The Michigan Daily -
Wednesday, December 5, 2007 - 7A
From Page 1A
seen a recruiter from the Univer-
"We haven't seen anyone here
at all," Deschryver said. "The only
things we've seen over that time
are a brochure and an application
to show our students."
University President Mary Sue
Colemansaid she was unaware that
so many high schools in the Detroit
area had not been visited by admis-
sions recruiters yet this year.
"That surprises me," she said in
an interview last week. "Certainly
it's really critical for us to let pro-
spective students know about their
Tyrone Winfrey, director of the
University's Detroit Admissions
Office, said there was no way his
staff of four recruiters could have
visited each of the Detroit public
high schools by this point in the
"Sometimes we can't get to
schools until November or Decem-
ber," said Winfrey, who said Pro-
posal 2 has not had a direct affect
on his office's level of recruitment.
"But we try our best to get in to
all the schools. My plan each year
is to hit every school in Detroit
along with all the other urban high
Although there are four recruit-
ers for the Detroit area this year -
one more than last year - Winfrey
said there have been some rough
spots in the recruiting process
so far. He said two of the recruit-
ers are new to their positions and
that there is still a learning process
involved for them. New recruit-
ers, Winfrey said, sometimes have
to build relationships in the high
schools before they can make vis-
its there. Winfrey said that's why a
recruiting visit hasn't been made,
for instance, to Pershing High
"It's kind of difficult with two
new staffers," said Winfrey, who
also serves on the Detroit Board of
Education. "But if we haven't been
to a school yet this year, we will
But by not hearing from Uni-
versity admissions officials until
later in the year, some Detroit high
school students might not be hear-
ing about the different admissions
options they have open to them
- one of which is new this year.
High school students who
applied under the Early Response
program - an option that's strong-
ly encouraged for students who
say that the University is their first
choice - by Oct. 31 were guaran-
teed to receive an admissions deci-
sion from the University no later
than Dec. 21.
One high school guidance coun-
selor said she didn't think the
majority of her students would
know that information, despite
the fact that many of them have an
overwhelming interest in the Uni-
Dee Carpenter, a second-year
guidance counselor at Detroit City
High School, said that aside from
college fairs, University admis-
sions officers have not talked with
her students.
ter said. "I cannot recall seeing any
Michigan admissions officers com-
ing here. It's unfortunate because
we have some students here that
are dead set on going to schools
like Michigan."
Guidance counselors at Central
High, Southwestern High, Trom-
bly High, West Side Academy and
Boykin Continuing Education Cen-
ter, which serves teenage mothers,
said they had seen no University
recruiters this year, either.
Coleman said building relation-
ships with guidance counselors is
integral to improving outreach at
the high schools.
"We want to make sure the guid-
ance counselors in particular feel
like they're getting the right type
of interaction with us," Coleman
said. "That's step number one. If we
don't get information to the guid-
ance counselors, then they won't
help us recruit the students."
Guidance counselors at West-
ern International and Renais-
sance High Schools, two of the
University's largest predominant-
ly-minority feeder schools, said
they have seen no change in the
frequency of University recruit-
ing visits and still think the Uni-
versity is committed to courting
their students.
Counselors at Cody High,
Detroit High School for Technol-
ogy, Finney High, Mumford High
and Southeastern High School all
said they had seen no change in the
level of recruitment from the Uni-
versity over the last year.
Joanne McClure, a guidance
counselor at Finney High School,
said she's always been very appre-
ciative of the University's admis-
sions recruiters.
"We hardly ever have anyone
that goes there, and many of our
students wouldn't qualifyto getin,"
she said. "But still, they've always
come out. They always come once,
and sometimes they'll come twice,
just to let us know they care."
At some Detroit high schools,
though, counselors are concerned
with the amount of in-school
recruiting that other closer, more
affordable colleges are doing com-
pared to the University's admis-
sions recruiters.
Thomas Kastrzak, a career coun-
selor at Denby High School, said
this was the case at his school.
"U of M Dearborn recruiters are
here all the time," Kastrzak said.
"They come every few weeks."
Kastrzak said the University's
Ann Arbor recruiters have visited
Denby once this year.
Among the schools that have
been visited less this year is
Detroit's largest magnet school,
Cass Technical High School.
Cass Tech, which has a 95 per-
cent black student enrollment,
sends about 40 underrepresented
minority students to the Univer-
sity each year. Of the high schools
where minorities are the major-
ity of the student body, Cass Tech
sends the most students to the
Doris Taylor Walls, a guidance
counselor at Cass Tech for the past
34 years, said University admis-
sions recruiters have only been out
to meet with students once this
She said that the University has
come to Cass Tech less frequently
each year since the University's
admissions recruiters stopped
doing on-site admissions trips,
which allowed recruiters to meet
with prospective students on a
given day and admit students that
same day before the recruiter left
the school.
