Wie 0id~ianDaili Ann Arbor, MichiganW Wednesday, January 16, 2008 * CAMPAIGN 2008 * michigandaily.com ZACHARY MEISNER/Dai, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney won the state's GOP primary yesterday, giving him a much-needed victory over Sen. John McCain and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Romney had spent $2 million campaigning in Michigan. Michigan win gives Romney new hope GOP RpE SULTeSa McCain places a distant second STATEWIDE STUDENT PRECINCTS' By JULIE ROWE day's primary. The effort paid Daily StaffReporter off. The former Massachusetts Mitt Romney won Michigan's governor took 39 percent of Republican presidential primary the Republican vote, comfort- yesterday, re-invigorating a cam- ably beating second-place John paign that needed a victory after McCain, who garnered 30 per- losses in Iowa and New Hamp- cent of the vote. shire. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Romney, a Bloomfield Hills Huckabee finished third, win- native, had campaigned hard in ning 16 percent of Republican the state in the run-up to yester- votes in Michigan. In precincts with large num- bers of University students, though, Romney finished second to McCain, a senator from Ari- See REPUBLICANS, Page 7A MORE ON THE PRIMARY... 0 For more on the Republican reactions to the voting results, see News, Page 3A. * Fornan audio slideshowon campus voting, go to michigandaily.com/allvideos PRIMARY BREAKDOWN Republicans WRD1 PRECINCT 2 (20voters) MICHHG4N UNrs) G n :9% . Mcan:44% " Huckabee:8% WR PRCNT s2 0voes Non e :3 % " MCT? (45 vote Huckabee: 90% WARDRECINCT3 (45voters) Romne:24% G Mc n :34% " Huckabee:3l% W R1PECINCT4 (36voters) CONIT HIHSHO Othe~ Huckabee 6% Statewide voter turnout rate Turnout rate at 15 student-heavy precincts near campus. DEMOCRATIC RESULTS Clinton takes first, but not on campus By EMILY BARTON Daily StaffReporter In a Michigan Democratic pri- mary featuring a limited slate of candidates, Hillary Clinton emerged victorious yesterday, winning 55 percent of votes throughout the state. But voters in student-heavy precincts near campus over- whelmingly rejected Clinton, instead choosing the "uncom- mitted" option. Supporters of Barack Obama and John Edwards had urged voters who wanted to support their candidates to vote uncommitted, since their names weren't on the ballot. 51 percent of voters in those precincts voted uncommitted, while only 30 per- cent chose Clinton. The significance of the Demo- cratic primary in Michigan was greatly diminished after the Democratic National Committee stripped the state of its Demo- cratic delegates for moving its pri- mary before Feb. 5. In response, Obama and Edwards both removed their names from the primary ballot in Michigan, leaving only Clinton, Sen. Christopher Dodd, Rep. Den- nisKucinich and former Sen. Mike See DEMOCRATS, Page 7A Deocratsomitd:2 *\s WARDI,PRECINCTI (46voters) MICHIGAN TN hWARrIhRsCNCT2 (86voters) Clnton4% * Uncom ited:40 JRCE:WASH ENAW WARD,PRECINCT4 (769voters) COUNTY CLERK T U ncom itted:51 sOuRCE: THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 'Aggregatedata from15 precincts near campus with a large number of student voters. All data as of 11:45last night. FOOTAL Missing files raise questions for new coach COURS CONTRO ERSY Bloggers revive debate over 'How to be Gay' class WVU officials claim documents went missing as Rodriguez left MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) - West Virginia is investigat- ing the disappearance of records associated with the school's foot- ball program, a topic the agent for former coach Rich Rodriguez says will be addressed in court docu- ments when the time is right. Citing anonymous sources, The Charleston Gazette reported yesterday that files kept in Rodri- guez's private office disappeared between Dec. 16 and Jan. 3, along with strength and conditioning records from the weight room. Assistant athletic director Mike Fragale told The Asso- ciated Press missing but that he does not know what was in them.' The athletic RODRIGUEZ department won't have any further comment until its investi- gation is finished, he said. The newspaper report claimed the missing documents included players' personal contact infor- mation, scholarship payments and class attendance records, as well as strength and condition- ing records and photographs that tracked players' physical prog- ress. WVU is suing Rodriguez, who accepted the head coaching job at Michigan last month, to col- lect on a $4 million buyout clause in his contract. A response is due in about a week, and agent Mike Brown told The Associated Press late yesterday that's when his cli- ent will respond to most of the accusations in the newspaper report. The report has "a lot of misin- formation and untruthful state- ments," Brown said. Brown denied Rodriguez kept a personal file on each player and that a strength coordinator took photos of them. Every time play- ers were tested, he added, "those records were given to the head coach and every assistant coach." That means current head coach Bill Stewart should have copies. "Regarding the class atten- dance records, I sure hope that West Virginia's compliance and academic office keeps those records, because if they don't, they have serious institutional control problems," he said. Per Po ez Hilton wrote sity for seven years now. While the class sparked a controversy at first, st about course with some conservatives arguing that the class was meant to indoc- last week trinate students into gay lifestyles, the storm surrounding the class By MARA GAY has largely faded over time. Daily StaffReporter But last week, gossip and media ----_- blogger Perez Hilton rediscovered ish Prof. David Halperin the class and posted a description e controversy surrounding of it on his website, inciting a new glish course, "How to be round of controversy on the Inter- Engl said th his En Gay: Male Homosexuality and Ini- tiation," is old news. The class, English 317, has been offered on and off at the Univer- net. The posts about "How to be Gay" spread from Hilton's website, See BLOGGER, Page 7A TODAY'S WEATHER HI: 32 GOT A NEWS TIP? LO: 27 Call 734-763-2459 or e-mal news@michigandaily.com and let us know. ON THE DAILY BLOGS Defensive tackle to return for senior year MICHIGANDAILY.COM/THEGAME INDEX NEWS............ 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