4A - Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com *
L 4e fitic4t*pan 4
Edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan since 1890.
420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
If I were a defense attorney, I wouldn't
want me on a jury.
- Gov. Jennifer Granholm on being called for jury duty yesterday at Ingham County Circuit Court. The two cases
Granholm was assigned to were dismissed before trial. She may be called back again later this week.
Detroit's forgotten charm
Unsigned editorials reflectrhe officialrposition sf she Daily's editorialboard. All other signed articles
and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors.
The Daily's public editor, Paul H. Johnson, acts as the readers' representative and takes a critical look at
coverage andcontent in every section of the paper. Readers are encouraged to contact the public editor
with questions and comments. He canbe reached at publiceditor@umich.edu.
House hunt
Solution for student housing must go beyond landlords
Students who have looked for housing this fall know about
the Ann Arbor ordinance that forbids landlords from show-
ing their properties to prospective tenants until 90 days of the
current lease has passed. For leases starting on Sept. 1, this trans-
lates to Dec. 1. But not all landlords have played by the rules. Given
the pressure and competition in the student housing market, land-
lords have resorted to exploiting loopholes in the law. Amendments
to the law promise to close those loopholes, but a real solution must
go beyond that and address the shortcomings of University housing,
which causes unnecessary pressure on the housing market.
We all know Detroit gets a
bad rap around the coun-
try, but I am continually
amazed by how
this reputation has
become. Just as Los
Angeles is imme-
diately associated
with movie stars
and New York City
is understood to be
the cultural and IMRAN
financial capital of SYED
perhaps the entire
world, Detroit is
ingrained as a complete failure in the
minds of most Americans.
Such a belief would have been out-
rageous 50 years ago, when Detroit
was the fifth largest city in America
(behind New York, Los Angeles, Chi-
cago and Philadelphia) and a fledgling
cultural capital too. Formerly holding
titles such as "The Paris of the West"
and "The Arsenal of Democracy,"
Detroit had long been known as the
center of the automotive world. In the
Red Wings and Tigers, it had some of
the most storied sports teams in the
country. The founding of Motown
Records in 1959 and the cultural rev-
olution that followed seemed to com-
plete Detroit's bid to become one of
the world's premier cities.
Things didn't work out that way.
The infamous 12th St. Riot of 1967,
layoffs in the automotive industry
and the departure of businesses,
money and even Motown Records
itself have left the city reeling for
decades. Detroit's supposed renais-
sance has been in the works for at
least three decades (The Renaissance
Center was built in 1977 to commem-
orate Detroit's supposedly imminent
turnaround). Of late, new casinos
have been built, businesses have been
brought downtown and the city has
hosted an MLB All-Star Game and
Super Bowl XL in its new baseball
and football stadiums.
But Detroit will never escape the
shadow of its past. If the city plays
its cards right, that is actually a good
thing: The riots and destruction that
the city is associated with are a very
minor part of its history and heritage.
There are many gems here that can
be used as part of a true resurgence.
Tiger Stadium was one such gem.
Older than New York's Yankee Stadi-
um and Chicago's Wrigley Field, Tiger
Stadium opened as Navin Field in 1912
- on the same day as Boston's Fenway
Park, there has been Tigers baseball at
the corner of Michigan and Trumbull
since 1896. That stadium is something
everyone knows and admires about
Detroit. Even in its final season in 1999,
Tiger Stadium was in excellent shape:
While parts of the roof were falling
in at Yankee Stadium, Tiger Stadium
stood unfettered, ever the calm and
stoic symbol of a Detroit tradition that
outdates even the birth of the city's
auto industry.
There was much potential in Tiger
Stadium after the Tigers moved up
the street to Comerica Park in 2000.
So what did the city do with that
landmark listed on the National Reg-
ister of Historic Places? Nothing.
While there was idle chatter about
having little league teams play there,
building a baseball museum within
the stadium or renovating it and
using it as a venue for other events,
the stadium just stood there. Paint
peeled, concrete cracked and weeds
grew wild. All of a sudden several
years later, there was just no possible
option other than tearing down the
apparently decrepit stadium.
With the demolition of most of
the stadium all but certain - the city
is reviewing demolition bids at the
moment, and the wreckingballwillbe
brought in in February - Detroitis los-
ing perhaps its most powerful weapon
in the struggle for a true resurgence.
There won't be another Tiger Stadi-
um, and with it largely destroyed, the
rest of the country will have even less
good to remember the city by.
It does appear, however, that parts
of the stadium - the dugouts, playing
field and a small part of the structure
- will be preserved. Around them will
be built stores, restaurants and hous-
ing units -the same monotonies every
city and suburb in the country has
at every corner. It's true that Detroit
needs more of all of these things to
become a city outsiders would want
to call home one day, but specifically
targeting the stadium for demolition
is counterproductive. The stadium is
an important symbol, and there are
The city cannot
escape its past.
And that's good.
plenty of other decrepit buildings in
Detroit that could be torn down to
make way for a Gap or a Chili's.
