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November 21, 2007 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2007-11-21

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesday, November 21, 2007 - 7A

From Page 1A
that the Department of Educa-
tion has declined to negotiate a
resolution to our differences and
has instead elected to refer their
complaint to the Department of
Justice," Cunningham wrote in
a statement. "We are proud that
the University has always met
the seating needs of our mobil-
ity-impaired patrons, and we
are resolved to maintaining and
strengthening that commitment
as we move forward."
In their case, filed in April, the
Michigan Paralyzed Veterans
of America argues that the Uni-
versity has violated the Ameri-
cans with Disabilities Act by not
upgrading Michigan Stadium to
meet ADA regulations after con-
ducting a series of projects to
replace concrete in the stadium
seating bowl.
The University has argued that
the projects didn't change the
stadium's fundamental structure
and therefore should be consid-
ered repairs rather than altera-
tions. Because the Big House was
built long before the ADA took
effect in 1990, it is not subject to
ADA regulations if no renovations
have taken place.
Richard Bernstein, an attorney
for the Michigan Paralyzed Vet-
From Page 1A
Amy Brooks, interim co-execu-
tive director of the University's
Computing Environment, said
the University considered leav-
ing the IMP platform and using
the Google solution, but it decided
against it.
"We've evaluated Gmail, but
there is no compelling reason for
us to switch," Brooks said.
Schools like Northwestern
chose to use Google Apps for
Education in part because many
students were already forward-
ing their e-mail to private Gmail
accounts. According to Wendy
Woodward, director of North-
From Page 1A
ence officer of Advanced Cell
Technology, which has been
trying to extract stem cells from
cloned human embryos.
"It's a bit like learning how to
turn lead into gold," said Lanza,
while cautioning that the work is
far from providing medical payoffs.
"It's a huge deal," agreed
Rudolf Jaenisch, a prominent
stem cell scientist at the White-
head Institute in Cambridge,
Mass. "You have the proof of
principle that you can do it."
The White House lauded the
. papers, saying such research is
what President Bush was advo-
cating when he twice vetoed
legislation to pave the way for tax-
payer-funded embryo research.
Morrison cautioned against
using the research released today
to make that argument.
"Opponents of embryonic
stem cell research will be citing
this as a reason to stop research
into embryonic stem cells," he
said. "But we must remember
that these breakthroughs today
would not have happened with-

out research on embryonic stem
cells in the first place."
There is a catch with the
new technique. At this point, it
requires disrupting the DNA of
the skin cells, which creates the
potential for developing cancer.
So it would be unacceptable for
the most touted use of embryonic
cells: creating transplant tissue
that in theory could be used to
treat diseases like diabetes, Par-
kinson's, and spinal cord injury.
But the DNA disruption is just
a byproduct of the technique,
and experts said they believe it
can be avoided.
The new work is being pub-
lished online by two journals,
Cell and Science. The Cell paper
is from a team led by Dr. Shinya
Yamanaka of Kyoto University;
the Science paper is from a team
led by Junying Yu, working in
the lab of in stem-cell pioneer
James Thomson of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin-Madison.
Both reported creating cells
that behaved like stem cells in a
series of lab tests.
Thomson, 48, made headlines
in 1998 when he announced that
his team had isolated human
embryonic stem cells.
Yamanaka gained scientific
notice in 2006 by reporting that
direct reprogramming in mice
had produced cells resembling
embryonic stem cells, although
with significant differences. In
June, his group and two others
announced they'd created mouse
cells that were virtually indistin-
guishable from stem cells.
- Elaine LaFay contributed
to this report.

erans of America and a University
political science lecturer, said he
thinks the Justice Department
became involved because it could
set a dangerous precedent if the
University won the court battle
with the group.
"If the University of Michigan
is successful in being able to say
that what it's doing is a repair and
not an alteration, then whatyou're
going to see happen is, owners
of shopping centers, owners of
hotels, any public venue is even-
tually going to say 'Wait a minute,
we're just making repairs, we're
not altering - all we're doing is
simply making simple repairs,' "
Bernstein said. "If you allow for
that to happen, then the rights
of the disabled will be tarnished
The lawsuit also says the sta-
dium has too few wheelchair-
accessible seats and that the seats
are not adequately distributed
throughout the stadium.
The ADA mandates that 1 per-
cent of all total seats in struc-
tures like the stadium must be
accessible to disabled patrons and
requires that those seats offer a
range of views and prices com-
parable to the seats offered to the
general public.
Michigan Stadium currently
has 90 wheelchair-accessible
seats, all of them located behind
the endzones. The renovation
western's Technology Support
Services, nearly 50 percent of
students favored Gmail instead of
the university's service.
Brooks said that from a tech-
nical standpoint, Gmail is a very
good system. She said that ITCS
was mainly concerned with how
Google would handle privacy
issues. For instance, it is unclear
how Google would handle Free-
dom of Information Act requests
for university correspondence.
Jeff Keltner, business develop-
ment manager for Google Apps
for Education, said Google works
diligently to protect the privacy of
students and faculty.
Keltner cited Google's efforts
to protect the online activity of its
users when the U.S. Department of

