. You carry through
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) on your projects. You work, you prac-
This is a perfect day to do decorating tice, you plan. You love the satisfaction
or renovating tasks at home. You might of accomplishment and completion.
want to buy something beautiful for You're realistic about the limitations of
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ones. People know they can rely on you. In the
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