In accepting a proposal for such a
commercial, business-oriented devel-
opment at the corner of Michigan and
Trumbull, Detroit city officials are
making the same mistake they have
repeatedly made in their quest to plug
revival: Trying to make Detroit look
just like any other city rather than
embracing and emphasizing its pecu-
liarities. Detroit will never outrun its
past to become just another big city,
as city officials seem to be hoping.
But it can choose to emphasize parts
of its history and character to ensure
the rest is forgotten. It will have a
much tougher time doing that with
the corner of Michigan and Trumbull
looking no different than any other
modern city square.
lmran Syed is the Daily's
editorial page editor. He can be
reached at galad@umich.edu.
Both the Michigan Student Assembly and
Ann Arbor City Council have addressed
this issue in the past. In 2005, they worked
together to establish a 90-day moratorium
to ease the burden on students, who pre-
viously had to start thinking about next
year's housing options up to 12 months in
advance. The law has failed because both
landlords and students have failed to com-
mit to its conditions.
Landlords have offered monetary incen-
tives to their current tenants to sway them
into renewing their leases early or signing
a waiver that allows the landlords to show
the properties prior to Dec. 1. Sometimes
the landlords don't even have to ask the
tenants to sign waivers: Students hoping
to get a jump on signing new leases often
track down and bribe the current tenants
on their own.
A proposed solution is a compromise
between landlord and student interests.
It would shave the 90-day waiting period
down to 70 days to mollify landlords, and
it would also eliminate the waivers that
have undermined the law. However, this
solution is not perfect. The 70-day policy
opens the housing market up just before
Thanksgiving break, causing a hectic hous-
ing rush just as students are leaving town.
This change also does not address another
loophole: The increasing switch by land-
lords to May-to-May leases, which open up
over the summer, when nearly all students
are out of town.
A more beneficial proposal would be to
move the opening date of leases to second
semester. Other college towns - such as
Madison, home of the University of Wis-
consin - have ordinances that open up
the housing market as late as February or
March. This plan would allocate signifi-
cantly more time and less stress for stu-
dents to consider housing options for the
following year, but it still would not address
the problem caused by May leases.
A more meaningful solution must
involve the University. On-campus hous-
ing, even after the construction of the
new North Quad, is terribly lacking. For
this reason upperclassman are less apt
to live in dorms, increasing the pressure
on the private housing market. The Uni-
versity should continue to improve and
add to the existing residence halls. Along
with improvements, a decrease in the cost
of University housing would bring more
students to University housing and leave
better options for students looking for
housing off campus.
Daily must truly honor
fallen American soldiers
Emad Ansari, Anindya Bhadra, Kevin Bunkley, Ben Caleca, Jon Cohen, Milly Dick, Mike Eber, Gary Graca,
Emmarie Huetteman, Theresa Kennelly, Emily Michels, Kate Peabody, Robert Soave, Jennifer Sussex, Neil
Tambe, Matt Trecha, Radhika Upadhyaya, Rachel Van Gilder, Rachel Wagner, Patrick Zabawa.
Deterring women of color
We need a new type of
person planning wars
I found Kevin Bunkley's column on Iraq The first time I
last week (Leadership in Iraq, 11/30/2007) section on the bo
particularly refreshing. He wrote about the was ecstatic to se
lack of planning and ethics in all levels of honoring fallen A
government and military and attributed this ing it, however, th
to poor leadership. But then, who is a quali- quickly degenera
fied leader to rebuild a nation in the compli- is an insult to all
cated Middle East? valiantly fought a
Paul Bremer has a masters in business can a section abo
administration from Harvard and a certifi- word honor? Afte
cate of political studies from the University of their lives for th
Paris, but does this qualify him to be director all Americans are
of reconstruction and humanitarian assistance the heroic soldie
in Iraq? Congress, the supposed overseer of the and a tool of liber
Executive Branch's activities, has dispropor- party politics and
tionate liberal arts educational backgrounds. soldiers, their sat
Of its 435 members, 234 hold law degrees, yet to the country we
there are only three chemists, two physicists,
one engineer and one microbiologist. I contend BrianPogrund
that science and engineering backgrounds are LSA freshman
critical in today's world for our members of
Congress and presidential appointees.
Bunkley states, "There should have been a YOSt S Crltl
plan for every conceivable contingency."
Those in engineering, have a name for that: Outofonej
It's called a "failure modes and effects analy-
sis." Looking at every conceivable contingency TO THE DAILY:
and its possible effects, engineers can design Congratulation
solutions to it or know to avoid it altogether. wanted Michigan
Engineers are trained to break down problems Zack Yost kickedc
and synthesize solutions. They are also held to (Yost to resign tot
strict rules of ethics. In contrast, lawyers are proven that you c
trained to find evidence to fita predetermined force him out for
conclusion - whether it's valid or invalid - in I truly hope tl
order to sway people to their viewpoint. Mohammad Dar,
We need a government that makes deci- hishouse or evert
sions based on sound facts and science. I find for fear of being
last resort appeals to emotions, used by many the cardinal sino
of our public representatives, to be disgusting.