plans approved by the Univer-
sity Board of Regents included
the addition of 207 more acces-
sible seats. The plan offered by
the University on Monday would
add up to 300 more, depend-
ing on demand. The University
would analyze need for wheel-
chair-accessible seating at the
start of each season and install
or remove disabled seating plat-
forms accordingly.
The complaint also says many
of the stadium's facilities are
inaccessible, including the bath-
rooms, concessions, memorabilia
stands, parking and concourse
ramps. University officials said
earlier this week that many of
those problems have been fixed
since the Office of Civil Rights
first raised concerns earlier this
Bernstein said the handling
of the stadium situation by the
University administration has
severely damaged the Universi-
ty's reputation.
"I think it's an unmitigated and
unforgivable disgrace on the part
of the University of Michigan,"
Bernstein said. "To be under
investigation by the civil rights
department of the Department of
Justice? Not even just to be under
investigation - to have federal
agents coming onto the prem-
ises to protect evidence? That's
Justice attempted to subpoena two
months worth of search queries
and billions of URLs.
"We guard the privacy of our
users very zealously," Keltner said.
"Unless we really have to, we don't
want to give this data over."
Currently, ITCS has safeguards
in place to guarantee that students
receive important University com-
munications, including financial
aid documents and emergency
notifications. If the University
used athird-party clientfor e-mail,
ITCS would not have that control,
Brooks said.
"So much university business
is being done electronically that
being assured that e-mail that is
sent is received is a big concern,"
Brooks said.

From Page 1A
especially when he is with the other
"When Lloyd came in, they made
room for him," she said. "He was
the big guy."
Yet Carr was never quite the
looming figure that Schembechler
was around town.
But Carr still has his hangouts.
Chuck Ghawi, owner of Maison
Edwards tobacco shop in Nickels
Arcade, said Carr, a regular cigar
customer, is a down-to-earth,
friendly guy.
Ghawi said Carr usually comes
and goes alone, but he sometimes
sits down, smokes his cigar and
chats with whoever stops by the
store. When Carr is sitting down
with the strangers, Ghawi said he
is "jovial" and generally excited to
be with everyone else. Ghawi said
Carr's way of treating people leaves
a strong impression.
"I just feel genuinely lucky that I
got to meet him," Ghawi said.
Much of Carr's community work
has been for the University Health
His Carr's Wash, in which foot-
ball players wash cars to raise
money for the hospital's construc-
tion projects, have raised more than
$400,000 since its 2004 inception,
according to University Hospital
spokeswoman Krista Hopson.
Carr also runsthe Women's Foot-
ball Academy, a day-long clinic run
by Carr and his coaches that teach-
es women the basics of football. The
proceeds benefit the University's
Comprehensive Cancer Center.
But few know that Carr's com-
mitment to the hospital dates back
to the late 1960s, when Carr worked
during summers on the construction
crew that built Mott, said Patricia
Warner, associate hospital director
and administrator for Mott.
Warner said that Carr often qui-
etly comes and visits children he
knows when he finds out they were
in the hospital.
"He does it very quietly," she
said. "If he knows a child that's
admitted, he makes personal visits.
I can't tell you how often because
he doesn't publicize it."