Winfrey said his staff stopped
doing on-site admissions visits
back in 2003 afterthe U.S. Supreme
Court ruled that the University's
system of making admissions deci-
sions based on a point system was
unconstitutional if it took race into
"We adjusted ourselves because
we decided that there was no
way we could use a more holistic
approach if we were doing on-
sites," Winfrey said.
But even though she's seen
fewer University recruiters at
Cass Tech this year, Walls said
she's not bothered by the Univer-
sity's trend.
"I don't think them (the recruit-
ers) being here less has been detri-
mental to our students wanting to
go there," Walls said. "Yes, there
are colleges that still do on-sites
here. But I don't necessarily think
that having a recruiter here all the
time is the answer."
Winfrey emphasized the other
programs that the Detroit Admis-
sions Office has set up for high
school students in Detroit, too.
Winfrey said that University
admissions officers participate in
anywhere from 25 to 30 college
fairs in September and October
alone. In addition to those, Win-
frey said his Detroit Admissions
Office hosts five to 10 fairs during
those two months.
Winfrey also said that each
Tuesday, his office hosts a program
that allows high school students to
visit the Detroit Admissions Office
and talk with University faculty
to learn more about prospective
majors. Each week, a faculty mem-
ber from a different major talks to
the students.
"It really helps," Winfrey said.
"You've got a lot of kids who don't
know they can't major in pre-med
until after they talk with Univer-
sity faculty."
The outreach in Detroit, Win-
frey said, has involved more than
just his staff of four. Winfrey said
Ted Spencer, the University's
director of undergraduate admis-
sions, has visited some of the high
schools personally.
Winfrey said admissions offi-
cers who recruit from other parts
of the state sometimes take visits
to Detroit high schools too.
"If anything, I think we've
stepped things up," Winfrey said.
"We're in the middle schools,
we're in the churches, we're
everywhere. We're doing more
than before."
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For Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007 buy beautiful things for yourself and
ARIES loved ones.
(March 21 to April 19) SCORPIO
As this month progresses, you'll find (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
that others are increasingly generous to Today Venus moves into your sign,
you. It's also a good time to apply for where it will stay for the rest of the
mortgages, loans or assistance from oth- month. This makes you unusually
ers. charming and pleasant with everyone.
TAURUS What a lovely way to end the year!
(April 20 to May 20) SAGITTARIUS
Today fair Venus moves opposite your (Nov. 22to Dec. 21)
sign, where it will stay all month. This You're becoming more pleased with
greatly improves all your relations with yourself. This is in a good way, not a
partners and close friends. People feel puffed-up way. You're appreciating who
warm and chummy with you! you are, and this is a good thing!
(May 21 to June 20) (Dec. 22to Jan. 19)
If you're looking for ajob this month, Relations with friends and groups def-
your prospects will improve. If you have initely will improve this month. Some of
a job, your relations with co-workers you will have a friendship that moves
will improve. If you're retired, your into something more serious.
health will improve. AQUARIUS
CANCER (Jan. 20to Feb. 18)
(tune 21 tu July 22) Relations with houses, parents and
Love and romance are in the stars for authority figuresdefinitely are going to
you this month! Enjoy flirtations and improve this month. People are
fun, social occasions. This is your month impressed with you. In turn, you appear
to party! diplomatic and professional.
(July 23 to Aug. 22) (Feb. 19to March 20)
You'll enjoy decorating your home Travel for pleasure this month if you
this month. You wantto make whereeyou can. You will adore learning anything
live look more attractive. This is impor- new. Educational adventures also please
tart to you because, as a Leo, your home you.
is your castle. YOU BORN TODAY You're adven-
VIRGO turous! You're bold and daring. You
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) attempt amazing feats because you're
You might do something to earn naturally confident. You're very focused
money from writing, reading or studying on whatever you do. It's important for
this month. The entire month is an excel- you to get in touch with your goals.
lent time to sell, market, teach, act or Once you know what you want to do,
commenicate to others. you'll do it. lathe next year, you'll fin-
LIBRA ish something you've been involved
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) with for about nine years.
You likely can earn more money this Birthdate of: Joan Didion, writer; Walt
month. Let's hope you do, because Disney, animator/film producer;
you'll also be spending it! You want to Margaret Cho, comedian/humanitarian.
t 2007 KinFeatures Syndieate, Inc.