And so should you. Aaron Willis
I set eyes on the "U.S. deaths"
ttom of Page 3 on the Daily, I
e that the paper had a section
merican soldiers. After read-
he thrill that Ihad anticipated
ated into fury. This section
the fallen soldiers who have
nd died for our country. How
ut fallen soldiers exclude the
r all, these soldiers sacrificed
e freedoms and liberties that
endowed. Yet in this section,
rs become simply a number
al propaganda. Regardless of
personal opinions, honor the
crifice and their commitment
all call home.
Cs made a big deal
oolish mistake
ns everyone. All of you who
n Student Assembly President
out of office; you got your way
night, 12/04/2007). You have
an smear someone enough to
one foolish mistake.
hat the new MSA president,
is wise enough to never leave
talk to anyone about anything,
slandered when he commits
f being a college student.
a representative on the Michigan
It may appear to some like not ed only 28 percer
much has changed in Ann Arbor or tenure-track
since Proposal 2 was passed last women. Womeno
November, but the ban on race- and to be virtually inv
sex-based affirmative action has ured and tenure-tr
already had devastating results at Broadening thec
the University. Despite adminis- ing tenure evaluat
trative attempts to maintain racial the advancement o
parity, the University's diversity Many speculatet
initiative faces steep odds. prestigious public:
Enrollment of minority students for denial of tenure
has dropped since 2006. More because the workc
recently, diversity efforts have been may be published
stalled by the denial of tenure to five side traditional ac
female professors of color - Jayati their research is p
Lal (Sociology and Women's Stud- less academic va
ies), Maria Sanchez (English), Sarita women of color m
See (American Culture and English), audiences othert
Andrea Smith (American Culture head the tradition:
and Women's Studies) and Jacque- is the case, I ques
line Francis (CAAS and Art His- productivity of fa
tory). As a female student of color, measured solely b
I am compelled to voice my support recognition of ren
for these assistant professors. journals.
As an undergraduate student I'm not advocat
at California State University at motion of certain
Northridge, I struggled to make my simply because t
education more relevant to myself. of color. Instead,
I sought out an interdisciplinary should reflect thel
academic environment by declar- mitment to racia
ing a double major in Latin Ameri- diversity by ack
can Studies and Psychology. While social identity of s
Latin American Studies sparked my bers as an asset.Z
interest in graduate studies, profes-
sors of color sustained that interest
and helped me reach my academic ARIELA STEIF
ambitions. Without such faculty
as role models, instructors and
mentors, I may not have fulfilled
my potential. As a School of Social
Work student at the University of
Michigan, I actively seek out facul-
ty of color, especially female schol-
ars who share similar research
Given the University's stated
commitment to diversity, it is £
unlikely that the denial of tenure is NIL
a result of blatant discrimination.
Institutional barriers are more like-
ly the culprits. According to former
American Sociological President
William Bielby, "visible trace of
bias lies in patterns of segregation
within and across organizations."
Indeed, tenured positions at col-
leges nationwide are characterized
by patterns of segregation.
In 1999, The New York Times
reported that after the passage of
Proposition 209, which banned
race- and sex-based affirmative
action in California, the percent-
age of new minority hires for ten-
ure-track positions dropped by 50
percent, and the percentage of new
female hires for tenure-track posi-
tions dropped by a third. Looking at
the Faculty Census Report of 2001,
the University of Michigan award-
nt of its tenured
appointments to
of color continue
visible in the ten-
rack jobs.
criteria used dur-
ion may increase
f women of color.
that the lack of
ations is to blame
e. In other words,
of women of color
d in venues out-
ademic journals,
erceived to have
lidity. However,
nay be addressing
than those who
aljournals. If this
tion whether the
aculty should be
by the exogenous
owned scholarly
ting for the pro-
faculty members
hey are women
, tenure criteria
University's com-
al and academic
nowledging the
uch faculty mem-
The student body
benefits greatly from faculty diver-
sity. A homogenous faculty cannot
meet the needs of a diverse student
population, especially not minority
students who seek faculty of color
who they can relate to on personal
and academic levels. If the Univer-
sity hopes to p'omote the academic
achievement of minority students,
it should also commit to advancing
the careers of minority faculty.
The University thrives because
of the diversity of its students and
faculty. Should tenure continue to
be denied for female scholars of
color, the previous advances made
toward diversity at the University
will certainly be reversed. The Uni-
versity has much to lose if female
scholars of color are discouraged
from establishing academic careers
here. President Gerald Ford, a
University alum, eloquently illus-
trated the need for diversity when
he stated that we must "offset past
injustices by fashioning a campus
population more truly reflective of
Modern America."
Adriana Aldana is a graduate student
in the School of Social Work and a
member of the school's Multicultural
& Gender Affairs Committee.
Eric Sauck
LSA junior
The letter writer is
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