From Page 1A
Stephanie Chang, a Student
Legal Services attorney, said stu-
dents don't have to respond to let-
ters like these.
"This happened last year
where landlords were offer-
ing tenants crazy incentives to
give notice either way whether
they wanted to renew or didn't
want to renew," Chang said. "If
a tenant does not really want to
respond, that tenant is under no
obligation to. Legally there is no
requirement under Ann Arbor
law that requires a tenant to give
notice prior to (the end of) a 90-
day period."
MSA Vice President Moham-
med Dar, who met with landlords
and City Council members last
month to discuss revisions to the
ordinance, said that the over-
hauled law will explicitly prohibit
landlords from sending out these
"It's one of the exact issues
we wanted to work on with the
removal of the waiver clause and
lease signing ordinance," Dar said.
"It's basically taking advantage of
the waiver clause of the original
purpose, which was for students
who are seniors who absolutely
know by necessity's sake they will
not be staying in the residence
next year."
Ann Arbor area landlords say
the high demand for housing is
leading them to request tenant
information sooner.
Landlord Ken Liao sent a let-
ter to his tenants in early October
requesting that tenants tell him
by Oct. 25 whether they planned

to renew their leases. Liao's letter
provided no incentives and read,
"If you decide not to renew or we
don't hear from you by the above
date, your apartment will be
shown to prospective tenant(s)."
Liao said that he is no longer
asking his tenants to sign these
types of letters before Dec. 1.
"It's because of the housing
code," Liao said, when asked why
he isn't sending the letters any-
more. "Actually, I had some stu-
dents who asked me if they could
sign a lease early, but I'm not leas-
ing early."
Ann Arbor landlord Fred Gru-
ber, manager of Gruber Manage-
ment, who said he doesn't send
out renewal letters, said students
are the ones asking for earlier
lease renewals.
"Enough of them want to do
this early, which is the cause for
this early lease signing phenom-
enon," Gruber said of students
who are house shopping. "Land-
lords don't like it. Landlords want
to wait. The ones that are saying
'now' are reacting to the students
who are saying, 'We want to do
this now."'
But LSA senior Steve Wasik said
landlords are most responsible for
the early lease renewal letters.
Wasik, who also received a letter
from his landlord asking abouthis
plans, said landlords' motives are
"We have a great location and
a great place," said Wasik, who
said he was offered $100 if he and
his roommates returned the let-
ter before early November. "The
sooner landlords can figure out
who's staying and who's leaving,
the sooner they can advertise
what's available."

Join the Daily.
E-mail grossman@michigandaily.com.

the michigan daily
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For Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007
(March 21 to April 19)
You have bright ideas about how to
use the resources of others or use some-
thing that someone else owns in an
entirely new and original way. You're
very ingenious and resourceful today!
(April 20 to May 20)
Partners and close friends will surprise
you today. Feelings of independence
between you and someone else could
cause a few problems. But it might just
be fun.
(May 21to June 20)
You're very enterprising at work
today. You see new ways of getting
things done, especially if these methods
use electronics or some kind of technol-
(June 21to July 22)
Love at first sight can take place
today. Unexpected flirtations could be
thrilling. Surprise invitations 10 parties
or social events can please you. Enjoy
yoar day!
(July 23 to Aug. 22)
Unexpected company might drop by
today. Surprise purchases of technology
could please you. Family members are
definitely unpredictable.
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
You're full of bright, new, clever ideas
today. You also will likely meet new
faces or encounter interesting people.
This is good because you're bored with
routine right now.
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
Spontaneous purchases and impulse
shopping are likely today. However, the
good news is that you're full of original
noneymaking ideas. Tell them to others
or write them down.

(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Routine will bore you today. You're
full of bright ideas. Tackle old problems
because you will dream up new solu-
tions. You're highly inventive today!
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
This is a restless day for you. You feel
like you need to be somewhere else or
you're looking for something. You might
not know what to do because you're
pulled in so many directions.
(Dec. 22to Jan. 19)
Discussions with friends and groups
are interesting because unexpected news
and juicy gossip are exciting. In some
way, someone will surprise you today.
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
Bosses, parents and VIPs are
impressed with your bright ideas today.
You're showing them that you can think
outside of the box. Don't be afraid to
speuk up.
(Feb. 1910o March 20)
Ifyou can learn anything new about an
unusual subject today, you will be
delighted. You have a strong desire for
adventure and the need for something
different. In particular, you want to
expand your mind with interesting new
YOU BORN TODAY You're very
passionate and sexual. People sense your
intensity. Many admire you for your nat-
ural grace and elegance. You like to keep
abreast of whatever is happening.
Although shrewd, at times you are sur-
prisingly naive. You have excellent
imagination, and you're blessed with
good taste. Your year ahead is full of fun,
social occasions and intimate partner-
Birthdate of: Nicollette Sheridan,
actress; Bjork, singer; Ken Griffey Jr.,
baseball outfielder.

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o 2007 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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