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November 15, 2007 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2007-11-15

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Cult favorites FOUND magazine and PostSecret blog team up
to tell stories and raise cash for charity at the Michigan Theater
A sneak peak at the Detroit Institute of Arts renovations
The B-side

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, November 15, 2007


At elections,
debate over
Greek issues

Rapper and actor Mos Def, who is coming to campus, has been outspoken on a host of issues. Theda Gibbs, a programing associate in the Office of Academic Multicultural
Initiatives, called Mos Def a "very socially conscious artist."
MosDef to0 mark MLK Day
UMS, QAMI wooed rapper with invitation to pay tribute to J Dilla

IFC picks new
leaders amid talk of
improving image,
Daily StaffReporter
The Interfraternity Council, a
governing body of some campus
fraternities, elected LSA junior
Jose Nunez as its next president
last night in the Anderson Room
of the Michigan Union.
Nunez is a political science
major who previously held the
position of Vice President of
Social Responsibility, setting and
enforcing the social policy that
regulates and oversees social
events like parties. He defeated
Theta Chi President James Petri-
la for the presidency.
The president of the IFC acts
as a liaison to the rest of the cam-
pus community and steers the
IFC governing board.
Most of the candidates - the
nine other positions on the IFC
executive board were also decid-
ed last night - said some of the
most important issues facing the
incoming IFC board are raising
the social, recruitment and phil-
anthropic standards for fraterni-
ty houses and boosting the image
of Greeks on campus.
In an interview before the

elections, Nunez, a member of
Chi Psi, said he'd work at making
the Greek system look better.
"Certainly our image within
the community is always some-
thing really under attack, and
that's something that I'd like to
see change," he said.
Echoing that sentiment, Neil
Tambe, who was elected execu-
tive vice president last night and
is also a Michigan Daily colum-
nist and a member of the paper's
editorial board, said he hopes to
improve the relationship between
the Greek system and the Daily.
Michigan Student Assembly
President Zack Yost, in atten-
dance to speak on behalf of
Tambe, said Tambe was one of
the best connectors on campus,
bringing together several differ-
ent groups of people.
LSA junior Alan Mitteer, a
Delta Chi member, ran and lost
against Tambe for the vice presi-
dencybut later ran and was elect-
ed as the judicial vice president,
the position that acts as chief
justice of the IFC and deals with
rule violations. He said the IFC
has a long way to go in terms of
the policies thatgovern fraternity
actions. He said the IFC would
be stronger if it began enforc-
ing some of the rules that have
become defunct.
"I think the biggest problem
about these sanctions is that we
actually don't abide by the social
See IFC, Page 7A

Daily StaffReporter
Rapper and actor Mos Def has talked
environmental politics with Al Gore and
religion with Bill Maher, and he's pub-
licly bashed the Bush administration's
response to Hurricane Katrina.
And on Jan. 21, Mos Def and his Big
Band will be coming to Ann Arbor to per-
form at Hill Auditorium for the Universi-
ty's Martin Luther King, Jr. Symposium.
In memorialofKing, the annual sympo-

sium addresses issues like race, diversity
and social justice, according to its mission
statement. The 2008 theme is "Injustice
Anywhere is Injustice Everywhere."
Mark Jacobson, the University Musi-
cal Society's programming manager, said
Mos Def has demonstrated leadership in
the black community. In his music and in
the media, Mos Def tries to shed light on
the problems of drugs, violence and rac-
ism against blacks in America.
"A lot of what he says is somewhat uni-
versal in terms of its broad appeal," Jacob-

son said. "He's one of the most significant
representatives of the black community.
That's whatmakes his workrelevantfor the
University of Michigan to present. It has a
very positive and an inclusive message."
UMS and the Office of Academic Mul-
ticultural Initiatives worked together to
bring the musical act to campus.
They put together a special invitation
for Mos Def that he ultimately accepted
- a tribute to legendary hip-hop producer
J Dilla, a Detroit-area producer who died
See MOS DEF, Page 7A

This year, game tickets cost less

Ticket prices for last
year's showdown
reached five figures
Daily StaffReporter
Just like last year, Michigan will
play Ohio State on Saturday for the
Big Ten Championship.
But this year's game isn't as big
as last year's showdown between
both have lost at least one game and
the winner will likely get a spot in
the Rose Bowl, not the National

And that's driving down the
prices of tickets to one of sports'
most famous rivalries.
Scalped ticket prices for this
year's Michigan-Ohio State game
are way down from the heights they
reached before last year's matchup.
The highest listing on eBay.com
last night was $2,600 for two tick-
ets in Section 40, Row 1. That may
seem like a hefty sum, but com-
pared with last year's highest list-
ing of $10,000, it's a bargain.
Tickets on other websites are
also much cheaper this year. Stub-
hub.com's most expensive ticket
was $863 last night. On ticketsnow.
com, the highest listing was $1,418.
On the Monday before last year's
See TICKETS, Page 7A

Resale tickets for Saturday's Michigan-
Ohio State game cost less this year
Highest price for two tickets to Satur-
day's game against Ohio State on
eBaycom last night
Highest price on eBay.com for two
tickets to last year's game, as of a
week prior to the game

Suspect strikes deal in MSA case

Mike and Mary Price listen to speakers during a tribute to late University Prof. Edward Gramlich yesterday at Weill Hall.
Gramlich played an instrumental role in founding the Ford School of Public Policy.
Crowd shares tears, laughter at
memorial for a University stalwart

Schweitzer pleads
guilty to lesser
charge, agrees to aid
Daily News Editor
In return for his cooperation in
the investigation of a denial of ser-
vice attack launched during the
2006 Michigan Student Assembly

presidential election, prosecutors
dropped two charges against Engi-
neering senior Joel Schweitzer yes-
Schweitzer pled guilty to
attempted telephone tapping
instead, a felony that carries penal-
ties of up to two years in prison and
a $1,000 fine. The state law that
prohibits telephone tapping also
prohibits the obstruction of com-
munications on the Internet.
Schweitzer was facing one felony
count of use of a computer to com-
mit a crime - which carries up to

four years in prison and a $5,000
fine - and a high court misdemean-
or of interfering with an electronic
device, which has a maximum pen-
alty of two years in prison and a
$1,000 fine.
MSA Rep. Anton Vuljaj is facing
the same two charges.
The deal requires Schweitzer
to provide testimony throughout
the investigation and in possible
upcoming court hearings. At Sch-
weitzer's preliminary examination
yesterday in Washtenaw County
See MSA, Page 7A

Friends and
family say goodbye
to Gramlich
Daily StaffReporter
Hundreds of students, col-
leagues, friends and family of
Edward Gramlich packed into

Annenberg Auditorium yester-
day afternoon to honor the work
and life of the long-time Univer-
sity professor and economist, who
died at age 68 of acute myeloid
leukemia Sept. 5.
Speakers and attendees
described Gramlich as a good-
natured man who was both
compassionate and diligent. As
Gramlich's friends, coworkers
and children shared memories,

the audience sometimes laughed
and sometimes cried.
In his career at the University,
which spanned 40 years, Gram-
lich helped found and expand the
Ford School Public Policy School.
He also served asits dean.
From Sept. 2005 to May 2006,
Gramlichserved as interimprovost.
Gramlich also served as a gover-
nor of the Federal Reserve Board


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MSA musings

INDEX NEWS ................................2A SPORTS .............................5A
Vol. CXViII,No.51 SUDOKU ...........................3A CLASSIFIEDS .. . . A.........6A
m2 nThe Michganaily OPINION-..........................4A THE B-SID E..........................1B


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