Pa FI i Ksl 11 )I\ ~)) Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, December 11, 2007 Law School may get a $102 million addition Matthew Scott, an employee of Nichols Arboretum, shows the white fir tree that was found cut down in Nichols Arboretum last week. A CHRISTMAS CRIME N of h valuable trees tum staff and the Department of Public Safety say there have ten fall prey to been about three tree thefts over the past five years during oliday thieves the holiday season. In the hopes of nipping tree theft in the bud, DPS increases By MARA GAY its security in the arboretum Daily StaffReporter this time of year. Plakke said arboretum staff also patrol corating a Christmas tree the grounds more frequently way to get into the holi- around-Christmas to help deter irit. tree theft. stealingthattree fromthe It's clear the 25-foot white fir is Arboretum can put you that now lies on the arboretum for up to five years. Even floor was majestic once. But on h chopping down and Thursday, a group of people -or ng a tree from the Nichols perhaps one ambitious individ- etum is a felony, arbore- ual - sneaked into the arbore- tum and lopped off six of the tree's 25 feet. Arboretum staff members say the culprits made off with what is probably a per- fectly-sized Christmas tree. Today, the remainder of the fir tree lies on a frozen trail near the Washington Heights Street entrance, its trunk snapped like a matchstick. The rings of its stump suggest the fallen tree was about 30 years old, according to Jeff Plakke, a Natural Areas Specialist for the arboretum. Plakke said he is troubled by the thefts. "Most people respect the other living things in the arbore- tum," Plakke said. "All it takes, though, is one criminal to come along and kill one of our trees." So far, the downed tree trail is cold. DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown and arboretum staff say they have not found the culprits. Brown said it is important not to jump to conclusions about who might be responsible without evidence. But Plakke said he has his suspicions. He said stealing a tree, or part of a tree, has become somewhat of a tradi- tion among a few small groups of college students, likely fra- See ARB, Page 3 Proposal includes academic center, student commons building By CHRIS HERRING Daily News Editor The University Board of Regents is slated to vote Thurs- day on a proposed $102 million addition to the Law School. The project would include the construction of two buildings: an approximately 100,000- square foot academic building south of Monroe Street for classrooms and office space and an approxi- mately 16,000-square foot stu- dent commons building between HutchinsHall andtheCookLegal Research Building for study areas and lounge facilities for students. The addition would also include upgrades to Hutchins Hall and the Cook Legal Research Building. According to the proposal, Law School resources, University investment proceeds and dona- tions will fund the project. Christopher Jeffries, a 1974 graduate of the Law School, gave $5 million in September to help fund the project. When planning for the renova- tion began in 2003, Law School officials asked the Italian archi- tecturefirmRenzoPianoBuilding Workshop to design schematics. But as the concept, originally expected to cost $75 million, began to look more expensive and evasive - parts of Hutchins Hall would have been closed off because of the construction - Law School officials decided to hire new architects for the project. The University is asking the regents to approve the hir- ing of Washington, D.C.-based architectural firm Hartman-Cox Architects, which has developed plans for law school buildings at Georgetown University, Tulane University and Washington Uni- versityin St. Louis. Diane Brown, facilities and operations spokeswoman, said it's uncommon for cost estimates See LAW SCHOOL, Page 3 Dec is one day sp But Nicho in jail thoug stealit Arbor DESIGN CONTEST On North Campus, a search for new ideas Contest seeks ways to improve area's appeal, pays $10,000 to winning team By DANIEL STRAUSS Daily StaffReporter Engineering Dean David Munson wants to add something to North Campus to make it more appealing. He's just not sure what. That will be will be decided in March, when judges choose the winner of the Work- Play Competition, a contest to design some- thing to increase North Campus's appeal. The winning team will earn a $10,000 prize and help install their design in the open space to the west of the Duderstadt Center near Pierpont Commons and the Walgreen Drama Center. The runner-up will receive a $5,000 prize. The contest is sponsored by the deans of five schools on North Campus - the College of Engineering, Taubman College of Archi- tecture and Urban Planning, the School of Music, Theatre and Dance and the School of Information - and Arts on Earth, a Univer- sity initiative to promote and increase art on campus. WorkPlay is an abstract challenge. There are no restrictions placed on what type of project is submitted, only that project's bud- get must be no more than $500,000. Teams must also consist of at least two students from different participating schools but can have unlimited number of students, staff or faculty from the University. One of the contest's coordinators, Casey Jones, who graduated from the College of Architecture and Urban Planning in 1992, said that requiring the teams to be are inter- disciplinary, organizers hope to foster a sense of community on North Campus. "Part of the intention of the project is to create a greater sense of community up here," Jones said. Entries mustbe submitted to WorkPlay by Feb. 8. A jury composed of the participating deans, a North Campus student and Cam- pus Planner Sue Gott will select the winner this spring, and the project will likely break ground several months later. See NORTH CAMPUS, Page 3 FOUR GENERATIONS OF SKATES AND SHOES Lauren Leland founded Homeless: Awareness To Action, a group that collects cans and donates thern to the Washtenaw County Homeless Shelter. Turning party trash into charity cash Greek houses using the 1976 Michigan Beverage Con- tainer Act - an initiative enacted cans to raise funds to curb pollution by rewarding people with 10 cents for each for homeless recycled can or bottle - to raise money for charities that help the By JACOB SMILOVITZ homeless. Daily StaffReporter LSA freshman Lauren Leland, who is vice president of the char- There are some images about ity and a member of Kappa Alpha itself that the Greek system tries Theta, said the charity utilizes to promote: its members do lots of what is already widely available. philanthropy, for example. "We saw homelessness as a real There are others that the problem in Ann Arbor," Leland Greek system tries to fight: that said. "We wanted to do what we its members drink lots of beer. could with the resources we have Some members of the Univer- on campus." sity's Greek system are combin- According to the most Washt- ing those activities to help the enaw County estimates available, area's homeless. on a given night in 2005 there The Homelessness: Awareness were about 374 sheltered and To Action organization is using See CANS, Page 3 Bill Brown, 79, owns College Shoe Repair on East William Street. Brown said the store will over the lease. Brown's grandfather started the store in 1933. close when the building is sold or someone else takes TODAY'S WEATHER HI: 37 GOT A NEWS TIP? LO: 27 Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail and let us know. LAST ISSUE OF THE FALL SEMESTER We resume publishing on Jan. 3. Until then, check for updates INDEX NEW S ................... ol.C VIIINo.7 OPINION .............. mc207 The .a.l oichigunduilycom ARTS ....... ......2 .....4 ......S CROSSWORD.................6 CLASSIFIEDS......................6 SPO RTS ................................8 f